The Voyages of Marco Polo
Experience the epic journey of Marco Polo in this immersive board game. Use strategy to manage resources, fulfill contracts, and establish trade routes for victory!
2 - 4
Medium Heavy

About the game
Welcome to the world of The Voyages of Marco Polo, a strategy board game that takes you on a thrilling journey through the ancient Silk Road. In this game, you are immersed in the character of a merchant, voyaging from one city to another, trading goods and fulfilling contracts, just like the legendary explorer Marco Polo himself.
Set in the 13th century, this game is a rich tapestry of history and culture, taking players through cities like Beijing, Sumatra, Alexandria, and many more. The board is a beautifully illustrated map of Eurasia, made vibrant with colors and symbols representing various resources.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
The Voyages of Marco Polo is a rich and complex board game with many components. Each element serves a unique role in the game’s mechanics, creating a diverse and dynamic gaming experience. Here’s a detailed look at each one:
1. Game Board: The game board is the central component. It represents the various cities and trade routes of the Silk Road that players will traverse throughout the game. Each city offers a unique bonus to players who establish trading posts there.
2. Player Boards: Each player receives a board that tracks their resources and progress. It houses a player’s dice, camels, coins, and resources. It also indicates any special abilities or bonuses the player may have.
3. Dice: Dice are a key component of the game. They are used to determine players’ actions on their turns. The number rolled on a dice can influence movement across the game board, the ability to trade, and other actions.
4. Character Cards: These cards provide players with unique abilities that can be used throughout the game. The abilities range from extra resources to enhanced movement, giving each player a distinct advantage.
5. City Cards: City cards are associated with the different cities on the game board. They offer a specific bonus or reward to the player who first establishes a trading post in their corresponding city.
6. Contract Cards: Contract cards are objectives that players can complete for points and rewards. Each contract requires certain resources to complete and offers a unique reward upon completion.
7. Coins: Coins are the main currency in the game. They are used to purchase resources, establish trading posts, and complete contracts. Players gain coins through trade, completing contracts, and certain character abilities.
8. Resources: There are three types of resources: gold, silk, and spices. These are used to fulfill contracts and can be obtained through trade or by establishing trading posts in certain cities.
9. Camels: Camels are used to travel between cities and to negotiate trades. They are a valuable resource for movement and trade.
10. Trading Posts: Trading posts are markers that players place in cities to gain bonuses and resources. Once a trading post is established in a city, the player can reap benefits from that city for the remainder of the game.
11. Player Markers: Player markers are used to track each player’s progress on the scoring track. They are also used to indicate whose turn it is.
12. Bonus Markers: Bonus markers are rewards for reaching certain milestones first, such as being the first to complete a certain number of contracts.
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
The Voyages of Marco Polo is an exciting board game that takes you on an exhilarating journey following in the footsteps of the famous explorer, Marco Polo. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to set up the game:
Step 1: Board Placement
Place the main game board in the center of the table. The board includes different cities and paths that connect these cities.
Step 2: Player Roles
Each player chooses a character card. This card will give them a unique ability that they can use throughout the game. There are 8 different characters to choose from, each with their own special abilities. The character card also indicates the player’s starting resources.
Step 3: Initial Resources
According to the character card, each player receives their starting resources. These resources include money, camels, and goods (like spices, silk, and gold). Each player also receives 2 objective cards and 5 dice in their chosen color.
Step 4: City Bonus Tokens
Shuffle the 10 city bonus tokens and randomly place 1 token on each of the 10 cities, which have a square city space.
Step 5: Contracts
Shuffle the contract cards and place 6 of them face up next to the game board. The rest of the contract cards form a draw pile.
Step 6: Random Elements
The game also includes some random elements to make each game unique. Shuffle the 6 black dice and roll them. Place the dice on the corresponding fields of the game board. This will determine the costs for different actions during the game.
Step 7: Set Up Player Boards
Each player places their 5 colored dice, 9 trading posts, and 1 scoring marker on their player board. Their remaining goods and camels are placed in a supply next to their player board.
Step 8: Determine Starting Player
The player who most recently traveled goes first. They receive the starting player marker and 7 coins. The second player receives 7 coins, the third player 8 coins, and the fourth player 9 coins.
Once setup is complete, you’re ready to embark on your voyage of exploration and trade in ‘The Voyages of Marco Polo’.
Game flow Round and round we go
The Voyages of Marco Polo is a strategy board game where players embody one of the characters who traveled with or met Marco Polo on his travels. The game is divided into five rounds, each consisting of three phases: The Dice Phase, the Action Phase, and the Tally Phase. As players progress through the rounds, they undertake a series of actions to score points.
The Dice Phase: At the beginning of each round, every player rolls their five dice. The resulting values are used to determine the strength of the actions players can perform in the upcoming Action Phase. Note: Each player’s dice are rolled and utilized individually, not collectively.
The Action Phase: Starting with the first player and proceeding clockwise, each player performs one action on their turn. This phase continues until all players have utilized all their dice. The actions players can perform are as follows:
- Travel: Players can move their figure around the game board, visiting cities and oases. Traveling costs camels and sometimes money, and the dice value specifies how far you can move.
- Market: Players can acquire goods by visiting the market. The number of goods received is determined by the value of the dice used in this action.
- City Cards: Players can obtain city cards by visiting respective cities. These cards offer a range of benefits, including goods, camels, money, or even additional actions.
- Fulfill Contracts: Players can fulfill contracts by trading in the required goods. Fulfilling contracts provides players with victory points and sometimes additional rewards.
The Tally Phase: After all players have performed their actions, the Tally Phase begins. In this phase, players must pay the cost of their workers. If they cannot or choose not to pay, they lose victory points. After this, players check if they’ve reached any cities with bonuses for this round and claim them, then the first player marker moves to the next player in clockwise order and a new round begins.
After five rounds, the game ends and the player with the most victory points wins the game.
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
The Voyages of Marco Polo is a complex and strategic board game. During each player’s turn, there are a multitude of actions and strategic choices available to them. The decisions made will impact the game’s progression and the player’s potential for victory.
1. Dice Placement:
At the beginning of each round, players roll their five dice. These dice represent the players’ agents and the numbers rolled decide the potential actions available to them. Players place their dice on the various action spaces in the game board, with each space requiring a certain minimum die value. The higher the die value, the stronger the action.
2. Actions:
After dice placement, players perform the action associated with the space. The following actions are available:
- Marketplace: Players can acquire resources such as gold, silk, spices, and camels. The number and type of resources depend on the die value placed in the space.
- Travel: Players can move their figure around the game board to different cities, which costs camels and/or coins depending on the distance and route taken. Upon reaching a new city, players can perform the city’s action and place their trading post there.
- City Cards: Players can claim a city card by placing a die with a value equal to or higher than the one indicated on the card. These cards offer powerful one-time or ongoing effects.
- Contracts: Players can acquire contracts by placing a die on the corresponding space. To fulfill a contract, players must pay the resources indicated on the card, which in turn provides victory points and other benefits.
3. Strategic Choices:
Throughout the game, players will have to make strategic choices based on their dice rolls, available resources, and current position on the board. For instance, a player with a low dice roll might choose to focus on acquiring resources or contracts, while a player with a high roll might prioritize travel or city cards. These decisions can significantly affect the player’s chances of winning.
Moreover, players have to carefully manage their resources since they are limited and needed for various actions. Balancing the need for immediate gain with long-term strategy is crucial in The Voyages of Marco Polo.
Ultimately, the goal is to earn the most victory points by the end of the game. Players can do this through a combination of traveling, establishing trading posts, fulfilling contracts, and utilizing city cards effectively.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
The game of ‘The Voyages of Marco Polo’ officially ends after the completion of the fifth round. At this point, no more turns are taken and the game moves into its final scoring phase. It’s important to note that, while the game progresses, players have the opportunity to score points through various means, but the final scoring at the end of the fifth round often determines the ultimate winner.
Final Scoring:
- Destination Cards: At this stage, players reveal any remaining destination cards they have. For each city that a player has visited which is depicted on one of their destination cards, they will score the points indicated on the card.
- Character Bonus: Certain characters have special abilities that allow players to score extra points at the end of the game. These points are added during final scoring.
- Coins and Resources: Players also score points for any remaining coins and resources they have. For each set of 10 coins, they receive 1 point. Similarly, for every set of 10 resources (camels, spices, silk, gold), players receive 1 point.
- Completed Contracts: Players receive points for the number of completed contracts they have. The player with the most contracts gets 7 points, the player with the second most gets 4 points, and the player with the third most gets 1 point. In case of a tie, all tied players receive the full points for that position.
After calculating these points, the player with the highest total is declared the winner. If there is a tie, the player with the most leftover coins is the winner. If there is still a tie, the player who performed the last action in the fifth round wins.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
In ‘The Voyages of Marco Polo’, players accumulate victory points (VPs) by completing various actions throughout the game. The player with the most points at the end of the game is the winner. Here is a detailed breakdown of how points are awarded:
- City Cards: Players receive victory points as indicated on the city cards they have claimed during the game. Each city card has a specific victory point value.
- Contracts: Each completed contract card awards a certain number of victory points to the player. The value is displayed on the contract card.
- Destination Bonus: Players gain victory points based on the number of different cities they have reached by the end of the game. The more unique cities visited, the greater the points awarded.
- Journey: Players also earn points for reaching Beijing. The first player to reach Beijing earns 10 points, while subsequent players earn fewer points.
- Coins: For every 10 coins a player has at the end of the game, they are awarded 1 victory point.
- Remaining Camels: At the end of the game, each player receives 1 victory point for every remaining camel in their possession.
After all points have been calculated and awarded, the player with the most victory points is declared the winner. In the event of a tie, there are two tie-breaking rules:
- The player with the most completed contracts wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player with the most leftover resources (coins and camels combined) wins.
If a tie persists even after applying both tie-breaking rules, the victory is shared between the tied players.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
The Voyages of Marco Polo is a complex and intriguing board game that has several special rules and exceptions. Understanding these can greatly enhance one’s gaming experience. Here are some of these rare or special rules:
1. Completing a Secret Objective:
Secret objectives are a major part of the game and can earn you a significant amount of points. However, it should be noted that a player cannot complete a secret objective unless they have reached the city stated on the card. Even if you have the necessary resources, you cannot claim the objective unless you have a trading post in the city.
2. The Use of Black Dice:
Black dice in the game are special and can be used in various ways. They can be utilized like normal dice but with a few exceptions. You cannot use a black die to claim the first player marker, nor can you use it to receive 3 coins. Additionally, when using a black die for travel, you cannot use it to double a travel action.
3. Travel Rules:
Traveling plays a huge role in the game. However, a player cannot travel to the same city twice in the same turn. Additionally, a player can only establish one trading post per city. Travel actions must always be completed completely – you cannot split a travel action over two or more turns.
4. Interaction with Other Players:
While The Voyages of Marco Polo is a competitive game, it does not feature direct conflict between players. However, there is competition for resources, dice placements, and city cards. When a player chooses an action space that another player has already occupied, they have to pay an additional cost in coins equivalent to the number of dice already present.
5. End Game Scoring:
At the end of the game, points are awarded for a variety of achievements. These include: the number of cities visited, contracts fulfilled, and the final positions on the journey track. However, it’s important to note that any unfulfilled contracts at the end of the game will result in a penalty of -5 points each.
6. Contract Fulfillment:
When fulfilling a contract, a player must pay all the required resources at once. They cannot pay partially and complete the contract later in the game. Once a contract is completed, it cannot be used again.
7. Special Character Abilities:
Each character in the game has a unique ability. These abilities are powerful and can significantly influence the strategy of the game. However, some abilities may seem to contradict the general rules of the game. In such cases, the character’s ability takes precedence.
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
The Voyages of Marco Polo is an engaging and strategic board game that requires careful planning, resource management, and risk-taking. To help you get started and improve your gameplay, here are some advanced strategies, beginner tips, common mistakes to avoid, and ways to optimize your gameplay:
Advanced Strategies:
- Plan Ahead: The Voyages of Marco Polo is a game that requires careful planning. It’s important to have a strategy in mind from the beginning and to stick to it as much as possible. Try to anticipate the actions of your opponents and plan your moves accordingly.
- Manage Your Resources Wisely: Resources are crucial in this game. Make sure to gather enough resources to complete your objectives, but also be mindful not to waste them. It’s often a good strategy to obtain more resources than you think you’ll need, just in case.
- Use Your Special Abilities: Each character has unique abilities. Make sure to use these abilities to your advantage. They can often be the difference between winning and losing.
Beginner Tips:
- Learn the Basics: Before diving into complex strategies, make sure you understand the basic rules and mechanics of the game. This includes understanding the different actions you can take, how to use your resources, and the importance of completing objectives.
- Start Small: As a beginner, it’s often best to start with small, achievable objectives. This can help you gain confidence and understanding of the game before tackling more complex tasks.
- Watch and Learn: Pay attention to the strategies of more experienced players. You can learn a lot by observing their moves and decisions.
Common Mistakes to Avoid:
- Ignoring Objectives: Objectives are key to winning the game. Ignoring them can put you at a significant disadvantage.
- Wasting Resources: Resources are limited, and wasting them can severely hinder your progress. Always try to use your resources efficiently.
- Forgetting Special Abilities: Your character’s special abilities can give you a significant edge in the game. Forgetting to use them is a common mistake that can cost you the game.
Ways to Optimize Gameplay:
- Adapt Your Strategy: While it’s important to have a plan, it’s equally important to be flexible and able to adapt your strategy based on the actions of your opponents and the state of the game.
- Optimize Resource Management: Try to optimize your resource gathering and spending. This can involve making strategic trades, taking advantage of opportunities to gain free resources, and saving resources for crucial moments.
- Coordinate Actions: Try to coordinate your actions to maximize their impact. For example, you might want to complete an objective at the same time as you gather resources or use a special ability.