
Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated

Experience Clank! like never before in Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated. Build your deck, found your franchise, and guide your team to corporate glory in a unique campaign.


2 - 4


About the game

Welcome to the thrilling world of Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated, where you will embark on dangerous quests, collect valuable artifacts, and compete to be the best in your corporation. This game is the perfect blend of adventure, strategy, and unique game mechanics that will keep players engaged and on their toes from start to finish.

Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated is set in a rich fantasy world, where you are an employee of a decidedly unorthodox company – Acquisitions Incorporated. This is a company that revolves around seeking and acquiring lost treasures from dangerous dungeons and distant realms. As a part of this corporation, you will dive into perilous dungeons, avoid deadly traps, and outwit your rivals to secure the most valuable artifacts.

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Setup and rules summary

Game components Unboxing the fun!

Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated is a rich and immersive board game that contains a variety of components each with its own unique function. Here’s a detailed breakdown of each one:

1. Game Board: This is a double-sided board that serves as the main playing area. Players move their pieces on this board, exploring dungeons and acquiring treasures.

2. Player Pieces: There are four player pieces, each representing a different character from the Acquisitions Incorporated universe. These pieces are moved on the game board according to the players’ actions.

3. Clank! Cubes: These are noise markers, representing the noise each player makes while exploring the dungeon. The more Clank! a player makes, the greater the chance of attracting the dragon.

4. Dragon Marker: The Dragon Marker moves up the Rage Track each time certain cards are played or when a dragon egg is picked up. The higher the Dragon Marker moves, the more damage it can do.

5. Dungeon Deck: The Dungeon Deck is comprised of various cards that players can purchase to improve their deck. These include companions, devices, and monsters.

6. Reserve Cards: These are the starting cards that each player begins with. They consist of Burgle, Stumble, Sidestep, and Scramble cards.

7. Adventure Deck: This deck contains a variety of cards that introduce new elements to the game. They are revealed and added to the Dungeon Deck over the course of the campaign.

8. Market Items: These are special items that players can purchase in the market using gold. They include Master Keys, Backpacks, and Crowns.

9. Gold: Gold is the currency in the game, used to purchase cards from the Dungeon Deck and items from the Market.

10. Tokens: There are several types of tokens in the game including Health Potions, Attack Tokens, and Skill Tokens. Each has its own specific use in the game.

11. Secret Tokens: These are special tokens that are placed face-down on the game board. When a player lands on a space with a Secret Token, they reveal it and gain its benefit.

12. Sticker Sheets: These contain stickers that are added to the game board, cards, and rulebook as the campaign progresses, changing the game’s landscape.

13. Rulebook and Campaign Book: The Rulebook explains the game’s rules while the Campaign Book guides players through the campaign, revealing new rules and story elements as they progress.

14. Sealed Envelopes: These contain new components, rules, and surprises that are revealed at specific points during the campaign.

Each of these components interacts with the game in its own way, helping to create a dynamic, evolving gameplay experience that changes with every decision players make.

Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go

Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated is a thrilling, deck-building adventure game. The game allows 2-4 players to embark on a quest full of danger, dragons, and loot. Here are the steps to set up the game:

Step 1: Setting up the game board

Place the main board in the center of the table where all players can easily access it. Make sure the side with the ‘C’ and ‘D’ markings is face down, and the ‘A’ and ‘B’ markings are face up.

Step 2: Player Roles

Each player chooses a character to play and takes the corresponding player board. Each player then places their character pawn on the ‘Start’ space on the main game board. The player who last bought something in real life will be the first player and takes the first player token.

Step 3: Initial Resources

Each player starts with the same 10-card starting deck, consisting of six ‘Burgle’, two ‘Stumble’, one ‘Sidestep’, and one ‘Scramble’ cards. Shuffle your deck and draw five cards to form your starting hand.

Step 4: Setting up the Market

Shuffle the Market deck and place it next to the game board. Draw six cards from the Market deck and place them face up in a row next to the deck to form the Market row.

Step 5: Random Elements

Shuffle the Secret deck and place it next to the game board. Draw cards equal to twice the number of players plus four and place them face down on the spaces marked ‘Secret’ on the game board.

Step 6: Setting up the Dragon

Place the Dragon marker on the space marked ‘0’ on the Dragon Rage track. Shuffle the Dragon deck and place it next to the game board.

Step 7: Setting up the Clank! cubes

Each player takes all the Clank! cubes of their chosen color and places three of them in the Clank! area of the game board. The remaining cubes form the player’s personal supply.

Step 8: Setting up the Adventure deck

Shuffle the Adventure deck and draw six cards. Place these cards face up in the Dungeon row. The remaining deck is placed next to the Dungeon row.

Now that the setup is complete, you are ready to embark on your adventure. Good luck!

Game flow Round and round we go

Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated is a competitive deck-building adventure game where players assume the role of members of a company seeking to slay monsters, explore dungeons, and gather the most loot. The game is played over a series of turns, each divided into three main phases: Reveal Phase, Action Phase, and Draw Phase.

Reveal Phase:

  1. Reveal Dungeon Row Cards: At the start of each round, the active player reveals cards from the Dungeon Deck and places them in the Dungeon Row. The number of cards in the row should always be six.
  2. Resolve Immediate Effects: If any cards in the Dungeon Row have an immediate effect, these are resolved now. Immediate effects include ‘Arrive’ and ‘Danger’. ‘Arrive’ effects occur once when the card enters the Dungeon Row, while ‘Danger’ effects occur if the card is in the Dungeon Row at the start of a player’s turn.

Action Phase:

  1. Play Cards: The active player plays cards from their hand to perform actions. Actions can be movement, fighting monsters, or acquiring new cards.
  2. Move: Players can move their pawn through the dungeon, using Boots from their played cards. Some paths may require more than one Boot or other prerequisites.
  3. Fight: Players can fight monsters in the Dungeon Row or the Goblin by using Swords from their played cards. Defeated monsters are sent to the Dungeon Discard Pile and may give rewards.
  4. Acquire: Players can acquire new cards from the Dungeon Row or Reserve by spending Skill points from their played cards. Acquired cards go to the player’s Discard Pile and will be shuffled into their deck later.

Draw Phase:

  1. Cleanup: The active player discards any unplayed cards from their hand and any cards they played this turn.
  2. Draw New Hand: The player then draws five new cards from their deck to form their next hand. If their deck is empty, they shuffle their Discard Pile to create a new deck.

The game continues in this way until a player retrieves an artifact and returns to the starting point, or until all players are knocked out. The player with the most points from artifacts, gold, and other bonuses at the end of the game is the winner.

Players'turn One turn to rule them all

In Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated, each player’s turn consists of a sequence of actions and strategic choices that significantly affect gameplay. The structure of a player’s turn is as follows:

1. Play Cards from Hand: At the start of your turn, you play all the cards in your hand. These cards can provide various types of resources, such as Skill, Swords, and Boots, which you will use later in your turn.

  • Skill: Spend this resource to acquire new cards for your deck, increasing your capabilities for future turns.
  • Swords: Use these to fight monsters in the dungeon, earning rewards and preventing damage.
  • Boots: Spend these to move around the dungeon, exploring new rooms and collecting treasures.

2. Use the Resources from Cards: You can spend the resources you’ve gained this turn in any order, and you don’t have to spend all of your resources.

  1. Using Skill: You can buy new cards from the Dungeon Row or Reserve. Each card has a Skill cost. After purchasing, immediately replace it with a new card from the Dungeon Deck.
  2. Using Swords: You can fight monsters in the Dungeon Row. Each monster has a Sword cost and provides a reward when defeated.
  3. Using Boots: You can move your pawn through the dungeon. Each move costs 1 Boot. Some paths require additional resources or have restrictions.

3. End of Turn: After you’ve finished using your resources, draw five new cards from your deck. If you need to draw a card and your deck is empty, shuffle your discard pile to create a new deck. Then, reveal a new card from the Dungeon Deck and place it in the Dungeon Row.

Strategically, it is important to balance your resources and adjust your strategy based on the current state of the game. For example, you might want to acquire more Boots early on to explore the dungeon quickly, but later in the game, you might prioritize Swords to fight off monsters or Skill to buy powerful cards. Additionally, carefully managing the noise you make (i.e., Clank!) is crucial, as making too much noise can attract the dragon, potentially causing you to lose the game.

End of the game All good games must come to an end

The game of ‘Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated’ ends when one of the following conditions is met:

  • Any player returns to the starting space: If any player successfully returns to the starting space of the game board, this triggers the end of the game. All players, including the one who returned, will get one final turn before the game ends.
  • All players are knocked out: If all players are knocked out before anyone has managed to return to the starting space, the game ends immediately. Knocked out players are those who have taken damage equal to or exceeding their health.

Once the game ends, victory points are counted to determine the winner. Here are the steps players must take before final scoring:

  1. Count Artifact Points: Each player counts the victory points on any Artifacts they have collected during the game. Only one Artifact can be collected from each dungeon, so players must strategize carefully.
  2. Add Treasure Points: Players add the points from any other treasures they have collected. These could be minor or major secrets, monkey idols, or other treasures.
  3. Add Coin Points: Every coin a player has is worth one victory point. Players add the total number of coins they have to their score.
  4. Add Card Points: Players also add the points from any cards in their deck that have victory point values. These are typically the cards with a star symbol.
  5. Subtract Damage Points: If a player did not make it back to the starting space before the game ended, they must subtract 20 points from their score. This represents the “damage” they took from not escaping in time.

The player with the highest total score at the end of this process is declared the winner of ‘Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated’.

Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?

Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated is a unique deck-building adventure game with many special rules and exceptions. Here are some of the important ones to remember:

Secret Tomes: In this game, Secret Tomes are considered as artifacts. However, unlike other artifacts, you can carry any number of Secret Tomes. They do not take up any artifact spaces.

Sticker Placement: One of the unique features of Clank! Legacy is the use of stickers to permanently modify the game board and cards. When placing a sticker on the board, it must be placed so that it does not cover any other important graphics or text.

Legacy Deck: The Legacy deck is a special deck of cards that you will draw from as you play through the campaign. You should not shuffle this deck or look at the cards until instructed to do so.

Damage: When you take damage, you move your health marker down the health track. If it ever reaches the skull symbol, you are knocked out. If you are in the depths when this happens, you cannot escape and you lose the game.

Book of Secrets: The Book of Secrets provides additional rules and clarifications as you play through the game. You should only read the relevant sections when instructed to do so.

Contracts: Contracts are special missions that you can complete for extra points. However, you can only complete a contract if you have the required items and are in the correct location.

Important rule clarifications include:

  • When you defeat a monster, it is discarded and a new one is drawn to replace it. The new monster cannot be fought until the next turn.
  • If you buy a card from the Dungeon Row, it is immediately replaced with a new one from the Dungeon Deck. You cannot buy the new card until your next turn.
  • You cannot move through a locked door unless you have a key.
  • If you are knocked out, you can no longer take any actions. However, you still count your points at the end of the game.
  • If the Dragon marker reaches the end of the rage track, it does not trigger the end of the game. The game only ends when all players have escaped or been knocked out.

Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!

Playing Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated is a thrilling and engaging board game experience. Here are some advanced strategies, beginner tips, common mistakes to avoid, and ways to optimize gameplay:

Advanced Strategies:

  • Plan Your Deck: Be strategic about the cards you buy. Aim for cards that synergize with your existing deck. For example, if you have multiple cards that give bonuses for having other companions, focus on acquiring more companion cards.

  • Use Your Boots Wisely: Movement in Clank! is a key strategic element. Keep track of your boots and use them to traverse the dungeon efficiently. Remember, you can use extra movement points to backtrack and explore previously skipped rooms.

  • Manage Your Clank: Generating too much Clank can be dangerous. Try to balance acquiring powerful cards and artifacts with keeping your Clank low to avoid attracting the dragon.

Beginner Tips:

  • Learn the Market: The market offers many useful items. Make sure to familiarize yourself with what’s available and plan your purchases ahead of time.

  • Don’t Fear the Dragon: While the dragon is dangerous, don’t let it discourage you from exploring. Artifacts deeper in the dungeon are more valuable, and you can find many useful items along the way.

  • Practice with the Base Game: If you’re new to Clank!, consider playing the base game a few times before diving into the Legacy version. This will help you understand the mechanics and strategies better.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Ignoring Small Secrets: It can be tempting to only go for big artifacts and ignore smaller secrets. However, these can provide valuable resources and should not be overlooked.

  • Being Too Cautious: While it’s important to manage your Clank and health, being overly cautious can slow your progression. Don’t be afraid to take risks and explore.

  • Forgetting to Upgrade: Clank! Legacy introduces the concept of upgrades. Make sure to utilize these to improve your abilities and deck.

Ways to Optimize Gameplay:

  • Coordinate Your Team: If you’re playing with others, try to coordinate your actions to cover more ground and avoid duplicating efforts.

  • Utilize Your Special Abilities: Each player has unique abilities. Make sure to use these to your advantage.

  • Adapt Your Strategy: The dungeon changes each game. Be ready to adapt your strategy based on the layout and the cards available in the dungeon row.