Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small
In Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small, strategically breed animals and expand your farm. Victory lies in balancing infrastructure and animal acquisition!
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About the game
Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small is a captivating board game that invites players into the challenging yet rewarding world of farming. This game is a two-player spin-off of the all-time classic, Agricola, focusing exclusively on the animal husbandry aspect of the original game. Set in a rustic countryside, this game is perfect for those who appreciate strategic thinking, resource management, and of course, adorable wooden farm animals.
The premise of Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small is relatively simple – you are a farmer aiming to manage and expand your farm better than your opponent. The game takes place over eight rounds, where players take turns to carry out various actions such as gathering resources, constructing buildings, and breeding livestock.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small is a highly engaging board game that includes a variety of components. Each of these components serves a unique purpose and interacts with the game in different ways.
1. Game Boards:
- 3 Building Boards: These boards are used to display the 8 available buildings that players can construct. The buildings provide various benefits and can influence strategy.
- 2 Farm Boards: Each player receives a farm board, which represents their personal farm. Players will place animals and buildings on this board.
2. Tiles and Tokens:
- 16 Farm Extension tiles: These tiles are used to expand a player’s farm, providing more space for buildings and animals.
- 4 Farmyard boards: These boards serve as the starting point for each player’s farm. They have spaces for farm extensions, buildings, and animals.
- 4 Stall tiles and 4 Stable tiles: Stalls and Stables are types of buildings that players can construct. They provide housing for animals.
- 28 Fences: Fences are used to create pastures on a player’s farm, which can hold animals.
- Animal tokens: There are tokens for four different types of animals: sheep, pigs, cows, and horses. Players earn points by collecting these animals on their farms.
3. Wooden Components:
- 2 Starting player markers: These markers indicate which player will go first in the round.
- 48 Wooden animals: These pieces represent the animals that players can accumulate on their farms. They match the animal tokens in type.
- 8 Workers: Each player has 4 worker pieces, which are used to perform actions.
4. Buildings:
- Special buildings: These buildings, which include the Storage building and the Feeding Trough, provide unique benefits to the player who builds them.
- Standard buildings: These buildings, which include the Stable and the Stall, are available to all players and provide various benefits.
5. Scoring pad: The scoring pad is used to keep track of each player’s points throughout the game.
Every component of ‘Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small’ contributes to the overall gameplay, strategy, and scoring. By carefully managing their resources, making strategic decisions, and efficiently using their farm space, players can maximize their points and win the game.
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small is a two-player game where each person takes on the role of a farmer aiming to expand their farm and raise the most livestock. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to set up the game:
Step 1: Board Placement
- Place the main game board in the middle of the playing area. This board has spaces for the buildings and special actions.
- Each player takes a farm board, which will be where they build their farms and keep their animals.
Step 2: Initial Resources
- Each player receives three workers. These will be used to carry out actions during the game.
- Sort the building tiles by type and place them on the corresponding spaces on the main game board.
- Place the initial supply of animals (sheep, pigs, cows) in a general supply next to the main game board. The number of each type of animal should be according to the numbers printed on the main game board.
Step 3: Random Elements
- Shuffle the special action cards. Draw a number of cards equal to the number printed on the main game board and place them face up on the corresponding spaces. The rest of the cards won’t be used in this game.
Step 4: Player Roles
- Players decide who will be the starting player. That player receives the starting player token.
- Each player’s role is to expand their farm by building fences, stables, and different types of buildings, and by breeding more and more animals. They will use their workers to carry out these actions.
Step 5: Setting Up for the Next Rounds
- At the end of each round, refill the animal supply on the main game board according to the numbers printed on the board.
- Also at the end of each round, the starting player token passes to the other player.
Once you have followed these steps, you are ready to start playing Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small. Happy farming!
Game flow Round and round we go
Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small is a strategy board game designed for two players. The game revolves around farming and animal husbandry, with each player attempting to build the most prosperous farm. The game is played over the course of eight rounds, each of which is divided into three phases: the Replenishment Phase, the Work Phase, and the Home Phase.
The Replenishment Phase is the beginning of each round. During this phase, goods (wood, stone, reeds) are added to the game board on the corresponding action spaces. The spaces are filled according to the instructions on the game board, adding the indicated amount of goods to any spaces that are empty or partially empty.
After replenishment, the game moves into the Work Phase. This is the main part of the round, where players take turns to perform actions. On a player’s turn, they place one of their worker tokens on an action space and then carry out the corresponding action. Actions include collecting resources, building structures, buying animals, and breeding animals. Each action space can only be used once per round, so players must strategically decide the best order to perform their actions.
Once both players have placed all their workers and performed all their actions, the game moves into the Home Phase. During this phase, players return their workers to their supply and check their farms for overcrowding. Each farm space can only hold a certain number of animals, so any excess animals must be sold back to the supply. After the Home Phase, a new round begins with the Replenishment Phase.
- Replenishment Phase: Add resources to the game board on the corresponding action spaces.
- Work Phase: Players take turns to place their workers on action spaces and perform the corresponding actions.
- Home Phase: Players return their workers to their supply and check their farms for overcrowding.
After eight rounds, the game ends and players count up their points. Points are awarded for the number of animals on their farm, the types of buildings they have constructed, and the size of their pastures. The player with the most points wins the game.
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small is a worker placement board game where players take turns utilizing their workers to perform various actions. Understanding each action and its strategic implications can greatly affect the course of the game. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what happens during a player’s turn:
At the start of a player’s turn, they have a number of workers (initially two) which can be used to carry out actions. The number of workers can be increased up to a total of four through certain actions. Each worker can perform one action per turn.
1. Acquiring Resources:
- Wood: Players can choose to take 3 wood from the general supply. Wood is a key resource used for building structures like stables and fences.
- Stone: Players can take 1 stone from the supply. Stone is less abundant but is required for building higher-level structures.
- Reed: Players can take 1 reed from the supply. Reed is necessary for building new farm buildings.
2. Building Structures:
- Stables: For 1 wood, players can build a stable on a free pasture space. Stables allow for the keeping of more animals.
- Fences: Fences can be built to create enclosed pastures for keeping animals. The cost is 1 wood per fence section.
- Farm Buildings: Players can build various types of farm buildings that provide different benefits, such as additional worker or more efficient animal breeding. The cost and requirements for these vary.
3. Acquiring Animals:
- Sheep: Players can take 1 sheep from the supply and place it in their farm. Additional sheep can be added to a pasture if it’s enclosed by fences and has enough space.
- Cows: Cows follow the same rules as sheep but they are worth more points at the end of the game.
- Special Animals: Certain farm buildings allow for the keeping of special animals that provide unique benefits.
4. Breeding Animals:
- At the end of each round, if a player has at least two of the same kind of animal in a pasture, they breed and produce one additional animal of the same type. This can be a key strategy for increasing points.
5. Extension:
- Players can choose to extend their farm by adding extra farm spaces. This can allow for more buildings and pastures, potentially leading to more animals and points.
The strategic choices players make in Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small greatly affect the course of the game. Deciding when to gather resources, build structures, acquire animals, or extend the farm can mean the difference between victory or defeat. As such, players must carefully consider their options on each turn, and adapt their strategy to the evolving game state.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small is a strategy board game where players manage their very own farm. The game ends after eight rounds, and the player with the most points wins. Points are earned through various actions on the farm.
Game Ending:
The game ends after all players have had their turn in the eighth round. Once the last round is concluded, players proceed to the final scoring.
Final Scoring:
Before final scoring, players must ensure that all their farm animals are housed. Any animals that can’t be housed are returned to the supply. Players then add up their points based on the following criteria:
- Animals: Each animal on your farm earns points. Cows are worth 3 points, Pigs are worth 2 points, and Sheep are worth 1 point.
- Buildings: Each building on your farm earns points. Bigger buildings earn more points.
- Extensions: Each extension on your farm earns points. Fenced Stables are worth 1 point each, while each Farm Expansion is worth 4 points.
Any unspent resources do not count towards the final score. In case of a tie, the player with the most leftover resources wins.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small is a strategy board game where players accumulate points by efficiently managing their farm and its animals. The scoring system is as follows:
1. Animal Scoring
A player earns points based on the number of animals they have at the end of the game. The points are awarded as follows:
- Sheep: 1 point for each sheep
- Wild Boars: 2 points for each wild boar
- Cattle: 3 points for each cattle
2. Building Scoring
Points are also awarded based on the buildings a player has constructed. The points are awarded as follows:
- Stables: Each stable is worth 1 point
- Small Pasture: Each small pasture is worth 2 points
- Large Pasture: Each large pasture is worth 4 points
- Feeding Troughs: Each feeding trough is worth 3 points
- Special Buildings: Points vary depending on the building. These points are indicated on the special building tile.
3. Bonus Points
Players can also earn bonus points through certain actions:
- Full Farm: If a player has no unused spaces on their farm board at the end of the game, they receive 4 bonus points.
- Animal Species: If a player has at least one of each type of animal on their farm at the end of the game, they receive 3 bonus points.
Tie-Breaking Rules
In the event of a tie, the player with the most unused spaces on their farm board loses. If there is still a tie, the player with the most total resources (animals and buildings) wins. If there is still a tie, the players share the victory.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small is a strategy game where players manage their own farm, breed animals and construct buildings. Although the game follows a standard set of rules, there are some special rules, exceptions, and clarifications that players should be aware of.
Special Rules:
- Animals in Stables: Stables can house any type of animal. However, a stable alone can only house one animal. If the stable is located within a fenced pasture, its capacity doubles to two animals.
- Special Buildings: Special buildings provide a variety of benefits but can only be built once per game, and each player can only own one of each type. The game begins with eight special buildings available for construction.
- Action Spaces: Players can only place their workers on action spaces that are still available – meaning no other worker is currently occupying that space. The only exception to this rule is the “Starting Player” space, which can be claimed by a player even if it’s already occupied.
- Animal Types: While different types of animals can share the same pasture or stable, each type of animal must be separated by fences. The only exception is in the final scoring, where each player’s total score is calculated based on the total number of animals they have, regardless of type.
Rule Clarifications:
- Worker Placement: Each player starts with three workers, and players take turns placing their workers on action spaces. Once all workers have been placed, the round ends.
- Animal Breeding: Animals breed at the end of each round, but only if a player has at least two of the same type in a single pasture or stable. Breeding produces one new animal of the same type.
- Scoring: Points are scored for the number of animals, buildings and improvements. However, players also lose one point for each unused space on their farm.
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small is a board game that requires strategy and planning. Here are some tips and strategies to help you optimize your gameplay.
Advanced Strategies:
Focus on Building: Try to build as many stables and buildings as possible. This not only gives you points, but also allows you to house more animals. Each building gives you distinct advantages, so plan your building strategy carefully.
Farm Expansion: Do not ignore the expansion of your farm. More spaces mean more room for enclosures and buildings. While focusing on building, also keep an eye on farm expansion.
Animal Acquisition: Try to acquire animals as quickly as possible, especially if you can get a breeding pair. This helps in accumulating points over time.
Beginner Tips:
Starting Strategy: As a beginner, a good starting strategy is to build a stall and then acquire a pair of animals. This will give you a steady income of animals throughout the game.
Resource Management: Be careful with your resource management. Ensure that you have enough resources to build the structures you want. Don’t forget to save some resources for necessary expansions.
Scoring: Keep an eye on the scoring. Each animal and building type scores differently, so make sure you understand how to maximize your points.
Common mistakes to avoid:
Ignoring Buildings: One common mistake is focusing too much on animals and ignoring buildings. Remember, buildings can give you a lot of points and provide space for more animals.
Not Planning Ahead: Plan your moves ahead of time. If you don’t, you might find yourself without enough resources or space to execute your strategy.
Overexpansion: While it is important to have enough space for your farm, be careful not to overexpand. This can leave you with too many empty spaces, which can cost you points at the end of the game.
Ways to optimize gameplay:
- Use Special Buildings: Special buildings can give you a big advantage. Try to acquire them when they are available.
- Keep a Balance: Balance your focus between animal breeding, building, and farm expansion. This will help you maximize your points.
- Understand Scoring: Understand how the scoring works and use it to guide your strategy. For example, if you know that a certain animal scores a lot of points, try to acquire and breed that animal.