

Immerse yourself in Coimbra, a strategic dice-drafting game set in Portugal's Age of Discovery. Use influence, coin, and cunning to carve your path to victory!


2 - 4

Medium Heavy

About the game

Coimbra is a captivating board game that immerses you into the heart of Portugal during the age of discoveries in the 15th and 16th centuries. A city famed for its beautiful architecture and rich culture, Coimbra serves as your playground as you take on the role of the head of one of Coimbra’s oldest houses.

The core mechanics of Coimbra revolve around a unique dice drafting system. Each round, players will roll dice and use these to influence different aspects of the game such as income, security, and influence. The dice not only determine the order of actions but also the cost and benefits of those actions. This unique system provides a wealth of strategic depth and requires players to adapt and respond to the shifting dynamics of the game.

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Setup and rules summary

Game components Unboxing the fun!

Coimbra is a beautifully designed, immersive board game that transports players to the city of Coimbra, Portugal during the Age of Discovery. The game includes a variety of components that each have a unique function and role within the gameplay. Here are the main components of the game:

1. Game Board

The main game board serves as the central hub for all game activities. This includes the placement of dice and cards, tracking of player progress, and displaying various game elements like the monasteries, universities, and the castle.

2. Dice

The game includes thirteen dice in four different colors: four white, three gray, three orange, and three green. The dice are rolled at the beginning of each round to determine available actions for that round.

3. Player Boards

There are four individual player boards, one for each player. These boards are used to track individual player resources and upgrades. They also indicate the income players receive during each income phase.

4. Player Pieces

Each player receives a set of pieces in their chosen color. These include pilgrims, guards, and discs used to track player’s scores and resources.

5. Favor Tiles

There are 14 favor tiles, which provide players with various benefits when collected. These tiles can be claimed by players when they visit the castle on the main game board.

6. Character Cards

There are 56 character cards in the game, divided into four decks of 14 cards each. These cards represent influential figures players can hire to get benefits. Each card has a unique power which can be used once the card is in a player’s tableau.

7. City Cards

The game includes 20 city cards that represent the city of Coimbra. These cards provide players with various benefits and can be collected by players during their journey.

8. Voyage Cards

There are 10 voyage cards that players can purchase during the game. These cards represent the various journeys players can make and provide end-game scoring opportunities.

9. Crown Tokens

The game includes a number of crown tokens, which are used as currency in the game. Players can spend these tokens to hire characters, purchase voyage cards, or perform other actions.

10. Monastery Tokens

There are 15 monastery tokens, which players can collect by sending their pilgrims on a pilgrimage. These tokens provide different benefits, including bonus points, additional resources, or special abilities.

11. Guard Tokens

These tokens represent the guards of Coimbra. Players can use these tokens to increase their influence in the city and gain additional benefits.

12. Influence Track

This is a part of the main game board and is used to track the influence of players in the different councils. Players increase their influence by placing their dice in the corresponding colored sections of the track.

13. End Game Scoring Card

This card is used to calculate the final scores of the players at the end of the game. It includes various scoring categories, including character cards, city cards, voyage cards, and monastery tokens.

Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go

Coimbra is a strategic board game that requires careful planning and resource management. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to set up Coimbra:

Player Roles:

Every player in Coimbra represents a head of a noble house in the city of Coimbra. Players will need to gain the favor of the city’s influential citizens, strengthen economic relationships, and increase their reputations to secure victory.

Board Placement:

  1. Lay out the main game board in the center of the table.
  2. Place the dice board next to the main board.
  3. Put the pilgrimage board on the other side of the main board.
  4. Arrange the voyage cards in a pile next to the game board.

Initial Resources:

  1. Each player receives a player board, two favor tokens (one grey and one orange), and three guards.
  2. Each player also receives 10 coins and two pilgrims.
  3. The starting player gets the starting player token.

Random Elements:

  1. Shuffle the character cards and place four of them face-up on the corresponding spaces on the main board.
  2. Shuffle the voyage cards and draw three cards, placing them face-up next to the voyage card deck.
  3. Draw the top four monastery tiles and place them on the corresponding spaces on the main board.
  4. Place the dice in the dice bag and mix them thoroughly. The starting player then draws dice from the bag equal to the number of players plus one, and rolls them.

With the board set up, the game of Coimbra can begin. Success in this game will require careful management of resources, strategic planning, and a little bit of luck.

Game flow Round and round we go

‘Coimbra’ is a strategic board game which involves managing resources, developing your estate, and increasing your influence within the city. The game is played over four rounds, and each round consists of three phases: the Dice Phase, the Action Phase, and the Income Phase. The structure of these phases is explained below:

1. Dice Phase

In this phase, players roll the dice to determine the various actions that can be performed in the subsequent phase. Here are the steps involved:

  • Roll Dice: Each player rolls the dice present in the dice pool.
  • Sort Dice: After rolling, the dice are sorted according to their values, from lowest to highest on the dice ladder.
  • Choose Dice: Starting from the first player and continuing in clockwise order, each player chooses one die from the dice ladder and places it on the lowest free spot of their player board.

2. Action Phase

During this phase, players use their selected dice to perform various actions. The steps include:

  • Place Guards: Players can place their guards in the city’s quarters. The color of the chosen die determines the quarter where the guard can be placed, while the value of the die determines the cost to place the guard.
  • Purchase Cards: Players can also use their dice to purchase cards from the display. The color of the die determines the type of card that can be purchased, while the value of the die is used to determine the cost of the card.
  • Activate Effects: Some cards have effects that can be activated during this phase.

3. Income Phase

This is the phase where players gain resources based on their influence in the different areas. The steps are:

  1. Calculate Income: Each player calculates their income in each of the four areas: money, guards, monks, and victory points. The specific income for each area is determined by the player’s position on the corresponding influence track.
  2. Receive Income: Players then receive the calculated income in the form of game resources.
  3. Prepare for Next Round: At the end of the income phase, players prepare for the next round. This includes refilling the card display, returning the dice to the dice pool, and passing the first player marker to the next player.

After four rounds, the game ends and the player with the most victory points is declared the winner of ‘Coimbra’.

Players'turn One turn to rule them all

In the board game Coimbra, players take on the roles of heads of influential families in the Portuguese city during the age of discovery. Each game round consists of a sequence of phases, where players take various actions in an attempt to garner wealth, influence, and prestige.

A player’s turn during each phase is broken down as follows:

Phase 1 – Dice Phase

  • During this phase, players roll the dice and place them in ascending order on the dice display. The number rolled on the dice can affect the amount a player may have to pay for a card, the income they receive, and the order in which they perform actions.
  • Each player, based on the turn order, selects one die and moves their figure to a corresponding castle of their choice.
  • Players must strategically choose their dice and castles based on the potential actions available and the current game situation.

Phase 2 – Card Phase

  • Players take turns choosing one card from the available display, paying a cost which is influenced by the value of the die they chose in Phase 1.
  • Each card provides a player with immediate benefits, ongoing benefits, or end-game victory points. The strategic choice of card depends on a player’s current situation and long-term game plan.

Phase 3 – Income Phase

  • In this phase, players earn income based on their influence in the city’s four spheres of power: Clergy, Crown, Trade, and Universities.
  • The die color chosen in Phase 1 determines which type of income a player will receive. Players must strategically balance their influence in order to maximize their overall income.

Phase 4 – Voyage Phase

  • Players have the opportunity to sponsor voyages to distant lands, which can provide additional resources or victory points.
  • The order of this phase is determined by the total value of the dice a player has chosen, giving a strategic advantage to those who chose higher value dice earlier in the round.

Phase 5 – Reset Phase

  • The round ends with a reset phase, where the game board is prepared for the next round. Cards and dice are reset, and the first player marker is passed to the next player.
  • Players should take this opportunity to review their strategy for the next round based on the upcoming available cards and their current position in the game.

By understanding and optimizing these actions and strategic choices, players can navigate the complex economic and political landscape of Coimbra to emerge as the most influential family.

End of the game All good games must come to an end

Coimbra is a strategy board game where players take on the roles of the heads of Coimbra’s oldest houses. The game ends after the 4th round, which marks the end of the game’s timeline.

There are no instant victory conditions in Coimbra. Instead, victory is determined through cumulative scoring, collected over the course of the game. Players accumulate points through various means, including:

  • Pilgrimage progress
  • Monastery cards
  • Influence over the city’s factions
  • Various other card-based actions

At the end of the 4th round, players must complete the following actions before final scoring can take place:

  1. Final Income Phase: Players receive resources according to their dice in the castle area. This includes coins, guards, and pilgrims.
  2. Final Voyage Phase: Players can undertake one final voyage if they have the required number of pilgrims.

After these steps are completed, the final scoring begins. Players tally up their points from the following:

  • The final position of their marker on the Voyage track.
  • Points from their Monastery cards.
  • Points from their Character cards.
  • Points from their completed objectives on the Crown cards.

The player with the highest total number of points is declared the winner. In case of a tie, the player with the most coins is the winner. If there is still a tie, the player with the most guards wins.

Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?

In the board game ‘Coimbra’, players earn victory points (VPs) in a variety of ways throughout the game. The scoring system is as follows:


Players earn VPs at the end of the game for any voyages they have purchased. The number of points for each voyage is printed on the card.


VPS are awarded for every monastery a player has visited. Points are calculated according to the distance of the monastery from Coimbra. The further the monastery, the higher the points.


Each player’s castle level is multiplied by the number of castle icons they have collected throughout the game. This value is added to their final score.

End of Round Scoring:

At the end of each round, players earn VPs based on the position of their scoring markers on the four tracks (Crown, Clergy, Council, and Merchant).


Players earn end of game VPs based on the citizens they have collected. Each type of citizen has a different value.

End of Game Scoring:

After the end of the fourth round, final scoring occurs. Points are awarded for the following categories: Monasteries, Voyages, Castles, and Citizens.

In the event of a tie, the game has the following tie-breaking rules:

  1. The player with the most coins wins.
  2. If there is still a tie, the player with the most guards wins.
  3. If there is still a tie, the player with the most pilgrims wins.
  4. If there is still a tie, the player who is first in player order wins.

Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?

In the board game Coimbra, there are a few special rules, exceptions, and rule clarifications that players should be aware of. While the overall gameplay is straightforward, these details can impact the game’s complexity and strategy.


Monasteries are a special kind of card in the game. It’s crucial to note that they do not count as a voyage for fulfilling the requirements of character cards or end of round scoring.

Start Player:

In the rare case where multiple players have the same total of guards, the start player for the next round will remain the same as the current round. This rule is an exception to the usual method of determining the start player.

Income Phase:

During the income phase, players collect rewards based on their dice placement. Importantly, if a player has two dice in the same castle, they can choose the order in which they receive their rewards.

End Game Scoring:

At the end of the game, players receive victory points for their pilgrims on the voyage track. However, it’s important to clarify that players only score points for the furthest reached spot, not for each spot their pilgrim has passed.

  • Voyage Cards: These cards allow players to move their pilgrim on the voyage track. They must be aware that the pilgrim does not go back to the start of the track after reaching the end, but stays put to score points.
  • Castle Levels: Castle levels do not reset at the end of each round. They only change through the placement of dice, so strategic dice placement is crucial.
  • Dice Color: The color of the dice does not affect scoring or gameplay, only the selection order in the dice drafting phase.
  • Influence Track: Even if players move their marker to the top of an influence track, they can still gain the rewards of the track. The marker does not reset to the bottom after reaching the top.

Understanding these special rules and exceptions can greatly enhance the strategic depth of Coimbra and make the game more enjoyable for all players.

Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!

Advanced Strategies for Coimbra:

  1. Balance your investments: Don’t focus too much on one track. A balanced approach to investing in the castle, voyage, and monastery tracks could yield higher rewards.

  2. Use dice wisely: When choosing dice, consider both the benefits of the number and the color. The number determines your order in the initiative track, while color determines which benefit you receive.

  3. Strategic pilgrim movement: Move your pilgrim strategically. Don’t just aim for monasteries with immediate benefits, but plan routes to reach high-value monasteries or to complete sets.

Beginner Tips for Coimbra:

  • Understanding the game: Spend some time to understand how the different parts of the game interact with each other. This will help you make more strategic decisions.

  • Consistent coin income: Try to create a consistent income of coins. This will allow you to invest in voyages and castles, which can yield significant rewards.

  • Experiment with strategies: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different strategies. This will help you understand the game better and find a strategy that suits your play style.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Coimbra:

  • Ignoring the voyage and castle tracks: While they may seem expensive, investing in these tracks can yield high rewards.

  • Not planning ahead: Coimbra is a game of strategy. It’s important to plan your moves ahead of time, considering both the immediate and future benefits of your actions.

  • Overlooking dice color: The color of the dice you choose determines the benefits you receive. Ignoring this could result in missing out on important opportunities.

Ways to Optimize Gameplay in Coimbra:

  1. Adapt to your opponents: Keep an eye on what your opponents are doing and adapt your strategy accordingly. If an opponent is focusing on a particular track, it may be beneficial to focus on a different one.

  2. Plan your pilgrim movement: Try to plan your pilgrim’s movement several turns in advance. This will allow you to reach high-value monasteries and complete sets.

  3. Invest wisely: Don’t just invest in the most expensive options. Consider the benefits and costs of each investment, and choose the ones that will give you the most returns.