Delve into Siberia in 'Expeditions', a competitive, card-driven board game. Join Dr. Tarkovsky's adventure, overcome challenges, and conquer ancient corruption for ultimate glory.
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About the game
Welcome to the thrilling world of Expeditions, an immersive and strategic board game that transports you into uncharted territories and daring adventures. In this game, you will undertake daring quests, face challenging obstacles, and brave the unknown.
The game is set in the Golden Age of Exploration, where each player assumes the role of a fearless explorer. Each expedition takes you through breathtaking landscapes – from the dense jungles of the Amazon to the icy peaks of the Himalayas, the arid Sahara Desert to the deep, mysterious oceans. The game’s richly detailed artwork and components further enhance this sense of exploration and discovery.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
‘Expeditions’ is an engaging board game designed to take players on thrilling adventures. Each component plays a crucial role in the game. Let’s take a closer look at each one:
1. Game Board: The game board is a beautifully illustrated map, which serves as the playing field. Players navigate their expedition team across this board, aiming to reach specific destinations and overcome challenges.
2. Expedition Cards: These cards are the primary means of interaction in the game. They are used to determine the success or failure of expeditions. Each card has a unique combination of skills and resources that can aid in the completion of expeditions.
3. Player Tokens: Each player has a set of tokens representing their expedition team. Players move these tokens around the game board according to their strategy and the outcomes of their expedition cards.
4. Challenge Tokens: These tokens are placed on the game board at the start of the game. They represent various challenges that teams must overcome. Players use their expedition cards to overcome these challenges and claim the tokens for points.
5. Destination Cards: These cards are objectives that players aim to reach on the game board. They are drawn at the start of the game and provide goals that guide players’ strategies.
6. Resource Cubes: These cubes represent the resources that players acquire during the game. They are used in conjunction with expedition cards to overcome challenges and reach destinations.
7. Dice: The dice in Expeditions is used to add an element of luck and unpredictability. It is primarily used when dealing with challenges, where the outcome can be influenced by a roll of the dice.
8. Score Track: This is a track around the edge of the game board where players keep track of their points. Players gain points by overcoming challenges and reaching destinations, and the player with the highest score at the end of the game is declared the winner.
Game flow Round and round we go
Expeditions is an exciting board game that involves strategy, chance, and skill. The game is played in a series of rounds, each with specific phases and actions for the players to perform.
Setup Phase:
- Board Preparation: Players set up the game board, placing expedition cards on their designated spots.
- Player Preparation: Each player selects a color and takes corresponding pieces. They also receive a number of expedition cards based on the number of players.
- First Player Selection: Players determine who goes first. This player will also be the first to draw a card in the Draw Phase.
Round Structure: Each round of ‘Expeditions’ consists of three phases – Draw Phase, Action Phase, and Cleanup Phase.
Draw Phase:
- Players draw cards from the top of the deck until they have five cards in their hand. If the deck is exhausted, shuffle the discard pile to form a new deck.
Action Phase:
- Players take turns performing one action from the following options: Play a card, Discard a card, or Pass.
- Play a Card: A player may place a card from their hand onto an expedition route on the game board. The card must be placed in ascending order and the same route cannot be used twice.
- Discard a Card: If a player cannot or chooses not to play a card, they may discard one instead. This card is placed face up next to the deck.
- Pass: If a player cannot or chooses not to play or discard a card, they may pass their turn. However, they cannot draw a card until their next turn.
Cleanup Phase:
- Players check their hand size. If a player has more than five cards at the end of their turn, they must discard down to five.
- All players update their scores based on the expeditions they’ve completed.
Game End: The game concludes when all expedition routes have been filled or when no cards remain in the deck and all players have passed in succession. The player with the highest score at the end of the game is declared the winner.
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
In the board game ‘Expeditions’, a player’s turn consists of several possible actions and strategic choices. Here’s a detailed breakdown of each:
1. Drawing Cards
The first action a player can take on their turn is to draw cards. This is a crucial aspect of the game as it replenishes a player’s hand and provides new options for future turns. The player may draw up to 3 cards, either from the face-down draw pile or the face-up discard pile.
2. Playing Cards
After drawing, a player has the option to play any number of cards from their hand. There are three types of cards in the game: Expedition cards, Resource cards, and Event cards. Each type of card has a different effect on the game and can be used strategically to advance the player’s position.
- Expedition Cards: These cards allow a player to move their expedition team around the board. The distance moved depends on the value of the card played.
- Resource Cards: These cards provide a player with resources necessary to undertake expeditions. They are used in combination with Expedition cards to reach more distant locations on the board.
- Event Cards: These cards can have a variety of effects. Some might allow a player to steal resources from another player, while others might provide a one-time bonus or disadvantage. The timing of when to play these cards can greatly affect the outcome of the game.
3. Ending the Turn
After a player has finished playing cards, they end their turn by discarding any number of cards from their hand. However, they must always keep at least one card in hand at the end of their turn. This is a strategic decision as the size of a player’s hand can influence their options on future turns.
4. Strategic Choices
Throughout their turn, a player must make strategic decisions about how to best use their cards. These decisions can be influenced by a variety of factors, including the current board state, the player’s hand, and the actions of other players. Understanding the potential outcomes of each choice is key to success in ‘Expeditions’.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
The game of ‘Expeditions’ comes to an end under two main conditions. Firstly, the game concludes when all players have used up their deck of cards and no more cards remain in the draw pile. Secondly, the game also ends if all expeditions have been successfully completed by the players.
Victory Conditions
The player with the highest total score at the end of the game is declared the winner. This score is calculated by adding up the points gained from successful expeditions and subtracting any penalties for failed expeditions. The following points system is used:
- Each successful expedition earns the player a number of points equal to the value of the expedition. For example, an expedition worth 50 points will earn the player 50 points.
- Each failed expedition incurs a penalty of -20 points.
- Players can earn bonus points for completing an expedition in one turn. This is known as a ‘perfect expedition’ and earns the player an additional 20 points.
End-Game Actions
Before the final scoring takes place, there are certain actions that players must take:
- Players must reveal any remaining cards in their hand. These cards are then added to the discard pile.
- Players must calculate the total value of their successful expeditions and subtract any penalties for failed expeditions.
- If a player has completed a perfect expedition, they must declare it and add the bonus points to their total score.
- Players must compare their calculated scores. The player with the highest score is declared the winner.
In the event of a tie, the player who has completed the most expeditions is declared the winner. If there’s still a tie, the player with the most perfect expeditions wins. If a tie persists, the game is declared a draw.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
In the board game ‘Expeditions’, points are accrued by the players throughout the game, based on the specific actions they undertake. The final scores are calculated at the end of the game, and the player with the highest score wins. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the scoring system:
1. Exploring Tiles:
- Empty Tiles: Players earn 1 point for every empty tile they explore.
- Treasure Tiles: These tiles are worth 3 points each. However, treasure tiles can be stolen by other players, so defend them well!
- Creature Tiles: Defeating a creature tile earns the player 5 points. However, if the creature is not defeated, the player loses 2 points.
2. Collecting Items:
- Item Cards: Players earn points equivalent to the value mentioned on the item card. These values vary from card to card.
- Set of Items: If a player manages to gather a set of three identical items, they earn an extra bonus of 10 points.
3. Accomplishing Missions:
- Mission Cards: Players earn points as listed on the mission card upon successfully completing the mission. The mission card gets discarded after it is successfully completed.
At the end of the game, the player who has accumulated the most points is declared the winner of ‘Expeditions’. In case of a tie, the tie-breaking rules are applied as follows:
- The player with the most number of completed missions wins. If still tied, then,
- The player with the greatest number of explored tiles wins. If the tie persists, then,
- The player with the most number of collected item sets wins.
If the game is still tied after applying all the above rules, the victory is shared among the tied players.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
‘Expeditions’ is a popular board game that involves exploration, strategy, and a bit of luck. Despite its relative simplicity, there are some rare or special rules and exceptions that players should be aware of. Here are some of the key ones:
1. Special Card Rule:
When you draw a card, you can choose to play it immediately or keep it for later. However, there’s an exception to this rule. The ‘Golden Idol’ card must be played immediately. This is because the Golden Idol gives you an extra turn, and keeping it for later would disrupt the flow of the game.
2. Expedition Leader Rule:
Normally, the player who has the Expedition Leader can decide on the direction of the expedition. There is an exception if a ‘Mutiny’ card is played. In this case, the player who played the Mutiny card becomes the new Expedition Leader, regardless of the current leader’s wishes.
3. Safe Haven Rule:
Players usually have to move their pieces along the game board according to card instructions. However, if a player’s piece is in a ‘Safe Haven’, it cannot be moved by other players’ cards. This rule can be used strategically to protect pieces from adverse card effects.
4. The End Game Rule:
The game ends when a player reaches the final destination. However, it’s important to note that the game does not end immediately. Instead, all other players get one final turn to try and reach the final destination as well. If multiple players reach the end, the player with the most points wins.
5. Rule Clarifications:
- Any effects from cards played before a ‘Storm’ card do not apply to the Storm. The Storm card always takes effect first.
- Players cannot hold more than five cards in their hand at any time. If a player draws a card while having five cards, they must immediately play or discard a card.
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
In the game ‘Expeditions’, there are various strategies, tips, and common mistakes to consider to optimize your gameplay. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, these insights will enhance your gaming experience.
Advanced Strategies:
- Plan your Moves: Before you start your turn, it’s essential to plan your moves ahead. Consider the cards you have and the possible outcomes to make the best decision.
- Focus on Objectives: It’s easy to get lost in the thrill of exploration, but remember that your main goal is to complete the objectives. Always keep an eye on the objectives and strategize accordingly.
- Manage Resources Wisely: Resources are limited and crucial for survival. Be mindful of how you use them and always try to maintain a balance.
Beginner Tips:
- Understand the Rules: Before you start the game, make sure you understand all the rules. A clear understanding will keep you from making avoidable mistakes and help you make better strategic decisions.
- Don’t Rush: As a beginner, it’s easy to rush and make impulsive decisions. Remember, ‘Expeditions’ is a game of strategy and patience. Take your time to think and plan your moves.
- Practice: The more you play, the better you get. Don’t be disheartened if you don’t win in your first few games. Keep practicing and you will improve.
Common Mistakes to Avoid:
- Ignoring Objectives: In the excitement of exploration, many players tend to ignore the objectives. This can lead to a loss. Always keep track of your objectives.
- Poor Resource Management: Squandering resources without a strategy can leave you vulnerable in later stages of the game. Always manage your resources wisely.
- Not Adapting Strategy: As the game progresses, the circumstances change. Sticking to a single strategy might not work in your favor. Be flexible and adapt your strategy as needed.
Ways to Optimize Gameplay:
- Effective Communication: ‘Expeditions’ is a game that requires good communication among team members. Always communicate your plans and strategies with your team.
- Strategic Card Play: The cards you play can greatly affect the outcome of the game. Be strategic about when and which cards you play.
- Learn from Mistakes: Every game is a learning experience. Learn from your mistakes and use that knowledge in your future games to enhance your gameplay.