Eldritch Horror
Dive into Eldritch Horror, a thrilling co-operative board game where 1-8 players confront ancient evils, solve mysteries, and fight for humanity's survival.
1 - 8
Medium Heavy
About the game
Eldritch Horror is a globe-trotting adventure that engulfs you into the chilling world of H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos. In this stunningly thematic cooperative board game, you and your fellow investigators are tasked with preventing the awakening of an Ancient One – a being of unimaginable power that threatens to cast the world into eternal darkness.
The setting is the early 20th century, and the Earth is teetering on the brink of disaster. The Ancient Ones, creatures of unthinkable power from beyond the boundaries of time and space, are stirring in their slumber and threatening to awaken. As an investigator, you will travel to the far reaches of the globe, fight terrifying monsters, uncover mysterious artifacts, and solve intricate puzzles to keep these cataclysmic beings at bay.
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Setup and rules summary
End of the game All good games must come to an end
Eldritch Horror is a thrilling, cooperative board game for 1-8 players, inspired by the best-selling Arkham Horror board game series. The game ends either in victory for all the players or in global catastrophe.
In Eldritch Horror, players explore the globe, fight horrifying monsters, and solve mysteries as they attempt to prevent the awakening of an Ancient One, a being of unimaginable power that intends to destroy the world. The game moves forward in a series of rounds, each consisting of three phases: the Action Phase, the Encounter Phase, and the Mythos Phase.
Victory Conditions:
- Sealing Away the Ancient One: Players win the game if they manage to solve three mysteries before the Ancient One awakens. To solve a Mystery, players must fulfill the conditions listed on the current Mystery card, which usually involve gathering clues and having encounters at specific locations on the board.
- Defeating the Ancient One: If the players are unable to solve the three mysteries before the Doom track reaches zero, the Ancient One awakens and the Final Mystery is revealed. If the players can solve this Final Mystery before being defeated, they win the game.
Game End:
The game ends immediately in defeat for the players if any of the following conditions are met:
- The Doom track reaches zero and the Final Mystery is not solved in time.
- There are no Mythos cards left in the deck when one needs to be drawn.
- If a condition of a Mythos card or Ancient One sheet causes the investigators to lose the game.
Unlike many other board games, Eldritch Horror does not have a final scoring phase. Instead, the game is purely cooperative, with all players sharing in the victory or defeat. The goal is not to score points, but to save the world from the awakening Ancient One.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
Eldritch Horror is a cooperative game, meaning the players work together against the game itself, rather than competing against each other. Therefore, there is no traditional scoring system to determine which player performed the best. The players either win together or lose together.
However, the game does provide a mechanism to measure the performance of the team as a whole. This is done through doom tokens and mystery cards.
The doom track starts at a specific number (usually 15) and decreases as the game progresses. The players lose if the doom track reaches zero. Therefore, the number of doom tokens remaining at the end of the game can be seen as a measure of how well the players performed.
Additionally, the players need to solve a certain number of mystery cards to win the game. The number of mystery cards solved can also be seen as a measure of performance.
If you want to introduce a competitive element into the game, you could award points based on these elements. For example:
- Remaining Doom Tokens: Award one point for each doom token remaining on the doom track at the end of the game.
- Mystery Cards: Award two points for each mystery card solved during the game.
In the event of a tie, you could use the following tie-breaking rules:
- The player who contributed the most to solving mystery cards wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player who ended the game with the most health and sanity combined wins.
Remember, these scoring and tie-breaking rules are not part of the official game rules. They are just suggestions for those who want to introduce a competitive element into the game. The main goal of Eldritch Horror is to work together to prevent the awakening of a Great Old One and save the world.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
Eldritch Horror is a cooperative strategy game inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft. While the game rules are generally straightforward, there are some rare or special rules, exceptions, and clarifications that are worth noting for a smoother gameplay experience.
1. Monster Surges: If a mythos card instructs you to resolve a monster surge and there are no open gates that match the current omen, you place the monsters on the active expedition space instead.
2. Limited Number of Clues: In a rare situation where there aren’t enough clue tokens available to place on the game board, use an alternative marker to represent any additional clues.
3. Multiple Encounters: A player cannot encounter more than one Gate, Rumor, or Epic Monster per round, even if they have a special ability that allows them to have additional encounters.
4. Asset Deck: If the asset deck runs out of cards, shuffle the discard pile to form a new asset deck.
5. Limit to number of assets: There is no limit to the number of assets a player can have in their possession, but they may only purchase assets up to their influence value in a single action.
6. Travel via Train or Ship Ticket: When travelling using a train or ship ticket, the investigator does not need to stop in the first connected city they reach. They can continue to any city along the connected path.
7. Unique Assets: Unlike normal assets, unique assets are not discarded when used, unless the card specifically instructs you to do so.
8. Epic Monsters: Epic Monsters cannot be discarded by any game effects unless the specific effect allows the removal of Epic Monsters.
9. Losing Sanity or Health: If you lose Sanity or Health down to zero but are not defeated (due to a special card or ability), you still suffer the effects of losing all Sanity or Health, such as gaining a Madness Condition or an Injury Condition.
10. Focus Action: An investigator can only perform the Focus action to gain a Focus token once per round, regardless of any additional actions they may have.
11. Conditions and Assets: Conditions and Assets that take effect “when you perform a rest action” do not actually require you to recover Sanity or Health. Simply performing a rest action triggers these effects.
12. Double-sided Cards: Only the front side of a double-sided card is considered when determining if an investigator can gain that card. The back side is ignored until the card changes hands.
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
Eldritch Horror is a challenging cooperative game where players embark on global expeditions to save the world from Lovecraftian ancient ones. Here are some strategies, tips, and common mistakes to avoid in this game.
Advanced Strategies:
- Action Economy: Use your actions optimally. Remember, you only have two actions per turn. Make sure each action counts towards your overall objective.
- Character Specializations: Utilize the unique abilities of your characters. Some characters are better at combat, while others excel at acquiring resources or solving mysteries. Use these specializations to your advantage.
- Teamwork: Eldritch Horror is a cooperative game. It’s important to strategize and coordinate with your teammates. Sharing information and resources can greatly increase your chances of success.
Beginner Tips:
- Understand the rules: Before you start playing, make sure you have a good grasp of the rules. Eldritch Horror is a complex game and understanding the mechanics will help you make better strategic decisions.
- Plan Ahead: Try to anticipate future challenges and prepare accordingly. For instance, if you know a gate is likely to open in a particular city, move your character there in advance.
- Don’t Ignore the Encounters: Encounters can provide valuable resources and benefits. Don’t overlook them in your rush to solve the mysteries.
Common Mistakes to Avoid:
- Ignoring Doom: The Doom track is a crucial element of Eldritch Horror. Ignoring it can lead to a swift defeat. Always keep an eye on the Doom track and take steps to prevent it from reaching zero.
- Overlooking the Ancient One: Each Ancient One presents a unique challenge. Failure to adapt your strategy to the specific Ancient One you are facing can lead to disaster.
- Not Utilizing Assets: Assets can greatly enhance your abilities. Neglecting to acquire and use assets is a common mistake that can hinder your progress.
Ways to Optimize Gameplay:
- Effective Communication: Share your plans and resources with your teammates. Effective communication is key in a cooperative game like Eldritch Horror.
- Manage Resources Wisely: Your resources are limited. Use them wisely and don’t waste them on unnecessary actions or assets.
- Balance Risk and Reward: Eldritch Horror is a game of risk management. Carefully weigh the potential rewards of an action against the potential risks before making a decision.