

Dive into the world of 'Telestrations,' a hilarious sketch and guess board game. Use your creativity to depict words and see if your friends can guess them!


4 - 8

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About the game

Welcome to the world of Telestrations, a classic board game that combines the elements of ‘Chinese Whispers’ and Pictionary to bring you an unparalleled gaming experience. This game is poised to tickle your funny bone and challenge your creativity, ensuring a fun-filled time for players of all ages.

The theme of Telestrations revolves around the concept of broken telephone, but with a twist. Instead of whispering in each other’s ears, players sketch and guess, leading to a hilarious mix-up of drawings and interpretations.

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Setup and rules summary

Game components Unboxing the fun!

Telestrations is a fun and exciting board game that combines the classic games of Telephone and Pictionary. It’s a party game that promotes creativity, communication, and laughter. Here are the key components of the game:

1. Sketch Books

These are essential components of the game. Each player receives a sketch book at the start of the game. The sketch books are where players will both draw their interpretations of a word or phrase, and guess what other players have drawn. They are passed around the table as the game progresses.

2. Markers

Each player is also given a marker. These markers are used to draw in the sketch books. They are a crucial part of the game, allowing players to visualize their interpretations of the words or phrases they are given.

3. Word Cards

These cards have a variety of words or phrases written on them. At the beginning of each round, each player selects a word card and chooses a word or phrase. This will be the word or phrase they must draw in their sketch book.

4. Card Box

This is where the word cards are stored. The card box keeps the game organized and ensures that the word cards are not lost or misplaced.

5. Timer

The timer is used to keep the game moving at a steady pace. Each round is timed to ensure that the game does not drag on for too long.

6. Dice

The dice is rolled at the beginning of each round to determine which word or phrase on the word card the player must draw.

7. Cleaning Cloth

The cleaning cloth is used to erase the drawings in the sketch book after each round. This ensures that the sketch book is clean and ready for the next round of drawings.

In Telestrations, all of these components interact to create a fun and exciting gaming experience. The game begins with each player selecting a word card and rolling the dice to determine their word or phrase. Players then draw their interpretation of the word or phrase in their sketch book, before passing their book to the next player. The next player must guess what the drawing is, write their guess in the book, and pass it on. This continues until each book has been returned to its original owner. The hilarity ensues as players share their books and see how the original word or phrase morphed as it moved around the table.

Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go

Telestrations is a fun and entertaining drawing game that combines the classic games of Telephone and Pictionary. The game is perfect for groups of 4-8 players and requires no artistic skill. It’s all about the fun of misunderstanding each other’s drawings and seeing how your original word morphs as it gets passed around. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up the game:

1. Distribute Game Materials:

  • First, hand out a sketchbook, a marker, and a clean-up cloth to each player. The sketchbook should have an equal number of pages to the total number of players in the game.
  • Also, distribute the cards deck and dice in the middle of the table within everyone’s reach.

2. Prepare the Sketchbooks:

  • At the top of the first page in each sketchbook, players need to write their names. This helps keep track of whose sketchbook is whose as they get passed around.

3. Draw a Card:

  • Each player rolls the dice and draws a card from the deck. Players then look at the word that corresponds to the number on the dice on their card. This word is what they will attempt to draw.

4. Write Down the Secret Word:

  • Each player writes down the word they are about to draw on the first page of their sketchbook. This word will be the basis for their first drawing and the rest of the game.

5. Start Drawing:

  • On the next page, each player attempts to draw their secret word. Once everyone is finished, they close their sketchbooks.

6. Pass the Sketchbooks:

  • Players then pass their sketchbooks to the player on their left. Each player now looks at the drawing they received (not the secret word) and attempts to guess what the drawing is on the next page.

7. Continue Passing:

  • This process of drawing and guessing continues until each player gets their original sketchbook back. The fun part of the game is seeing how the original word morphed as it went around the circle.

8. The Reveal:

  • Once all sketchbooks have returned to their original owners, it’s time for the reveal. Each player shares their book, page by page, and the hilarity ensues as you see how “telephone” turned into “banana phone” or “cat” into “alien invasion.”

There are no winners or losers in Telestrations. The point is to have fun and enjoy the laughter that comes with sharing your drawing and guessing journey.

Game flow Round and round we go

Telestrations is a fun and interactive board game that combines elements of sketching and guessing in a hilarious sequence. The game is played in a series of rounds, with each round consisting of various phases. Here is a detailed explanation of the overall structure:


  • Each player is given a sketch book, a marker, and a clean-up cloth.
  • All players then draw a card, read the word or phrase on the card, and write it down on the first page of their sketch book.

Phase 1: Draw

  • Once all players are ready, a timer is set and the game begins. Each player must draw an image in their sketch book that represents the word or phrase they picked. This must be done before the timer runs out.

Phase 2: Pass and Guess

  • When time is up, all players pass their sketch books to the player on their left. The next player looks at the drawing, flips to the next page, and writes what they think the drawing represents.

Phase 3: Draw Again

  • Once all players have made their guess, the timer is set again, and players draw what the guess in the previous page was. This process continues, alternating between drawing and guessing, until each sketch book has made a full circle and is back with its original owner.

Reveal and Scoring

  • At the end of the round, each player goes through their sketch book, revealing the drawings and guesses. Points are not the objective in this game, but laughter is guaranteed as the original word or phrase often gets hilariously lost in translation through the drawings and guesses.

New Round

  • For subsequent rounds, the game is repeated from the setup phase, with players picking a new word or phrase and drawing again. The game ends when all players agree to stop, or when a predetermined number of rounds have been completed.

Players'turn One turn to rule them all

In the fun and interactive game of ‘Telestrations’, a player’s turn involves three main stages: Sketch it, Guess it, and Reveal and Score. Each stage offers different actions and strategic choices that can affect the gameplay.

Here is a detailed breakdown of what happens during each stage:

  1. Sketch it: In this stage, each player begins by sketching what they see on their secret word card.
    • This stage requires creativity and quick thinking as players have limited time to illustrate their secret word.
    • Strategically, players need to balance between sketching a detailed drawing and conveying the concept of the word quickly. Overly complicated drawings may confuse other players.
  2. Guess it: After the drawing phase, players pass their sketchbooks to the player on their left. This player then must guess what the drawing represents and write it down in the sketchbook.
    • This stage can be challenging as players must interpret the previous player’s drawing and guess their secret word accurately.
    • From a strategic perspective, players need to rely on their reasoning skills and ability to interpret visual cues to make a correct guess.
  3. Reveal and Score: Once all sketchbooks have completed a round of sketching and guessing, players reveal their original secret word and the final guess in the sketchbook. Players then vote for their favorite sketch or guess, and scores are tallied.
    • This stage is the culmination of the previous rounds of sketching and guessing. It requires players to compare the final guess to the original secret word and decide which sketch or guess they found the most entertaining or accurate.
    • In terms of strategy, players can use their voting power to favor sketches or guesses that they found most interesting, potentially influencing the final outcome of the game.

In conclusion, ‘Telestrations’ offers players a variety of actions and strategic choices during each player’s turn. The balance between speed, accuracy in interpreting and conveying visual cues, creativity in sketching, and strategic voting all play a role in the gameplay.

End of the game All good games must come to an end

Telestrations is a fun and engaging party game that combines the classic games of Telephone and Pictionary. It’s a game of miscommunication and hilarious results. The game ends when all players have had a turn to draw and guess, and the sketchbook has returned to its original owner. Here’s how the end of the game, scoring and victory conditions work:

End of the Game:

A round of Telestrations ends after everyone has had a chance to draw and guess, and each sketchbook has made its way back to its original owner. This means that if there are 8 players, there will be 8 turns in one round of the game.


Once a round ends and everyone has their original sketchbooks, it’s time to score. Scoring in Telestrations isn’t about winning or losing, but about the comedic journey of each sketchbook. However, if you want to keep score, here’s how it’s done:

  1. Each player reveals their sketchbook to the group, one at a time, narrating the progression of pictures and guesses.
  2. After each sketchbook has been shared, every player votes on their favorite sketch or guess from that book.
  3. Each vote a sketch or guess receives equals one point for the owner of the sketchbook, as well as one point for the player who did the sketch or guess.

Victory Conditions:

After all the sketchbooks have been shared and votes tallied, the player with the most points is declared the winner. Remember, in Telestrations the goal is to have fun and share laughs. Winning simply means you contributed the most to the fun of the game!

Actions Before Final Scoring:

Before final scoring, make sure all players have had a turn to draw and guess, and that each sketchbook has landed back at its original owner. Then, each player must go through their sketchbook, sharing the progression of drawings and guesses to the group. This is an important step, as it creates the fun, laughter, and memories that make Telestrations such a great game.

Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?

‘Telestrations’ is a fun and interactive board game that rewards creativity, humor, and luck. The game’s scoring system is designed to add an extra layer of excitement to the game. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how the scoring works:

Points Awarded:

  • Correct Guess: If a player is able to correctly guess the original word or phrase based on the drawing, that player receives one point.
  • Identical Guess and Word: If the word or phrase written down by a player is the same as the original word or phrase, that player receives one point.
  • Voted Funniest: At the end of each round, players vote for the sketch or guess they found the most humorous. The player with the most votes receives one point.

Tie-Breaking Rules:

In the event of a tie, the following rules are observed to determine the winner:

  1. If two or more players end the game with the same number of points, the player who had the most ‘Voted Funniest’ points is declared the winner.
  2. If there is still a tie, the player who had the most ‘Correct Guess’ points is the winner.
  3. If there is still no clear winner, the game results in a tie, and it is suggested to play another round to determine the winner.

It’s important to note that ‘Telestrations’ is ultimately a game about fun and creativity, and while points add a competitive element, the game is often enjoyed most when players focus on the humor and creativity of the sketches and guesses.

Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?

Telestrations is a fun and interactive party game that combines elements of the classic games of ‘telephone’ and ‘pictionary’. While the game’s rules are quite straightforward, there are a few special rules, exceptions, and clarifications to keep in mind:

1. Skipping a Turn: Normally, every player should draw a word and pass their sketchbook in each round. However, if a player is unable to come up with a drawing for the word they’ve received, they may skip their turn. This should be used sparingly, as it can disrupt the flow of the game.

2. Word Reuse: Players are not supposed to reuse words from previous rounds. If a player receives a sketchbook with a word they’ve already used, they should make a new guess rather than repeating the old one.

3. No Talking: Players are not allowed to talk or give hints about their word or drawing during the game. Any player caught doing so must forfeit their turn.

4. Time Limits: While the game does not have a strict time limit for drawing or guessing, it’s recommended to keep each round to about a minute to keep the game moving.

5. Last Guess Rule: In the final round, the last guess is often revealed to all players before the original word. This is a fun way to see how far the word has evolved during the game.

6. Scoring: Scoring in Telestrations is intended to be more of a fun reflection on the game rather than a serious competition. Players can vote on their favorite guess and drawing from each round, and the player with the most votes wins. However, many players choose to ignore the scoring system entirely and simply enjoy the game.

Rule Clarifications: It’s worth noting that the nature of Telestrations allows for a lot of flexibility and house rules. For example, some players may choose to allow limited talking, or to impose a strict time limit for each round. The most important thing is to agree on the rules before starting the game and to ensure everyone is having fun.

Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!

Advanced Strategies:

  • Pay Attention to Detail: If you’re drawing, try to include as many details as possible to make your message clearer. Remember, this isn’t a speed drawing contest, so take your time to convey your concept accurately.
  • Focus on Key Words: If you’re guessing, don’t ignore the details but focus mainly on the most prominent parts of the drawing. These are likely to be the key elements of the phrase.
  • Use Common Symbols: Use well-known symbols or signs that can quickly convey meaning to help get your message across.

Beginner tips:

  • Keep it Simple: If you’re new to the game, stick to simple drawings. Even if you’re a talented artist, complex drawings can confuse other players.
  • Practice: Like any other game, practice makes perfect. The more you play, the better you will get at both drawing and decoding drawings.
  • Have Fun: Remember, Telestrations is a game of miscommunication and fun. Don’t worry if your drawings aren’t perfect. The most important thing is to enjoy the game.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Rushing: Whether you’re drawing or guessing, rushing can lead to mistakes. Take your time to understand the phrase or to draw a clear picture.
  • Being too Literal: If a drawing isn’t making sense, try thinking outside the box. The artist might have represented the phrase metaphorically.
  • Ignoring Details: If you’re guessing, pay attention to every detail. What might seem insignificant could be the key to the phrase.

Ways to Optimize Gameplay:

  • Rotate Turns: To keep the game fair and interesting, rotate who starts the game in each round.
  • Use a Timer: To add a challenge and keep the game moving, consider using a timer for each drawing and guessing turn.
  • Play in Teams: If you have a large group, consider splitting into teams. This can make the game more competitive and also allows for more strategic play.