
Dune: Imperium – Uprising

Immerse yourself in Dune: Imperium Uprising, a game of strategy and conquest, balancing military might with political intrigue. Ride sandworms to victory!


1 - 6

Medium Heavy

About the game

Dune: Imperium – Uprising is a captivating board game that takes you on an incredible journey to the dystopian universe of Frank Herbert’s Dune. Set in a time of political intrigue, interstellar conflict, and rampant deceit, it presents a rich narrative and strategic depth that will challenge and engage players of all levels.

The game unfolds on the harsh desert planet Arrakis, also known as Dune, which is the only source of the most precious substance in the universe – the mind-altering, life-extending spice, Melange. As a player, you’ll take on the role of a noble house leader trying to gain control over Dune and its resources. Your decisions will shape the fate of this complex, interstellar world.

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Setup and rules summary

Game components Unboxing the fun!

The ‘Dune: Imperium – Uprising’ is a board game that combines deck-building and worker placement in a deeply thematic new strategy game where the fate of the empire hangs on your decisions. Here are the components included in the game and their roles:

1. Game Board:

The game board is the central component where all the actions take place. It features different areas including the planet Arrakis, the Landsraad, and the Imperium. Players move their pieces around the board, interacting with these locations to collect resources, gain influence, or carry out other strategic actions.

2. Player Boards:

Each player has their own board that tracks their individual resources (water, spice, and solari), as well as their combat strength. The player board also has spaces for their deck of cards and discard pile.

3. Faction Cards:

These cards represent the different factions in the game. Each player starts with a deck of faction cards that represent their initial resources and abilities. As the game progresses, players can acquire new faction cards, expanding their possibilities for future turns.

4. Conflict Cards:

Conflict cards are drawn each round to determine the nature of the current conflict. Players compete in these conflicts by committing their forces, with the winner gaining the rewards listed on the card.

5. Leader Cards:

Leaders are key characters from the Dune universe. Each player has a leader who provides them with a unique ability and determines their starting deck.

6. Intrigue Cards:

These cards provide players with additional options and strategies. Players can draw intrigue cards by visiting certain locations on the board. These cards can be played at various times to gain resources, influence conflicts, or disrupt other players.

7. Worker Pieces:

Each player has a set of worker pieces, which they can place on the game board to perform actions. The number of workers a player has available each turn is limited, making it a key strategic decision where to place them.

8. Combat Tokens:

Combat tokens are used to track a player’s current combat strength in each conflict. Players gain combat tokens by playing certain cards or using certain abilities.

9. Resource Tokens:

Resource tokens represent the three main resources in the game: water, spice, and solari. Players collect these tokens by performing actions on the game board, and spend them to play cards, recruit new faction cards, and influence conflicts.

10. Influence Tokens:

Influence tokens are used to track a player’s influence with the various factions. Gaining influence can provide players with additional benefits and options as the game progresses.

Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go

‘Dune: Imperium – Uprising’ is a complex and immersive board game that requires careful setup and understanding of the rules. The following guide will walk you through the steps of setting up the game, explaining player roles, board placement, initial resources, and any random elements.

Step 1: Player Roles

In ‘Dune: Imperium – Uprising’, each player takes on the role of a leader from one of the great houses in the world of Dune. Each leader has unique abilities and starting resources that can affect the strategy and playstyle.

  • House Atreides: Specializes in intelligence and diplomacy.
  • House Harkonnen: Known for ruthlessness and treachery.
  • House Corrino: The ruling house with high political influence.
  • The Fremen: Native to Dune, they are masters of survival.

Step 2: Board Placement

The game board should be placed in the center of the play area where all players can easily reach it. Each player’s house board is placed in front of them, with space to the side for the player’s deck, discard pile, and any acquired cards.

Step 3: Initial Resources

Each player starts with a specific set of resources according to their House:

  • House Atreides: 1 Solari (currency), 1 Water, 1 Spice, 1 Intrigue Card.
  • House Harkonnen: 2 Solari, 1 Spice, 2 Intrigue Cards.
  • House Corrino: 2 Solari, 1 Water, 1 Influence.
  • The Fremen: 1 Solari, 2 Water, 1 Spice.

Resource tokens are placed on the respective resource track on the player’s house board.

Step 4: Deck Preparation

Each player starts with a deck of 10 cards, consisting of five identical House cards and five standard cards. Shuffle your deck and place it face down on your house board.

Step 5: Card Market Setup

There are two decks of cards in the game – the Imperium deck and the Conflict deck. Shuffle each deck separately. Draw four cards from the Imperium deck and place them face up in the card market area on the game board. Draw one card from the Conflict deck and place it face up in the conflict area.

Step 6: Random Elements

There are a few random elements in the game that change from game to game for variety. These include the Conflict deck, the Imperium deck, and the Intrigue deck. The cards drawn from these decks and their order can greatly affect the game’s progression and outcome.

Game flow Round and round we go

Dune: Imperium – Uprising is an engaging strategy board game where players take on the roles of iconic characters from Frank Herbert’s Dune universe. The game is played in rounds, with each round consisting of several phases.

1. Round Overview:

Each round in Dune: Imperium – Uprising is divided into four main phases:

  1. Agent Phase
  2. Reveal Phase
  3. Combat Phase
  4. Maker Phase

2. The Agent Phase:

During the Agent Phase, players take turns to play cards from their hands to send their agents to different locations on the board. Actions at these locations can be used to gather resources, purchase new cards, or to control important strategic points.

  • Each player can play one card and perform one action in each turn.
  • Players continue to take turns until all have passed, marking the end of the Agent Phase.

3. The Reveal Phase:

In the Reveal Phase, players reveal any remaining cards in their hand to gain additional resources or benefits. This phase is critical for building up resources and preparing for the following Combat Phase.

  • Each player reveals their remaining cards and collects any resources or benefits indicated on the cards.
  • Once all players have revealed their cards, the Reveal Phase ends.

4. The Combat Phase:

The Combat Phase is where players use their gathered resources and strategic positions to engage in battle. The winner of the combat phase gains valuable victory points and other benefits.

  • Players add up their total combat strength from their cards and any additional bonuses.
  • The player with the highest total combat strength wins the Combat Phase.

5. The Maker Phase:

The final phase is the Maker Phase. During this phase, players replenish resources on the game board and prepare for the next round.

  • All locations on the board are replenished with the indicated resources.
  • Players draw back up to their hand limit and the next round begins.

Each round of Dune: Imperium – Uprising continues in this manner until the end game condition is met, usually when a player has achieved a certain number of victory points.

Players'turn One turn to rule them all

In the board game ‘Dune: Imperium – Uprising’, each player’s turn is divided into several strategic phases. The player can perform a variety of actions, and each one can greatly influence the course of gameplay.

1. Reveal Phase:

The player starts their turn with the Reveal Phase. Here, the player reveals a card from their deck. The type of card revealed can grant the player various bonuses, like extra resources or the ability to perform additional actions. It’s crucial to strategically manage your deck to ensure the right cards are revealed at the right time.

2. Agent Phase:

Next is the Agent Phase. On their turn, a player can send their agents to various locations on the board to perform actions. These actions can include gaining resources, recruiting units, or blocking other players from accessing certain locations. The player must consider the current state of the board and their opponents’ strategies when deciding where to send their agents.

  • Worker Placement: The player can place their agent on any available space on the board. The actions associated with each space can provide a variety of benefits which can be key to winning the game.
  • Combat: Some spaces on the board allow the player to take part in combat. Winning a combat can grant the player powerful rewards, but it also comes with risks.

3. Reveal Phase:

The Reveal Phase comes after the Agent Phase. In this phase, the player reveals cards from their hand that they did not use during the Agent Phase. These cards can grant additional resources or allow the player to perform more actions.

4. Conflict Resolution Phase:

The final phase is the Conflict Resolution Phase. If any combats were initiated during the Agent Phase, they are resolved during this phase. The player with the highest combat strength wins the combat and receives the associated rewards. Losing a combat can result in the loss of units, so careful consideration must be taken when deciding whether or not to engage in combat.

5. Cleanup Phase:

The player then proceeds to the Cleanup Phase where they prepare for the next turn. This includes drawing up to their hand limit, resetting their play area, and preparing for the next round’s reveal phase.

Each action taken during a player’s turn can have a significant impact on the state of the game. Therefore, strategic planning and careful decision-making are key to success in ‘Dune: Imperium – Uprising’.

End of the game All good games must come to an end

In the board game ‘Dune: Imperium – Uprising’, the game continues in rounds until one of the two game-ending conditions is met:

  1. 10 Victory Points: The first and most common condition is when any player achieves 10 victory points (VPs) at the end of a round.
  2. Conflict Deck Exhausted: The second condition is when the Conflict deck is exhausted. This happens when players have drawn all the Conflict cards and there are none left to draw at the beginning of a round. In this case, the current round will be the final round of the game.

Once one of these conditions is met, players will complete the current round, ensuring that all players have an equal number of turns. After the round is complete, the game moves to the final scoring phase. All players calculate their total victory points, which include:

  • Victory Points Scored During the Game: These are the points gained through winning conflicts, completing objectives, and other game actions.
  • End-Game Bonuses: Some faction abilities, Intrigue cards, or other game effects might award additional victory points at the end of the game.

The player with the highest total of victory points is declared the winner. In case of a tie, the player with the most leftover resources (spice, water, solari) is the winner. If there is still a tie, the player who reached the victory point total first is the winner.

Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?

Dune: Imperium – Uprising is a strategic board game where players accumulate points through various means. The scoring system is multi-faceted and involves a range of activities and strategies.

In Dune: Imperium – Uprising, a player earns points in the following ways:

  • Control of Areas: For each area a player controls on the map, they earn a set amount of points.
  • Completed Missions: Players earn points by successfully completing missions. The points awarded depend on the difficulty and significance of the mission.
  • Accumulated Resources: At the end of the game, players convert their remaining resources into points. The conversion rate varies depending on the type of resource.
  • Political Influence: Players also earn points based on their political influence in the various factions.

It should be noted, however, that the game could end in a tie. In such cases, the tie-breaking rules in Dune: Imperium – Uprising are applied:

  1. Most Resources: The player with the most remaining resources is the winner.
  2. Most Controlled Areas: If the tie persists, the player controlling the most areas on the map wins.
  3. Most Completed Missions: If there is still a tie, the player who has completed the most missions wins.
  4. First Player Advantage: If all of the above are equal, the player who went first in the game is the winner.

Mastering the scoring system in Dune: Imperium – Uprising requires both strategic thinking and careful resource management. The ability to adapt to changing circumstances and make the most of opportunities can greatly influence the final score.

Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?

‘Dune: Imperium – Uprising’ is a strategy board game that combines deck-building and worker placement, set in the thematic universe of Frank Herbert’s Dune. It’s important to note several special rules, exceptions, and rule clarifications to fully enjoy the game.

The Tuono Raider is a powerful Rare Troop card. When played, it allows the player to perform a Scout action. However, the card’s effect is only activated when used for a Deploy action.

Deploy Phase Rule Clarification:

  • If you decide to place a worker on a space that requires you to pay spice or water, and you cannot or choose not to pay, the worker is returned to your supply and your turn ends.
  • In the case of a tie during a Conflict, the player who has the most total workers and cards (including those in their deck, hand, and discard pile) wins. If there is still a tie, the player who is earliest in the turn order wins.

The Guild Bank special card allows the player to gain one Solari. However, this card can only be used if the player has less Solari than other players.

Revealing Traitors Rule Clarification: In the ‘End of Game’ phase, all players reveal their traitor cards. However, if a player has the ‘False Wall’ card in their play area, they may choose not to reveal one of their traitor cards.

The Emperor’s Blade is a Rare Weapon card used to gain two influence with the Emperor. Despite it being a weapon, it cannot be used in combat unless specified by a card effect.

End of Game Rule Clarification:

  1. If multiple players reach 10 or more victory points at the same time, the victory is determined by the player with the most spice.
  2. If there’s still a tie, the player with the most water wins.
  3. If it’s still tied, the player with the most Solari wins.
  4. If it’s yet still a tie, the player who was earlier in the turn order wins.

Remember: Many cards in ‘Dune: Imperium – Uprising’ have powerful effects but require specific conditions to be met. Always read the full text of your cards and understand how they interact with the game’s rules and with other cards.

Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!

Dune: Imperium – Uprising is a complex and intricate game that requires strategic planning and careful decision-making. Below you will find some advanced strategies, beginner tips, and common mistakes to avoid to help you optimize your gameplay.

Advanced Strategies:

  • Manage Your Resources: Resource management is crucial in Dune: Imperium – Uprising. Always aim to have a variety of resources available to you, as this will allow you to make more flexible decisions.
  • Watch Your Opponents: Pay close attention to your opponents’ actions. If you can anticipate their moves, you can adjust your own strategy to counteract theirs.
  • Focus on Key Areas: Some areas on the board are more valuable than others. Try to control these key areas to gain an advantage over your opponents.
  • Use Your Faction Abilities: Each faction has unique abilities. Utilize these abilities to their fullest extent to gain an upper hand.

Beginner Tips:

  • Learn the Basics: Before diving into the game, spend some time learning the basic rules and mechanics. This will give you a solid foundation to build your strategy on.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: The more you play, the better you’ll become. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t win your first few games. Keep practicing and you’ll improve over time.
  • Start with a Balanced Strategy: Try to balance your strategy between resource gathering, area control, and combat. This will give you more options and make you less predictable to your opponents.
  • Don’t Neglect Defense: While it’s important to focus on offense and taking control of key areas, don’t forget about defense. Make sure to protect your own areas and resources.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Overextending: It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of expanding your control, but overextending can leave you vulnerable. Be sure to balance expansion with maintaining your existing areas.
  • Ignoring Opponents: Don’t get so focused on your own strategy that you ignore what your opponents are doing. Pay attention to their actions and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  • Forgetting About Resources: Resources are crucial in Dune: Imperium – Uprising. Don’t get so caught up in combat and area control that you forget to manage your resources.
  • Neglecting Faction Abilities: Each faction’s abilities can give you a significant advantage. Neglecting to use these abilities is a common mistake that can cost you the game.

Ways to Optimize Gameplay:

  1. Strategize: Always have a plan. This doesn’t mean you need to stick to it rigidly, but having a general strategy will help guide your decisions.
  2. Adapt: Be ready to adapt your strategy on the fly. The game can change quickly, and the ability to adapt is key to success.
  3. Communicate: Communication is key in any strategy game. Talk to your opponents, negotiate, form alliances, and break them when necessary.
  4. Think Ahead: Try to think a few moves ahead. This will help you anticipate your opponents’ actions and plan your own accordingly.