Clash of Cultures: Monumental Edition
Clash of Cultures: Monumental Edition is an immersive board game of exploration, expansion, and development. Conquer enemies, build wonders, and create a civilization that stands the test of time!
2 - 4
Medium Heavy

About the game
Clash of Cultures: Monumental Edition is a captivating and immersive board game that transports you back to the dawn of civilization. From the first stirrings of life in ancient times, players guide their civilization through an epic journey to greatness.
In this grand strategy game, the world is your playground. You are given the freedom to explore vast lands, discover new territories, and establish powerful civilizations. The game unfolds on a modular board that is different every time you play, providing a unique experience each time.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
1. Game Board: The game board is a large, modular grid that represents the terrain where players will establish and expand their civilizations. Players place their cities, units, and monuments on the game board. The type of terrain on each grid space can influence the resources a player can gather and the type of structures they can build.
2. Civilization Cards: These are the cards that players use to guide the development of their civilizations. Players draw civilization cards at the beginning of the game and can play them to trigger various actions and benefits. These cards can affect a player’s abilities, resources, and strategy throughout the game.
3. Player Boards: Each player receives a player board, which is used to track the progress of their civilization and manage their resources. The player board contains slots for city improvements, culture tokens, and advancement tracks.
4. Resource Tokens: Resource tokens come in several types (food, wood, gold, and stone) and are used to build structures, advance technologies, and perform various other actions. Players collect resource tokens based on the terrain of the grid spaces where they have cities.
5. Unit Miniatures: The game includes a variety of plastic miniatures that represent the units players can control. These include settlers, ships, and infantry. Units can be used to explore the game board, establish new cities, and engage in combat with other players.
6. City Miniatures: Players use city miniatures to represent the cities they establish on the game board. Cities generate resources and are the primary way players expand their civilizations. Cities can be improved with various structures.
7. Monument Miniatures: Monument miniatures represent the grand structures that players can build to celebrate their civilization’s achievements. Building a monument provides a significant boost to a player’s culture and can also provide other benefits.
8. Dice: The game includes several six-sided dice, which are used for combat and other random elements of the game.
9. Culture Tokens: Players earn culture tokens by developing their civilization and achieving certain milestones. Culture tokens can be spent to draw more civilization cards or to activate special abilities on those cards.
10. Event Cards: Event cards are drawn at certain points in the game and can cause various unexpected developments, such as natural disasters or invasions by non-player civilizations. Event cards add an element of unpredictability and can disrupt players’ strategies.
11. Objective Cards: Objective cards provide players with specific goals that they can strive for to earn extra points. Achieving an objective often requires a specific combination of actions, resources, or structures.
12. Player Aids: The game includes several player aid cards that summarize the game rules and provide a reference for the various actions players can take on their turn.
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
Clash of Cultures: Monumental Edition is a complex and strategic board game that requires careful setup before play. Follow this step-by-step guide to set up the game correctly.
Player Roles:
Each player chooses a color and takes all the pieces of that color. This includes 14 cities, 60 units (15 infantry, 15 cavalry, 15 ships, and 15 settlers), 1 capital miniature, 30 cultural policy cards, and 1 player board.
Each player receives a set of 7 action cards and 4 civilization cards.
Assign each player a starting territory. The start player is the one who most recently visited a museum.
Board Placement:
Place the main game board in the center of the table. Make sure there is enough space around the board for players to place their player boards and cards.
Randomly place territory tiles face down on the game board to create a game map. The number of territory tiles used depends on the number of players.
Each player places their capital miniature in their starting territory.
Place the round marker on the first space of the round track.
Initial Resources:
Each player starts with 3 food and 3 rock resources. These are placed on the respective spaces on the player’s board.
Place the remaining resource tokens in a general supply next to the game board.
Random Elements:
Shuffle the event cards and form a draw pile. Draw the top 5 cards and place them face up next to the draw pile.
Shuffle the objective cards and deal 2 to each player. Each player chooses 1 to keep and the other is returned to the box.
Shuffle the technology deck and place it face down. Draw the top 5 cards and place them face up next to the deck.
Now that the game is set up, players can begin taking turns. Remember, the goal of Clash of Cultures: Monumental Edition is to build a civilization that stands the test of time!
Game flow Round and round we go
Clash of Cultures: Monumental Edition is a deeply engaging strategy game that allows players to lead a civilization from a single settlement to a mighty empire. The game is composed of various structured rounds and phases, each offering different actions that players can perform.
The game is structured into eras, each of which is divided into four rounds. Within each round, there are three primary phases: Action phase, Event phase, and Reset phase.
Action Phase: During the action phase, players take turns performing two actions each in clockwise order. The possible actions include:
- Activating a city: This allows players to build units, buildings, or a wonder, increase city size, or generate a culture event.
- Moving: Players can move their units across the map to explore, initiate combat, or establish new cities.
- Research: Players can research new advances to improve their civilization.
- Collecting mood tokens: Players can collect mood tokens to gain additional benefits during their turn.
Event Phase: After all players have performed their actions, the event phase begins. During this phase, players reveal and resolve event cards which can have positive or negative effects on their civilization. Events can include natural disasters, sudden advancements, or cultural shifts.
Reset Phase: In the final phase of the round, players update their status on the culture track, adjust the morale of their cities, reset their used action cards, and draw a new event card. They also check for any civilization that may have reached the victory point threshold. If no one has won the game, a new round begins.
These rounds continue until a player reaches the predetermined victory point threshold or the game reaches the end of the fourth era, at which point the player with the highest number of victory points is declared the winner.
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
The turn of a player in ‘Clash of Cultures: Monumental Edition’ unfolds systematically. It consists of three main phases: the Start Phase, the Action Phase, and the End Phase.
The Start Phase:
During the Start Phase, the player performs the following actions:
- Collect Resources: The player collects resources from all their cities depending on the city’s advancements.
- Activate Cities: The player ‘activates’ all their cities. An activated city is one that is ready to perform actions during the Action Phase.
The Action Phase:
In the Action Phase, the player can perform two actions with each of their active cities. The possible actions include:
- Grow Population: The player may add population to their city. The population can be used for various purposes such as building units, structures, and wonders.
- Build a Building or a Wonder: The player may choose to construct a building or a wonder in their city. Buildings provide special abilities and wonders can yield victory points.
- Move: The player can move their units across the map. This can be used to explore, expand, or engage in combat.
- Research: The player can invest in research to learn new technologies. These technologies can provide various benefits and may also affect the player’s culture.
- Culture Action: Depending on their culture, players may have unique actions available to them. These can provide various strategic advantages.
The End Phase:
During the End Phase, the player performs the following actions:
- Check Happiness: The player checks the happiness of their cities. Unhappy cities can trigger revolts.
- Draw Event Card: The player draws an event card. These cards can trigger various events that affect the game.
Strategically, players must balance the growth of their cities with exploration and combat. They must carefully choose their actions to optimize their resources, keep their cities happy, and gain an advantage over their opponents. The choices made during a player’s turn can greatly affect the outcome of the game.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
Clash of Cultures: Monumental Edition is a strategy board game where players lead a civilization from a single settlement to a mighty empire. The game ends under two conditions: either after the sixth round of play, or immediately when a player achieves a Cultural Victory.
1. End of the Sixth Round: At the end of the sixth round, the game concludes and players proceed to final scoring.
2. Cultural Victory: A player can achieve a Cultural Victory by developing all of their culture’s advancements. This immediately ends the game without proceeding to final scoring.
Before final scoring, players must complete the following actions:
- Resource Collection: Each player collects resources from their cities one final time. The amount and type of resources collected depends on the city’s improvement buildings and population.
- Civilization Card Play: Players can play civilization cards from their hand. These can provide additional points, resources, or other benefits. Note that civilization cards cannot be played after the final round has ended.
The final scoring is then calculated as follows:
- Victory Points from Objects: Players add the Victory Points (VP) from any objects they control. This includes cities, wonders, and objective cards.
- Victory Points from Advancements: Players add the VP from any advancements they have developed. Each advancement provides a specific number of VP.
- Victory Points from Civilization Cards: Players add the VP from any civilization cards they played during the final round.
The player with the highest total of Victory Points is declared the winner. In case of a tie, the player with the most controlled cities is the winner. If there is still a tie, the player with the most units on the board wins.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
Clash of Cultures: Monumental Edition is a strategy board game where players aim to build civilizations and gather the most victory points. Scoring is based on different aspects of their civilizations, including the development of their culture, technological advancements, military conquests, and the construction of monumental buildings. Here’s an overview of how points are awarded:
- Culture Cards: These cards represent the cultural achievements of your civilization. Each Culture Card you have in your possession at the end of the game is worth a specific number of points, indicated on the card itself.
- Technology Cards: These cards represent your civilization’s technological advancements. Each Technology Card you own at the end of the game gives you a certain number of points, also indicated on the card.
- City Advancements: Each city in your civilization can be advanced in various areas such as culture, economy, and military. Each advancement in your cities is worth a specific amount of points.
- Objective Cards: These cards represent specific goals that, if achieved, will award you with additional points at the end of the game.
- Monuments: Building monuments is another way to gather points. Each monument you construct is worth a set number of points.
At the end of the game, players add up their points from these different areas. The player with the most points wins. In the event of a tie, the following tie-breaking rules are applied:
- The player with the most advanced cities wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player with the most total cards (Culture Cards and Technology Cards combined) wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player with the most monuments wins.
- If all else fails to break the tie, the victory is shared.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
Clash of Cultures: Monumental Edition is a complex board game with a multitude of rules and exceptions that can impact gameplay significantly. Here are some of the special rules, exceptions, and clarifications that might be essential for players to understand:
1. City Expansion
When expanding a city, remember that:
- A city cannot be expanded if it is surrounded by other cities or natural barriers.
- City expansions can only be made on land.
- A city cannot expand into a region with another city or a region that is under siege.
2. Siege Mechanic
The siege mechanic is a crucial element in Clash of Cultures. Some clarifications include:
- Only one siege can be active per city at any one time.
- If a siege is successful, all units in the city are destroyed, and control of the city transfers to the attacker.
- Sieges can be broken by an attacker’s loss or withdrawal.
3. Movement of Units
Though simple in concept, moving units has a few exceptions:
- Lands with mountains, forests, and swamps have a movement cost of two.
- Naval units can only move through sea regions.
- Units cannot move into regions with enemy units unless they are attacking.
4. Civilization Card Limit
In Clash of Cultures, there is a limit to the number of civilization cards a player can have:
- Each player can only have a maximum of six civilization cards in their hand at the end of their turn.
- Any excess cards must be discarded.
5. Barbarian Encampments
Keep in mind that:
- Barbarian encampments cannot be built in regions with cities, settlements or other barbarian encampments.
- They can only be removed by attacking them with military units.
6. Wonders
Finally, the building of wonders also has some special rules:
- Each wonder can only be built once per game.
- Wonders cannot be destroyed or removed once built.
- Building a wonder provides a permanent benefit for the rest of the game.
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
‘Clash of Cultures: Monumental Edition’ is an epic game of civilization development, exploration, and tactical conflicts. Here are strategies, tips, common mistakes, and optimization methods to enhance your gameplay experience.
Advanced Strategies:
- Specialization: Focus on a specific aspect of civilization, such as military might, technological progression, or cultural development. By specializing, you can achieve high levels of efficiency and gain an edge over your opponents.
- Adaptation: Adapt your strategy based on the terrain, the position of your cities, and the actions of other players. Be prepared to change your strategy if circumstances demand it.
- City Placement: Location is key in Clash of Cultures. Place your cities near resources for easier access and near choke points for defensive advantages.
Beginner Tips:
- Understand the Rules: Spend time reading the rulebook to understand the game mechanics and player interactions. This understanding will give you a solid foundation for developing your strategies.
- Balance your Development: It’s important not to focus too heavily on one aspect of your civilization at the expense of others. Try to strike a balance between cultural, military, and technological development.
- Use Your Actions Wisely: Each action in Clash of Cultures comes with a cost. Make sure to plan your actions carefully to maximize their effectiveness.
Common Mistakes:
- Overexpansion: While it might be tempting to expand your civilization rapidly, this can leave your cities vulnerable to attack and unrest. It’s often better to focus on strengthening your existing cities before expanding.
- Ignoring Culture: Culture plays a significant role in Clash of Cultures. Neglecting to develop your culture can leave you at a disadvantage in the later stages of the game.
- Underestimating Opponents: Even if an opponent appears weak, don’t underestimate them. They could be focusing on a long-term strategy that could turn the tide of the game.
Optimization Methods:
- Efficient Resource Management: Manage your resources carefully to avoid shortages and ensure you can always undertake the actions you need.
- Optimal City Placement: Position your cities strategically to take advantage of the terrain and resources. This can give you a significant advantage in the game.
- Effective Diplomacy: Diplomacy can be a powerful tool in Clash of Cultures. Use diplomatic tactics to forge alliances, negotiate deals, and outmaneuver your opponents.