Next Station: London
Discover the thrill of redesigning London's underground network in this strategic board game. Optimise connections, serve sights, and outsmart your opponents!
1 - 4
Medium Light

About the game
Welcome to Next Station: London, a thrilling board game that teleports you into the heart of Britain’s bustling metropolis. Your journey will take you through iconic landmarks, historic sites, and hidden gems of this city, all while testing your strategy, resource management, and decision-making skills.
In Next Station: London, you don’t just play a game, you experience a vibrant city’s narrative. The game’s setting is a beautifully illustrated map of London, filled with detailed renditions of its famous landmarks like the Big Ben, Tower Bridge, the London Eye, and many more. Each location is not just a spot on the map; it’s a piece of London’s rich cultural tapestry and history.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
Game Board:
The central component of ‘Next Station: London’ is the game board. This is a stylized map of the London Underground, complete with colored routes and station markers. Players use this to plan their journeys, move their tokens, and track their progress throughout the game.
Player Tokens:
These are small, colored markers that each player uses to represent their position on the board. Each player moves their token along the routes between stations, trying to reach their specified destinations before the other players.
Destination Cards:
At the start of the game, each player is dealt a number of destination cards. These cards specify a particular station that the player must try to reach. Successfully reaching a destination earns the player a number of points, depending on how far away the destination was.
Route Cards:
These cards represent the different routes between stations on the board. Players can use these cards to move along the corresponding route on the board. A player can only move along a route if they have the corresponding card in their hand.
Obstacle Cards:
These are special cards that players can use to hinder their opponents. When played, an obstacle card imposes a temporary restriction on a particular route, preventing other players from using that route for a certain number of turns.
Turn Tracker:
This is a simple device used to keep track of whose turn it is. The tracker is passed around the table in a clockwise direction after each player’s turn.
Score Pad:
This is used to record the points that each player earns for reaching their destinations. The player with the most points at the end of the game is declared the winner.
The dice is used to determine the number of spaces a player can move in a single turn. The player rolls the dice and moves their token along their chosen route, up to the number of spaces indicated on the dice.
Instruction Manual:
This booklet contains the full rules of the game, including detailed explanations of how each component interacts with the others. It also includes some strategy tips for new players.
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
Next Station: London is a strategic board game where players take on the role of train network managers in London. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up the game.
Step 1: Player Roles
Each player assumes the role of a train network manager. Their goal is to create the most efficient and profitable railway network across London. There are no special abilities or differences between players, and everyone starts on an even playing field.
Step 2: Board Placement
Place the game board in the center of the table. The board is a map of London, with different train stations and railway lines marked. Ensure all players can easily reach and view the board.
Step 3: Train Tokens
Each player chooses a color and takes all train tokens of that color. The train tokens represent the player’s trains on the board. Each player places one train token on the starting space on the game board.
Step 4: Resource Cards
Shuffle the deck of resource cards and deal five cards to each player. These cards represent different types of resources like coal, labor, and steel, which players will use to build and upgrade their railway networks.
Step 5: Train Station Cards
Shuffle the deck of train station cards and place it next to the game board. Reveal the top five cards and place them face up next to the deck. These cards represent different train stations in London.
Step 6: Money
Each player starts the game with a certain amount of money, which is used to buy resources and train station cards. The exact amount of starting money can vary depending on the number of players and desired game length, but a typical game starts each player with £50.
Step 7: Random Elements
- Resource Cards: The resource cards are shuffled and distributed randomly, so the resources you start with can greatly impact your initial strategy.
- Train Station Cards: The train station cards are also shuffled and revealed randomly, so the availability of different train stations can change each game.
Step 8: First Player
Determine the first player randomly. This player will take the first turn when the game starts. After the first player finishes their turn, play proceeds clockwise around the table.
Now you’re all set to play ‘Next Station: London’. Good luck managing your railway network, and may the best train manager win!
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
‘Next Station: London’ is a strategic board game that allows players to take on the role of a railway company, aiming to create the most efficient and profitable railway network in London. Each player’s turn consists of a series of actions that can influence the outcome of the game. Below is a detailed breakdown of these actions and strategic choices:
At the beginning of a player’s turn, they can perform one of the following actions:
- Draw a Destination Card: The player draws a Destination card from the deck. These cards represent the different stations in London and serve as the player’s objectives. Drawing a Destination card can help players plan their railway expansion and score points.
- Place a Train: The player can place a train on a route connecting two stations. Each route has a specific cost in terms of Train cards. Placing trains allows players to claim routes, which can lead to points at the end of the game.
- Draw Train Cards: The player can draw two Train cards from the deck or the five face-up cards on the table. These cards are used to place trains on routes. Drawing Train cards can provide the resources needed to expand a railway network.
After performing one of the above actions, the player’s turn ends, and it is the next player’s turn. Here are some strategic considerations to keep in mind:
- Choosing Routes: When placing trains, choose routes that connect to the stations on your Destination cards. This will help you score more points.
- Stocking Up on Train Cards: Always have a good number of Train cards in your hand. They can be crucial when you want to claim a long route or prevent other players from claiming a route you want.
- Flexibility: While focusing on your Destination cards is important, also consider claiming routes that can provide alternative paths to your destination. This flexibility can be useful if another player blocks your original path.
- Blocking Opponents: If you notice a player is trying to connect specific stations, consider claiming a key route on their path to disrupt their plans and gain a strategic advantage.
In conclusion, ‘Next Station: London’ is a game of strategy and planning. Each turn presents opportunities to expand your railway network, disrupt your opponents, and ultimately win the game. Your choices can greatly influence the outcome of the game. Happy gaming!
End of the game All good games must come to an end
The board game, ‘Next Station: London’ concludes when a predetermined number of rounds, typically 12, are completed. The end of the game can also be triggered when a player has constructed all of their stations.
Victory Conditions:
The player who has accumulated the most points at the end of the game is declared the winner. Points are gained through a variety of means:
- Station Construction: Players earn points for every station they build. The point value depends on the type of station and its location on the board.
- Route Completion: Players also earn points for completing routes between stations. The more complex the route, the more points it is worth.
- Bonus Cards: Throughout the game, players can earn bonus cards which provide additional points for achieving specific objectives. These objectives can include building in certain areas or completing specific routes.
Actions Before Final Scoring:
Before the final scoring, players must ensure the following:
- They have no unplaced stations. If a player has any unplaced stations at the end of the game, they lose points equivalent to the number of unplaced stations.
- All routes are completed. Incomplete routes do not count towards the final score and may incur penalties.
- All bonus cards are revealed. Players reveal any bonus cards they have and add the corresponding points to their score.
After these steps have been followed, the player with the highest total score is declared the winner of ‘Next Station: London’. In the event of a tie, the player who completed the most routes wins the game. If there is still a tie, the player who built the most stations wins.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
In the board game ‘Next Station: London’, the scoring system is meticulously structured to create a balanced and competitive play environment. Players accumulate points throughout the game in several ways, and these are calculated at the end of the game to determine the winner.
Scoring During the Game:
- Station Construction: Players earn points for every station they construct. The number of points is usually indicated on the station card.
- Track Building: Each track that a player builds earns them points. The longer the track, the more points it’s worth.
- Connecting Stations: Players also score points for successfully connecting two stations with their track. The value of these points varies depending on the stations connected.
Scoring at the End of the Game:
- Unfinished Stations: At the end of the game, players lose points for any unfinished stations. The amount of points lost is equivalent to the station’s value.
- Completed Routes: Players receive bonus points for each completed route card in their possession. The number of bonus points is determined by the route card.
- Longest Continuous Track: The player with the longest continuous track receives extra points.
Once all points have been calculated, the player with the highest score wins.
In the event of a tie, there are two tie-breaking rules in place:
- The player with the most completed routes wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player with the longest continuous track wins.
If a tie still persists after applying the tie-breaking rules, then the game is declared a draw.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
Next Station: London is a fun and strategic board game that immerses players into the world of London’s underground transit system. While the game’s basic rules are straightforward, there are some special rules and exceptions to keep in mind.
1. Special Rules:
Skipping Stations: Normally, players must stop at every station along their route. However, if a player has a ‘Skip Station’ card, they can bypass a station, saving time and potentially avoiding penalties. This action can only be used once per turn.
Double Movement: If a player uses a ‘Double Movement’ card, they can move twice in a single turn. This can be a game changer, but remember that it can only be used once per game.
2. Rare Rules:
Train Breakdown: If a player draws a ‘Train Breakdown’ card, they must immediately halt their movement for that turn. They can only resume movement on their next turn. This rule simulates the unpredictable nature of public transportation.
Rush Hour: The ‘Rush Hour’ card forces all players to move only one station on their next turn. This card can drastically slow down the game, so use it strategically!
3. Rule Clarifications:
Card Limit: Each player can only hold a maximum of five action cards at any given time. If a player draws a card that exceeds this limit, they must immediately discard a card.
Station Penalties: If a player lands on a station that is owned by another player, they must pay a penalty. However, if the player owns a ‘Free Ride’ card, they can avoid this penalty.
End Game: The game ends when a player reaches the designated final station. However, all other players get one final turn before the game officially ends. This can provide a chance for other players to earn additional points or alter the game outcome.
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
Advanced strategies for ‘Next Station: London’
- Plan Ahead: Always ensure that you are planning your moves ahead of time. A key strategy in ‘Next Station: London’ is to consider the potential routes your opponents may take and make decisions accordingly.
- Optimize Routes: Aim to optimize your routes for maximum points. It’s not always about reaching your destination first, but reaching it in the most efficient manner.
- Block Opponents: If possible, try to block your opponents’ routes. This can force them to take longer, less efficient routes, giving you an advantage.
Beginner tips for ‘Next Station: London’
- Start by focusing on completing your ticket cards. These will provide a solid foundation for points.
- Don’t rush to complete your routes. It’s important to take your time and plan each move carefully.
- Try to keep a balance between drawing more cards and placing your trains. Both are important aspects of the game.
- Always keep an eye on your opponents’ moves. This can help you anticipate their strategy and adjust yours accordingly.
Common mistakes to avoid in ‘Next Station: London’
- Ignoring Opponent’s Strategy: One common mistake is ignoring your opponents’ strategy. Always keep an eye on their moves and try to anticipate their next steps.
- Hoarding Cards: Another mistake is hoarding cards without using them effectively. Remember, the aim is not just to have the most cards, but to use them in the most effective manner.
- Focusing Only on Your Own Routes: It’s not just about completing your own routes. Consider blocking your opponents’ routes if it doesn’t significantly hinder your own progress.
Ways to optimize gameplay in ‘Next Station: London’
- Be adaptable. The game can change quickly, so be ready to adjust your strategy as needed.
- Use your resources wisely. Don’t waste trains on unnecessary routes.
- Always strategize with the end of the game in mind. Aim for long-term points rather than short-term gains.