

Jaipur is a thrilling blend of tactics, risk, and luck. As a powerful trader, buy, exchange, and sell goods, strategically use your camels, and outsmart your opponent to gain the coveted seals of excellence.


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About the game

Welcome to the enchanting world of Jaipur, a fast-paced card game that takes you to the heart of Rajasthan, India’s vibrant and colorful state. You and your opponent assume the roles of ambitious merchants vying for the Maharaja’s favor in the bustling markets of India’s pink city.

The essence of Jaipur lies in its core mechanics – a blend of risk management, strategy, and a dash of luck. The game revolves around the clever acquisition and sale of goods (cards), building a successful trade empire, and ultimately earning the Maharaja’s favor (points).

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Setup and rules summary

Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go

Jaipur is a fast-paced card game designed for two players. The game revolves around trading and selling goods to earn points, and the player with the most points at the end of the game is the winner. The following steps guide you through setting up a game of Jaipur.

Step 1: Setting Up The Market

To start, place the three camels in the center of the table to create the market. Then, shuffle the rest of the deck and place five cards face up in the market. The market always must contain five cards, so if ever it contains less than five, replenish it from the deck.

Step 2: Distributing Player Cards

Each player is dealt a hand of five cards from the deck. If a player receives any camels, they must place them in front of themselves on the table (this is their personal herd) and draw new cards until they have five non-camel cards in their hand.

Step 3: Sorting the Tokens

Next, sort the tokens by goods type (diamonds, gold, silver, cloth, spices, leather) and arrange them in descending order of value. Place these goods tokens near the market where both players can reach them.

Step 4: Placing the Bonus Tokens

Shuffle the bonus tokens of each type (3, 4 and 5) and place them face down near the goods tokens. These bonus tokens are awarded to players who sell three, four, or five goods of the same type at once.

Step 5: Placing the Camel Tokens

Place the camel token near the goods and bonus tokens. This token is given to the player with the most camels at the end of the round.

Step 6: Preparing to Play

Now that everything is in place, you’re ready to play. The youngest player goes first. On your turn, you can either take cards from the market or sell cards from your hand. The goal is to collect and sell cards to earn the most points. Play continues until the deck is exhausted or three types of goods tokens are depleted. The player with the most points wins the round, and the first player to win two rounds wins the game.

Game flow Round and round we go

Jaipur is a fast-paced card game for two players with a blend of tactics, risk and luck. The game is played in rounds, with each player’s turn consisting of several possible actions. The game continues for a number of rounds until a winner is determined.


  • Shuffle the cards and deal five to each player.
  • Set up the market by revealing two camel cards and three goods cards.
  • Place the rest of the deck and the tokens within reach of both players.


The player’s turn may consist of one of two possible actions:

  1. Taking Cards: The player may take cards from the market in the following ways:
    • Take several goods of different types.
    • Take all the camels (these are placed in a player’s ‘herd’, separate from their hand).
    • Exchange cards with the market: the player can swap any number of cards from their hand for an equal number of goods and/or camels.
  2. Selling Cards: The player may sell cards from their hand to earn tokens. At least two cards of the same type must be sold together, except for diamond, gold and silver goods.
    • The player takes tokens equal to the number of goods sold.
    • Bonus tokens are awarded for selling three or more goods of the same type in a single turn.

Round End:

A round ends when either three types of goods tokens are depleted or when the draw deck is empty at the end of a turn. The player with the most camels in their herd gains the camel token. The player with the highest total value of tokens (including the camel token) wins the round and receives a ‘Seal of Excellence’. The first player to earn two Seals of Excellence wins the game.

Players'turn One turn to rule them all

In Jaipur, a fast-paced card game, players are traders in India’s capital city of Jaipur. The goal is to earn the most points by buying, selling, and exchanging goods (represented by cards) at the market. Each player’s turn in Jaipur consists of several possible actions. Here’s a breakdown of these actions:

Taking Cards

A player may take one or more goods cards from the market.

  • Single Card: A player may take a single goods card of any type from the market. The market is then replenished with a card from the deck.
  • Multiple Cards: A player may also choose to take multiple goods cards, but they must be of the same type. The player must replace the taken cards from their hand.
  • All Camels: A player may choose to take all camel cards present in the market. These are not replaced from the deck. Instead, they are placed in front of the player and can be used for future trades.

Selling Cards

A player may sell goods from their hand. However, the player must follow these rules:

  • Multiple Cards: All sold goods must be of the same type, and a player must sell at least two cards of the same type, unless the good is diamonds, gold or silver. In that case, a player can sell one card.
  • Tokens: In exchange for the sold goods, the player receives tokens equal to the number of cards sold. These tokens have various point values.

Swapping Cards

A player may choose to swap goods cards from the market with cards from their hand. The rules for swapping are:

  • Equal Numbers: The number of cards a player takes from the market must be equal to the number of cards they give.
  • Camels: A player may use their camel cards for swapping.

Strategically, players need to balance gaining the most valuable goods, while also trying to accumulate large quantities of less valuable goods. The game ends when three types of goods tokens are depleted, or the deck runs out of cards. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.

End of the game All good games must come to an end

The game of ‘Jaipur’ concludes when one of the two conditions is met: either one player has taken 2 out of 3 ‘Camel Lord’ tokens or three piles of goods tokens are exhausted. Once one of these conditions is fulfilled, the round ends immediately and scoring takes place.

Victory Conditions:

  • The player with the most points at the end of a round wins a ‘Seal of Excellence’. The game consists of several rounds, and the first player to win two ‘Seals of Excellence’ wins the game.

  • If both players have the same amount of points at the end of a round, the player with the most bonus tokens (either from selling 3, 4, or 5 cards of the same goods at once) wins the ‘Seal of Excellence’.

  • If there is still a tie, the player with the most goods tokens wins the ‘Seal of Excellence’.

Actions Before Final Scoring:

Before final scoring, players must follow these steps:

  1. Count Goods Tokens: Each player adds up the points on their goods tokens.

  2. Count Bonus Tokens: Each player adds the points from their bonus tokens to their goods tokens’ points.

  3. Count Camel Tokens: The player with the most camels at the end of the round takes the ‘Camel Lord’ token, worth 5 points, and adds it to their score.

The player with the highest total score is the winner of the round and receives a ‘Seal of Excellence’. The game continues with a new round, or if a player has won two ‘Seals of Excellence’, they are declared the overall winner of ‘Jaipur’.

Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?

‘Jaipur’ is a strategic card game where players take on the roles of two of the most powerful traders in the city of Jaipur, aiming to earn the highest amount of points through clever trading and selling of goods. The scoring system in ‘Jaipur’ is as follows:

Goods and Bonus Tokens:

Players earn points by selling goods. Each type of good has its own set of points ranging from 1 to 7. These points are represented by tokens. The value of the tokens decreases as more are taken, meaning it’s to the player’s advantage to sell that type of good quickly.

  • Leather: 1-4 points each.
  • Spices: 1-5 points each.
  • Cloth: 1-5 points each.
  • Silver: 5 points each.
  • Gold: 5-6 points each.
  • Diamonds: 5-7 points each.

Bonus Tokens:

Players can also earn bonus tokens by selling multiple goods of the same type at once. The more goods sold at once, the higher the points earned from bonus tokens. These points range from 1 to 10.

Camel Bonus Token:

The player with the most camels at the end of each round receives the ‘camel bonus token’ which is worth 5 points.

End of Round:

At the end of each round, players add up the points from their goods tokens, bonus tokens, and camel bonus token. The player with the highest total wins the round and receives a ‘Seal of Excellence’. The game ends when a player has won two Seals of Excellence.

Tie-breaking Rules:

In the event of a tie, the player with the most bonus tokens wins. If there is still a tie, the player with the most goods tokens wins. If a tie still persists, the player who claimed the camel bonus token wins. If no one has claimed the camel bonus token, the game is a draw.

Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?

Jaipur is a fast-paced card game for two players with a blend of tactics, risk and luck. Although the basic rules of Jaipur are fairly straightforward, there are a few special rules and exceptions that require clarification:

Exception 1: Trading with the market

In the game, you can buy, sell, or trade goods with the market. However, there is a rule that if you want to take more than one card, you must trade in the same number of cards from your hand. This rule does not apply if you are taking just one card.

Exception 2: Camel cards

Camel cards are unique in that they do not go into your hand. Instead, they are placed in front of you. The Camel cards are used for trading purposes and they do not count towards your hand limit. Also, at the end of the game, the player with the most Camel cards earns a bonus of 5 points.

Exception 3: The three-card rule

When selling cards, you must sell at least one card of the selected type. However, for diamonds, gold and silver, you must sell a minimum of two cards. This adds a strategic element to the game, as players must decide when to sell these precious commodities for maximum profit.

Rule clarification: Running out of tokens

If there are no more tokens of a certain type left, you can no longer sell goods of that type. This rule encourages players to sell their goods early in the game to ensure they receive tokens.

Rule clarification: Game end conditions

The game ends when three types of goods tokens are depleted, or when the deck runs out of cards. This means the game can end even if some players still have cards in their hands that they have not yet had a chance to sell.

Rule clarification: Tie-breaking

In the event of a tie in the final scoring, the player with the most bonus tokens wins. If there is still a tie, the player with the most goods tokens wins. If there is still a tie, the player who went first in the last round is the winner.