
Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game

Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game invites you to step into the Marvel Comics universe, choose your favorite heroes and mastermind villains, and engage in exciting battles. With strategic gameplay and a dynamic deck, every game is a unique experience!

Average play time 60

Number of player(s) 1 - 5


About the game

Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game is a thrilling and immersive board game that transports players into the heart of the Marvel Universe. In this game, you get to dive deep into the roles of your favorite Marvel superheroes as you strategize, cooperate, and battle against some of the most notorious Marvel supervillains.

The game is set in the dynamic and colorful Marvel Universe. From the bustling streets of New York City to the mysterious cosmos, the setting mirrors the diverse and expansive locations seen in Marvel comics and movies. Each game provides a different scenario, with various villains, schemes, and heroes, offering an unpredictable and unique gaming experience each time.

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Setup and rules summary

Game components Unboxing the fun!

Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game is a strategic board game that requires players to recruit and assemble a team of Marvel superheroes to defeat the evil mastermind. Here are the game components and their functionalities:

1. Game Board

The Game Board is the main interface of the game. It features different areas for placing cards such as the HQ, Villain deck, Hero deck, and the city. It helps to organize the game and guide players through their turns.

2. Legendary Deck

The Legendary Deck contains both Hero cards and Villain cards. Players draw from the Hero deck to recruit new heroes while Villain cards are drawn by players to introduce new threats to the city.

3. Hero Cards

Hero Cards represent various Marvel superheroes with different abilities. Players recruit these cards to their deck using recruitment points, and they provide new abilities and attack power to the players.

4. Villain Cards

The Villain Cards represent the adversaries in the game. They are drawn from the Villain deck and placed in the city, moving from left to right. If they reach the end of the city, they escape, causing negative effects for the players.

5. Mastermind Cards

Mastermind Cards represent the main antagonist of the game. Players must defeat the Mastermind four times to win the game. Each Mastermind has special abilities and is accompanied by a specific group of Villains.

6. Scheme Cards

The Scheme Cards determine the unique conditions for each game, which can influence the difficulty and strategy required to win. The Scheme card also determines how the Mastermind’s plot progresses and potentially ends the game.

7. Bystander Cards

Bystander Cards are neutral cards that can be captured by Villains or saved by Heroes. If a Villain captures a Bystander, it increases their strength and makes them harder to defeat.

8. Wound Cards

When a player’s heroes take damage, they acquire Wound Cards. These cards clog up a player’s deck and provide no benefits, but can be healed under certain conditions.

9. S.H.I.E.L.D. Officer Cards

S.H.I.E.L.D. Officer Cards are always available for recruitment and provide both recruitment and attack points, making them a versatile addition to any player’s deck.

Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go

Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game is an exciting game that brings together the superheroes of the Marvel Universe. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to set up the game:

Step 1: Understand Player Roles

In Legendary, all players are Shield agents, trying to recruit enough superheroes to stop a Mastermind and their evil Scheme. Players cooperate to defeat the Mastermind and save the world, but only the player who scores the most Victory Points is the true winner.

Step 2: Setting Up the Game Board

Place the game board in the center of your playing area. The board includes spaces for the Hero Deck, Villain Deck, city, Mastermind, and S.H.I.E.L.D Officers.

Step 3: Creating the Hero Deck

To create the Hero Deck, select 5 different Hero groups. A Hero group is defined as all the cards with the same Hero name. Shuffle these Hero groups together, and place the deck face down in the Hero Deck space on the board.

Step 4: Creating the Villain Deck

Choose a Mastermind to fight against, and put it on the Mastermind space. Each Mastermind has a specific group of Villains associated with it, and you add those to the Villain deck. In addition, add 2 other groups of Villains, and 1 group of Henchmen. Shuffle the chosen Villain cards, Scheme Twist cards, Master Strike cards, and Bystander cards together to form the Villain Deck, and place it face down on the Villain Deck space.

Step 5: Setting Up the Initial Resources

Each player starts with a deck consisting of 8 S.H.I.E.L.D Agent cards and 4 S.H.I.E.L.D Trooper cards. These cards form the player’s starting deck, and they draw 6 cards as their initial hand.

Step 6: Dealing with Random Elements

The game has a number of random elements. The order of cards in the Hero and Villain Decks, and the order in which players draw their cards, can influence the events of the game. Players must adapt their strategies accordingly.

Now you’re all set to play Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game! Enjoy the game and may the best S.H.I.E.L.D agent win!

Game flow Round and round we go

Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game is a strategic game that allows players to recruit and build a team of superheroes from the Marvel Universe to defeat the evil Mastermind. The game is played in rounds, with each player taking turns to execute actions. Below is a detailed structure of the game.

Game Setup:

  1. Choose a Mastermind: Every game has one Mastermind. The Mastermind card is placed on the Mastermind space on the game board.
  2. Select Scheme: Each game has a different Scheme which describes the Mastermind’s evil plot. The selected Scheme card is put next to the Mastermind.
  3. Build the Villain Deck: This deck consists of Henchmen, Villains, Scheme Twists, and Master Strikes. The number of these cards depends on the number of players.
  4. Select Heroes: Players decide which Marvel heroes to include in the Hero Deck. The number of Heroes is usually 5, but can be more depending on the Scheme.
  5. Shuffle the Hero Deck: Shuffle the selected Hero cards and place them facedown on the Hero Deck space on the game board.
  6. Deal Starting Decks: Each player is given a starting deck consisting of 8 S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents and 4 S.H.I.E.L.D. Troopers.
  7. Set up the HQ: Draw the top five cards from the Hero Deck and place them face up in the five spaces of the HQ.

Gameplay: The game proceeds in turns, with each player’s turn consisting of three phases:

  1. Villain Phase: The active player reveals the top card of the Villain Deck. Depending on the card revealed, different actions may occur such as placing a new Villain in the city, triggering a Scheme Twist, or activating a Master Strike.
  2. Recruit Heroes Phase: Players use the recruit points on their cards to recruit Heroes from the HQ. Recruited Heroes go to the player’s discard pile to be drawn and used in later rounds.
  3. Fight Phase: Players use the attack points on their cards to fight Villains in the city or the Mastermind. Defeated Villains are placed in the player’s victory pile and may grant rewards.

End of Game: The game ends when either the players have defeated the Mastermind four times, or the Villain Deck runs out, or the Mastermind’s scheme is successful. If the players defeat the Mastermind, they win the game collectively, but the player with the most Victory Points in their victory pile is the individual winner.

Players'turn One turn to rule them all

‘Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game’ is an immersive game that allows players to step into the world of Marvel superheroes. During each turn, players will have the opportunity to recruit heroes, fight villains, and ultimately thwart the Mastermind’s scheme. Here’s a detailed breakdown of a player’s turn:

A player’s turn primarily consists of two phases: the Villain Phase and the Hero Phase.

Villain Phase:

  1. Draw a card from the Villain Deck: The player must draw the top card from the Villain Deck and carry out its effects. This card could be a Villain, a Scheme Twist, or a Master Strike. The drawn card can affect the game board and the player’s strategic choices.
  2. Resolve the card’s effects: Depending on the card drawn, the player will need to follow the instructions on the card. If it’s a Villain, it enters the city. If it’s a Scheme Twist or Master Strike, the effects can vary widely and can significantly impact the game strategy.

Hero Phase:

  1. Play Hero cards from your hand: The player can play cards from their hand to generate two key resources – Attack (symbolized by a red claw mark) and Recruit (symbolized by a yellow star). These resources are used to recruit new Heroes and fight Villains respectively.
  2. Recruit new Heroes: If the player has generated enough Recruit points, they can add a new Hero from the HQ to their discard pile. This new Hero can be used in later turns and can strengthen the player’s deck.
  3. Fight Villains: If the player generates enough Attack points, they can fight a Villain in the city or even the Mastermind. Defeating Villains and Mastermind can earn the player Victory Points and special effects that can enhance their gameplay.

Lastly, the player ends their turn by drawing six new cards from their deck to form their next hand. If their deck is empty, they shuffle their discard pile to form a new deck. The turn then passes to the next player.

The strategic choices a player makes during their turn can greatly affect the outcome of the game. Deciding when to recruit new Heroes, which Villains to fight, and how to handle the effects of the Villain Deck can mean the difference between victory and defeat. Therefore, understanding the game mechanics and planning your moves wisely is key to mastering ‘Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game’.

End of the game All good games must come to an end

Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game is a cooperative game where players work together to defeat a super-villain and his minions. The game ends under two primary conditions: when the players have either defeated the super-villain or when the super-villain completes his nefarious scheme.

Victory Conditions:

  1. Defeating the Super-Villain:The players win the game if they manage to defeat the super-villain. This is achieved by generating enough attack power on their turn to overcome the super-villain’s health points. Each super-villain has a different amount of health points, so the requirement to defeat them varies.
  2. Completing the Scheme: In some cases, the super-villain’s scheme might be beneficial to the heroes. If the scheme is completed in favour of the heroes, they win the game. Each scheme has unique completion conditions, which are outlined on the scheme card.

Game End Actions:

  • Final Scoring: If the players have defeated the super-villain or completed the scheme, they proceed to final scoring. Each player counts the victory points on the cards in their deck. The player with the most victory points is declared the winner. In the event of a tie, the player with the most bystander cards in their deck wins.
  • Resolving Ties: If there is still a tie after considering the number of bystander cards, the player who has the most hero cards in their deck wins. If there is still a tie, the victory is shared among the tied players.

Defeat Conditions:

  1. Completing the Scheme: If the super-villain completes his scheme before the players can defeat him, the game ends immediately and the players lose. Each scheme has unique losing conditions, which are outlined on the scheme card.
  2. Hero Deck Runs Out: If the hero deck runs out of cards and the players are unable to draw a new hand at the end of their turn, the game ends immediately and the players lose.

At the end of the game, whether it results in victory or defeat, all cards are returned to their respective decks, and the game is reset for the next play.

Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?

The scoring system in ‘Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game’ revolves around Victory Points (VP), which players earn throughout the game by defeating villains and masterminds. Let’s delve into the specifics of the scoring system:

Victory Points (VP):

  • Every time a player defeats a villain or mastermind, they earn the corresponding Victory Points. The number of points is indicated on the bottom left of the villain or mastermind card.
  • At the end of the game, players add up all the Victory Points from the villains and masterminds they defeated.


  • When a player rescues a bystander, they keep the bystander card until the end of the game. Each bystander card is worth 1 Victory Point.

Scheme Twists:

  • Some schemes in the game may grant or deduct Victory Points based on specific conditions. These points are added or subtracted from the player’s total Victory Points at the end of the game.

After the mastermind has been defeated and the game is over, the player with the highest total of Victory Points is the winner.

If two or more players have the same number of Victory Points, the game has tie-breaking rules to determine the winner:

  1. The player who has the most bystander cards wins the game. This rewards players who took the time to rescue bystanders during the game.
  2. If there is still a tie, the player who has the highest-cost hero in their deck wins the game. This rewards players who managed to recruit powerful heroes.
  3. If there is still a tie, all tied players share the victory.

Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?

In Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game, there are a number of special rules and exceptions that can significantly impact gameplay. Understanding these rules is crucial to mastering the game.

Mastermind Tactics

The Mastermind card contains unique tactics which are special rules for each Mastermind. When a Mastermind tactic is drawn, the rule on that card must be immediately followed, sometimes leading to surprising outcomes.

Villain Groups

Each Villain group has a special ability that stays active as long as any member of that group is in the city. These abilities can change the dynamics of the game significantly and should be taken into account during gameplay.

Wound Cards

While wound cards typically have a negative effect on a player’s deck, certain character cards like Wolverine can turn these into an advantage. This is a rare exception to the general rule that wound cards are detrimental.

Scheme Twist Cards

Scheme Twist cards can drastically change the rules of the game. When a Scheme Twist card is drawn, its instructions must be immediately followed. The effects of these cards often persist until another Scheme Twist card is drawn.

Rule Clarifications:

  • Hero Deck: Each player begins the game with a preset deck of 12 cards. This deck cannot be modified before the game begins. The deck can only be built upon during gameplay through recruitment of heroes.
  • Bystanders: Bystanders can be captured by villains. However, players can rescue them to earn victory points. A common misunderstanding is that captured bystanders can be directly attacked by players; this is not the case.
  • Master Strike: When a Master Strike occurs, it affects all players, not just the one who drew the card. This is a common point of confusion among new players.

These rules and clarifications should provide a deeper understanding of the game and help players devise effective strategies.

Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!

Advanced Strategies:

1. Team Synergy: Always aim to build a synergistic deck. Cards from the same team often have synergy, making them more powerful when used together. For instance, pairing Avengers or X-Men cards together can yield impressive results.

2. Mastermind Focus: Concentrate your efforts on defeating the Mastermind early if your deck allows it. The longer the Mastermind remains, the more Scheme Twists they can potentially draw, making the game incrementally harder.

3. Recruit Points: Don’t underestimate the power of recruit points. They allow you to build your deck quickly, and the more powerful heroes you have, the better your chances of winning.

4. Villain Deck: Keep a close eye on the villain deck and adapt your strategies based on the villains that are drawn. Some villains require specific strategies to defeat.

Beginner Tips:

1. Understanding the Game: The first thing any new player should do is familiarize themselves with the game rules, cards, and their abilities. Understanding how these elements interact is crucial to building a strong deck and strategy.

2. Deck Building: When building your deck, focus on a balanced mix of attack and recruit cards. Too many of one type can leave you vulnerable in other areas.

3. Hero Selection: Choose heroes whose abilities complement each other. This synergy can make your deck more effective, even if the individual cards aren’t especially strong.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

1. Ignoring Scheme Twists: One common mistake players make is not taking Scheme Twists into account. These cards can drastically change the game, and failure to adapt can lead to a quick loss.

2. Overlooking Wounds: Another common mistake is disregarding wound cards. Too many in your deck can severely hinder your progress, so try to avoid taking wounds whenever possible.

3. Undervaluing Low-Cost Cards: Low-cost cards might not seem as impressive as high-cost ones, but they can be incredibly useful for maintaining a balanced deck and providing the flexibility needed to adapt to changing situations.

Ways to Optimize Gameplay:

1. Master the Game Mechanics: The more you understand about the game mechanics, the better you’ll be able to strategize and optimize your gameplay. Read the rulebook, play the game multiple times, and learn from each experience.

2. Flexibility: Maintain flexibility in your deck and your strategy. The game can change quickly, and the ability to adapt is crucial.

3. Cooperative Play: Remember, Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game is a cooperative game. Collaborating with other players and coordinating your strategies can greatly improve your chances of success.