
Small World

Welcome to the world of ‘Small World’, a fantastical board game that combines strategy, conflict, and whimsy in a beautifully designed package. The game is set in a vibrant landscape teeming with eccentric races and unique powers, where the only constant is change and the only rule is survival. At its heart, ‘Small World’ is a game of territorial control and conflict-driven strategy. The world is simply too small to accommodate everyone, and so players must expand their empires, conquer new territories, and push their opponents to the margins. Each turn, players must decide whether to continue expanding their current ... Read more


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About the game

Welcome to the world of ‘Small World’, a fantastical board game that combines strategy, conflict, and whimsy in a beautifully designed package. The game is set in a vibrant landscape teeming with eccentric races and unique powers, where the only constant is change and the only rule is survival.

At its heart, ‘Small World’ is a game of territorial control and conflict-driven strategy. The world is simply too small to accommodate everyone, and so players must expand their empires, conquer new territories, and push their opponents to the margins. Each turn, players must decide whether to continue expanding their current race’s empire or to let it go into decline and select a new one.

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Setup and rules summary

Game components Unboxing the fun!

Small World is a strategy board game that includes several components, each of which plays a critical role in the gameplay. These components are:

1. Game Board:

The game board represents the land over which the players will fight. It comes in two double-sided sections with different maps suitable for different numbers of players. The board is divided into regions that players will aim to conquer and control throughout the game.

2. Race Banners:

There are 14 different race banners, each representing a different fantasy race. Each race has its own special powers and abilities that can be used during the game. The race banners are selected at the beginning of the game and can be changed throughout as players decide to go into decline and choose a new race.

3. Special Power Badges:

These 20 badges provide additional abilities that are paired randomly with race banners at the start of the game. These special powers can give players advantages in conquering regions, defending territory, or scoring victory points.

4. Tokens:

Race tokens and special power tokens represent the troops of each player’s chosen race. Players use these tokens to conquer regions on the game board. There are also Lost Tribe tokens which represent neutral regions at the start of the game, and Mountain tokens which make a region harder to conquer.

5. Victory Coins:

Victory coins are the scoring mechanism of the game. Players earn these coins by controlling regions on the board at the end of their turn. The player with the most victory coins at the end of the game is the winner.

6. Storage Tray:

This is used to organize and store the game pieces when not in use. It has slots for the different types of tokens, badges, and coins contained in the game.

7. Game Turn Marker:

The game turn marker is used to track the rounds of the game. A full game of Small World is played over a set number of rounds depending on the number of players.

8. Reinforcement Die:

The reinforcement die is used in the final attempt to conquer a region during a player’s turn. It can add between 0 to 3 extra tokens worth of strength to the player’s final conquest.

9. Rule Book:

The rule book provides comprehensive instructions and rules for playing the game. It includes detailed explanations of each race’s abilities, each special power, and the conquest and scoring rules.

Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go

Small World is a fun, strategy-oriented board game that pits different fantasy races against each other in a fight for territory. Here’s a step-by-step guide to set up the game.

Step 1: Prepare the Game Board

First, select the game board that corresponds to the number of players. For two players, use the side marked ‘2’; for three players use the ‘3’ side; for four, use the ‘4’ side; and for five, use the ‘5’ side. Place the game board in the center of the table.

Step 2: Sort the Tokens

Sort out the Race tokens and Special Power badges. Each Race token has a matching banner and each Special Power badge has a matching tile. Shuffle the Race banners and Special Power tiles and place them in piles, face down, next to the game board. Reveal the top five of each pile.

Step 3: Prepare the Coin Stash

Next, create a bank for the Victory coins. Separate the coins by their denominations (1, 3, 5, and 10) and place them next to the game board within easy reach of all players.

Step 4: Assign Player Roles

Each player should choose a color and take the matching Race tokens, then place them in front of themselves. The roles of players in Small World are equal; there are no specific roles to assign.

Step 5: Randomly Select First Player

The first player is selected randomly. This player then chooses a Race-Special Power combo from the five available (the top of each pile), and pays the cost in victory points (1 point for the first combo, 2 for the second, and so on). The chosen Race tokens are then placed on the board, following the rules for initial placement.

Step 6: Initial Resources

All players start with 5 Victory coins. These are used to buy Race-Special Power combinations and later in the game will be earned for controlling territories on the board.

Step 7: Start of Gameplay

Gameplay begins with the first player and proceeds clockwise. Each turn consists of conquering territories and scoring victory points, with the ultimate goal being to control as many territories as possible by the end of the game.

Game flow Round and round we go

‘Small World’ is a fun and engaging board game where players vie for control over a world that’s too small to accommodate everyone. The game is played in turns, with each turn consisting of several phases. The overall structure of the game and the actions players perform at each stage are as follows:

1. Choosing a Race and Special Power combo:

  1. On their turn, a player can choose a race and special power combo from among six displayed on the board.
  2. The first combo is free, but if a player wants to choose a combo further down, they must place one coin on each of the combos they pass over.
  3. These coins will be taken by whoever chooses that combo later.

2. Conquering Regions:

  1. After choosing a Race and Special Power combo, a player uses their race tokens to conquer regions on the board.
  2. The number of tokens required to conquer a region depends on the region’s characteristics and the presence of other race tokens, among other factors.
  3. Once a region is conquered, the player places their race tokens there.

3. Redeploying Troops:

  1. After a player has finished their conquests for the turn, they may redistribute their race tokens across the regions they control.
  2. This is important for maintaining control of key regions and defending against attacks.

4. Scoring and Replenishing:

  1. At the end of their turn, a player scores one point for each region they control. They may also score additional points based on their race and special power.
  2. Then, the player replenishes their hand to the number of tokens indicated on their race banner.

5. Declining:

  1. A player can choose to put their race into decline instead of conducting new conquests.
  2. When a race goes into decline, its special power is no longer active, and the player can choose a new race and special power at the start of their next turn.

The game continues in this way until the end of the last round. At that point, the player with the highest score wins the game.

Players'turn One turn to rule them all

Small World is a strategy board game where players take turns conquering territories with their chosen races. The game progresses through a series of turns where players can perform a variety of actions. Each turn in Small World can be broken down into the following steps:

  1. Choosing a Race: When a player first enters the game, or when they decide to abandon their current race, they must choose a new race and special power combo from the six available in the line-up. The position in the line-up determines the cost to choose them. Any race further down the line-up costs one coin per position. These coins are placed on the races skipped over.
  2. Conquering Regions: Once a player has their race and special power combo, they may begin conquering regions on the board. The player must have enough race tokens to conquer a region (2 tokens plus an additional token for each piece of cardboard present in the region). The player continues conquering regions until they run out of tokens or choose to stop.
  3. Redeploy Tokens: After a player has finished conquering regions, they may redeploy their race tokens to strengthen their defenses. The player can move their tokens around any region they control, but must leave at least one token in each region.
  4. Tally and Collect Victory Coins: At the end of their turn, a player tallies up their victory coins. They earn one coin for each region they control, plus any bonuses from their race or special power. The player then collects these coins from the bank.
  5. Prepare for the Next Turn: The player’s turn is now over, and the next player begins their turn. If a player’s race was completely wiped out during another player’s turn, they may choose a new race and start again.

There are several strategic choices that a player can make during their turn. The choice of race and special power can greatly affect the player’s strategy. For example, some races are better at conquering certain types of regions, and some special powers provide bonuses for holding certain regions. The decision to abandon a race is also a strategic one, as it allows the player to choose a new race and potentially gain a new advantage. However, it also means giving up any regions controlled by the abandoned race.

Conquering regions and redeploying tokens also involves strategy. A player must balance their desire to conquer new regions with their need to defend existing ones. Conquering too many regions can leave a player spread too thin, while not conquering enough can limit their earning potential. Redeploying tokens can help strengthen a player’s defenses, but it can also make them less flexible in future turns.

The collection of victory coins also has a strategic element. The more regions a player controls and the better they can utilize their race and special power, the more coins they can earn. However, players must also be aware of their opponents’ earnings, as the player with the most victory coins at the end of the game wins.

End of the game All good games must come to an end

The game of Small World ends after a fixed number of turns that depend on the number of players. For two players, the game lasts ten turns; three players get nine turns; four players get eight turns; and five players get seven turns. At the end of the last turn, the game concludes and scoring takes place.

Victory Conditions:

The player with the most victory coins at the end of the game is the winner. Victory coins are earned primarily by occupying territories. Each player receives one victory coin for each territory their races occupy at the end of their turn.

Additional coins can be earned through special abilities of the races and powers, some of which grant victory coins for certain types of territories controlled or for controlling certain numbers of territories. These coins are earned in addition to the ones earned for territory control.

Final Scoring:

At the end of the game, each player adds up the victory coins they have earned over the course of the game. This includes victory coins earned during their turns as well as any bonus coins earned from special abilities.

Actions before final scoring:

  • Decline: If a player’s active race has been spread too thin, they may choose to put it into decline at the start of their turn. They flip their race banner and special power badge over, indicating that the race is now in decline, and they select a new race and power combination to play for their next turn. A player may have only one declined race at a time. When a new race goes into decline, the old declined race is removed from the board.
  • Counting Victory Coins: At the end of each player’s turn, they count the number of territories they occupy and receive that many victory coins. They also receive any bonus coins from special abilities. All victory coins are kept hidden from other players until the end of the game.
  • Conquest: Players can attempt to conquer territories occupied by other players. The attacking player must have two more race tokens than the number of defending tokens. If they do not have enough tokens, they can roll the reinforcement die to add to their total. If they still do not have enough, the attack fails. The defending tokens are removed from the board and returned to the player’s tray. One token is kept by the attacker and the rest are returned to the box.
  • Redeploy: At the end of their turn, a player can rearrange the tokens in their territories as they see fit, but each territory must be left with at least one token.

Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?

In the board game ‘Small World’, players earn victory coins, which are essentially points, through various means throughout the game. Your score is the total number of victory coins you have at the end of the game. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

Victory Coins Scoring:

  • Occupying Regions: At the end of each turn, players receive one victory coin for each region they occupy.
  • Special Powers and Race Benefits: Certain races and special powers also provide additional victory coins. For example, the ‘Fortified’ power gives you an extra coin for each fortress you build, and the ‘Ghouls’ race gets bonus points for occupying regions in decline.

After the last round has ended, players then count their total victory coins to determine their final score.

Tie-Breaking Rules:

In case of a tie, the rules of ‘Small World’ specify the following tie-breaking procedures:

  1. The tied player with the most active race tokens still on the board wins.
  2. If there is still a tie, the tied player with the most tokens (both active and in-decline) on the board wins.
  3. If there is still a tie, then all tied players rejoice in a shared victory!

Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?

Small World is a fun and strategic board game that brings a variety of races and powers into conflict. While the game’s rules are generally straightforward, there are some special rules, exceptions, and clarifications that can make gameplay more interesting.

1. Declining a Race: When a player’s race is spread too thin or isn’t as effective anymore, they can choose to decline. It’s important to note that declining a race concludes the player’s turn immediately. The declined tokens won’t be able to conquer or redeploy.

2. Race and Special Power Combinations: The combination of race and special power is determined randomly at the beginning of the game. This can sometimes result in combinations that seem less useful (for example, the ‘Flying Trolls’). However, it’s essential to remember that with right strategy, any combination can be powerful.

3. Lost Tribes: Lost Tribes are tokens that occupy regions at the start of the game. They don’t play an active role but are there to be conquered. They are not considered as an active race.

  • Encampments: Encampments increase the defense of a region by one. They stay on the board until the player’s race goes into decline.
  • Heroes: Heroes make a region unconquerable. However, they are lost if the region is abandoned or the player’s race goes into decline.

4. Conquering Regions: A player needs two race tokens plus one additional token for each extra piece (like mountains, enemy tokens etc.) in the region to conquer it. However, in their final conquest attempt of a turn, a player can try to conquer a region even if they don’t have enough tokens for a certain conquest.

  1. Abandoning Regions: A player can choose to abandon a region, leaving it empty. However, this can only be done at the start of the player’s turn, before they start any new conquests.
  2. Reinforcing Regions: After the final conquest of the turn, a player can move their tokens from one region to another, but at least one token must remain in each region.

5. Scoring Points: Players score points at the end of their turn based on the number of regions they control. Active races score one point per region, while declined races score one point for every two regions they control.

Understanding these special rules and exceptions can greatly enhance your strategic play in Small World.

Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!

Advanced Strategies for Small World

1. Adaptability: Always be willing to put your current race into decline and choose a new one. Timing this correctly is one of the most important tactics in Small World. Don’t cling to a race when its expansion potential is exhausted.

2. Race and Special Power Selection: Pay attention to the race and special power combinations available at the beginning of the game. Some combinations are more powerful than others, and it may be worth spending a few victory coins to get a powerful combo.

3. Territory Selection: Aim to control regions in the center of the board. These regions are more defensible and give you more options for expansion in future turns.

Beginner Tips for Small World

1. Understand Decline: Know when to put your race into decline. A good rule of thumb is to go into decline when you cannot conquer any more regions or your active race is spread too thin and you risk losing numerous territories in the next turn.

2. Diversify: Don’t concentrate your forces in one area of the board. Diversifying your territories makes it harder for your opponents to wipe you out.

3. Use Special Powers: Don’t forget to use your race’s special power. These can give you a significant advantage if used correctly.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Small World

1. Over-Expansion: Avoid over-expanding early in the game. This can leave you vulnerable to attacks and your race may quickly go into decline.

2. Ignoring Opponents: Be sure to pay attention to what your opponents are doing. If they are about to go into decline or have a weak defense, it may be a good opportunity to attack.

3. Underutilizing Races: Each race has unique abilities that should be fully utilized. Not taking advantage of these abilities can result in a loss of potential victory points.

Ways to Optimize Gameplay in Small World

1. Efficient Use of Tokens: Use your tokens efficiently. Do not use all your tokens in one turn, save some for defense and future expansion.

2. Strategic Decline: Going into decline at the right time can give you a fresh start with a new race and special power. This can help you gain more territories and hence, more points.

3. Balanced Approach: Balance your approach between offense and defense. While it’s important to conquer new regions, it’s equally important to defend your existing ones.