Long Shot: The Dice Game
Experience the thrill of the racetrack in Long Shot: The Dice Game. Strategize, bet, and use special abilities to steer your horse to victory. Remember, the biggest earnings win!
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About the game
Welcome to the thrilling world of Long Shot: The Dice Game! This captivating board game is a dynamic experience that combines the thrill of horse racing with the unpredictability of dice rolls. Set in the glamorous and frenzied atmosphere of a racetrack, the game provides a blend of strategy, luck, and competition that is sure to captivate players of all ages.
Long Shot: The Dice Game is a game where you are not just a spectator but an active participant in the horse races. As an owner, you’ll be buying horses, placing bets, and using your cunning to outsmart other players. The game’s theme is deeply rooted in the exciting world of horse racing and it’s designed to make you feel the tension, the excitement, and the thrill of being at the racetrack.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
In ‘Long Shot: The Dice Game’, each component plays an important role in the game’s dynamics. Here’s a breakdown of every component and their specific roles:
1. 8 Horse Cards:
- Function: Represents the horses that players can buy, bet on, and cheer for during the game.
- Interaction: Players can buy these cards and earn money if the horse they own wins or places in the race. They can also bet on any horse, not just the ones they own.
2. 40 Horse Betting Cards:
- Function: Used for placing bets on horses.
- Interaction: Players place bets using these cards. If the horse they bet on wins, places, or shows, they collect money based on odds listed on the horse card.
3. 2 Dice:
- Function: Determines the horse that advances and the action available to players.
- Interaction: On a player’s turn, they roll both dice. The number on the white die indicates which horse advances. The number on the colored die corresponds to a list of actions that a player can take on their turn.
4. 40 Money Chips:
- Function: Represents the currency in the game.
- Interaction: Players use these chips to buy horse cards, place bets, and pay for other expenses. They also receive these chips as winnings from successful bets and from owning winning horses.
5. 8 Dry Erase Markers:
- Function: Used for marking bets on horse betting cards.
- Interaction: Players use these markers to write their bets on the horse betting cards. They can erase and change their bets as the game progresses.
6. 1 Race Track Board:
- Function: Displays the progress of the horse race.
- Interaction: Each horse has a corresponding track on the board. When a horse advances, its marker is moved forward on its track. The first horse to reach the finish line wins the race.
7. 8 Horse Tokens:
- Function: Represents the horses on the race track board.
- Interaction: These tokens are moved along the track on the board to show the progress of each horse in the race.
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
Long Shot: The Dice Game is an exciting, fast-paced game where players place bets on horse races. The game combines elements of chance and strategy, with players using dice to determine the outcomes of the races. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to set up the game:
Step 1: Prepare the Game Components
- Open the box and lay out all the game components. This includes the game board, dice, horse tokens, player pawns, money, cards and betting slips.
- Place the game board in the middle of the playing area.
- Place all the horse tokens on the starting line on the game board.
- Shuffle the deck of cards and place it face down next to the game board.
- Sort the betting slips by color and place them next to the game board.
- Place the dice next to the game board.
Step 2: Assign Player Roles and Initial Resources
- Each player chooses a color and takes the corresponding player pawn.
- Each player receives an initial amount of money (the game rules suggest $12).
- Each player draws two cards from the deck and keeps them hidden from the other players.
Step 3: Randomize the Start Player
- Each player rolls one die. The player with the highest roll becomes the “start player” and takes the first turn. In case of a tie, the tied players roll again until a start player is determined.
Step 4: Begin the Game
- The start player rolls both dice and moves the corresponding horse tokens. The numbers on the dice correspond to the numbers on the horse tokens.
- After moving the horses, the start player can take an action. This could be buying a horse, placing a bet, drawing a card, or using a card action.
- Play then proceeds to the next player in a clockwise direction.
Now, you’re all set to start playing Long Shot: The Dice Game! Remember, the goal of the game is to amass the most money by the end of the race. Good luck and have fun!
Game flow Round and round we go
Long Shot: The Dice Game is a thrilling horse racing board game where players roll dice to advance horses, place bets, buy horse abilities, and strive to amass the highest amount of money by the end of the race. The game is segmented into rounds, and each round follows a specific structure.
Each round in Long Shot: The Dice Game unfolds in three stages:
- Roll dice: The active player rolls both dice. One die determines the horse that will advance, and the other die is used by all players to perform actions.
- Player actions: Each player, starting with the active player and proceeding clockwise, chooses to perform one action. The available actions are dependent on the number rolled on the action die.
- Horse advancement: The horse corresponding to the number rolled on the horse die advances one space on the racetrack.
The player actions can be any of the below, depending on the action die roll:
Roll of 1 or 2:
- Bet up to $3 on any horse(s).
- Buy a horse ability card for any horse(s) for $3.
- Buy a concession card for $3.
Roll of 3, 4 or 5:
- Bet up to the rolled amount on any horse(s).
- Buy a horse ability card for any horse(s) at a cost equal to the rolled number.
- Buy a concession card at a cost equal to the rolled number.
Roll of 6:
- Bet any amount on any horse(s).
- Buy a horse ability card for any horse(s) at any cost.
- Buy a concession card at any cost.
Play continues in this way until a horse crosses the finish line marking the end of the game. At this point, bets are paid out, and the player with the most money is declared the winner.
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
‘Long Shot: The Dice Game’ revolves around horse racing where players place bets, buy horses, and influence the race’s outcome. Each player’s turn is structured and involves strategic decisions that can significantly impact the game’s course.
The turn in ‘Long Shot: The Dice Game’ is divided into the following sections:
- Roll the Dice: The active player starts their turn by rolling the two dice. One die indicates which horse moves, and the other die determines the number of spaces the horse moves.
- Take Actions: After dice roll, the active player can perform up to two different actions. These actions can be performed before or after the horse movement, giving players strategic flexibility.
The possible actions include:
- Buy a Horse: Players may purchase any unowned horse for the price listed on the horse’s card. Owning a horse gives players a stake in its success and can lead to winning more money.
- Place a Bet: Players can place a bet on any horse to win, place, or show. Betting on horses that aren’t owned can be a strategic move to earn money even if another player’s horse wins.
- Use Horse Power: Each horse has a unique power that can be used once per game by its owner. These powers, when used strategically, can influence the race’s outcome.
- Buy Concessions: Players may purchase concessions which provide special abilities and bonuses. These can enhance players’ strategies by providing additional options and advantages.
After the active player completes their actions, the horse indicated by the dice roll moves. If a horse crosses the finish line during this movement, payouts occur according to the race track’s chart. All players who bet on or own the winning horses receive money. The game continues until all horses have crossed the finish line and final payouts have been made.
Strategic choices in ‘Long Shot: The Dice Game’ involve balancing risk and reward. Deciding when to buy horses, when to place bets, and when to use horse powers or buy concessions can greatly affect the game’s outcome. The ability to perform actions before or after horse movement adds an additional layer of strategy, allowing players to react to the current state of the race and adjust their plans accordingly.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
Long Shot: The Dice Game is a horse racing themed game where players bet on 8 horses, buy ownership papers, and roll dice to advance their chosen horses. The game ends when any three horses cross the finish line, or when all of the ownership papers have been purchased.
At the end of the game, it’s time for final scoring. Here are the steps and victory conditions to follow:
- Scoring for horse owners: Players who own a horse that crosses the finish line receive money according to the horse’s place (1st, 2nd, or 3rd). The amount they receive can be found on the horse’s ownership card.
- Scoring for betting: All players then reveal their betting tickets. Winning tickets for horses that place 1st, 2nd, or 3rd pay out the amount shown on the horse’s card. Losing tickets are discarded.
- Scoring for horse ranking: If any player owns a horse that did not finish, they receive money based on the horse’s current position on the track, as shown on the horse’s card.
- Scoring for remaining money: Finally, players count any money they have left over.
The player with the most money after all forms of scoring have been completed is declared the winner. In the event of a tie, the player with the most winning betting tickets is the winner.
Before final scoring, players must ensure that all bets have been resolved and all money from the bank for horse ownership and advancement has been collected. No additional actions or purchases can be made after the end of the game has been triggered.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
In Long Shot: The Dice Game, players accumulate points throughout the game by betting on horses, buying horses, and earning bonus points from horse abilities and concessions. The player with the most points at the end of the game is declared the winner.
Horse Betting:
- Each horse has a specific payout listed on its card. Players who bet on a horse that finishes the race (whether they own the horse or not) receive the payout listed on the horse’s card. The payout is in the form of points.
Horse Ownership:
- Players can also buy horses during the game. The cost to buy a horse is also its point value at the end of the game when it finishes the race. If a player owns a horse that does not finish the race, they do not score any points for that horse.
Bonus Points:
- Some horses have abilities that give bonus points when certain conditions are met. These conditions and the number of bonus points awarded are listed on the horse’s card.
- Players can also earn bonus points by purchasing concessions. The number of bonus points awarded and the conditions required to earn them are listed on the concession’s card.
At the end of the game, each player adds up their points from horse betting, horse ownership, and bonus points. The player with the most points is the winner.
In the case of a tie, the game has the following tie-breaking rules:
- The player with the most horses that finished the race wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player who bet the most money wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player with the most remaining money wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player who rolled the dice the least number of times wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player who went first wins.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
Long Shot: The Dice Game is a fast-paced horse racing and betting game with a few rare or special rules, exceptions, and clarifications that are important to understand for smooth gameplay.
1. Purchasing Horses: While typical gameplay allows players to purchase a horse when it’s their turn and they roll the corresponding horse number, it’s worth noting a special rule. If a player rolls a number for a horse that has already been purchased, they cannot buy that horse but they can choose to reroll or place a bet on the horse.
2. Betting on Horses: In most circumstances, players can only bet on horses that have not yet finished the race. However, there’s an exception to this rule. If a player has a “Bet on any horse” card, they can place a bet on a horse regardless of its position in the race.
3. Moving Horses: Normally, horses move according to the dice roll. But with a “Move any horse” card, a player can move any horse, not just the one corresponding to the dice roll. The player can choose whether to move the horse one space or the full amount of the roll.
4. No Tie Breakers: In the rare case of a tie at the end of the game, there are no tie breaker rules in Long Shot: The Dice Game. All tied players share the victory.
- Rule Clarification: When a player is using a “Move any horse” card, they must decide whether to move 1 space or the full amount before rolling the dice. They cannot change their decision after the dice is rolled.
- Rule Clarification: A “Bet on any horse” card can be used to bet on a horse that has finished the race, but the bet must be placed before the final horse finishes. Once all horses have finished, no more bets can be placed.
- Exception: If a player has no money, they can still place a bet using a “Bet on any horse” card. This bet is free, but the potential winnings are reduced by half.
- Exception: If all horses have been purchased and a player rolls a number for a purchased horse, the player is allowed to purchase a “Move any horse” card or a “Bet on any horse” card instead of rerolling.
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
Long Shot: The Dice Game is a thrilling and exciting board game that combines luck and strategy. Here are some advanced strategies, beginner tips, and common mistakes to avoid that can help enhance your gameplay.
Advanced Strategies
- Buy Early, Buy Often: Don’t be afraid to invest your money early in the game to buy horses. Owning horses not only provides you with a potential source of income but also gives you more options as the game progresses.
- Spread Your Bets: Instead of placing all your bets on one horse, try to spread your bets among several horses. This strategy increases your chances of winning.
- Use Power-Ups Wisely: Power-ups can greatly affect the outcome of the game. Use them strategically to gain an advantage over your opponents.
Beginner Tips
- Understand the Rules: Before you start playing, ensure you understand the rules of the game. Knowing how to play can significantly improve your chances of winning.
- Start Small: As a beginner, don’t rush to buy the most expensive horses. Instead, start with cheaper horses and gradually work your way up.
- Observe Your Opponents: Pay attention to the strategies used by your opponents. You can learn a lot from observing other players.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
- Ignoring Power-Ups: Many players make the mistake of ignoring power-ups. These can be game-changers, so make sure to utilize them.
- Not Diversifying Bets: Placing all your bets on one horse can be risky. Diversify your bets to increase your chances of winning.
- Overlooking the Value of Cheaper Horses: Cheaper horses may not seem as attractive as the more expensive ones, but they can still provide a good return on your investment.
Ways to Optimize Gameplay
- Plan Ahead: Try to plan your moves ahead of time. This will allow you to make more strategic decisions.
- Manage Your Resources: Be mindful of your resources. Don’t spend all your money at once; instead, save for future turns when you might need it more.
- Adapt Your Strategy: The game can change quickly, so be ready to adapt your strategy based on the current game state.