Star Wars: Rebellion
Star Wars: Rebellion is a thrilling board game where players command forces of the Galactic Empire or Rebel Alliance. Be a part of epic conflicts and shape the fate of the galaxy!
2 - 4
Medium Heavy
About the game
Welcome to Star Wars: Rebellion, a board game that plunges you into the epic conflict between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance. This game offers a deeply immersive experience, taking you straight into the heart of George Lucas’ legendary universe.
In Star Wars: Rebellion, you will find yourself in a galaxy far, far away. The setting is vast, encompassing iconic locations from the Star Wars universe such as Tatooine, Hoth, and Coruscant. The game encapsulates the grandeur of the Star Wars saga, with the Empire seeking to crush the Rebellion with superior firepower while the Rebellion aims to inspire the galaxy and ignite a mass uprising.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
Star Wars: Rebellion is a board game that comes with a plethora of components. Each component has a unique role in the gameplay, contributing to the overall experience. The following are the components included in the game:
1. Game Board: The game board represents the Star Wars galaxy, divided into 32 systems. Each system has a space area and a ground area where units can be deployed. The board also features a time track, reputation track, and build queues.
2. Rulebook and Reference Book: The rulebook provides the basic rules and setup instructions. The reference book is used for clarifying any queries during gameplay.
3. 150 Plastic Miniatures: These miniatures represent the military units of the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire, including starships, troops, and even iconic characters. They are used for battles, missions, and controlling systems.
4. 25 Leader Standees: Leaders are the key characters from the Star Wars universe, each with their own special abilities. They are used to perform missions, oppose enemy missions, and move units.
5. 10 Custom Dice: The dice are used to resolve combat. Each type of unit corresponds to a specific type of dice, either red or black.
6. Over 170 Cards: The cards include mission cards, action cards, objective cards, and project cards. They provide special abilities, bonus actions, or set objectives for the players.
7. 2 Faction Sheets: These sheets provide an overview of each faction’s capabilities and special rules. One is for the Rebel Alliance and the other for the Galactic Empire.
8. Assorted Tokens: Tokens represent loyalty, damage, leaders, sabotage, and other game elements. They are used to keep track of various game states and events.
9. 15 Objective Cards: These cards represent the secret goals of the Rebellion. By completing these objectives, the Rebel player can advance their reputation marker and potentially win the game.
10. 31 Probe Cards: The Empire player uses these cards to search for the Rebel base. Each card corresponds to a system on the board.
11. 30 Tactic Cards: These cards provide special abilities during combat. Each player has a separate deck of ground tactic cards and space tactic cards.
12. Resource Sliders: These sliders track the resources generated by each system. They can be adjusted as systems change loyalty or are sabotaged.
These components work together to create a rich and immersive Star Wars experience. The game uses a combination of strategic planning, tactical decision making, and a bit of luck to challenge players in a struggle for the fate of the galaxy.
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
Step 1: Player Roles
In ‘Star Wars: Rebellion’, players are divided into two distinct factions: the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance. One player will take on the role of the Galactic Empire, with their goal being to discover and destroy the Rebel base. The other player will become the Rebel Alliance, aiming to survive the onslaught and stir up enough galactic support to overthrow the Empire.
Step 2: Board Placement
Lay the game board out in the center of the play area so that both players can easily reach it. The board represents the galaxy and is made up of various systems, each with their own planets. Some systems are loyal to the Empire, some are neutral, and one is secretly selected as the Rebel base.
Step 3: Initial Resources
Each player will start the game with a set of resources. For the Empire, this includes 8 leaders, 30 combat units, a Death Star and a deck of probe cards. The Rebel player starts with 6 leaders, 14 combat units, and a deck of objective cards. Note that these initial resources can be supplemented during the game through various missions and actions.
Step 4: Random Elements
At the beginning of the game, the Rebel player secretly chooses a system on the map to establish their base. This adds a dynamic of uncertainty and exploration to the game. Additionally, the players’ action decks introduce further randomness. These decks contain a variety of missions that players can undertake, which can lead to gaining additional resources, influencing systems, or attacking the opponent.
Step 5: Setup
- Place Units: Both players place their initial units on the game board. The Empire places their units in the systems loyal to them, while the Rebel player places their units in the Rebel base and any systems loyal to them.
- Shuffle Decks: Shuffle the action decks, objective deck, and probe deck separately. Then draw a starting hand of action cards for each player.
- Prepare Time Track: Place the time marker on the first space of the time track. This will be used to track the rounds of the game.
- Choose Missions: Each player looks at their hand of action cards and chooses a set number of missions to undertake in the first round.
Once the setup is complete, you’re ready to begin your battle for the galaxy in ‘Star Wars: Rebellion’.
Game flow Round and round we go
‘Star Wars: Rebellion’ is a board game that involves strategic planning and tactical combat. Two players control the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance. The game progresses through several rounds, each involving multiple phases. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how each round and phase is structured, along with the actions players can perform at each stage:
1. Assignment Phase:
- Imperial Player: The Imperial player begins by placing their leaders on missions. These missions can be drawn from the mission deck and can involve reconnaissance, diplomacy, or direct confrontation.
- Rebel Player: The Rebel player also assigns their leaders to missions from their mission deck. They can also place leaders in reserve to counteract Imperial missions.
2. Command Phase:
- Imperial Player: The Imperial player can activate a system by placing a leader there, then move their units into that system. This can trigger combat if there are opposing units in the system.
- Rebel Player: The Rebel player can also activate systems to move units. If they have leaders in reserve, they can use them to oppose Imperial missions.
3. Refresh Phase:
- Both Players: Both players retrieve their leaders from the board and draw two new mission cards. They also draw and deploy new units based on the systems they control.
These phases continue in cycles until one of two end game conditions are met:
- The Rebel player manages to advance the time marker to the last space of the time track, meaning they have survived long enough to rally sufficient support and win the game.
- The Imperial player discovers the Rebel base and eliminates their forces, meaning the Rebel Alliance is crushed and they win the game.
The game’s intricate balance of strategy and tactics, combined with its immersive Star Wars theme, makes ‘Star Wars: Rebellion’ an engaging game for fans of the franchise and strategy game enthusiasts alike.
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
In Star Wars: Rebellion, each player’s turn is divided into three phases: assignment phase, command phase, and refresh phase. These phases dictate the actions that a player can take during their turn.
Assignment Phase
During the assignment phase, players assign leaders to missions. Each player has a number of leaders at their disposal, each with their own skills. The missions that a leader can perform are determined by their skill set. The strategic choice lies in deciding which missions to assign to which leaders.
- Recruit Leaders: Some missions allow players to recruit additional leaders, increasing the number of actions they can take in future turns.
- Gather Intel: Other missions give players valuable information about their opponent’s plans, allowing them to plan their own strategies more effectively.
- Sabotage: Leaders can also be assigned to sabotage missions, hindering the opponent’s progress.
Command Phase
After all leaders have been assigned to missions, the command phase begins. In this phase, players can move their units from one system to another, initiate combat, or resolve missions. Each of these actions requires a leader, so players must make strategic decisions about how to use their leaders most effectively.
- Move Units: Moving units allows players to conquer new systems, defend their own systems, or position their units for future attacks.
- Initiate Combat: If a player moves their units into a system controlled by their opponent, combat is initiated. The outcome of combat can change the balance of power in the game, making it a crucial strategic decision.
- Resolve Missions: Finally, players can choose to resolve the missions they assigned during the assignment phase. Successfully resolving a mission can give players a significant advantage.
Refresh Phase
The final phase of a player’s turn is the refresh phase. During this phase, players retrieve their leaders, draw mission cards, launch probe droids, draw objective cards, and advance the time marker. This phase allows players to prepare for their next turn and plan their future strategy.
Understanding and mastering the actions and strategic choices available during each phase is crucial to winning Star Wars: Rebellion. Each decision can have far-reaching consequences, making every turn a complex web of potential outcomes.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
Star Wars: Rebellion is an epic board game where the end of the game can occur in various ways. This depends on whether the players are representing the Galactic Empire or the Rebel Alliance, each with unique victory conditions. The game ends immediately if any of these conditions are met.
1. The Galactic Empire’s Victory Conditions:
- Locate and Destroy the Rebel Base: The primary victory condition for the Galactic Empire is to locate and destroy the Rebel Base. The game ends immediately if the Empire player successfully finds and destroys the Rebel Base.
- Eliminate the Rebel Alliance: The game also ends immediately if the Empire player manages to eliminate all Rebel units on the game board. This is a less common way of winning, but it is possible.
2. The Rebel Alliance’s Victory Conditions:
- Survive Until Time Runs Out: The Rebel Alliance’s primary victory condition is surviving until the ‘Time Marker’ reaches the ‘Reputation Marker’ on the game’s time track. If the Rebel player manages to keep the Rebel Base hidden until this condition is met, they win the game.
- Complete Objectives: The Rebel player can also win by completing objectives, which move the ‘Reputation Marker’ towards the ‘Time Marker’. If these two markers meet due to the completion of objectives, the game ends and the Rebel player is victorious.
Before the final scoring, players must ensure that all game actions for the current round have been completed. This includes resolving any combat, finishing any missions, and completing any movements. Once the round is complete, and if a victory condition is met, the game ends and the victorious player is declared.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
Star Wars: Rebellion is a thrilling game where the victory condition is different for both factions – the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance.
Victory Conditions:
For the Galactic Empire, the victory condition is to find the Rebel Base and conquer it. This is achieved by occupying the system with a ground unit.
For the Rebel Alliance, the victory condition is to survive until the time marker reaches the same spot as the reputation marker on the time track. The Rebellion increases their reputation by completing objectives.
Unlike many other games, scoring in Star Wars: Rebellion is not based on points. Instead, victory is achieved by meeting the conditions mentioned above. The Galactic Empire scores by discovering and occupying the Rebel base, and the Rebel Alliance scores by surviving long enough and completing objectives.
The Rebel Alliance can advance their reputation marker on the time track by fulfilling Objective Cards. These objectives represent key tasks and missions that, if completed, strengthen the rebellion against the Empire.
Tie-Breaking Rules:
In Star Wars: Rebellion, tie situations are extremely rare as the victory conditions are very specific. However, in the unlikely event of a tie where both sides meet their victory conditions in the same round, the Rebel Alliance wins. This represents the symbolic victory of the Rebellion, even against incredible odds.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
‘Star Wars: Rebellion’ is an intricate board game with a number of special rules, rare exceptions, and important clarifications. Understanding these can significantly enhance your gaming experience.
Ground Combat: The game allows ground combat only if both Imperial and Rebel forces are present on a system’s surface. However, a special rule allows a player to initiate ground combat by transporting forces from a neighboring system during a move.
Space Combat: In a space combat, players alternate turns, starting with the current player. But if at any point during the combat, one side no longer has any ships in the system, the combat immediately ends.
Unit Deployment: Units cannot be deployed to a system that is currently under enemy control. However, a rare exception to this rule is if the system was just conquered during the same turn, units can still be deployed there.
- Leader Limit: A maximum of two leaders can be assigned to a mission, and a player cannot have more than four leaders in their pool.
- Subjugation: The Imperial player can subjugate a system instead of gaining loyalty. However, this does not convert the system’s loyalty, and it will return to its previous state if the Imperial ground units leave.
- Objective Cards: Rebel players can achieve objective cards during the Refresh phase. However, these cards cannot be achieved if the game ends during the Command phase.
- Death Star: An exception to the normal rules is the destruction of a Death Star. It can only be destroyed through the ‘Death Star Plans’ mission or by a successful hit by a Rebel starship in a space battle.
- Rule Clarification – Space Battle: TIE Fighters and X-Wings do not block Star Destroyers from being targeted in a space battle.
- Rule Clarification – Leader Abilities: Leaders with special abilities can use them even if they are not activated in response to a mission.
- Rule Clarification – Loyalty: If a system’s loyalty is neutral, it does not count towards fulfilling the conditions of objective cards.
- Rule Clarification – Unit Refunds: If a player is unable to deploy a unit due to lack of space, they do not receive a refund for the unit’s cost.
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
Star Wars: Rebellion is an intense strategy game that pits the Galactic Empire against the Rebel Alliance. Here are some tips, strategies, common mistakes to avoid, and ways to optimize gameplay.
Advanced Strategies:
- Focus on the long game: Instead of just focusing on immediate victories, plan your moves several turns in advance. Predicting your opponent’s moves and planning your strategies accordingly can give you an advantage.
- Use your leaders wisely: Leaders are crucial in this game. They are not only used for missions but also for moving units and initiating battles. Manage your leaders with care and use them strategically.
- Take advantage of the Death Star: For the Empire, the Death Star can be a game changer if used correctly. It can destroy entire planets, eliminating Rebel bases in one fell swoop.
Beginner Tips:
- Know your faction: The Empire and the Rebels have different strengths and weaknesses. Understanding these can help you devise a strategy that suits your faction.
- Understand the game mechanics: Star Wars: Rebellion involves missions, battles, and managing resources. Familiarize yourself with these mechanics to improve your gameplay.
- Experiment with different strategies: As a beginner, experiment with different strategies to find what works best for you. This will also help you to understand the game better.
Common Mistakes to Avoid:
- Ignoring the Probe Droid Cards: These cards are crucial in finding the Rebel base. Ignoring them can cost the Empire the game.
- Underestimating the importance of missions: Missions can swing the game in your favor. Ignoring them in favor of battles can be a costly mistake.
- Not utilizing your units to the fullest: Every unit in the game has a purpose. Not using them to their fullest potential can result in lost opportunities.
Ways to Optimize Gameplay:
- Manage your resources: Efficiently managing your resources can make a huge difference in the game. This includes not only your units but also your cards and leaders.
- Communication: Star Wars: Rebellion is a game where communication is key. Communicate with your co-players to devise strategies and make informed decisions.
- Adaptability: Being able to adapt to changing situations is crucial in this game. Your strategies should be flexible enough to change based on your opponent’s moves.