Colt Express
Experience the wild west in Colt Express, where players scheme and steal as bandits vying for the richest haul in an immersive 3D train robbery game.
2 - 6
Medium Light

About the game
Welcome aboard the Colt Express, a thrilling and immersive board game that transports you to the Wild West. In this game, you find yourself in the boots of a bandit with a single goal in mind – to become the richest outlaw of the Old West. As you navigate the moving train, you will plot, scheme, and battle it out with fellow bandits, all aiming for the same loot.
The setting of the game is a 3D train which adds a unique tangible dimension to the gameplay. Each player is a bandit, moving through the carriages of the train, collecting loot, and outmaneuvering their opponents. The core mechanics of the game are centered around programming and action sequencing, where players pre-plan their moves in advance, and then watch them unfold, often with unexpected results.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
The ‘Colt Express’ board game comes with a range of components that each have unique roles and interactions within the game. Here’s a list and a description of each:
Train Cars
The game includes 6 Train Cars which are 3D cardboard cutouts. These form the play area and represent the train on which the game is set. Players’ bandit characters move around these cars to steal loot and interact with other players.
The Locomotive is another 3D cardboard cutout which is added to the front of the train. It holds the Marshal character who can move around the train, causing trouble for the bandits.
Bandit Tokens
There are 6 Bandit Tokens, one for each player. These tokens represent the players’ characters on the train. They move around the train cars and the locomotive, carrying out actions such as moving, shooting, and looting.
Marshal Token
The Marshal Token represents the Marshal character on the train. This token is controlled by the game rather than by a player and moves in response to certain player actions.
Action Cards
Each player has a set of 10 Action Cards which are used to determine the actions their bandit character can take on their turn. Actions include moving, shooting, looting, and moving the Marshal.
Bullet Cards
Each player also has a set of 6 Bullet Cards. These are added to other players’ decks when a bandit shoots another bandit, reducing the effectiveness of their deck.
Loot Cards
The Loot Cards represent various treasures available to steal from the train. These include bags of money, jewels, and strongboxes. Players aim to collect these cards to increase their score.
Round Cards
The Round Cards determine the sequence of actions for each round of the game. They are drawn at the start of each round and add an element of unpredictability to the game.
Station Stop Cards
There are also 2 Station Stop Cards which are used in games with more than 4 rounds. These cards allow bandits to get off the train and cause a break in the action.
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
Colt Express is a fun and dynamic board game set in the wild west, where players portray bandits robbing a train. The following guide will lead you through the game set up, detailing player roles, board placement, initial resources, and random elements.
Step 1: Setting up the Train
First, assemble the train. This consists of a locomotive and a number of carriages equal to the number of players plus one. Arrange the carriages in a line with the locomotive at the front. Each player then places their bandit and a purse of $250 on the caboose (the last carriage).
Step 2: Preparing the Round Cards
Shuffle the round cards and draw the top six to form the round deck. Place the deck face down next to the train. The top card of this deck will dictate the events and number of turns in each round.
Step 3: Preparing the Loot
Place the loot tokens in a bag and randomly distribute them face down onto the carriages, following the distribution rules in the game manual. The locomotive gets the Marshal pawn and a briefcase of $1000.
Step 4: Distributing Player Components
Each player then receives a Character card, a deck of Action cards matching their character, and a Bullet card deck. The Character card is placed face up in front of the player and the Action cards are shuffled and placed face down to form a draw pile.
Step 5: Marshal’s Bullet Cards
Separate the Marshal’s Bullet cards and place them next to the locomotive. These cards will be used when the Marshal shoots a bandit.
Step 6: Set Up Player Turn Order
The youngest player takes the First Player token and the Schemin’ and Stealin’ cards. The game is now ready to begin.
Remember, in Colt Express, the goal is to be the richest bandit by the end of the game. This is achieved by collecting loot, shooting other players, and avoiding getting shot. Good luck, and happy heisting!
Game flow Round and round we go
Colt Express is a unique board game that immerses players in a Wild West train robbery. The game is played in rounds, each consisting of two phases: the Schemin’ phase and the Stealin’ phase. The number of rounds and the number of cards played in each round are determined by a round card deck.
The Schemin’ Phase:
During the Schemin’ phase, players plan their actions. They do this by playing their action cards face up or face down (depending on the round card) in a common pile, in the order of their turns. The actions include:
- Move: The player can move their bandit one car left or right on the train.
- Climb up/down: The player can move their bandit up to the roof or down into a car.
- Robbery: The player can take one loot token from the car their bandit occupies.
- Shoot: The player can shoot a bandit in an adjacent car or on the roof.
- Punch: The player can punch another bandit in the same car, causing them to drop a loot token.
- Marshal: The player can move the marshal one car left or right.
The Stealin’ Phase:
During the Stealin’ phase, the action cards that were placed in the common pile during the Schemin’ phase are turned over and executed in the order they were played. Players move their bandits, rob passengers, and interact with each other according to the actions they planned. The actions are executed even if the conditions have changed, potentially leading to hilarious and unexpected situations.
At the end of each round, a new round card is drawn to determine the specifics of the next round. After the final round, players add up the value of their loot tokens and the player who shot the most bullets is awarded the $1000 Gunslinger bonus. The player with the highest total value is the winner.
In summary, Colt Express is a game of careful planning, daring moves, and a bit of luck. Each round offers a new set of challenges and opportunities, and the winner is never certain until the last bullet has been fired and the last bag of loot has been grabbed.
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
Colt Express is a fast-paced board game that involves strategy, planning, and a bit of luck. During a player’s turn in Colt Express, there are a number of actions that can be taken. Each action can significantly impact the game’s outcome. Here’s a detailed breakdown:
1. Playing a Card:
The first action a player can take is playing a card. This is the main action in the game, where players choose a card from their hand and place it face-up on the action deck. The type of card played determines the action the player’s character will perform.
2. Movement:
One of the most basic actions available is movement. A player can move their character one car forward or backward by playing a Move card. Strategic movement is critical in Colt Express as it allows players to avoid or engage with other players, loot specific cars, or move towards the Marshal.
3. Looting:
If a player’s character is in the same car as a loot token, they can play a Loot card to pick up that token. Collecting loot is the primary way of gaining points in the game, so selecting the right time and place to loot is a crucial strategic decision.
4. Shooting:
Players can play a Shoot card to shoot a character in an adjacent car. The shot character receives a Bullet card, which clogs up their hand and limits their options. Shooting is a key strategic choice, as it allows players to hinder their opponents.
5. Punching:
By playing a Punch card, a player can punch another character in the same car, causing that character to drop a piece of loot. Punching can be a powerful strategic move, allowing players to steal loot from their opponents or prevent them from getting too far ahead.
6. Marshal Movement:
Players can play a Marshal card to move the Marshal one car forward or backward. The Marshal shoots any player characters in his new location, giving them a Bullet card. This can be a cunning strategic move to slow down opponents who are in the lead.
Understanding these actions and making smart choices is key to success in Colt Express. Remember, the player with the most loot at the end of the game is the winner, but sometimes causing chaos and disrupting other players’ plans can be just as effective as collecting loot yourself.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
Colt Express is a thrilling board game set in the Wild West, where players control bandits robbing a train. The game ends after the fifth round is completed, and the player with the most loot (money) at the end is declared the winner. Here’s an overview of how the game reaches its conclusion, the victory conditions, and actions that players must take before final scoring:
Firstly, it’s important to understand how the end of the game is triggered. Colt Express is played over five rounds, each with two phases: Schemin’ and Stealin’. The Schemin’ phase is where players plan their actions, while the Stealin’ phase is where they execute those actions. Once the fifth round’s Stealin’ phase is over, the game ends.
Next, let’s discuss the victory conditions. The primary goal of Colt Express is to accumulate the most loot by the end of the game. Loot can be acquired in various ways, such as robbing the passengers, picking up loose items on the train, or stealing from other players. The player with the highest total value of loot at the end of the game is the winner.
In addition to this primary victory condition, there is a secondary one: the Title of Gunslinger. The player who fires their gun the most times during the game receives the Gunslinger title, which comes with a $1,000 bonus. This bonus could potentially tip the scales in favor of a player who has less loot but has been more aggressive throughout the game.
Before final scoring can occur, players must take certain actions. These actions include:
- Counting the total value of their loot. This includes money bags, jewels, and strongboxes. Each of these items has a different value, so players must add up the total carefully.
- Checking if they hold the Gunslinger title. The player who has used their gun the most times during the game receives a $1,000 bonus to add to their total loot value.
- Subtracting any penalties. If a player has been shot more times than they have bullets in their gun, they must subtract $1,000 from their total for each excess bullet.
After these actions have been taken, the player with the highest total value (loot plus any bonuses, minus any penalties) is declared the winner of Colt Express.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
Colt Express is an adventurous board game where players take on the role of bandits in the Wild West. The objective of the game is to become the richest outlaw by collecting loot, shooting rivals, and avoiding the marshal. Here’s a detailed explanation of the scoring system:
I. Loot Collection:
- Each player accumulates points by collecting loot throughout the game. The different types of loot and their corresponding points are as follows:
- Moneybags: Each moneybag is worth $250 to $500. The value of each moneybag is printed on its face.
- Jewels: Each jewel is worth $500.
- Strongbox: The strongbox, found in the Locomotive, is worth $1000.
II. Gun Blazing:
- At the end of the game, the player who fired the most bullets receives the Gunman’s Trophy, which is worth $1000.
III. Marshal’s Car:
- Players lose $1000 each time they are pushed into the Marshal’s car by the Marshal.
Tie-Breaking Rules:
In the event of a tie, the following rules are applied in order:
- The player who fired the most bullets wins the tie.
- If the tie persists, the player who has collected the most number of individual loot items wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player who is the earliest in the turn order of the final round wins.
Every bandit’s aim in Colt Express is to end the game with the highest total value of loot, after accounting for any losses from encounters with the Marshal. The strategic use of action cards, wise collection of loot, and tactful shooting can lead a player to victory.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
Colt Express is an exciting board game that simulates a train robbery in the Wild West. Although the rules are generally straightforward, there are a few special rules, exceptions and important clarifications that players should be aware of:
1. The Ghost’s Power: The Ghost has a special power where his first action card played in a round is placed face down, keeping his move a secret from other players. However, it’s important to note that if the Ghost is the first player in a round and plays a ‘Move to the roof’ card as his first action, the card must be placed face up, as it is the only possible action that can be performed.
2. Tuco’s Power: Tuco has the ability to shoot a bandit on the same level (roof or interior) in an adjacent car. However, remember that he cannot shoot a bandit in the same car.
3. Belle’s Power: Belle cannot be the target of a ‘Fire’ action if there is another bandit who can be targeted. This rule applies even if the other bandit is in the same location as Belle. But, if Belle is alone with another bandit, she can be targeted.
4. Marshal: The Marshal is not a bandit. Therefore, he is not affected by ‘Fire’, ‘Punch’, or ‘Move’ actions initiated by bandits. The Marshal can only move horizontally and never vertically. Also, the Marshal’s bullet cards do not count towards the limit of six bullets that each bandit can hold.
- Marshal’s Reaction: When a Marshal enters a car with one or more bandits, these bandits must escape to the roof of the car. The Marshal’s move does not need to end for this reaction to take place.
- Marshal’s Bullet: If a bandit is forced to move because of the Marshal’s presence, the bandit receives a bullet card from the Marshal. It’s important to note that a bandit does not receive a bullet if they voluntarily move into a location with the Marshal.
5. Punching: When a bandit punches another bandit, the punched bandit must drop a loot token (if they have any) and is then moved to an adjacent car. Please note that the player carrying out the punch chooses where the punched bandit moves to, and which loot token is dropped.
6. Locomotive: The locomotive car is always considered to be one car ahead of the first passenger car. Therefore, players can move into the locomotive from the first passenger car, and vice versa. However, the Marshal cannot enter the locomotive, and players cannot rob any loot from the locomotive.
Remember, understanding these rules and exceptions is key to strategically planning your moves and winning the game.
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
Advanced Strategies for ‘Colt Express’
1. Planning ahead: Make sure you anticipate other players’ movements and plan your actions accordingly. This strategy is essential in Colt Express as your moves are affected by other players’ decisions.
2. Utilizing the vertical space: Don’t forget to make use of the roof of the train. It can provide you with an escape route or give you an advantage point to shoot or punch other bandits.
3. Being unpredictable: Try to avoid patterns in your actions. If your opponents can predict your moves, it becomes easier for them to counteract them. Be random and keep your opponents guessing.
Beginner Tips for ‘Colt Express’
1. Master the basics: Understand the mechanics of the game. Learn how to move, shoot, punch, and pick up loot. Knowing these basics will help you make better decisions during the game.
2. Be flexible: Don’t stick to one strategy. The game is dynamic and can change quickly. Be ready to adapt your strategy based on other players’ actions.
3. Don’t underestimate the Marshal: The Marshal can be a powerful ally or a formidable enemy. Use him wisely to your advantage.
Common Mistakes to Avoid in ‘Colt Express’
1. Ignoring the Marshal: Many beginners tend to ignore the Marshal, but remember, he can be a threat. If he enters your car, you’ll be forced to the roof and lose a bullet card.
2. Overlooking character abilities: Each character in Colt Express has a unique ability. Not utilizing these abilities can put you at a disadvantage.
3. Unnecessary shooting: Don’t shoot without a purpose. Shooting reduces your bullet cards, and you might need them later in the game.
Ways to Optimize Gameplay in ‘Colt Express’
1. Proper use of action cards: Make sure to use your action cards wisely. The timing of using these cards can significantly impact your game.
2. Control the chaos: While the game is chaotic, try to control it as much as possible. Use your moves to manipulate the positions of other players and the Marshal.
3. Balance aggression and collection: Striking a balance between attacking other players and collecting loot is crucial. Too much focus on one can leave you vulnerable in the other.