Through the Desert
Embrace the desert's allure in 'Through the Desert', a riveting board game of strategy and risk. Build caravans, control oases, outsmart opponents, and prosper.
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About the game
Through the Desert is a captivating board game that whisks players away on an exciting adventure across the sandy dunes and lush oases of the desert. The game is set against the backdrop of a vast, sun-drenched landscape, teeming with vibrant colors and exotic wildlife, where players strive to establish the most influential caravan routes.
The core mechanics of Through the Desert masterfully blend elements of strategy and competition. Each player controls a team of nomads, represented by pastel-colored camel figurines, and aims to connect different oases and waterholes on the board, while also blocking their opponents’ paths. This results in a captivating tug-of-war as players plan their routes and respond to their rivals’ moves.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
Through the Desert is a strategic board game that involves planning and tactical thinking. The game is set in the desert and players must lead their caravans through the harsh environment to collect water and reach oases. The game comes with various components, each serving a unique purpose and interacting with the game in a specific way:
1. Game Board: This is the main component of the game. It is a map of the desert with various terrains and areas marked on it. The game board is where all the actions take place. Players place their caravan leaders and camels on the board to make moves and score points. The board also has spaces for water holes and oases.
2. Caravan Leaders: Each player receives five caravan leaders in their chosen color at the start of the game. These leaders are used to start new caravans on the game board. The placement of these leaders can greatly influence a player’s strategy and the outcome of the game.
3. Camels: There are 175 camel pieces in the game, divided into five different colors. Players add camels to their caravans during their turn, expanding their reach on the board. The longest caravan of each color receives bonus points at the end of the game.
4. Water Hole Tokens: These are scattered across the game board. When a player’s camel lands on a space with a water hole token, they collect the token. These tokens award additional points at the end of the game.
5. Palm Trees (Oases): There are ten palm trees in the game. When a player’s caravan reaches an oasis, they can place a palm tree on it. Oases provide bonus points at the end of the game, and also have a strategic impact during the game as they block other caravans.
6. Score Track: This is used to keep track of each player’s score throughout the game. The track is marked with numbers and players move their score marker along the track as they score points.
7. Score Markers: Each player has a score marker in their chosen color. This marker is moved along the score track to keep a record of the player’s total points.
8. Color Tokens: These are used to determine the longest caravan of each color at the end of the game. The player with the longest caravan of a specific color receives the corresponding color token.
Each component of Through the Desert interacts with the game mechanics to create a dynamic and strategic gaming experience. Players must carefully consider how to best use each component to outmaneuver their opponents and score the most points.
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
Through the Desert is a board game where players aim to create the longest caravan of camels across the desert. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to set it up:
Step 1: Board Placement
First, place the game board in the center of the playing area. Ensure that all players can easily reach the board to place their camels and oases.
Step 2: Placing the Watering Holes and Oases
- Shuffle the watering hole tiles and place one face up on each of the watering hole spaces on the board.
- Place the five oasis tiles on the matching oasis spaces on the board.
Step 3: Player Roles and Initial Resources
Each player chooses a color and takes the rider figures and camels of that color.
- Each player places one rider on top of a camel of their color and places this caravan starter on any unoccupied oasis.
- This is repeated until all players have placed five caravan starters on the board.
Step 4: Random Elements
Place the remaining camels and the palm trees next to the game board. These will be used during the game.
Finally, the youngest player goes first. The game is now ready to start!
Remember, the goal of Through the Desert is to score the most points by creating long caravans and controlling oases. Good luck and enjoy your journey through the desert!
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
‘Through the Desert’ is a board game where players aim to establish caravans, capture waterholes, and connect to oases to earn points. The game continues until no more camels can be placed on the board, at which point the player with the most points wins. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what happens during a player’s turn:
During each turn, a player can perform one of two actions:
- Place a caravan leader: At the start of the game, players can place a caravan leader of their color on any unoccupied space. They can only place a leader once at the start of their turn and cannot move it once placed.
- Add two camels to existing caravans: After placing their leaders, players can add two camels of their color to their existing caravans. The camels must be added to the board adjacent to a camel of the same color. They cannot be placed on an oasis, a waterhole, or a space occupied by another player’s camel or leader.
There are several strategic choices a player can make during their turn:
- Players can attempt to enclose areas with their camels. Any waterholes within an enclosed area are automatically claimed by the player, earning them points.
- Players can aim to connect to as many oases as possible, as each oasis connected to a caravan awards extra points. However, players must be careful not to extend their caravans too thin, leaving them vulnerable to being cut off by opponents.
- Players can try to block opponents’ caravans by placing their camels strategically. This can prevent opponents from reaching desirable locations or enclosing large areas.
The choices a player makes during their turn greatly affect the gameplay. For instance, focusing on enclosing areas might earn a player many points in a short amount of time, but it could leave them with fewer camels to block opponents or connect to oases. Similarly, trying to block opponents can slow down their progress, but it might also divert resources away from the player’s own goals.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
Through the Desert is a game of strategic planning and careful maneuvering. The game ends when all the camels of one color have been placed on the game board. At this point, the game immediately concludes, and players proceed to the final scoring phase.
Victory Conditions:
The player with the highest total number of points at the end of the game is declared the winner. Points are scored in several categories:
- Watering Hole Points: During the game, players can collect watering hole tokens by placing a camel on a space with a watering hole. At the end of the game, players add up the points from all their collected watering hole tokens.
- Oasis Points: Players earn 5 points for each oasis they surround with their camels.
- Longest Caravan Points: For each color of camel, the player with the longest uninterrupted line of camels of that color earns 10 points. In case of a tie, all tied players receive the 10 points.
- Area Control Points: Players earn points based on the areas they control with their caravans. Each enclosed area is worth a number of points equal to the number of spaces within it.
Endgame Actions:
Before final scoring, players must perform the following actions:
- Confirm that all the camels of one color have been placed on the board, thereby triggering the end of the game.
- Count the total number of points from their collected watering hole tokens.
- Determine who has the longest caravan for each color of camel and award the appropriate points.
- Calculate the points for each enclosed area a player controls.
- Add up all the points from the categories mentioned above to get each player’s final score.
The player with the highest total score is declared the winner. If there’s a tie, the player who placed the last camel, triggering the end of the game, is the winner.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
‘Through the Desert’ is a strategic board game where players aim to score the highest number of points by placing camels across the desert in a strategic manner. The game ends when all the camels of one color have been placed on the board, and points are then tallied.
Scoring in ‘Through the Desert’ is done as follows:
- Camel Caravans: Each player scores points equal to the number of camels in their longest caravan of each color. The player with the longest caravan of a particular color scores extra points.
- Oasis Tiles: Each oasis tile a player’s caravan is connected to at the end of the game is worth 5 points.
- Watering Hole Tokens: Each watering hole token collected is worth 1 point.
- Desert Regions: Players score points for each desert region they have the most camels in. The points are equal to the number of camels in that region.
Once all points are tallied, the player with the highest total score is declared the winner. In the case of a tie, the following tie-breaking rules apply:
- The player with the most total camels on the board wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player who was earlier in turn order wins.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
Through the Desert is a strategic board game where players place camels on the board to create caravans. Although the rules are straightforward, there are certain exceptions and special rules that players should be aware of.
1. Special Rule for the Initial Turn:
During the initial turn, each player places two camels of any color, instead of one, on the board.
Note: This rule only applies to the first turn and not to subsequent turns.
2. Restrictions on Camel Placement:
Camels of the same color cannot be placed adjacent to each other, unless they are part of the same caravan. Camels of different colors can be placed adjacent to each other without restrictions.
3. Exception for Oasis Tiles:
- Players can claim an Oasis tile by placing a camel on it.
- Once claimed, an Oasis tile cannot be claimed by another player.
- Oasis tiles give players special abilities or bonus points at the end of the game.
4. Rule Clarification for Ending the Game:
The game ends when there are no more camels of a particular color left to be placed on the board. Note that it is possible for a player to end the game prematurely by strategically placing their camels such that one color runs out.
5. Scoring Exceptions:
While scoring, if two or more players tie for the longest caravan of a particular color, each player receives the full points for that color.
6. Special Rule for Watering Holes:
Note: Watering holes are represented by the small, circular tokens scattered across the board. A player can claim a watering hole by placing a camel on it. The player then takes the token and keeps it face down until the end of the game. Each watering hole token is worth the number of points indicated on the token.
Remember, the key to winning ‘Through the Desert’ is not just to abide by the rules, but to use them strategically to your advantage.
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
Through the Desert is a strategic board game that requires players to lead their caravans through the desert and claim oases, waterholes, and other valuable locations. The player who accumulates the most points by the end of the game wins. Here are some advanced strategies, beginner tips, common mistakes to avoid, and ways to optimize gameplay:
Advanced Strategies:
Early Expansion: Try to place your caravans in such a way that you secure as much territory as possible early in the game. It’s a great way to limit your opponents’ movements and increase your scoring opportunities.
Use the Desert to Your Advantage: The desert can act as a natural barrier that prevents your opponents from moving into your territory. Use it wisely to protect your caravans and territory.
Control the Oases: Oases are crucial for getting extra points in the game. Try to control as many oases as possible to ensure a steady flow of points.
Beginner Tips:
Understand the Scoring: Points can be scored in various ways – by reaching waterholes, enclosing areas, connecting to oases, and having the longest caravan of each color. Understanding how scoring works is key to planning your moves.
Use All Your Caravans: Don’t neglect any of your caravans. Each caravan can earn points, so make sure you use all of them strategically.
Plan Ahead: Try to anticipate the moves of your opponents. This will help you to make better decisions and to block their strategies if necessary.
Common Mistakes to Avoid:
Ignoring Opponents’ Moves: Always keep an eye on your opponents’ caravans. Ignoring them can lead to them cutting off your expansion or taking the oases and waterholes you were aiming for.
Not Balancing Strategies: Don’t focus too much on one strategy. A balanced approach, taking into account all the ways to score points, is generally more successful.
Ways to Optimize Gameplay:
Practice: As with any game, practice makes perfect. The more you play, the better you’ll understand the strategies and nuances of Through the Desert.
Adapt Your Strategy: Don’t stick to one strategy throughout the game. Be flexible and adapt your strategy based on your opponents’ moves and the state of the board.