
Stuffed Fables

Embark on an immersive journey in Stuffed Fables - an AdventureBook Game. Play as brave stuffies, explore a wonder-filled world, and uncover unique discoveries while battling against an evil mastermind. Perfect for families and adults who cherish their childlike wonder.


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About the game

Stuffed Fables is an extraordinary board game brimming with adventure and storytelling. It is a cooperative game driven by an engaging narrative, beautiful illustrations, and a unique set of game mechanics. The game transports players into a magical storybook, a realm that combines the familiar and the fantastical.

The setting of Stuffed Fables is both heartwarming and imaginative. Players take on the roles of brave stuffies – stuffed animal heroes who embark on a mission to protect their child, a little girl, from the nightmare king and his minions. The game unfolds in a world that traverses dreamscapes, a creepy fallow, and the child’s bedroom, immersing players in a rich narrative that is both enchanting and thrilling.

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Setup and rules summary

Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go

‘Stuffed Fables’ is an adventurous board game where players take on the roles of brave stuffies seeking to save the child they love from a scheming, evil mastermind. Here is a step-by-step guide to set up the game:

Step 1: Choose Stuffy Characters

Each player selects a stuffy character to play. The game includes six stuffies: Theodora, Stitch, Lumpy, Flops, Lionel, and Piggle. Each player should take the corresponding character card, figure, and plastic heart of their chosen stuffy.

Step 2: Setup Character Cards

Place your character card in front of you and place a plastic heart in the leftmost space of your stuffy’s health track. The remaining hearts go to the heart token pile.

Step 3: Prepare the Discovery Deck

Shuffle the discovery cards and place the deck face down within reach of all players. Each player draws five cards from this deck. These cards represent the stuffing that gives your stuffy life, as well as the courage, cunning, and teamwork you’ll need to overcome the challenges ahead.

Step 4: Setup Storybook and Board

Choose a story from the Storybook and place it in the center of the play area with the front cover visible. The first page of the Storybook will show a map. This map is the game board for your adventure. Place the sideboard next to the Storybook.

Step 5: Setup Dice

Separate the dice by color and place them within reach of all players. These are used during the game to perform actions such as moving, searching, and fighting minions.

Step 6: Setup Minions

Place all the minion figures and their corresponding cards nearby. The minions will be placed on the game board as indicated by the story in the Storybook.

Step 7: Prepare Buttons and Other Tokens

Place all button tokens and the other various tokens in piles near the play area. These will be used throughout the game as dictated by the story.

Step 8: Begin Your Adventure

Turn to the first page of the chosen story in the Storybook. Read the introduction and follow any setup instructions provided. The player with the most recent bedtime goes first.

Remember, the key to ‘Stuffed Fables’ is teamwork. Good luck, brave stuffies!

Game flow Round and round we go

Stuffed Fables is an adventurous board game that delivers a thrilling narrative set in a child’s bedroom. Players take on the roles of brave stuffies, seeking to save their child from a scheming, evil mastermind.

The game is played in a series of rounds, with each round consisting of several phases. The phases are as follows:

  1. Turn Phase: This is the beginning phase of each round. The player whose stuffy is furthest behind on the initiative track takes the next turn. If there’s a tie, the stuffy with the lower initiative card number goes first.
  2. Draw Phase: At the start of a player’s turn, they draw five dice from the bag and roll them. The color of the dice determines what actions can be taken: red dice for melee attacks, green dice for ranged attacks, yellow dice for searching, blue dice for using special abilities, white dice to gain stuffing (healing), and black dice to move the threat track.
  3. Stuffing Phase: If any white dice were rolled, the player adds that amount to their stuffing. Stuffing acts like health points for a stuffy.
  4. Action Phase: Players can use their colored dice to perform various actions. These actions include moving, attacking, searching, skill tests, and using items. Players can perform as many actions as their dice allow.
  5. Threat Phase: The black dice rolled move the threat track up. If the threat track reaches a certain point, a new minion is spawned on the board. After the threat phase, the player’s turn ends.
  6. End of Round: Once all players have had a turn, the round ends. If there are any minions left on the board, they take their turns according to the initiative track. Then, the next round begins.

Throughout the game, players will also encounter ‘Story Points’. These are triggered by reaching certain spaces on the board, and add additional narrative and choices to the game. The game continues in this manner until the players reach the end of the storybook.

Players'turn One turn to rule them all

‘Stuffed Fables’ is an exciting and immersive board game where players take on the roles of brave stuffies – stuffed toys – to protect the child they love from a scheming, evil mastermind. In this game, your decisions and actions can significantly shape the story and its outcome. Here’s a thorough breakdown of what happens during a player’s turn:

The player’s turn in ‘Stuffed Fables’ consists of 5 main phases:

  1. Roll Phase: During this phase, the active player rolls the group of dice they have in front of them. These dice will determine the player’s actions for the turn.
  2. Perform Actions Phase: The player uses the dice they rolled to perform a range of actions, including moving, scrounging, or attacking.
  3. Threat Phase: If there is a black die in the player’s roll, it is placed on the Threat Track. If the Threat Track fills up, enemies take a turn.
  4. End of Turn Phase: The player’s turn ends, and they set aside any unused dice. If they used all their dice, they draw five new dice from the bag.
  5. Enemy Turn Phase (if triggered): If the Threat Track filled up during the player’s turn, enemies take actions based on the rules in the storybook.

Now, let’s delve into the strategic choices a player can make:

  • Moving: A player can use a die of any color and value to move that number of spaces. Strategic placement on the board can help players avoid threats, reach objectives, or help fellow stuffies.
  • Scrounging: A player can use a green die to search the current location’s Lost token stack for useful items. Finding and effectively using these items can greatly benefit the stuffies’ mission.
  • Attacking: A player can use a red die to attack enemies. The number on the die is the attack’s strength. Choosing when and whom to attack is a critical part of the game strategy.
  • Encouraging: If a player uses a blue die, they can encourage another stuffie, giving that stuffie the die to use on their turn. This can be a game-changing action if used wisely.
  • Using Abilities: Every stuffie has unique abilities that can be activated using certain dice. Using these abilities at the right time can turn the tide of the game.

In summary, a player’s turn in ‘Stuffed Fables’ is a mix of luck (dice rolling) and strategy (how you use those dice). Every decision you make can significantly affect the gameplay and story progression.

End of the game All good games must come to an end

Stuffed Fables is an adventurous board game that involves a group of players who guide a team of stuffed heroes through a series of exciting tales. The game concludes when a specific event occurs, as detailed in the storybook for each individual story. The following are the victory conditions and actions players must take before the final scoring.

The general end game condition is that the game concludes when players have successfully completed the objectives of the story they are playing. Every story in the Stuffed Fables Storybook has its own unique win and loss conditions, which are explicitly stated in the narrative of the game. Players should always pay careful attention to these conditions to understand what they need to achieve to win.

  1. Completing the Story Objective: Each story in the Storybook has a specific objective. This could be anything from rescuing a captured friend, finding a lost item, or defeating a boss enemy. When this objective is achieved, players are victorious and the game ends.
  2. Reading the ‘End of Story’ Passage: Typically, upon achieving the story’s objective, players are directed to read a specific passage from the book, often titled ‘End of Story’. This passage will always confirm the end of the game, and often includes a summary of how the story concludes based on the players’ actions.

Before the final scoring, players must perform the following actions:

  • Resolve any remaining events: If there are any unresolved events or encounters, players must resolve these. This could involve fighting any remaining enemies, resolving any active status effects, or completing any other game actions that are still pending.
  • Collect any outstanding buttons: Buttons are the currency of the game and are used to keep score. Players should ensure they have collected any buttons they have earned through their final actions in the game.
  • Read the ‘End of Story’ passage: As stated above, this passage concludes the narrative of the story. Reading it aloud allows all players to share in the conclusion of the game’s story.

The final score in Stuffed Fables is usually not a competition between players. Instead, it is a measure of how effectively the group worked together to accomplish the story’s goals. The ultimate victory in Stuffed Fables is shared amongst all players who participated in the adventure.

Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?

Stuffed Fables is an adventure board game where players take on the roles of brave toys defending their child from a scheming, nightmarish mastermind. The game does not employ a traditional point scoring system, but instead focuses on the narrative and cooperative play to determine the outcome of the story. Therefore, the success of the player group is determined by their ability to accomplish story-specific objectives and not by individual point accumulation.

Objective Completion

The primary way players progress in Stuffed Fables is by accomplishing story-specific objectives. These objectives are detailed in the storybook guide and vary from scenario to scenario. They could involve protecting certain characters, retrieving objects, or defeating certain enemies, among other tasks. Completing these objectives advances the story and brings the player group closer to victory.


While buttons do not contribute to a scoring system in the traditional sense, they are a form of currency that players can collect throughout the game. Buttons can be used to purchase useful items and weapon upgrades. While accruing buttons doesn’t directly lead to victory, acquiring and using them effectively can greatly assist in achieving the story objectives.


Given its cooperative nature, tie-breaking scenarios are not a common occurrence in Stuffed Fables. However, in situations where players must decide on a course of action and there is a disagreement, the group can decide to vote. In the event of a tied vote, the player with the bookmark (indicating the current player in turn order) has the final say.

It’s important to remember that in Stuffed Fables, the goal is not to score the most points, but to successfully navigate through the story as a team. Each fable ends in one of multiple possible outcomes, and the journey to that ending is where the true game lies.