Heaven & Ale
In Heaven & Ale, lead an ancient monastery's brewery, balancing resources and time to create the finest beer and outwit your opponents!
2 - 4
Medium Heavy

About the game
Welcome to the fascinating world of Heaven & Ale, a strategic board game that combines challenging decisions, resource management, and a unique scoring system. This game, designed by Michael Kiesling and Andreas Schmidt, can accommodate 2 to 4 players and typically lasts between 60 to 90 minutes.
The game is set in the tranquil and serene era of medieval monks, where players are abbots of a monastery. The intriguing theme of the game revolves around brewing the finest ale using the best ingredients. The catch, however, is that players have to cultivate their own ingredients, making the game a delightful blend of brewing and farming.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
Heaven & Ale is a complex and engaging board game that involves resource management and strategic planning. The game components serve specific roles to enrich gameplay and enhance the player’s experience. Here is a detailed list of all the components included in ‘Heaven & Ale’:
1. Game Board:
The game board is the central component of ‘Heaven & Ale’. It represents the landscape where players will place their resources. The board has several marked spaces where players can place their tiles to gather resources or perform actions. It also features a scoring track around the edges.
2. 4 Player Boards:
Each player has a personal board. This board is divided into a sunny side and a shady side, each side representing different potential benefits. Players place their resource tiles on these boards and use them to generate their resources and score points.
3. 24 Monastery Tokens (6 per player):
These tokens represent the monasteries that players can build on their player boards. They are placed on the board to help players generate resources and are key to the players’ strategies.
4. 28 Scoring Markers (7 per player):
These markers are used to keep track of the players’ scores on the scoring track that is present on the game board. Each player has their own set of scoring markers.
5. 100 Resource Tiles:
These tiles represent the five different resources in the game: barley, hops, yeast, wood, and water. Players collect these resources by placing their Monastery Tokens in the respective areas on the game board. The resources are used for various actions and can influence the players’ scores.
6. 25 Monk Tiles:
Monk Tiles are special tiles that players can acquire to enhance their resource production. They bring additional benefits and can be strategically used to gain an advantage in the game.
7. 20 Shed Tiles:
Shed Tiles are used in combination with other tiles on a player’s board to increase their potential for point scoring. They are placed on the player boards and work in conjunction with the resource tiles.
8. 5 Privilege Cards:
Privilege Cards provide players with unique abilities or advantages that can be used once per game. These cards can greatly influence the outcome of the game if used strategically.
9. 12 Scoring Cards:
Scoring Cards dictate the specific conditions for scoring in each round. They add a layer of unpredictability and strategy as players need to adapt their plans based on the current Scoring Card.
10. 4 Master Brewer Tokens (1 per player):
These tokens represent the players’ main figurehead that is moved around the game board to perform actions. Depending on where the Master Brewer is placed, players can determine which actions they can perform during their turn.
11. 1 Starting Player Marker:
This component indicates who is the starting player for the current round. The Starting Player Marker changes hands at the end of each round, giving each player the chance to be the first to act.
12. 1 Rulebook:
The rulebook provides a comprehensive explanation of the rules, setup, and gameplay of ‘Heaven & Ale’. It is an essential component for players to understand and enjoy the game.
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
Setting up the game ‘Heaven & Ale’ is a straightforward process. Follow the step-by-step guide provided below to ensure a proper setup:
Step 1: Prepare the Game Board
Lay out the main game board in the center of the playing area. Place the “first player” marker next to the game board. This is a marker that will be passed around the table to indicate who is currently the first player.
Step 2: Set Up Player Boards
Each player should take a player board. These boards each have a track for scoring points, spaces to hold resources, and areas for placing monks. Each player should place their scoring marker on the ‘0’ space of their scoring track.
Step 3: Distribute Initial Resources
Each player starts the game with a certain number of resources. These resources are represented by wooden pieces in different shapes and colors. Each player starts with:
- 2 water droplets
- 1 grain
- 1 hop
- 1 yeast
- 1 wood
Each player should place these resources in the appropriate spaces on their player board.
Step 4: Organize the Resource Tiles
There are several types of resource tiles that are used in the game. These tiles should be sorted into separate stacks by type and placed next to the game board. Each stack should be shuffled and placed face down.
Step 5: Prepare the Monk Tiles
Monk Tiles are special tiles that give players unique abilities. These tiles should be shuffled and placed in a face-down stack next to the game board. The top 3 tiles should be turned face up and placed next to this stack.
Step 6: Random Elements
The game includes a few random elements to add variety to each playthrough. These include:
- The order of the resource tiles: The resource tiles are shuffled and placed face down, so players do not know which tiles will come up next.
- The monk tiles: The monk tiles are also shuffled and placed face down, so players do not know which special abilities will be available.
With these steps completed, you’re ready to start your quest for the best brew in ‘Heaven & Ale’!
Game flow Round and round we go
Heaven & Ale is a complex strategic board game where players take on the role of a monastery’s abbot, with the goal of brewing the best beer by cultivating resources in a monastery garden. The game is played over several rounds, each consisting of a series of phases.
Game Setup:
- Each player receives a player board, two monk figures, 36 resource discs, and 24 barrel tokens.
- The game board is populated with tiles, with resource tiles placed face up and the brewmaster and priviledges tiles placed face down.
- The scoring marker for each player is placed on the scoring track.
- The gameplay is divided into distinct phases: the Action Phase and the Scoring Phase.
Action Phase:
- The Action Phase is the main part of the game. In turn order, players move their monk along the game board’s outer track to land on a tile space. The player can choose to either buy the tile or activate it.
- If a player chooses to buy the tile, they pay the cost according to the spot they landed on and place the tile onto their player board on either the shady or sunny side. Each side has different effects and benefits.
- If a player chooses to activate the tile, they use one of their resource discs to trigger the tile’s effect. This is also the step where players can choose to brew beer if they have the necessary resources.
- Players repeat these actions until all players have passed, then proceed to the Scoring Phase.
Scoring Phase:
- In the Scoring Phase, players calculate the points they have accumulated based on the tiles on their player board and the beer they have brewed.
- Points are awarded based on the value of the resources used, the tiles activated, and extra points are given for any beer brewed.
- After scoring, a new round begins with the Action Phase. The game continues until a set number of rounds have been completed, at which point the player with the most points wins.
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
Heaven & Ale is a strategic board game where players take on the role of monks, managing their own monasteries. During each player’s turn, there are several possible actions and strategic choices. Each of these influences the gameplay in different ways.
Moving the Monk
During a player’s turn, they can choose to move their monk along the game board. The distance they move will determine which tile they can pick up. However, moving further along the board means potentially missing out on other valuable tiles. Therefore, this decision involves careful planning and strategy.
Collecting Tiles
Once a player has moved their monk, they can then collect the tile from that space. These tiles represent different resources, such as barley or water, that can be used in the brewing process. The choice of tile also affects the player’s strategic options, as different resources have different uses and values.
Placing Tiles
After collecting a tile, the player then places it on their monastery board. The placement of these tiles is crucial as it determines the yield of resources and the scoring at the end of the game. Players must balance between maximizing their resources and optimizing their scoring opportunities.
- Resource Tiles: These are placed on the dark side of the monastery board. They generate resources when activated.
- Monk Tiles: These are placed on the light side of the monastery board. They can activate resource tiles and provide scoring opportunities.
Activating Tiles
Players can choose to activate their tiles during their turn. Activating a tile generates the resources it represents, which can then be used to brew ale. However, activating a tile also means it can’t be used again until it’s reactivated, which requires specific monk tiles. Therefore, the timing of activation is a key strategic decision.
Brewing Ale
Finally, once players have collected enough resources, they can choose to brew ale. This is the primary way to score points in the game. However, brewing requires a balance of resources, and brewing too early or with insufficient resources can result in lower scores.
In summary, each turn in Heaven & Ale involves a series of strategic decisions, from moving the monk and collecting and placing tiles, to activating tiles and brewing ale. Each of these choices affects the player’s resource management, scoring opportunities, and overall strategy in the game.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
The game of ‘Heaven & Ale’ ends when all players have moved their pawn around the game board and have reached or passed the starting space. It is important to note that players cannot continue to move their pawn once they have passed the starting space, signifying the end of their play.
Once all players have ended their movement, the game progresses to the final scoring phase. This involves several steps that must be taken by each player:
- Monk Scoring: Players calculate the total number of monks they have on their player boards and score the corresponding points on the scoring track.
- Resource Scoring: Each player then calculates the total score for each of their five resource types (grain, hops, yeast, wood, and water). The score for each resource is determined by multiplying the number of that resource by the level of the corresponding resource marker on the player’s scoring track.
- Brewmaster Scoring: The player’s brewmaster score is then calculated. This score is equal to the player’s brewmaster’s position on the scoring track multiplied by the number of resources that the brewmaster has surpassed. If the brewmaster hasn’t surpassed any resource, the player’s brewmaster score is zero.
- Shed Scoring: Each player then scores additional points for any sheds they have on their player board. The points scored depends on the level of the shed and the number of different resources stored in it.
The player with the highest total score after all these steps is the winner of the game. If there is a tie, the player with the most money left is the winner. If there is still a tie, the player who reached the start space first wins.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
‘Heaven & Ale’ is a board game that requires a great deal of strategy and planning. The scoring system is complex but it adds to the depth and enjoyment of the game. Here is a breakdown of the scoring system:
1. Scoring for the brewmaster track:
- At the end of the game, each player will multiply the position of their brewmaster on the brewmaster track by the position of their least advanced resource marker on the resource track. The result is the player’s score for this category.
2. Scoring for the scoring tiles:
- Each player will also score points for their scoring tiles. The value of each scoring tile is multiplied by the position of the corresponding resource marker on the resource track.
3. Scoring for the monastery spaces:
- Players will earn points based on the monastery spaces on their player board. Each monastery space that is completely surrounded by brewery tiles (either resource or monk tiles) is worth points equal to the number on the space.
4. Scoring for the leftover money:
- Finally, players will earn 1 point for every 5 coins they have left at the end of the game.
Tie-breaking rules:
If two or more players end up with the same number of points, the following rules are used to break the tie:
- The player with the highest position on the brewmaster track wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player with the most advanced resource marker on the resource track wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player with the most coins wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player who is first in the turn order wins.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
Heaven & Ale is a complex board game with several special rules and exceptions that may not be immediately apparent. Some of these rules are:
1. Monastery Tiles:
- Monastery tiles do not produce resources. Instead, they increase the value of adjacent resource tiles when scoring.
- Monastery tiles do not require a brewmaster to score.
2. Scoring the Resource Track:
- It’s important to note that only resources on the ‘active’ side of the scoring disc are counted towards your score.
- The score for each resource is the product of the resource’s quantity and the corresponding brewmaster’s position.
- If the resource track marker and the brewmaster marker are on the same space at the end of the game, the resource is not scored.
3. Shed Tiles and Scoring:
- Each player can only have a maximum of three shed tiles on their board.
- Shed tiles must be placed on the shady side of the player board.
- Shed tiles provide a one-time bonus when placed, but do not contribute to scoring.
4. End of Game Scoring:
- The game ends when all the tiles on the main game board have been picked up.
- Final scoring includes points for resources, brewmaster position, remaining money, and completed orders.
- The player with the most points at the end of the game wins. In case of a tie, the player with the most money wins.
5. Rule Clarifications:
- When a player moves their monk to an empty space on the main game board, they do not have to acquire a tile. They can choose to pass their turn instead.
- Players can choose to discard a tile instead of placing it on their player board, but they still have to pay the cost of the tile.
- Players cannot place a tile on a space that already has a tile.
- The resource track and brewmaster markers cannot move past the end of their respective tracks.
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
Advanced Strategies
When playing Heaven & Ale, it’s important to have a strategic plan in place. Here are a few advanced strategies:
- Scoring Tiles: Try to obtain scoring tiles early in the game. They can provide a significant bonus at the end of the game, but it’s important to balance this with your other actions.
- Resource Management: Manage your resources wisely. Make sure you have enough resources to purchase monks, resource tiles, and scoring tiles throughout the game.
- Master Brewer: Use the master brewer effectively. Moving the brewer strategically can help you score more points.
Beginner Tips
For those new to Heaven & Ale, here are some useful tips:
- Learn the Basics: Understand the basic rules and mechanics of the game. This includes knowing how to move your pawn, how to purchase and place tiles, and how to manage your resources.
- Plan Ahead: Try to plan your actions in advance. This can help you make the most of your turns and avoid wasting resources.
- Balance: Balance is key in this game. Make sure to evenly distribute your resources and not focus too heavily on one aspect of the game.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
Here are some common mistakes to avoid when playing Heaven & Ale:
- Not planning ahead: This can lead to wasted turns and resources.
- Not balancing your resources: Focusing too heavily on one type of resource can lead to a lack of diversity, which can hurt your score at the end of the game.
- Ignoring the master brewer: The master brewer is a powerful tool in this game. Ignoring it can result in missed opportunities to score points.
Ways to Optimize Gameplay
Here are some ways to optimize your gameplay in Heaven & Ale:
- Efficient Movement: Use your pawn’s movement efficiently. Moving too far can result in missed opportunities, but moving too slowly can also be detrimental.
- Resource Optimization: Make the most of your resources. Try to use them in the most efficient way possible to score the most points.
- Strategic Tile Placement: Place your tiles strategically on the board. The location of your tiles can have a big impact on your score.