Arkham Horror (Third Edition)
Arkham Horror (Third Edition) is a thrilling cooperative board game where 1-6 players face off against eerie Ancient Ones. Will you uncover enough clues, defeat terrifying monsters, and find crucial allies to prevent an otherworldly invasion?
1 - 6
Medium Heavy

About the game
Welcome to the world of Arkham Horror (Third Edition), a thrilling, cooperative board game for 1-6 players. Crafted by Fantasy Flight Games, it’s a haunting adventure filled with dread, suspense, and cosmic terrors. In this immersive game, you and your friends will step into the shoes of investigators, thrown into the eerie town of Arkham, where reality itself is under threat.
The game is set in 1926, in the fictional city of Arkham, Massachusetts, during the height of the Roaring Twenties. But don’t expect a Gatsby-like party. Instead, you’re faced with a town plagued by unnatural events, sinister cults, and indescribable horrors from other dimensions. The city is filled with eerie locales, such as the Miskatonic University, Arkham Asylum, and the witch-haunted woods of Hangman’s Hill, each teeming with arcane secrets and hidden dangers.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
Arkham Horror (Third Edition) is a cooperative board game that invites players to face the terrifying creatures and obscure phenomena happening in the city of Arkham. The game consists of various components, each with a unique purpose in the game.
1. Game Board: The game board represents the city of Arkham and its districts. Players move their investigators around the board to different locations to encounter strange happenings and combat monsters.
2. Rulebook: The rulebook provides detailed instructions on how to play the game, including setting up the game, how turns are conducted, and what actions players can take on their turn.
3. Scenario Sheets: These sheets provide the narrative for the game. Each scenario has different objectives, rules, and victory conditions, providing a unique game experience.
4. Investigator Sheets and Tokens: Each player chooses an investigator and uses the corresponding sheet and token. The sheet provides the investigator’s unique abilities, starting items, and health and sanity levels. The token is used to represent the investigator’s location on the game board.
5. Clue Tokens: These are scattered across the game board. Players collect these to gain insight into the scenario’s mysteries, which can lead to victory.
6. Monster Tokens: Monsters spawn in various locations around Arkham. They can hinder the investigators’ progress and are often required to be fought or evaded.
7. Event Cards: Event cards represent random occurrences in the city. They can have beneficial or detrimental effects on the investigators.
8. Item Cards: These cards represent equipment, spells, and allies that investigators can acquire to help them during their investigation.
9. Mythos Tokens: These tokens are drawn at the end of each round and dictate what effects happen, such as spawning new monsters or advancing the doom track.
10. Doom Tokens: Doom tokens represent the impending doom that is threatening Arkham. If too many doom tokens are placed on the scenario sheet, the investigators lose the game.
11. Remnant Tokens: These tokens are left behind when a monster is defeated. They can be used to power certain abilities.
12. Money Tokens: These represent the resources investigators have to purchase items from the shop.
13. Health and Sanity Tokens: These tokens are used to keep track of an investigator’s health and sanity. If an investigator’s health or sanity reaches zero, they are eliminated from the game.
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
Arkham Horror (Third Edition) is a thrilling cooperative game for 1-6 players inspired by the writings of H.P. Lovecraft. The players are investigators who must work together to stop the Ancient Ones, cosmic horrors from beyond space and time. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up the game.
Step 1: Choose Your Investigator
Each player chooses an investigator to play as. Each investigator has a unique ability and starting items, which are listed on their investigator sheet. Depending on the investigator’s focus, they might have a unique setup step as well, so make sure to read their cards closely.
Step 2: Set Up the Game Board
Place the game board in the center of the table. The game board consists of tiles that represent different locations in the city of Arkham. The scenario you’re playing will tell you which tiles to use and how to arrange them.
Step 3: Prepare the Deck
Separate the event cards, item cards, and monster cards. Shuffle each deck separately and place them face down next to the game board. The scenario will tell you which specific cards to include or remove from these decks.
Step 4: Prepare the Tokens
Sort the clue tokens, doom tokens, and monster tokens into separate piles. Place these piles next to the game board.
Step 5: Set Up the Scenario
Choose a scenario to play and follow the setup instructions on the scenario sheet. This will include placing initial doom tokens and clue tokens, setting up the mythos cup, and more.
Step 6: Place Investigators
Each investigator places their figure on the game board at the location specified by their investigator sheet.
Step 7: Draw Starting Resources
Each player draws the starting items listed on their investigator sheet from the item deck. These might include weapons, spells, allies, and more.
Step 8: Prepare the Mythos Cup
The Mythos Cup is a key element of the game’s randomization. Fill it with mythos tokens as instructed by the scenario sheet.
Now you’re ready to start playing! Remember, the aim of the game is to gather clues, defeat monsters, and ultimately prevent the Ancient Ones from bringing about the end of the world.
Game flow Round and round we go
Arkham Horror (Third Edition) is a cooperative game where players assume roles of investigators in the 1920s, striving to stop the Ancient Ones, powerful beings from other dimensions, from taking over our world. The game is structured around a series of rounds, each divided into four distinct phases.
1. Action Phase
During this phase, each investigator, starting with the Lead Investigator and continuing in clockwise order, may perform up to two different actions:
- Move: The investigator moves up to two spaces. They may move one space, perform another action, and then move a second space.
- Gather Resources: The investigator gains one dollar token, which can be used to purchase items later.
- Focus: The investigator increases one of their skills by one.
- Ward: The investigator attempts to remove doom from their space.
- Attack: If an investigator is in a space with a monster, they can attack it.
- Evade: The investigator tries to slip past a monster in their space without fighting.
- Research: If an investigator has a clue, they can attempt to discover more information about the Ancient One’s plot.
- Trade: Investigators in the same space can exchange items, money, and more.
2. Monster Phase
During this phase, each monster on the board takes a turn. The monsters perform actions according to their specific instructions, which can involve moving, attacking, or causing other effects detrimental to the investigators.
3. Encounter Phase
In this phase, each investigator resolves an encounter. Encounters can take place at the investigator’s location, with a specific person, or with a clue or a monster. The encounters often involve skill tests that, if passed, can yield rewards such as items, clues, or other beneficial effects.
4. Mythos Phase
This is the phase where the Ancient Ones fight back. Two mythos tokens are drawn from the mythos cup and resolved in the order they were drawn. The effects can range from adding doom to the board, spawning monsters, or advancing the agenda of the Ancient One, bringing them closer to victory.
The game continues in this way, round after round, until either the investigators have managed to thwart the Ancient One’s plot, or the Ancient One has succeeded in their nefarious scheme.
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
In the board game Arkham Horror (Third Edition), players strive to uncover the secrets of the city of Arkham and fend off the looming horrors. Each player’s turn consists of three main phases: the Action Phase, the Monster Phase, and the Encounter Phase. Here’s a detailed breakdown of each phase:
The Action Phase: During the Action Phase, a player can perform up to two different actions. However, they can’t perform the same action twice. The options include:
- Gather Resources: The player collects one dollar token that they can use later to purchase items or services.
- Focus: The player increases one of their skill values by taking a focus token.
- Ward: The player attempts to remove doom from their location. They make a lore test and for each success, they can remove one doom.
- Research: The player tries to discover clues at their location. They make an observation test and if successful, they can place one of their clue tokens on the scenario sheet.
- Move: The player can move up to two spaces. If there are monsters in the starting location, the player must evade each monster before moving.
- Attack: The player can attempt to defeat a monster at their location. They make a strength test and if successful, they inflict damage on the monster.
The Monster Phase: During the Monster Phase, all monsters on the board activate and perform their indicated actions. These could include moving, attacking, or causing other effects.
The Encounter Phase: During the Encounter Phase, the player draws an encounter card that corresponds to their location and resolves it. These encounters can provide benefits or impose penalties, and often involve tests that the players must pass.
Strategic choices in Arkham Horror revolve around managing resources, positioning, and risk. Players must balance their need to gather resources and clues with the constant threat of doom and monsters. Deciding when to focus on personal advancement, when to tackle monsters, and when to deal with doom are all critical decisions that can greatly impact the course of the game.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
Arkham Horror (Third Edition) is a cooperative board game that ends in one of two ways. Either the players collectively achieve the victory conditions specified by the scenario they are playing, or they fail to prevent the looming catastrophe, which results in their defeat.
Victory Conditions
Victory conditions in Arkham Horror vary based on the chosen scenario. Each scenario has a unique set of objectives that players must complete to win. These objectives are revealed to the players as they progress through the scenario’s narrative.
- For example, in the scenario ‘Approach of Azathoth’, players are required to gather a certain number of clues and then perform a specific action at a certain location to banish the Elder God and win the game.
Defeat Conditions
There are several ways in which the players can lose the game. Some of these are:
- If the doom track is filled up, the Ancient One awakens and the game ends immediately with a loss for the players.
- If the scenario’s specific loss conditions are met, the game ends immediately. These conditions are usually related to the scenario’s narrative and objectives.
- If all investigators are eliminated (through insanity or health loss), the game ends immediately with a loss for the players.
Final Scoring
In Arkham Horror (Third Edition), there is no traditional scoring system. The game is based on narrative progression and cooperation among the players to achieve a common goal. Therefore, players do not receive points and there is no final scoring at the end of the game. Winning or losing the game is based solely on whether or not the players fulfilled the objectives of the scenario.
After a game ends, players should ensure all game components are correctly stored and that any cards or tokens used during the game are shuffled back into their respective decks or token pools for future games.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
In Arkham Horror (Third Edition), the goal is not to score points but rather to prevent the awakening of the Ancient One and save the city of Arkham. However, there are certain elements in the game that could be seen as ‘scoring’ mechanics. These involve gathering clues, defeating monsters, and resolving scenarios successfully.
The main way for players to perform well in the game is by resolving the game’s scenario. Scenarios are resolved by gathering clues and performing specific tasks that depend on the scenario. Once all tasks are completed, the players win and the game ends.
Gathering clues is another important part of the game. These are obtained by successfully resolving encounters and can be used to advance the act deck, which in turn helps to resolve the scenario. Each clue gathered could be seen as a ‘point’ towards the players’ collective success.
Defeating monsters also contributes to the players’ success. Each monster defeated removes a potential threat and often grants rewards, such as remnant tokens, which can be used to power certain abilities. Thus, each monster defeated can also be seen as a ‘point’ towards victory.
Tie-breaking in Arkham Horror (Third Edition) is not a typical feature as the game is cooperative, not competitive. All players either win together or lose together. If players would need to decide on an action and cannot come to an agreement, the lead investigator has the final say.
In the rare case that players are playing with optional house rules to make the game competitive and a clear winner must be determined, a common method is to count the number of clues gathered, monsters defeated, and scenario tasks completed by each player. The player with the highest total could be considered the winner. In case of a tie, the player who gathered the most clues wins. If there is still a tie, the player who defeated the most monsters wins. If there is STILL a tie, the winner could be the player who completed the most scenario tasks.
Please note that ‘scoring’ and ‘tie-breaking’ in this sense are not official parts of the Arkham Horror (Third Edition) rules and are purely optional additions.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
Arkham Horror (Third Edition) is an intricate and immersive board game with a significant number of rules. Here are some of the special rules, exceptions, and clarifications that are important to comprehend:
1. Monster Movement: Unlike most games, monsters in Arkham Horror don’t move during each mythos phase. Instead, the symbols on the mythos tokens drawn determine which monsters move.
2. Evading Monsters: When a player attempts to leave a space with a monster, they must evade it. However, evading does not mean the monster is defeated. The monster remains on the board and can still hinder other investigators.
3. Clue Spawning: Clues don’t always appear at the start of the game. They only spawn when a headline card or mythos token instructs you to place a clue.
4. The Doom Track: The doom of each neighborhood is tracked separately, and if the doom in any neighborhood reaches its threshold, the scenario’s final Act card is revealed. This is a rare case where the rules work differently than expected, as the doom is usually summed up across the entire board in other games.
5. Anomalies: If there are ever five or more doom tokens in a neighborhood, an anomaly occurs. All clues in that neighborhood are returned to the supply and the anomaly token is placed in that neighborhood.
6. Combat: A successful attack doesn’t automatically kill a monster. Instead, it deals damage equal to the test’s margin of success or the weapon’s damage rating, whichever is higher.
7. Encounter Cards: When drawing encounter cards, ensure to draw from the deck that matches the neighborhood of the investigator’s location.
8. Unique Items and Spells: Unlike in other games, unique items and spells are not discarded after use, but instead flipped to their “exhausted” side.
9. Focus Limit: Each investigator has a focus limit, which is the maximum number of focus tokens they can have. This limit is typically two, but some investigators may have a higher limit.
10. Win/Lose Conditions: Winning conditions can vary from scenario to scenario. Similarly, there are many ways to lose, including when the doom track fills up, the deck of mythos cards runs out, or all investigators are driven insane or wounded.
While these rules may seem daunting at first, they contribute to the rich and immersive experience of playing Arkham Horror (Third Edition).
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
Advanced Strategies:
- Plan Ahead: The game is unpredictable, but having a rough plan for your investigator team can help. Discuss with your fellow players about which tasks everyone should focus on, and how you can best use your investigators’ abilities.
- Keep an eye on the doom: Doom is a mechanic that advances the game towards an undesirable end. Always be aware of how much doom is on the board and try to mitigate its spread wherever possible.
- Use Clues Effectively: Clues can be used to advance the Act Deck, so gather them efficiently and use them wisely.
Beginner Tips:
- Understand the rules: Arkham Horror is a complex game with many rules. Make sure you understand them fully before starting to play.
- Work together: Arkham Horror is a cooperative game. Make sure you’re communicating with your team and working together to tackle the challenges of the game.
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help: If you’re unsure about a rule or strategy, don’t be afraid to ask more experienced players or look up the rulebook.
Common Mistakes to Avoid:
- Ignoring doom: It can be easy to focus on other aspects of the game and forget about doom. However, ignoring it can lead to a swift and unexpected end of the game.
- Not working together: Arkham Horror is a cooperative game, and trying to go it alone can lead to disaster. Always communicate and work with your team.
- Not utilizing investigator abilities: Each investigator has unique abilities that can significantly aid in the game. Not using these abilities can make the game unnecessarily difficult.
Ways to Optimize Gameplay:
- Use your actions wisely: Actions are a limited resource in Arkham Horror. Ensure you’re using them as efficiently as possible to get the most out of each turn.
- Manage resources: Resources like money and items can be crucial to success. Make sure you’re managing them well and not wasting them.
- Choose investigators strategically: Different investigators excel in different scenarios. Choose your investigators based on the scenario you’re playing and the strategies you plan to use.