
Castles of Mad King Ludwig

Castles of Mad King Ludwig is a beguiling board game that invites you to step into the shoes of a master builder assigned with the task of constructing extravagant castles for the eccentric King Ludwig II of Bavaria. Drawing inspiration from the real-life castles of the famous king, the game offers a unique blend of strategy, creativity, and historical intrigue. The game is set in the 19th-century Bavarian landscape and is imbued with a sense of grandeur and whimsy that’s perfectly in line with King Ludwig’s notorious penchant for architectural excess. This thematic backdrop adds a layer of immersive historical ... Read more


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About the game

Castles of Mad King Ludwig is a beguiling board game that invites you to step into the shoes of a master builder assigned with the task of constructing extravagant castles for the eccentric King Ludwig II of Bavaria. Drawing inspiration from the real-life castles of the famous king, the game offers a unique blend of strategy, creativity, and historical intrigue.

The game is set in the 19th-century Bavarian landscape and is imbued with a sense of grandeur and whimsy that’s perfectly in line with King Ludwig’s notorious penchant for architectural excess. This thematic backdrop adds a layer of immersive historical context to the gameplay, making each castle you build feel like a tangible link to the past.

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Setup and rules summary

Game components Unboxing the fun!

The game ‘Castles of Mad King Ludwig’ comes with various components, each with its own purpose and interaction within the game. Below is a detailed list and description of each component:

1. Game Board

The main component is the Game Board. This is a central board that acts as a marketplace for rooms that players can purchase to add to their castles. As the game progresses, the availability of the rooms on the market changes, making the game board a dynamic part of gameplay.

2. Room Tiles

There are 75 Room Tiles of various shapes and sizes in the game. These represent different rooms that players can add to their castle. Each room has a different cost, points value, and special ability. Players use money to purchase these tiles from the game board and add them to their castle.

3. Hallway and Staircase Tiles

The game also includes 9 Hallway Tiles and 9 Staircase Tiles. These are used to connect different rooms in a player’s castle. They have no cost and can be added to a player’s castle at any time during their turn.

4. King’s Favor Tiles

The four King’s Favor Tiles represent the current whims of the King. These provide bonus points at the end of the game for players who best meet the King’s current desires. The King’s favors can change each game, adding a layer of variability and strategy.

5. Player Aids

There are four Player Aids included to assist players in understanding the different types of rooms and their abilities. These aids also provide a quick reference for scoring.

6. Coins

The game comes with Coins in denominations of 1,000 and 5,000 marks. Players use these coins to purchase room tiles from the game board.

7. Player Markers

There are player markers in four different colors. Each player chooses a color at the start of the game and uses their Player Marker to keep track of their points on the scoring track that runs along the edge of the game board.

8. Contract Cards

The game includes Contract Cards that players can fulfill for extra points. Each contract card has a specific requirement, such as building a certain number of a specific type of room, that a player can try to meet.

9. Bonus Cards

Bonus Cards add an additional strategic element to the game. These cards provide a variety of benefits to players, like additional points, discounts on room costs, or special abilities for the rest of the game.

10. Master Builder Token

Finally, the Master Builder Token is used to denote the player who is the current Master Builder. The Master Builder has the power to set the prices for the rooms available in the market on the game board. The token passes to a new player at the end of each round.

Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go

Step 1: Game Components

Before you start setting up the game, you should ensure you have all the necessary components. For ‘Castles of Mad King Ludwig’, you should have the following items:

  • 1 Game Board
  • 4 Player Boards (1 in each player color)
  • 4 Foyers (1 in each player color)
  • 75 Room Tiles
  • 9 Hallways
  • 9 Stairways
  • 50 Coins
  • 1 Scoreboard
  • 4 Master Builder Tokens (1 in each player color)
  • 4 Player Score Markers (1 in each player color)
  • 21 Favor Tiles, etc.

Step 2: Player Setup

Each player chooses a color and takes the player board, foyer, and master builder token of the same color. The player board is placed in front of each player and the foyer is placed on the space marked on the player board. The master builder token is placed on the zero space of the scoreboard.

Step 3: Game Board Setup

Place the game board in the middle of the table. This is where the room tiles will be placed during the game. The scoreboard should be placed next to the game board, with each player’s score marker on the zero space.

Step 4: Room Tiles and Coins Setup

Shuffle the room tiles and place them in stacks on the game board. The number of stacks depends on the number of players. Each player starts the game with 15,000 marks, represented by the coin tokens.

Step 5: Favor Tiles Setup

Shuffle the favor tiles and place them in a face-down stack next to the game board. Draw the top three tiles and place them face-up next to the stack.

Step 6: Random Elements

The game includes several random elements. The room tiles are shuffled and placed in stacks at the beginning of the game, and a new room tile is drawn from these stacks each turn. The favor tiles are also shuffled and drawn randomly.

Step 7: Starting Player

The player who most recently visited a castle in real life is the starting player. This player takes the master builder token and will take the first turn during the game.

With the setup complete, you’re now ready to start the game. Enjoy building your castle!

Game flow Round and round we go

Castles of Mad King Ludwig is a strategic board game where players take on the role of builders constructing eccentric castles for King Ludwig of Bavaria. The game is divided into rounds, each of which is structured into three main phases: Master Builder Phase, Building Phase, and End of the Round Phase. The game continues until the end of the ninth round, at which point the victory points are calculated to determine the winner.

1. Master Builder Phase: During this phase, the Master Builder, who is the player with the Master Builder token, has a crucial role. They arrange the room tiles available for purchase in a price row on the game board, deciding the cost of each room. The Master Builder can use this opportunity to strategize and influence other players’ choices.

2. Building Phase: This is the main phase of the game where players purchase and place rooms in their castles. Starting with the player to the left of the Master Builder and moving clockwise, each player pays the cost of a room tile to the Master Builder and adds it to their castle. However, the Master Builder is the last to buy a room and pays the bank, not themselves. While placing rooms, players need to ensure they follow certain placement rules and aim to create synergies between rooms for bonus points. Additionally, players can also complete certain room types during this phase to earn extra rewards.

    Rules for placing rooms include:

  • Rooms must always be connected to another room in the castle (except the starting foyer).
  • The doorways of the rooms must align.
  • Open doorways can be left for future connections but closed doorways earn bonus points.

3. End of the Round Phase: After all players have purchased and placed their rooms, or passed their turn, the round ends. Any unsold rooms in the higher price slots are moved to the cheaper slots, making them more attractive in the next round. New rooms are then drawn from the room deck to fill the empty slots. The Master Builder token is passed to the player on the left, and a new round begins.

The game concludes at the end of the ninth round. At this point, players calculate their total victory points from room points, completed objectives, bonus cards, and coins. The player with the highest score is declared the winner, having built the most extraordinary castle for Mad King Ludwig.

Players'turn One turn to rule them all

The game ‘Castles of Mad King Ludwig’ involves players taking on the role of a master builder for King Ludwig. During a player’s turn, they can perform a variety of actions. Here is a detailed breakdown of what happens during a player’s turn.

Master Builder Phase

The player becomes the Master Builder for that round. The Master Builder has the power to set the prices for the available rooms in the market. Strategically, the Master Builder can set prices high for rooms they know other players want, or low for rooms they want themselves.

  • Set Prices: The Master Builder takes rooms from the room stack and arranges them in the market. The position of the room determines its cost. The Master Builder can manipulate prices to their advantage.
  • Sell Rooms: Starting with the player to the left of the Master Builder and continuing clockwise, each player can buy one room from the market. The Master Builder is the last to buy. Money is paid to the Master Builder, not the bank, which can greatly affect the Master Builder’s strategy.

Buy and Place a Room

Players can buy a room and add it to their castle. The placement of rooms is crucial as it can result in extra points. Rooms must be placed adjacent to an existing room and doors must align. Rooms have their own benefits and can affect gameplay in different ways.

  • Activity Rooms: These grant points immediately after placement, based on the number of a certain type of room in the player’s castle.
  • Sleeping Rooms: These grant points at the end of the game, based on the number of a certain type of room in the player’s castle.
  • Outdoor Rooms: These grant points based on their size after placement. They can’t have any rooms placed above them.

Complete a Room

If a player places a tile that completes a room (i.e., all doors of the room are connected to other doors), they receive a completion bonus. The type of bonus depends on the type of room completed. Completing rooms strategically can earn extra points or provide other benefits.

  1. Food Rooms: Choose one room type. Score 1 point for each of that type in your castle.
  2. Living Rooms: Score points equal to the number of Living Rooms in your castle.
  3. Utility Rooms: Score points equal to the number of Utility Rooms in your castle.


If a player chooses not to or cannot buy a room during their turn, they can pass. Passing can be a strategic choice if a player wants to save money for future turns or if they’re waiting for a specific room type to appear in the market.

In ‘Castles of Mad King Ludwig’, strategic choices are crucial. Where you place your rooms, which rooms you buy, and the prices you set as Master Builder can all dramatically affect the outcome of the game.

End of the game All good games must come to an end

The game of ‘Castles of Mad King Ludwig’ ends after the completion of the ninth round, as indicated by the round tracker on the contract board. Each round is marked by the Master Builder token moving one space around the board. When it reaches the final space, it signifies the end of the game.

Following the end of the ninth round, players proceed to the final scoring. Here are the various points that contribute to a player’s final score:

  1. Room Completion Bonus: Players earn points for each completed room in their castle. A room is considered complete when all entrances are connected to other rooms or corridors. The type of room and its size determine the bonus points.
  2. King’s Favors: At the start of the game, a certain number of King’s Favors are randomly selected. These represent end-game scoring bonuses. Players earn points depending on how well they fulfill these conditions.
  3. Room Type Bonus: Each type of room, such as living rooms, outdoor areas, utility rooms, etc., provide a different amount of points. The scoring value of each room is indicated on the room tile.
  4. Coins: Players earn points for the coins they have at the end of the game. Every 10,000 marks (coins) are worth 1 point.

Before the final scoring, players must ensure that all their actions during the game are legitimate. This includes double-checking that rooms are correctly placed according to the game rules and that all room bonuses have been correctly awarded. Any discrepancies should be corrected before proceeding to final scoring.

The player with the highest total score wins the game. In the event of a tie, the player with the most leftover coins wins. If there is still a tie, the player who first acted as the Master Builder wins.

Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?

In the game of ‘Castles of Mad King Ludwig’, players score points based on the rooms they add to their castle, bonuses for completing room objectives, and end-of-game bonus points. The player with the most points at the end of the game is declared the winner.

Scoring During the Game:

  • Room Points: When a player adds a room to their castle, they score points equal to the value printed on the room tile. Some rooms also have a bonus point value that is scored if the room is completed by having all its doors connected to other rooms.
  • Favor Tokens: These are bonus points awarded by the King. When a player has a set of 3 different types of room in their castle, they may choose a Favor token. Each Favor token is worth a certain number of points.

Scoring at the End of the Game:

  • Completion Bonus: Players score bonus points for each type of room that is fully completed in their castle. The specific bonus varies depending on the room type.
  • King’s Favor: At the beginning of the game, three King’s Favor tiles are drawn. These tiles each have a different end-game scoring condition. Players score additional points at the end of the game based on these conditions.
  • Basement Rooms: Basement rooms do not score points in the usual way. Instead, they provide bonus points at the end of the game based on the specific conditions of each room.

Tie-Breaking Rules:

In the event of a tie, the player with the most total rooms in their castle wins. If there is still a tie, the player with the most small rooms (value 350 or less) wins. If a tie still remains, the player who went earlier in the turn order of the final round is the winner.

Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?

Castles of Mad King Ludwig is a board game that is full of unique rules and exceptions. Understanding these nuances can greatly enhance the game experience and strategy. Here are some rare and special rules, exceptions, and rule clarifications that are important to understand:

Master Builder Selection: The player with the Master Builder token sets the prices for the rooms to be sold each turn. This can be used as a strategic advantage, but players must remember that the Master Builder is the last to buy a room. Therefore, setting all prices high might backfire if other players can’t afford to buy.

Room Completions: When a room is completed (all doors are connected to other rooms), the player can immediately take an action based on the type of room completed. This bonus action does not count towards the player’s turn and can be taken even if it’s not the player’s turn.

  • Living Room: This allows the player to place a room from the supply into their castle for free.
  • Utility Room: This allows the player to take an additional turn immediately after their current one.

Unconnected Rooms: Players are allowed to have unconnected rooms in their castle. However, unconnected rooms at the end of the game do not count towards points. Players must try to connect all rooms before the end of the game.

End Game Scoring: At the end of the game, players earn bonus points for achieving the objectives on their bonus cards. Also, each player’s castle is evaluated based on the King’s demands (represented by the King’s Favor cards). These evaluations can significantly change the final score, making it important to keep these objectives in mind throughout the game.

Staircases and Downstairs Rooms: These are special room types that allow players to build rooms below the ground level of their castle. However, they must follow a unique rule: staircases can only be connected to downstairs rooms, and downstairs rooms can only be connected to staircases or other downstairs rooms.

Corridor Rooms: These are the only rooms that can have multiple entrances. All other room types can only have one entrance.

Room Size Limitations: There are some limitations to the size of rooms that can be added to the castle. For instance, the maximum size for a room is 600 square feet, and the minimum size is 100 square feet. Understanding these limitations can influence strategic placement of rooms.

Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!

Advanced Strategies:

  • Use the Master Builder role to your advantage by pricing rooms to manipulate what your opponents can afford. Keep in mind that the more expensive you make a room, the more money you stand to earn.

  • Always be conscious of the public and personal bonus cards. These can earn you a significant amount of extra points at the end of the game.

  • Pay close attention to your opponents’ castles. Try to predict what rooms they might want and price them accordingly.

  • Don’t forget about the utility rooms. They may not seem as valuable as other rooms, but they can be a lucrative source of points if used correctly.

Beginner Tips:

  • At the beginning of the game, focus on building a balanced castle. This means not focusing too much on one type of room.

  • Try to complete as many rooms as possible. Completed rooms award bonuses, which can greatly aid in winning the game.

  • Don’t spend all your money at once. It’s important to keep some cash on hand in case a highly desirable room becomes available.

  • Be sure to keep track of your personal bonus card. This can guide your strategy throughout the game.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Don’t ignore the bonus cards. They can provide a substantial amount of points and can often determine the winner of the game.

  • Avoid focusing too much on one type of room. A balanced castle is usually more beneficial.

  • Avoid spending all your money too quickly. It’s crucial to have some funds available to buy desirable rooms when they become available.

  • Don’t forget to consider the benefits of completing rooms. The bonus rewards can be very useful.

Ways to Optimize Gameplay:

  1. Understand the scoring system. Points in ‘Castles of Mad King Ludwig’ can come from many sources, so it’s important to know where you can earn the most points.

  2. Plan ahead. Try to figure out what rooms might come up in the future and save your money accordingly.

  3. Use your Master Builder role wisely. This role gives you a lot of power and can greatly affect the outcome of the game.

  4. Always be aware of what your opponents are doing. If you can predict their moves, you can use the Master Builder role to your advantage and disrupt their plans.