Merchants & Marauders
In Merchants & Marauders, experience the life of a Caribbean captain. Seek fortune, glory, and combat perilous tasks, while navigating the risky paths of pirates and traders.
2 - 4
Medium Heavy

About the game
Merchants & Marauders is an engaging and immersive board game that thrusts you into the adventurous world of seafaring in the 17th century. The game is set in the golden age of piracy in the Caribbean, where you can choose to live the life of a peaceful merchant or become a fearsome marauder.
In this game, you take on the role of a captain of a ship. As a captain, you have the freedom to explore the vast Caribbean, trade goods, complete missions, and spar with rival captains. Your ultimate goal in the game is to amass the most wealth and notoriety, which can be achieved through various means, making the game versatile and replayable.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
Merchants & Marauders is a board game that takes you on a journey through the high seas. It includes numerous components that each play an integral role in gameplay. Here’s a detailed description of each component:
1. Game Board:
The game board is a map of the Caribbean. It has sea zones and ports where players can dock their ships. The board is used to track players’ movements, battles, and trade engagements throughout the game.
2. Rule Book:
The rule book provides detailed instructions on how to set up and play the game. It explains the purpose of each component, the order of play, and the rules for various actions such as movement, combat, trading, etc.
3. Player Boards:
Each player receives a player board that keeps track of their ship’s stats, cargo, and upgrades. It also has a space for the player’s captain card and the ship card.
4. Ship Miniatures:
There are four ship miniatures, one for each player. The miniatures represent the players’ ships on the game board. They are used to navigate the sea zones and engage in naval combat.
5. Captain Cards:
These cards represent the player’s captain. Each card has unique abilities that can be used during the game. They also have a nationality that can affect player interactions and engagements.
6. Ship Cards:
These cards represent the different types of ships a player can command. Each ship card has different attributes, such as speed, cargo capacity, and firepower.
7. Gold Coins:
Gold coins are the currency of the game. Players earn gold through trading, raiding, and completing missions. Gold can be used to purchase ship upgrades, repair damages, and hire new crew members.
8. Cargo Tokens:
Cargo tokens represent various trade goods that players can buy and sell at different ports. The types of goods include sugar, spices, tobacco, and rum.
9. Event Cards:
Event cards add random events and challenges to the game. They can alter the conditions of the sea zones, trigger battles with NPC ships, or provide opportunities for players to earn extra gold.
10. Naval Ship Cards:
These cards represent non-player ships that patrol the sea zones. They can engage players in combat and provide opportunities for players to raid and plunder.
11. Dice:
The game includes several six-sided dice that are used to resolve combat and other actions. The results of dice rolls can determine the success or failure of a player’s actions.
12. Glory Point Tokens:
Glory point tokens are earned by players for successful actions such as winning battles, completing missions, or trading goods. The player with the most glory points at the end of the game is the winner.
13. Player Markers:
Player markers are used to track players’ glory points on the glory point track on the game board.
Each component in Merchants & Marauders is designed to create a rich and immersive gameplay experience. The components interact in various ways to simulate the strategic and tactical decisions that players must make as they navigate the high seas, engage in commerce, battle enemy ships, and strive to earn the most glory points.
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
Merchants & Marauders is a thrilling game of piracy and trade on the high seas. This guide will provide a step-by-step guide on how to set up the game, including player roles, board placement, initial resources, and random elements.
Step 1: Board Placement
Unfold the game board and place it in the center of the playing area. Ensure that all players have easy access to the board.
Step 2: Seeded Cards
Shuffle the Event cards, Mission cards, and Ship cards separately. Draw one card from each deck and place them face up in their respective spaces on the board.
Step 3: Random Elements
Place the Naval Ships and Pirate Ships on their marked spots on the board. These should be shuffled and placed face down to add a random element to the game.
Step 4: Player Roles
Each player chooses a Captain card and a matching ship from the Ship cards. The Captain card is placed face up in front of the player, while the Ship card is placed face down.
Step 5: Initial Resources
Each player starts with 10 gold. This can be represented by Gold tokens. Additionally, each player receives 3 Cargo tokens of each type: Spice, Sugar, and Cocoa. These should be placed on the player’s Ship card.
Step 6: Home Ports
Each player places their ship on the board in their chosen Home Port. Ships cannot be placed in a port already claimed by another player.
Step 7: Player Markers
Each player places a marker on the ‘0’ space of the Glory track. This will be used to track each player’s progress throughout the game.
Step 8: Starting Player
The player who most recently visited the ocean becomes the starting player. They receive the Starting Player token.
Now you’re all set to start your maritime adventure in Merchants & Marauders! Enjoy the game!
Game flow Round and round we go
Merchants & Marauders is a tactical board game where players assume the role of captains sailing the Caribbean during the Golden Age of Piracy. The game is played over several rounds, with each round consisting of two main phases: the Player Phase and the Event Phase.
In the Player Phase, each player takes their turn, which is broken down into three steps:
- Scout Step: In this step, players can attempt to spot rival ships on the sea. Successful scouting can lead to a Naval Combat or a Seize Cargo action.
- Action Step: This is where the bulk of the gameplay happens. Players can perform two actions from a list of available options, including Move, Scout, Visit Port, Attack, and several others. The action chosen largely depends on the player’s strategy – they might choose to focus on trading, piracy, or a mix of both.
- Account Step: During this step, players manage their resources by paying any outstanding debts or penalties, and possibly stashing any gold they have earned.
Once all players have completed their turns, the game moves to the Event Phase. This involves drawing and resolving an Event card, which may bring about changes in the game world – from weather effects that impede movement, to the arrival of powerful naval ships.
The game continues in this manner, with players alternately taking turns and resolving events, until one player reaches a predetermined victory point total, at which point that player is declared the winner.
Merchants & Marauders is a game of strategy and risk-taking. It requires players to carefully manage resources, weigh the potential rewards against the risks of their actions, and adjust their strategies in response to the ever-changing game world.
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
‘Merchants & Marauders’ is an adventurous, strategic game where players represent captains sailing the Caribbean in search of fame and fortune. Each player’s turn is divided into three phases: Scout phase, Action phase, and Account phase. Below is a detailed breakdown of what happens during a player’s turn:
1. Scout Phase:
In this phase, players have the opportunity to engage non-player ships. There are two possibilities:
- Voluntary Scout: You can choose to scout for a non-player ship in your sea zone. If you choose this action, you must roll a dice. If the result is 4, 5, or 6, you’ve successfully found a ship and can choose to engage it.
- Involuntary Scout: If there are any non-player ships in your sea zone, they must scout for you. A dice roll of 5 or 6 from the non-player ship indicates that you have been found and must engage.
2. Action Phase:
In the action phase, you can perform up to two actions. These actions include:
- Move: You can move your ship to a different sea zone or port. The distance you can move depends on your ship’s sail attribute.
- Port Visit: If you’re in a sea zone with a port, you can visit that port. This allows you to conduct various activities like selling goods, buying a ship, and repairing damage among others.
- Market Activity: This action lets you buy or sell goods. The prices of goods vary depending on the port’s demand and supply.
- Ship Activity: This action includes buying a new ship, repairing a damaged ship, or stashing gold.
- Scout: You can scout for non-player ships to engage with.
- Attack: If you’ve successfully scouted a ship, you can choose to attack it.
3. Account Phase:
The account phase is the final part of a player’s turn. This phase includes:
- Upkeep: You must pay gold equal to the upkeep cost of your ship. If you can’t afford the upkeep, you must take a loan.
- Income: If you have a merchant, you receive gold equal to the merchant’s income value.
- Glory: If you have completed any glory cards, you can reveal them and gain the indicated glory points.
Throughout the game, your decisions will greatly impact your standing. Engaging in combat might lead to glory but also risks damage to your ship. Trading goods can be profitable but takes time and investment. Every choice is a balance between risk and reward, making ‘Merchants & Marauders’ a game of strategic depth and thrilling adventure.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
Merchants & Marauders is an adventure board game where players strive to become the most notorious pirate or the most prosperous merchant. The game ends when a player reaches or exceeds 10 Glory Points.
The main ways to earn Glory Points throughout the game:
- Completing missions
- Defeating a ship in naval combat
- Selling a valuable cargo
- Stashing gold
- Buying a new ship
It’s important to note that the game immediately ends once a player reaches the 10 Glory Point mark during any part of their turn. This means that if a player has not yet reached 10 Glory Points, but does so in the middle of their turn due to an action they have taken, the game ends immediately without giving other players a chance to complete their turns.
There are no additional actions that players must take before final scoring. The player who first reaches or exceeds 10 Glory Points is declared the winner of the game. In the event of a tie, the player with the most gold wins. In the rare case where there is still a tie, the player with the highest value in assets (ships and cargo) wins.
Players should strategize to earn Glory Points as efficiently as possible, keeping in mind that actions such as completing missions and winning naval combats often provide the most points.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
Merchants & Marauders is a board game that allows players to live a life of either a peaceful trader or a dangerous pirate in the Caribbean during the 17th century. The game ends when a player reaches 10 Glory Points, but scoring involves several methods. Here’s a detailed breakdown:
Glory Points: The primary way of scoring in the game revolves around Glory Points. Players can earn these points through various ways:
- By successfully completing Missions.
- By purchasing Glory cards using gold.
- By winning Naval Combat or Merchant Raider combat.
- By stashing gold at their home port.
- By selling special cargo.
Gold: Although Gold does not directly contribute to the player’s score, it is crucial for purchasing Glory cards and stashing at home port, which can earn Glory Points.
Combat: Winning in combat, either naval or merchant raider, can earn players Glory Points. The loser, on the other hand, may lose a number of Glory Points.
Special Cargo: Special Cargo is another indirect way of scoring. Selling Special Cargo at ports earns players Glory Points.
Missions: Players can also earn Glory Points by completing missions. Each mission card states the number of Glory Points it’s worth upon completion.
When it comes to tie-breaking, the game has specific rules. If two or more players reach 10 Glory Points in the same round, the tie is broken in the following order:
- The player with the most gold stashed at their home port wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player with the most gold on hand wins.
- If a tie persists, the player with the most Glory cards wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player with the most Special Cargo wins.
- If a tie continues, the player who completed the most missions wins.
In the rare case that a tie still exists after all these steps, the players share the victory.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
Merchants & Marauders is a board game that takes you to the high seas of the Caribbean during the Golden Age of Piracy. It’s a game with a lot of depth and complexity, and as such there are a few rare or special rules, exceptions, and clarifications that you might find useful.
1. Naval Ships: One of the most important things to remember is that naval ships do not move or engage in combat unless provoked. They will only move if a player enters their sea zone or if the player has a bounty. They will only attack if the player is a pirate.
2. Pirate Hunters: Similarly, pirate hunters are only activated when a player reaches a certain infamy threshold. They will then move towards that player and attempt to engage them in combat.
- Combat: Combat in Merchants & Marauders is not as straightforward as in some other games. The attacker does not automatically win. Instead, both players roll dice and the highest total wins. However, the attacking player gets to roll an extra die. In the event of a tie, the defender wins.
- Ship Upgrades: Ship upgrades are not immediately effective. They need to be installed at a port, which requires the player to spend an entire turn there.
- Trading: Trading can only be done at ports, and only with goods that the port demands. The price of goods is not fixed and can change throughout the game.
- Glory Points: Glory points, which are the victory points in this game, can be earned in many ways. This includes winning battles, completing missions, and trading goods. However, they can also be lost. If a player’s ship is sunk, they lose a glory point.
3. Special Rules: There are also a few special rules that apply to certain situations. For example, a player cannot enter a sea zone that contains a naval ship of their nationality unless they have a Letter of Marque. If a player’s ship is sunk, they do not lose any gold they have stashed at their home port. If a player is forced to discard goods due to lack of storage, they can choose which goods to discard.
4. Rule Clarifications: It’s also worth noting a few rule clarifications. Players can use the ‘Scout’ action to look at the top card of the mission deck. The ‘Port’ action can be used to install ship upgrades, stash gold, and trade goods. The ‘Seamanship’ skill can be used to reroll dice in naval combat. Finally, the ‘Guts’ skill does not prevent the loss of glory points from sinking.
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
Advanced Strategies:
- Use your home port to your advantage: Remember where your home port is and use it strategically. It’s a perfect place to sell goods, repair your ship, and stow away gold.
- Balance your activities: A good player balances between merchant and marauder activities. It’s important to trade goods in order to make money, but also raid other ships to gain more resources.
- Keep an eye on your opponents: Always know what your opponents are doing. If you see them heading towards a particular port, it might be a good time to move in and attack.
Beginner Tips:
- Start by trading goods, as it’s a safe and steady way to earn gold. Once you’ve built a solid foundation, you can start considering more aggressive strategies like raiding ships.
- Remember to regularly upgrade your ship. Upgrades can make a big difference in battles and can increase your cargo capacity for trade.
- Don’t forget to pay your crew. If you can’t pay them, they might mutiny, which can put you in a difficult position.
Common Mistakes to Avoid:
- Ignoring the naval ships: Naval ships are a big threat in Merchants & Marauders. Ignoring them can lead to disastrous consequences. Always keep track of their movements.
- Not diversifying your activities: Focusing solely on trading or raiding can make your strategy predictable and easy for opponents to counter. Diversify your activities to keep opponents guessing.
- Underestimating the importance of missions: Missions can provide significant rewards in the form of gold and glory points. Neglecting them can mean missing out on these benefits.
Ways to Optimize Gameplay:
- Use every turn efficiently. Whether you’re trading, raiding, or completing missions, make sure each action moves you closer to your goal.
- Plan your route carefully to avoid wasting turns. Try to perform multiple actions in a single turn whenever possible, such as trading and repairing your ship at the same port.
- Stay flexible and adapt to changing circumstances. The game can be unpredictable, so be prepared to change your strategy if necessary.