Canvas is a distinctive board game that allows players to delve into the creative world of art. In this game, players step into the shoes of artists striving to create their masterpieces, and compete with each other to create the most captivating artwork. The game’s mechanics revolve around a unique combination of card drafting, set collection, and pattern building, making it an engaging experience for all types of board game enthusiasts. The theme of Canvas is set in a contemporary art studio. The players, as artists, are provided with a blank canvas and a palette of various elements represented by ... Read more
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About the game
Canvas is a distinctive board game that allows players to delve into the creative world of art. In this game, players step into the shoes of artists striving to create their masterpieces, and compete with each other to create the most captivating artwork. The game’s mechanics revolve around a unique combination of card drafting, set collection, and pattern building, making it an engaging experience for all types of board game enthusiasts.
The theme of Canvas is set in a contemporary art studio. The players, as artists, are provided with a blank canvas and a palette of various elements represented by transparent cards. The setting provides a stimulating atmosphere that fuels creativity and competitive spirit, making each game a unique experience.
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Setup and rules summary
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
‘Canvas’ is a strategic board game where players take on the role of artists competing to create the most captivating piece of art. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to set up ‘Canvas’.
Step 1: Player roles
In ‘Canvas’, all players are equal; there are no specific roles. Each player is an artist, and their role is to create the most beautiful canvas they can.
Step 2: Board placement
Place the main game board in the center of the play area. This board will have spaces for the Art Cards and Scoring Cards. It also has a track to indicate the current player’s turn.
Step 3: Set up the Art Cards
Shuffle the Art Cards and place them on the game board in three separate piles. Each pile should be face down. Then, reveal the top 5 cards from each pile and place these face up beside the respective pile.
Step 4: Set up the Scoring Cards
Shuffle the Scoring Cards and randomly draw three of them. Place these cards on the designated spaces on the game board. These cards will determine the scoring criteria for the current game.
Step 5: Initial resources
Each player starts with a hand of 3 Art Cards and 3 Inspiration tokens. The Art Cards are taken from the top of the piles and are kept secret from other players. Inspiration tokens are a type of currency in the game which players will use to acquire new Art Cards.
Step 6: Random elements
One element of randomness in ‘Canvas’ is the distribution of Art Cards and Scoring Cards. Since these cards are shuffled and drawn randomly, each game will have a unique combination of available Art and Scoring parameters.
Once you’ve gone through these steps, the game is set up and ready to play.
Game flow Round and round we go
Canvas is an innovative and artistic board game where players create their own masterpieces using various art cards. The game is structured into rounds, with each player taking turns until all players have collected three Artwork cards.
Game Setup:
- Each player takes an easel and four Inspiration tokens.
- Shuffle the Artwork cards and place them in a deck by the game board.
- Reveal the top five cards from the deck and place them face up in a row, right side of the game board.
- Shuffle the Scoring cards and draw three to place face up near the game board. These set the scoring rules for the game.
During their turn, players can perform one of the following actions:
- Take a Card: Choose one of the five face-up Artwork cards. If the chosen card is not the first in line (next to the deck), place an Inspiration token on each card skipped over. Add the chosen card to your hand.
- Paint an Artwork: Combine three of your Artwork cards together to create a painting. The order of the cards can create different patterns and symbols, which are important for scoring. Once painted, display the artwork on your easel. This action ends your turn.
End of Round:
A round ends when all players have created three pieces of Artwork. Then, scoring begins.
Players earn Ribbons based on the scoring conditions of the three face-up Scoring cards. Each Scoring card has a unique rule for which symbols or patterns will earn points. Players compare their Artwork to the scoring conditions and earn Ribbons accordingly. The player with the most Ribbons at the end of the game is declared the winner.
Remember, in Canvas, creativity and strategy hold the key to victory. Happy painting!
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
In ‘Canvas’, a game of artistic imagination and strategy, players take turns performing actions to create their own unique masterpieces. During a player’s turn, they can choose to either pick a card or make a painting. Each action has its own implications and strategic choices, as outlined below:
Picking a Card:
- When a player chooses to pick a card, they can select one from the three available face up or choose the top card from the deck. This card will be added to their hand.
- If a player selects a face-up card, they must pay ‘Inspiration Tokens’ equal to the number of tokens shown above the card. The furthest card on the left is free, but each card to the right of it requires an additional token.
- After picking a card, the remaining face-up cards slide to the left and a new card is revealed from the deck.
- The picked card contains different elements, like ‘Texture’, ‘Color’, ‘Shape’, etc., which could help the player to score points later when used in a painting.
Making a Painting:
- When a player chooses to make a painting, they select three cards from their hand and layer them together to form a painting. The order in which the cards are layered can affect the final appearance of the painting and its scoring potential.
- Each painting must meet the requirements of at least one ‘Scoring Card’ in play to earn points. Scoring Cards can reward points for having certain elements in your painting, using specific colors, or arranging elements in a particular way.
- After a player makes a painting, they place it in front of them and take a ‘Frame’. The Frame does not affect scoring, but it enhances the visual appeal of the completed painting.
- Players can take their time deciding on the best combination of cards for their painting, but once a painting is made, it cannot be altered.
Considering the strategic choices in ‘Canvas’, players need to balance between collecting the right cards and making their paintings. It is crucial to keep an eye on the Scoring Cards and try to fulfill their requirements for maximum points. Also, managing ‘Inspiration Tokens’ wisely can give players an advantage, as they can pick desirable cards without having to pay too much.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
The game of Canvas ends after each player has completed their third painting. A painting is completed when a player collects enough art cards to create a layered image on their easel. There are three parts to each painting: a foreground, a middle ground, and a background. Each part is represented by an art card. Once all players have their third paintings completed, the game ends.
Victory Conditions:
- Scoring Ribbons: Players collect scoring ribbons throughout the game based on the icons shown on their completed paintings. The player with the most scoring ribbons at the end of the game is the winner.
- Masterpiece: If a player manages to match all the icons on a scoring card with the icons on their completed paintings, they have created a masterpiece. The player who creates the most masterpieces during the game is the winner.
Before final scoring, players must take the following actions:
- Verify that all their paintings are completed with a foreground, middle ground, and background art card.
- Count the number of scoring ribbons they have collected during the game.
- Check their completed paintings against the scoring cards to see if they have created any masterpieces.
Once these steps are completed, players can proceed with the final scoring. The player with the most scoring ribbons and masterpieces is declared the winner. In case of a tie, the player with the most leftover inspiration tokens wins the game.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
Canvas is a strategy card game where players create unique pieces of artwork by combining different layer cards. The scoring system is dependent on the symbols on the layer cards and the scoring cards which are selected at the beginning of the game.
Scoring Cards:
- At the beginning of each game, three scoring cards are randomly selected from a deck. These cards will dictate how points are awarded for that game.
- Scoring cards have unique criteria for awarding points. For instance, a scoring card might award points for having a certain combination of symbols on your layer cards.
- The number of points awarded by each scoring card may vary. Usually, scoring cards can award between 1 to 10 points.
Layer Cards:
- Players earn points by combining layer cards to create artwork. Each layer card features different symbols.
- The symbols on a player’s artwork (combination of layer cards) are compared to the requirements on the scoring cards. If the artwork meets the requirements of a scoring card, the player is awarded points accordingly.
End of Game Scoring:
- At the end of the game, players calculate their total points based on the scoring cards and the symbols on their completed artworks.
- Each player adds up the points they’ve earned from each scoring card, then adds any bonus points they may have earned from their ribbon tokens.
Ribbon Tokens:
- Ribbon tokens are bonus points that players can earn during the game. Some layer cards have ribbon symbols, and collecting these allows players to earn extra points at the end of the game.
- Each ribbon token is worth 1 point.
Tie-Breaking Rules:
- If two or more players have the same total points at the end of the game, the player with the most ribbon tokens wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player who completed their artwork first is the winner.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
Canvas is a strategic board game where players mix and match various Art Cards to create their own Artwork. Each card combination can result in unique scoring conditions, making the game a canvas of strategy and creativity. Here are some rare or special rules, exceptions, and any rule clarifications that might be important.
1. Layering Cards:
In Canvas, the order in which you layer your cards can greatly affect your score. As a rule, the card on top determines the visible elements, which are the ones that count towards scoring.
2. Scoring Tokens:
Scoring tokens are limited in supply. If there are none left of a particular type, you simply do not receive one. This is an exception to the usual board game rule where supply is considered infinite.
3. Scoring:
Scoring in Canvas is somewhat unique. You score based on your cards’ visible scoring icons and scoring cards. It’s important to remember that only the visible icons from top to bottom count. If a scoring icon is covered by another card, it does not contribute to the score.
4. Ribbon Tokens:
Ribbon tokens provide bonus points at the end of the game. However, a key exception is that if two or more players have the same number of ribbon tokens, they each receive full points, not split points as is common in other games.
5. Game End:
The game end of Canvas is triggered when a player completes their third painting. All other players get one more turn after this. However, if you have already taken your turn for the round before the game end is triggered, you do not get another turn.
6. Tie Breaking:
In case of a tie, the player with the most remaining Inspiration tokens wins. If there is still a tie, the player who triggered the end of the game wins.