
Aeon’s End: The New Age

Experience Aeon's End: The New Age! A standalone expansion where players gain power with each game, facing increasingly challenging nemeses in an exciting campaign format.


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About the game

Aeon’s End: The New Age is a captivating and immersive cooperative deck-building game that invites players to step into a fantastical world brimming with magical energy and relentless adversaries. In this game, players assume the roles of “breach mages” who are the last line of defense between their city of Gravehold and the monstrous nemeses threatening its existence.

Set in a post-apocalyptic backdrop, the game is steeped in a rich lore that enhances the narrative experience. Players are found in a world where humanity has been driven underground, to the city of Gravehold, by a cataclysmic event known as the breach. The breach, a portal to an otherworldly realm, is the source of the mages’ power but also the pathway for the nemeses to invade Gravehold.

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Setup and rules summary

Game components Unboxing the fun!

Aeon’s End: The New Age is a cooperative deck-building game where players are mages trying to defend their city from monstrous nemeses. The game features several components that interact with each other in unique ways:

1. Mage Cards:

These cards represent the characters that players will be controlling during the game. Each mage has special abilities and starting hand of cards that will determine their strategy throughout the game.

2. Nemesis Cards:

These are the enemies players will face in the game. Each Nemesis has a unique deck of cards that dictate its behavior, creating a different challenge each time you play.

3. Market Cards:

These cards represent the spells, gems, and relics that players can acquire during the game. They are essential to build stronger decks and improve the player’s abilities to fight the Nemesis.

4. Player Turn Order Cards:

These cards determine the order in which players and the Nemesis will take their turns. Unlike most deck-building games, the turn order in Aeon’s End is not fixed and can change each round.

5. Breach Cards:

These cards represent the mage’s ability to cast spells. At the start of the game, each mage will have some breaches that are open and some that are closed. Players must spend resources to open these breaches and cast more powerful spells.

6. Life and Power Tokens:

These tokens represent the health of the mages and the Nemesis, as well as the power of the Nemesis. If a mage’s life reaches zero, they are exhausted and can no longer participate in the game. If the Nemesis’ life reaches zero, the players win. Power tokens are used by the Nemesis to activate its special abilities.

7. Charge Tokens:

These tokens are used by the players to activate their mage’s special abilities. Players must spend resources to gain charge tokens.

8. Expedition System:

This system allows players to play a series of games connected by a storyline. The outcomes of each game will affect the subsequent games, creating a unique journey each time you play.

9. Player Aid Cards:

These cards provide a handy reference for the players, summarizing the sequence of play and other important rules.

10. Damage and Health Tokens:

These are used to track the damage dealt to the Nemesis and the health of the players’ mages. If a mage’s health is reduced to zero, they are out of the game. If the Nemesis’ health is reduced to zero, the players win the game.

11. Nemesis Tokens and Nemesis Mat:

The mat is used to keep track of the Nemesis’ health and power. The tokens represent different effects that the Nemesis can inflict on the players.

12. Supply Cards:

These cards are used to set up the market at the beginning of the game. They represent the different resources that players can buy to improve their decks.

13. Gravehold Life Track:

This track represents the health of the city the players are defending. If this health reaches zero, the players lose the game.

Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go

Aeon’s End: The New Age is a cooperative deck-building game where players take on the roles of breach mages to defend Gravehold from The Nameless. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to set up the game:

Step 1: Set the Game Board

Place the game board in the center of the playing area. This will serve as the main area where players will interact with the game.

Step 2: Prepare the Mage Decks

Each player chooses a mage and takes the corresponding player mat, starting hand, and starting deck of cards. The starting hand and deck are determined by the symbols on the back of the mage’s player mat. The mage’s player mat also indicates where to place the mage’s breaches.

Step 3: Set the Player Turn Order Deck

Create the player turn order deck by shuffling the player turn order cards (one for each player) together with the Nemesis turn order cards. Set this deck near the game board.

Step 4: Prepare the Nemesis

Select a Nemesis to fight against and place its mat near the game board. Shuffle its basic and special cards separately, then combine them according to the instructions on its mat to form the Nemesis deck. Set this deck on the appropriate space on the game board. Place tokens on its health and unleash spaces as indicated.

Step 5: Prepare the Supply

Choose 3 gem cards, 2 relic cards, and 4 spell cards to form the supply. Place these stacks of cards near the game board where all players can reach them.

Step 6: Set the Power and Life Counters

Set the Gravehold life counter to 30 and the Nemesis power counter to the amount specified on its mat.

Step 7: Prepare Player Decks

Each player shuffles their deck and places it face down in front of them. They then draw five cards from their deck to form their initial hand.

Step 8: Random Elements

Some scenarios or Nemeses may introduce random elements. If this is the case, follow the instructions on the scenario or Nemesis card to set up these elements.

Now you’re all set to start playing Aeon’s End: The New Age! Remember, the key to winning is working together and strategically using your resources. Good luck!

Game flow Round and round we go

Aeon’s End: The New Age is a cooperative deck-building game where players are mages defending their city from the monstrous Nemesis. The game’s structure is divided into several rounds, each of which has specific phases. Each round continues until a player or the Nemesis deck is exhausted. The game concludes when either the players successfully defeat the Nemesis, or the Nemesis destroys the players’ city.

The following is a detailed breakdown of the game’s structure and the actions players perform at each stage:

1. Turn Order Phase:

  • At the start of each round, the Turn Order deck is shuffled. This deck contains cards that determine the order in which the players and the Nemesis will take their turns.
  • A card is drawn from the Turn Order deck to see who will take the next turn.

2. Player Turn:

When a player’s turn comes up in the order, they must perform the following actions:

  1. Cast Phase: The player may cast any prepped spells. This is optional at the start of the turn but mandatory at the end.
  2. Main Phase: The player can perform any number of actions in any order, including gaining a card, playing a gem or relic card, focusing or opening a breach, or prepping a spell.
  3. Draw Phase: The player draws cards up to their maximum hand size. If their deck is empty, they shuffle their discard pile to form a new deck.

3. Nemesis Turn:

When the Nemesis turn comes up in the order, the following actions are performed:

  1. Main Phase: The top card of the Nemesis deck is drawn and resolved. This could be an Attack, Power, or Minion card.
  2. Additional Phase: If there are any Power cards in play, one token is removed from each. If a Power card has no more tokens, its effect is resolved and the card is discarded.
  3. Minion Phase: Any Minions in play perform their actions as indicated on their cards.

4. End of Round:

  • Once all the cards from the Turn Order deck have been drawn and resolved, the round ends.
  • The Turn Order deck is shuffled and a new round begins.

5. End of Game:

  • The game ends immediately if the players defeat the Nemesis by reducing its life to zero.
  • Alternatively, the game ends if the players’ city is destroyed, which happens if the city’s life is reduced to zero or if the Nemesis deck and Nemesis discard pile are both empty.

Players'turn One turn to rule them all

In ‘Aeon’s End: The New Age’, each player’s turn comprises several steps. A turn order deck, shuffled at the start of each round, determines the order in which players take their turn.

1. Start of Turn

At the start of a player’s turn, if there are no cards in the turn order deck, the round ends. The players shuffle the turn order cards and start a new round. If it’s the Nemesis turn, resolve a Nemesis turn as per the game rules. If it’s a player’s turn, proceed to the next step.

2. Casting Phase

A player can cast any number of prepped spells. If a player has a spell prepped in their opened or closed breach, they may cast it. Casting a spell allows a player to use its effect, usually damaging the Nemesis, and then it is placed in the player’s discard pile. A player may decide not to cast a prepped spell.

3. Main Phase

A player may perform any of the following actions in any order, and may perform the same action multiple times:

  • Play a Gem or Relic: The player plays a card from their hand to their play area and resolves its effects.
  • Gain a card: The player buys a card from the supply by paying its Aether cost. The bought card goes to their discard pile.
  • Focus or Open a Breach: The player pays the Aether cost to focus or open a breach. Focusing a breach makes casting spells from it more powerful, while opening a breach allows the player to prep spells to it.
  • Prep a Spell: The player places a spell from their hand onto an open or focused breach. This spell can be cast in the next casting phase.

Note that players can’t play a card or gain a card for no effect to simply discard it.

4. End of Turn

When a player has completed all their actions, they move to the end of turn. The player places any cards remaining in their hand into their discard pile in any order. The player then draws cards from their deck until they have five cards in their hand. If the deck is empty and they need to draw more cards, they shuffle their discard pile to form a new deck.

Deciding when to cast spells, which cards to buy, and how to manage breaches and spells are key strategic aspects of ‘Aeon’s End: The New Age’. All actions and choices a player makes have an impact on the game, giving it a rich strategic depth.

End of the game All good games must come to an end

Aeon’s End: The New Age is a cooperative deck-building game where players work together to defend the city of Gravehold from the Nameless and their hordes using unique abilities, powerful spells, and, most importantly, their collective wits. The game ends under one of two conditions:

  1. Victory: The players win the game if they manage to defeat the Nemesis. This is achieved by reducing the Nemesis’s life to zero through a combination of spells, relics, and abilities.
  2. Defeat: The players lose the game if all players are exhausted (reduced to zero life) or if Gravehold is destroyed (reduced to zero life).

Before final scoring, there are a few important steps players must take:

  • Check Nemesis Life: At the end of each turn, players must check the life total of the Nemesis. If its life is reduced to zero, the players win the game.
  • Check Player Life: Similarly, players must also check their own life totals at the end of each turn. If all players are reduced to zero life, the game ends in defeat.
  • Check Gravehold Life: Gravehold’s life total should also be checked at the end of each turn. If Gravehold’s life is reduced to zero, the game also ends in defeat.
  • Resolve End of Turn Effects: Some cards have effects that trigger at the end of a turn. These must be resolved before the next turn begins.

After the game ends, whether in victory or defeat, players can count their scores. Scoring is optional and used mostly for comparison purposes between different games or to add an extra challenge. Points are awarded based on the following factors:

  • Surviving: Each player that is not exhausted at the end of the game scores 1 point.
  • Gravehold Survival: If Gravehold is not destroyed at the end of the game, the players score 1 point.
  • Victory: If the players won the game, they score 1 point.

Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?

Aeon’s End: The New Age is a cooperative deck-building game, and as such, does not typically involve a scoring system where players tally up points to determine a winner. Instead, players work together to defeat the Nemesis and its minions. Victory is achieved collectively by the players if they manage to reduce the Nemesis’s health to zero.

However, if you want to add a competitive element to the game or track your performance across multiple games, you can use the following scoring system:

  • Surviving Mages: At the end of the game, for each mage that is still alive, add 5 points.
  • Gravehold Health: Add 1 point for each remaining point of Gravehold’s health.
  • Nemesis Tier: Depending on the difficulty of the Nemesis, add points as follows:
    • For a Tier 1 Nemesis, add 10 points.
    • For a Tier 2 Nemesis, add 20 points.
    • For a Tier 3 Nemesis, add 30 points.
  • Unopened Nemesis Cards: For each Nemesis card left in the deck that was not drawn during the game, add 2 points.

If there’s a tie in points at the end of the game, the following tie-breaker rules can be applied:

  1. Least Damage Taken: The player who took the least damage to their mage wins.
  2. Most Spells Cast: If there is still a tie, the player who cast the most spells during the game wins.
  3. Most Gems Acquired: If there is still a tie, the player who acquired the most gems during the game wins.

Remember, the standard way to play Aeon’s End: The New Age is cooperatively, and the scoring system is optional. The most important thing is to have fun and work together to defeat the Nemesis!

Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?

Aeon’s End: The New Age is a deck-building game with a unique twist, where players must cooperate to defeat a myriad of different nemeses. Although the basic rules are straightforward, there are some special rules, exceptions, and clarifications that might be important to understand to play the game effectively.

Player Turn Order: Unlike many other board games, the player turn order in Aeon’s End is not fixed. Instead, it is determined by a turn order deck, which can result in players having back-to-back turns or the nemesis taking multiple turns in a row. This adds an unpredictable element to the game, and it is crucial to strategize around.

Spells and Breach: In Aeon’s End, spells must be prepped to a breach before they can be cast. They are not cast immediately upon being played. Instead, they are cast at the start of the player’s next turn. This adds a delay and strategic element to the game, as players must plan their attacks in advance.

  • If a player has multiple spells prepped, they may decide the order in which they are cast.
  • Open breaches can hold one spell indefinitely, but closed breaches can hold a spell only temporarily and at a cost.

Deck Management: Unlike typical deck-building games, players do not shuffle their discard pile to form a new deck when their deck runs out. Instead, the discard pile is simply flipped over to create a new deck. This means that the order in which cards are discarded matters, adding a layer of strategy to the game.

  1. Players can choose the order in which cards are placed in their discard pile.
  2. When a player’s deck is empty, the discard pile is flipped over to form a new deck.

Nemesis Turn: During the Nemesis turn, a card from the Nemesis deck is drawn and resolved. This could result in the Nemesis attacking, unleashing a power, or adding a minion to the game.

  • If the Nemesis deck runs out, the Nemesis will unleash twice each turn for the rest of the game.
  • Minions and powers are placed in the Nemesis play area and are resolved in the order they were drawn.

Gravehold’s Health: The game is lost if Gravehold’s Health drops to zero. Players must therefore not only protect their own health but also that of Gravehold.

These special rules and exceptions make Aeon’s End: The New Age a game of strategy and forward thinking. Understanding these rules is key to formulating a winning strategy.

Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!

Aeon’s End: The New Age is a cooperative deck-building game where players defend the city of Gravehold from The Nameless, using unique abilities, powerful spells, and, most importantly, their collective wits. Here are some strategies and beginner tips to help you optimize your gameplay, along with common mistakes to avoid:

Advanced Strategies:

  1. Plan Your Turn: Although Aeon’s End is a game that involves randomness, it also allows you to control your deck order. Try to plan your turn in advance to maximize your potential. Consider the order in which you play your cards to optimize their effects.

  2. Focus on the Nemesis: While it can be tempting to focus on your own deck and power, remember that the ultimate goal is to defeat the Nemesis. Make sure your actions and card purchases contribute towards that goal.

  3. Manage the Turn Order: Turn order in Aeon’s End is not fixed and can greatly influence the game. Try to predict and manage it to your advantage, using player abilities at the most opportune times.

Beginner Tips:

  • Understand Your Mage: Each mage has a unique ability. Understand how it works and use it to complement your strategy.

  • Communicate: Aeon’s End is a cooperative game. Discuss strategies, plan your moves, and communicate with your team.

  • Balance your Deck: While building your deck, try to maintain a balance between different types of cards like spells, gems, and relics.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Ignoring the Gravehold: While focusing on defeating the Nemesis, don’t forget to protect the Gravehold. If it falls, you lose the game.

  • Overlooking Player Abilities: Each player’s abilities can significantly impact the game. Ignoring them can be a costly mistake.

  • Underestimating the Nemesis: Never underestimate the Nemesis. They are powerful and can quickly turn the tide of the game.

Ways to Optimize Gameplay:

  1. Know Your Cards: Spend some time learning what each card in your deck does. The more you know, the better your strategy will be.

  2. Adapt Your Strategy: The game changes each time you play. Be ready to adapt your strategy to the new circumstances.

  3. Cooperate: Remember, Aeon’s End is a team game. Cooperate with your fellow players for the best results.