Goa: A New Expedition
Immerse in Goa, a strategic board game of 16th-century trade, colonization, and resource management. Auction, invest, and race to top tech levels for victory!
2 - 4
Medium Heavy

About the game
Goa: A New Expedition is a fascinating and immersive board game designed to transport players to the age of exploration and spice trade. As a participant, you take on the role of a 16th-century Portuguese spice trader, strategizing your moves to establish your trade empire across the globe. It combines aspects of auction, resource management, and strategy, providing a rich and engaging playing experience.
Set against the backdrop of the Age of Discovery, the game captures the essence of a time when explorers were mapping the world, and sea routes were of unprecedented importance. The game board is beautifully designed to depict the various regions around the globe where players can set up their colonies, cultivate spices, and initiate trade.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
Goa: A New Expedition is a strategic board game with several components that contribute to gameplay. Every component is essential and interacts to make the game an enjoyable experience. Here are the components of the game:
1. Game Board
The game board is a central component in Goa: A New Expedition. It features a grid with different plantations and actions, a scoring track, and a round marker track. Players place their colonies on the grid and move their score markers on the scoring track as they earn points. The round marker track is used to keep track of the game rounds.
2. Tiles
There are 25 tiles included in the game. They represent different plantations (spices, silk, tea) and ships. Tiles are drawn and placed on the game board during the auction phase of the game. Players bid on and purchase tiles to add to their plantation boards.
3. Plantation Boards
Each player receives a plantation board at the start of the game. This board is used to keep track of a player’s plantations and ships. Players place tiles they’ve purchased on their plantation boards, and these tiles contribute to a player’s production and points.
4. Wooden Pieces
The game includes wooden pieces that represent colonies, ships, and score markers. Each player has a set of wooden pieces in their chosen color. Colonies and ships are used to mark a player’s progress in the game, and score markers are used to track a player’s points on the scoring track.
5. Cards
Goa: A New Expedition includes two types of cards: expedition cards and action cards. Expedition cards represent various expeditions that players can embark on during the game. Action cards provide players with additional actions they can perform during their turn. Players draw cards during the draw phase of the game.
6. Dice
A single die is included in the game. The die is used during the expedition phase of the game. Players roll the die to determine the success of their expeditions.
7. Coins
Coins in Goa: A New Expedition serve as the game’s currency. Players use coins to bid on tiles during the auction phase of the game. Coins are earned through various actions throughout the game.
8. Spice Bags
The game includes four types of spice bags: pepper, cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg. These spices are used as resources in the game. Players collect spice bags through their plantations and use them to fulfill the requirements of their expedition cards.
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
Goa: A New Expedition is a strategic board game where players aim to build the most successful spice trade. The game setup involves several steps:
Step 1: Position the Game Board
Place the game board in the center of the playing area where it’s easily accessible to all players. The board should be set with the side appropriate for the number of players facing up.
Step 2: Sort the Tiles
Separate the tiles into eight stacks according to their backs. Shuffle each stack separately and place them face down next to the board. Afterward, draw one tile from each stack and place it on the corresponding space on the game board.
Step 3: Place the Cards
Shuffle the ship cards and place them face down as a draw pile next to the game board. Then, draw the top five cards and place them face up next to the draw pile.
Step 4: Set Up Player Components
Each player chooses a color and takes the matching player board, 4 ships, 15 colonists, and 20 spices of their color.
Every player places their score marker on the “0/50” space of the scoring track on the game board.
Each player places 3 colonists on their player board in the “Portugal” space and the remaining ones as a supply next to their board.
Each player places 1 ship on each of the three ship spaces on their player board.
Players place the spices in the corresponding spaces on their player board, following the numbers printed on the spaces.
Step 5: Determine the Starting Player
The youngest player is the starting player. They receive the starting player marker. The game can now begin!
Step 6: Initial Bidding
The starting player begins the first auction by choosing any available auction tile from the game board. The highest bidder gets the tile and the benefits associated with it. Bidding continues clockwise until each player has purchased a tile.
Remember that each round of Goa: A New Expedition involves two phases: the auction phase and the action phase. The game ends after four rounds, and the player with the highest score wins.
Game flow Round and round we go
Goa: A New Expedition is a strategic board game that requires players to manage resources and make decisions to increase their wealth. The game is divided into two main parts: the auction phase and the action phase.
Auction Phase:
- Plantation Tiles: At the beginning of each auction phase, plantation tiles are laid out on the game board. The number of tiles corresponds to the number of players. Each tile has a unique resource that it produces.
- Bidding: Starting from the first player, each player has the opportunity to bid on a plantation tile. The highest bidder pays their bid to the bank and takes the tile. The player who owned the tile receives nothing.
- End of Auction: The auction phase ends when all plantation tiles have been auctioned off.
Action Phase:
- Perform Actions: During the action phase, players can perform a variety of actions to increase their wealth and resources. These actions include: planting spices on their plantation tiles, building ships, advancing on the development track, and conducting expeditions.
- Expeditions: Expeditions are a unique feature of Goa: A New Expedition. They allow players to gain additional resources or abilities. To conduct an expedition, players must pay the required resources and move their expedition marker forward on the expedition track.
- End of Round: The action phase and the round end when all players have exhausted their actions. The game continues with a new auction phase.
The game of Goa: A New Expedition continues in this pattern for a set number of rounds (usually 8). The player with the most victory points at the end of the final round is declared the winner.
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
During a player’s turn in ‘Goa: A New Expedition’, they have the opportunity to perform a variety of actions that can influence their overall strategy and the progression of the game. Following is a detailed breakdown of the possible actions and strategic choices:
1. Auction Phase:
Each player has the chance to auction off one of the plantation tiles from their display. The auction follows a specific sequence:
- Starting the Auction: The active player selects a tile from their display and sets the starting bid.
- Bidding: In clockwise order, players can either pass or increase the bid. Once a player passes, they cannot bid again on that tile. The auction ends when all but one player has passed.
- Winning the Auction: The highest bidder pays their bid to the bank and takes the auctioned tile, placing it in their colony.
2. Action Phase:
After the auction phase, comes the action phase where each player can perform one action. The actions are:
- Plantation: The player can place a spice card from their hand onto one of their plantation tiles.
- Ship: The player may discard a number of spice cards to gain progress on the expedition track equal to the number of cards discarded.
- Build: The player can pay to build a building, which provides a variety of benefits.
- Upgrade: The player may pay to upgrade one of their existing buildings, increasing its effectiveness.
- Harvest: The player can harvest spices from their plantations.
- Expedition: The player can pay to progress on the expedition track, which provides various rewards.
Each of these actions can significantly affect gameplay. For example, building and upgrading buildings can enhance a player’s abilities, making it easier for them to accomplish their goals. On the other hand, focusing on plantations and harvest can provide a steady income of spices, which are essential for many actions. A player’s strategy should therefore be fluid and adaptable, taking into account their current position, the actions of their opponents, and the state of the game board.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
Goa: A New Expedition is a strategy board game that centers around spice trading in the 16th century. The game ends after a certain number of rounds, and the player with the most victory points is declared the winner. Let’s delve into the specifics of how and when the game ends, the victory conditions, and the actions players must take before final scoring.
The game of Goa: A New Expedition lasts for a specific number of rounds, typically eight. Each round consists of two phases: the auction phase and the action phase. Once all the rounds have been played, the game ends, and the final scoring takes place.
Victory Conditions:
- Most Victory Points: The primary victory condition in Goa: A New Expedition is having the most victory points at the end of the game. Players accumulate victory points during the game by achieving various milestones such as setting up colonies, acquiring spices, and advancing on their development tracks.
- Tie-Breaker: In the event of a tie, the player with the most money left is the winner. If there is still a tie, the player who is the furthest ahead on their expedition track wins. If there is still a tie, the player who has the most colonies wins.
Actions Players Must Take Before Final Scoring:
- Finalize Actions: Before the final scoring, each player must complete their last action phase. This includes concluding any remaining auctions, fulfilling the requirements for any colonies, and adjusting the development tracks.
- Count Victory Points: Each player then counts the victory points they have accumulated during the game. This includes points earned from colonies, spice cards, and development tracks. Make sure to also include any bonus points earned during the game.
- Calculate Money: After counting the victory points, each player calculates the amount of money they have left. This will be used in case of a tie-breaker.
- Check Expedition Track: Lastly, each player checks their position on the expedition track. This will also be used in case of a tie-breaker.
After all these steps are completed, the player with the most victory points is declared the winner of Goa: A New Expedition. If there is a tie, the tie-breaker rules come into effect.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
In the game ‘Goa: A New Expedition’, players earn points through various scoring mechanisms. These include development of spice plantations, progress on their development tracks, expedition cards, and bonus points.
1. Spice Plantations:
At the end of the game, players add up the points from their spice plantations. Each plantation has a specific value attributed to it.
- Pepper plantation: 1 point
- Clove plantation: 2 points
- Cinnamon plantation: 3 points
- Cardamon plantation: 4 points
2. Development Tracks:
Players earn points based on their progress on the five different development tracks, which are:
- Ships
- Colonies
- Harvest
- Taxes
- Expedition
The points awarded range from 1 to 7, depending on the player’s position on the track.
3. Expedition Cards:
Expedition cards can also award players with points. The points are depicted on the cards themselves and can vary depending on the card.
4. Bonus Points:
Players can earn bonus points in the following ways:
- 1 bonus point is awarded for each unused action card.
- 4 bonus points are given to the player with the most ships.
- 4 bonus points are given to the player with the most colonies.
In the event of a tie, the game has a set of tie-breaking rules. The first tie-breaker is the player with the most remaining money. If there is still a tie, then the player with the most ships is the winner. If a tie still remains, the player with the most colonies is declared the winner. If a tie persists, then the player with the most expedition cards wins.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
Goa: A New Expedition is a strategy board game with many intricate rules. Here are some of the rare, special and important rule clarifications for better understanding of the gameplay:
1. Rule Clarification on Expedition Cards: It’s important to note that all expedition cards must be used immediately when drawn and cannot be saved for later rounds. However, the special ability of a ship (drawn from the expedition cards) can be used in the same round it is drawn.
2. Rule Clarification on Bidding: During the auction phase, players cannot bid more than they can afford. If a player has no more money, they are not allowed to bid, even if they have resources they could potentially sell later.
3. Rule Clarification on Plantation Tiles: It’s important to understand that players can only place plantation tiles on empty provinces. A province that already contains a colony or plantation cannot be selected for a new plantation tile.
4. Exception on Victory Points: Usually, victory points are awarded based on players’ performances during the game. But, in a rare rule exception, players also receive victory points at the end of the game based on the level of development of their expedition track.
5. Special Rule on Colonies: In the special case of a tie in the number of colonies, the player who has reached the highest level in the colony track is the winner. If there’s still a tie, the player who has the highest total on all other tracks wins.
6. Rule Clarification on Ships: Players have to remember that they can only use ships to fulfill the requirements of expedition cards. Ships cannot be used to replace other resources in the game.
7. Exception on Game End: The game usually ends after eight rounds. However, if at any time during the game two piles of plantation tiles are emptied, the game ends immediately.
These rules, exceptions and clarifications provide some of the intricate details that make Goa: A New Expedition an engaging and challenging strategy board game.
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
Goa: A New Expedition is a dynamic strategy board game that requires careful planning, astute resource management, and smart strategy execution. Here are some advanced strategies, beginner tips, common mistakes to avoid, and ways to optimize gameplay:
Advanced Strategies:
- Resource Management: Allocate your resources wisely. This includes spices, ships, and colonists. Having a balanced resource pool will allow you to have a more versatile gameplay.
- Bidding and Auctioning: Use your money effectively during bidding and auctions. Sometimes, it’s worth paying more for a certain tile that fits your strategy.
- Exploitation of Plantations: Exploit your plantations to the max. Remember, plantation tiles can provide you with a steady supply of spices, which can be a game-changer in the later stages.
Beginner Tips:
- Understand the Basics: Before jumping into the game, make sure you understand the basic rules and mechanics. This will give you a solid foundation to build your strategy.
- Focus on Development: In the early stages of the game, focus on developing your colony as much as possible. This will give you a good start and put you in a better position for the later stages of the game.
- Practice: Practice makes perfect. The more you play, the better you’ll become at understanding the different strategies and making smart decisions.
Common Mistakes to Avoid:
- Overbidding: It’s easy to get caught up in the heat of the auction and overbid. Make sure you’re not spending more than you should for a tile.
- Ignoring Development: Don’t ignore the development of your colony. It’s important to constantly upgrade and expand to stay competitive.
- Not Balancing Resources: Don’t get too focused on one type of resource. A balanced resource pool is key to a versatile gameplay.
Optimizing Gameplay:
- Planning Ahead: Always be thinking one step ahead. Plan your moves in advance and consider the possible outcomes of each decision.
- Adapting Strategy: Don’t be afraid to adapt your strategy if things aren’t going as planned. Flexibility can often be the key to victory.
- Learning from Mistakes: Each game is a new learning experience. Learn from your mistakes and use them to improve your strategy for the next game.