
Thunder Road: Vendetta

Dive into Thunder Road: Vendetta, an exhilarating board game of asphalt mayhem. With new dynamic elements like random hazard tokens, damage effects, and strategic choices, it's a race of speed, strategy, and survival!


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About the game

Welcome to the thrilling world of Thunder Road: Vendetta, a pulse-pounding, high-octane board game that plunges players into a post-apocalyptic environment where survival is the name of the game.

The theme of Thunder Road: Vendetta is truly immersive, set in a dystopian future where society has collapsed and road warriors rule the wastelands. Players command their own gang of road warriors, each equipped with a fleet of rugged, weaponized vehicles. Your goal is to survive, outmaneuver your opponents, and dominate the desolate highways of this brave new world.

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Setup and rules summary

Game components Unboxing the fun!

Thunder Road: Vendetta is a thrilling board game with a host of components that allow players to navigate the game board, engage in battles, and strategize for victory. Each component plays a unique role in the game and interacts with other pieces in different ways. Here, we will go through each component and their functionalities.

1. Game Board: The game board depicts the dystopian highways of Thunder Road. It is split into three lanes, each with its own obstacles and potential for encounters with enemy vehicles. Players move their vehicles along the lanes, trying to outmaneuver their opponents and reach the end of the road first.

2. Vehicle Tokens: These tokens represent the players’ vehicles in the game. Each player begins the game with a fleet of vehicles, and these tokens are moved across the game board. Their position, speed, and interactions with other vehicles determine the outcome of the game.

3. Dice: The game includes several six-sided dice which are used to resolve combat, determine vehicle speed, and perform other in-game actions. The results of dice rolls introduce chance elements to the game, making it unpredictable and exciting.

4. Combat Cards: These cards are used to resolve battles between vehicles. When two vehicles come into contact on the game board, players draw combat cards and follow the instructions to determine the outcome of the encounter.

5. Damage Tokens: These tokens are used to track the damage inflicted on vehicles during combat. When a vehicle receives damage, the player places a corresponding damage token next to the vehicle token on the board. If a vehicle receives too much damage, it is removed from the game.

6. Speed Tokens: These tokens are used to track the speed of each vehicle. Players use these tokens to indicate their vehicle’s current speed on the game board. The speed of a vehicle can impact its maneuverability and combat effectiveness.

7. Obstacle Tokens: These tokens are placed on the game board to represent various obstacles that vehicles must avoid. They can alter the course of a vehicle, slow it down, or even cause damage if a vehicle collides with them.

8. Player Dashboards: Each player has a dashboard that provides an overview of their vehicles’ states, including current speed, damage status, and special abilities. The dashboard helps players manage their fleet and plan their moves strategically.

Every component of Thunder Road: Vendetta is designed to create a dynamic and strategic gameplay experience. By understanding how each piece interacts with the game, players can plan their moves, prepare for battles, and race towards victory.

Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go

Step 1: Player Roles

In Thunder Road: Vendetta, each player takes on the role of a road warrior. Your goal is to outlast your opponents in a post-apocalyptic vehicular combat. Each player will control a team of vehicles in a fighting race for survival.

Step 2: Setting Up The Game Board

Remove the game board from the box and place it on a flat surface, ensuring all players can reach it. The game board represents the endless stretch of highway that players will be racing and fighting on. It’s a long, rectangular board, and it should be set up so that the ‘start’ section of the road is at one end and the ‘end’ section is at the other.

Step 3: Vehicle Placement

Each player begins the game with a set of vehicles. The specific composition may vary, but typically includes one big rig, one gyrocopter, and two cars. Players place their vehicles on the starting section of the board, with the exact placement within that section determined randomly. Use a die roll or another agreed-upon method for this randomness.

Step 4: Initial Resources

In Thunder Road: Vendetta, the primary resource is your vehicles. Each vehicle has a set number of hit points, representing its health. At the start of the game, all vehicles are at full health. Use the provided tokens or markers to track the health of each vehicle on its corresponding card.

Step 5: Random Elements

Thunder Road: Vendetta includes several random elements. At the start of the game, shuffle the deck of cards and place it within reach of all players. This deck contains a variety of events, hazards, and bonuses that can happen during the game. On each player’s turn, they will draw a card from this deck and resolve its effects.

Step 6: Starting the Game

Once all vehicles are placed, resources are accounted for, and the deck is shuffled, you’re ready to start playing. Determine the first player by another die roll or agreed-upon method. This player will take the first turn, with play then proceeding clockwise around the board.

Game flow Round and round we go

Thunder Road: Vendetta is an exciting game of post-apocalyptic vehicular combat where players compete for survival. The aim of the game is to destroy your opponents’ vehicles while keeping as many of yours in play as possible.

The game is played in a series of rounds, each of which is divided into several phases. Here’s a detailed breakdown of each round:

1. Draw Phase:

  • At the start of each round, players draw a card from the event deck. These cards can have various effects that can help or hinder the players, such as modifying attack rolls, introducing new obstacles or providing bonuses for certain actions.

2. Movement Phase:

  • During the movement phase, players take turns moving their vehicles along the track. The number of spaces a vehicle can move depends on its speed rating. Players must also navigate around any obstacles that are in their path.

3. Combat Phase:

  • Once all vehicles have moved, the combat phase begins. Players take turns attacking their opponents’ vehicles. The outcome of an attack is determined by rolling dice and comparing the result to the target’s defense rating.
  • If a vehicle’s damage exceeds its armor rating, it is destroyed and removed from the game. The player who destroyed the vehicle earns victory points equal to the vehicle’s point value.

4. End Phase:

  • After all attacks have been resolved, the round ends. Any ongoing effects from event cards are resolved, and players prepare for the next round.

The game continues in this way until one player has destroyed all of their opponents’ vehicles, or until a predetermined number of rounds have been played. At that point, the player with the most victory points is declared the winner.

Players'turn One turn to rule them all

Thunder Road: Vendetta is a thrilling board game with a strong strategic element. During a player’s turn, they can undertake a variety of actions, each with its own impact on gameplay. Detailed below are the key actions and strategic choices a player can make during their turn.

Action 1: Movement
Moving your vehicles is a critical part of the gameplay. It allows you to position your units strategically on the board. The number of spaces you can move your vehicle depends on the roll of the dice.

  • A high roll can enable your vehicle to get ahead of the pack, putting you in a strong offensive or defensive position.
  • A low roll might mean you’re lagging behind, but it also may allow you to avoid being a target for opponents.

Action 2: Attack
If your vehicle is in range of an opponent’s, you can choose to attack. The success of your attack depends on a dice roll, with higher numbers being more successful.

  • A successful attack can eliminate an opponent’s vehicle, reducing their offensive capabilities and increasing your chances of winning.
  • An unsuccessful attack leaves your vehicle vulnerable to a counterattack on the opponent’s next turn.

Action 3: Special Abilities
Each vehicle has unique special abilities that can be used when certain conditions are met. These abilities can turn the tide of the game, giving you a significant advantage.

  • Strategically using your special abilities can help you overcome obstacles, eliminate opponents, or quickly move across the board.
  • Not using your abilities wisely can waste them, as they often have limited uses.

Action 4: Regroup
The regroup action allows you to strategically reposition your vehicles within your current squad. This can be useful for setting up future attacks or to protect a vulnerable vehicle.

  • A well-timed regroup can allow you to execute a powerful combination of moves on your next turn.
  • A poorly planned regroup can leave your vehicles exposed to enemy attacks.

Remember, the best strategy in Thunder Road: Vendetta will vary depending on the current state of the game board, the vehicles you have available, and the actions of your opponents. Always be ready to adapt your strategy to the changing circumstances of the game.

End of the game All good games must come to an end

Thunder Road: Vendetta is a thrilling strategic board game with a dystopian theme. The game ends in two distinct ways, each with its own victory conditions. The detailed explanation of these conditions and the actions needed to finalize the scoring are as follows:

Game End Condition 1: Reaching the End of the Road

The game concludes when one player successfully navigates and reaches the end of the road. The victory condition for this scenario is quite straightforward:

  • The player who first reaches the end of the road is declared the winner of the game.

Before final scoring, the players must perform the following actions:

  1. Confirm that the player has indeed reached the end of the road and that no rule violations occurred during the move.
  2. Assign the victory to the confirmed winner and end the game immediately—no further turns are taken.

Game End Condition 2: Elimination of Opponents

The game also ends when all the vehicles of a player’s opponents have been destroyed. The victory conditions for this scenario are as follows:

  • The last player with at least one surviving vehicle on the board is the winner.

Before final scoring can occur, the players must take these actions:

  1. Verify that all other players’ vehicles have been eliminated from the game.
  2. Confirm that the remaining player has at least one vehicle still in play.
  3. Declare the game over and the last standing player as the winner. No additional turns are taken.

It’s important to note that in Thunder Road: Vendetta, strategy and survival are key, as the game can end suddenly if a player either reaches the end of the road or eliminates all opponents’ vehicles.

Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?

Thunder Road: Vendetta is a thrilling board game that takes players on a wild ride across a post-apocalyptic landscape. The scoring system in this game is based on the survival and progress of your car squad, with the main aim of outlasting your opponents. Here’s how the scoring system works:

At the end of each round, points are awarded as follows:

  • Surviving Cars: Players earn 3 points for each of their cars that survive the round.
  • Destroyed Cars: If a player manages to destroy an opponent’s car, they earn 2 points.
  • Progress: The player who moves the furthest on the track earns 5 points. In case of a tie, all tied players receive the full points.
  • Leader Bonus: The player in the lead at the end of the round earns an additional 2 points.

The game continues in this way, with points being tallied at the end of each round. Once the game is over, the player with the most points is declared the winner.

If two or more players end up with the same number of points at the end of the game, a tie-breaking rule is applied. The player among the tied ones who has the most surviving cars is declared the winner. If there is still a tie, the player amongst the tied ones who destroyed the most opponent cars wins. If there is still a tie, the player who moved the furthest on the track overall wins. If there is still a tie after all these conditions, then the game is considered a draw between the tied players.

Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?

Thunder Road: Vendetta is a unique board game filled with thrilling car chases and strategic maneuvers. While its rules are generally straightforward, there are certain exceptions and special rules that players need to be aware of.

1. Rare Rules

  • Jumping: In the rare scenario where a player’s vehicle is directly behind another vehicle on the same lane and the forward vehicle is destroyed, the player’s vehicle is allowed to ‘jump’ onto the space occupied by the destroyed vehicle.
  • Helicopter Swap: If a player’s helicopter is destroyed, the player can choose to swap one of their car pieces with a new helicopter piece during their next turn. This rule is rare because one cannot usually replace lost vehicles during the game.

2. Special Rules

  • Roadblock: A special rule in Thunder Road: Vendetta is the Roadblock. If a player’s car is in a space where another car gets destroyed, it becomes a roadblock. The player’s car cannot move until the roadblock is cleared, which only happens when another vehicle lands on that space.
  • Double Damage: If a player’s car lands on the same space as an opponent’s car, both cars take double damage. This rule encourages strategic thinking and careful placement of vehicles.

3. Rule Clarifications

  1. When a vehicle is destroyed, it is removed from the game permanently. However, the player does not lose the game until all of their vehicles are destroyed.
  2. If a player’s vehicle lands on a space occupied by an opponent’s vehicle, both vehicles take damage. The damage is not inflicted by the player to the opponent, but mutually to both vehicles.
  3. The helicopter can fly over other vehicles, but it cannot land on a space occupied by another vehicle. If a player tries to land their helicopter on an occupied space, they must move it to the next available space.

Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!

Advanced Strategies:

1. Targeting Opponents: Always keep an eye on your opponent’s strongest cars. Use your missile launcher or machine gun to target these cars first.

2. Use of Helicopters: Don’t underestimate the power of helicopters in Thunder Road: Vendetta. Use your helicopter to take out opponent cars that are far away or to retrieve your damaged cars from the battlefield.

3. Strategic Movement: Always move your cars in a strategic way. Remember, the aim is not just to move forward, but also to avoid getting hit by your opponents.

Beginner Tips:

1. Learn the Basics: Before starting, make sure you understand the basic rules of the game. This includes how each car moves, attacks, and defends.

2. Start with Basic Cars: As a beginner, it’s best to start with the basic cars. They might not be the strongest, but they’re easier to control and can still pack a punch.

3. Practice: The best way to improve at Thunder Road: Vendetta is by playing it. The more you play, the better you’ll get at strategizing and reacting to different situations.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

1. Ignoring the Helicopter: Many beginners ignore the helicopter, believing it to be less useful than the cars. This is a big mistake. The helicopter can be a game-changer if used properly.

2. Rushing Forward: It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and just rush forward. Remember, if you move without thinking, you’ll likely end up in the crossfire.

3. Not Utilizing All Cars: Each car has its own strengths and weaknesses. By not utilizing all of your cars, you’re limiting your potential.

Ways to Optimize Gameplay:

1. Plan Ahead: Always have a plan for your next move. Think about where your opponent might move and plan your strategy accordingly.

2. Balance Your Attacks: Don’t focus all your attacks on one opponent. Balance your attacks to keep all opponents on their toes.

3. Use Your Environment: Use the game board to your advantage. Hide behind obstacles to avoid getting hit and use them as cover when attacking your opponents.