
Triumph & Tragedy: European Balance of Power 1936-1945

Strategically navigate the 1936-45 geopolitical landscape in Triumph & Tragedy, an immersive board game of diplomacy, economy, technology, and military warfare!


2 - 3

Medium Heavy

About the game

‘Triumph & Tragedy: European Balance of Power 1936-1945’ is a deeply engaging and strategic board game that plunges you into the tumultuous era of World War II. In this game, you’ll experience the diplomatic maneuvering, economic struggles, and military confrontations that shaped this pivotal period in history.

The game is set against the backdrop of Europe from 1936 to 1945. As a player, you represent one of the three major powers of the era – the Western Allies, the Soviet Union, or Nazi Germany. Your objective is to strategically balance your military might, economic resources, and diplomatic ties to ultimately dominate Europe.

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Setup and rules summary

Game components Unboxing the fun!

Triumph & Tragedy: European Balance of Power 1936-1945 is an engaging and strategic board game that uses various components to simulate the political and military maneuvers of the era. The following is a list of the components included in the game and their respective functions:

1. Game Board

The game board represents the map of Europe and adjoining areas during the period of 1936-1945. The players use the board to maneuver their military forces, engage in battles, and strategize their political actions. It is divided into different regions, each with its own specific geographical and strategic relevance.

2. Blocks (Red, Blue, and Gray)

The blocks in three different colors represent the military units of the three powers: Western Allies (blue), Soviet Union (red), and Germany (gray). Each block has stickers on one side indicating the type of unit (army, air force, or navy), its strength, and its cost. The blocks are placed with the sticker side hidden from opponents, adding an element of uncertainty to the game.

3. Block Stickers

These are attached to one side of the blocks. They depict the type of unit and its combat abilities. The block stickers are crucial for identifying the strength and type of each unit on the game board.

4. Cards (Action, Investment, and Diplomatic)

There are three types of cards in the game. Action cards can be used for various purposes such as launching attacks, moving units, or influencing diplomacy. Investment cards are used to build and upgrade military units. Diplomatic cards are used to sway neutral countries to your side. The strategic use of these cards is key to winning the game.

5. Control Markers

These markers are used to indicate which power currently controls a particular region or country on the game board. They are crucial for keeping track of territorial changes during the game.

6. Dice

The game includes several six-sided dice, which are used to resolve battles. The outcome of many actions in the game is determined by dice rolls, adding an element of chance to the game.

7. Player Aid Charts

The Player Aid Charts provide a quick reference for the rules and procedures of the game. They can be very useful, especially for beginners, to understand the game mechanics and strategies.

In Triumph & Tragedy, each component interacts with the game in its unique way, offering a rich and immersive gaming experience that is both strategic and unpredictable.

Game flow Round and round we go

‘Triumph & Tragedy: European Balance of Power 1936-1945’ is a complex and engaging board game that requires strategic thinking and planning. The game is played in rounds, each representing a year, starting from 1936 and ending in 1945. Each round is divided into phases during which players perform specific actions. Here is a detailed structure of the game:

1. Diplomacy Phase:

During this phase, players will discuss, negotiate, and form alliances. This phase involves a lot of dialogue and negotiation among players as they try to form alliances that are beneficial to their strategic objectives. Alliances can change throughout the game, adding a dynamic and unpredictable element to the gameplay.

2. Trade Phase:

In this phase, players will trade resources with each other. These resources can be used to build military units, research technology, or influence neutrals. Trade can occur between any two players, regardless of their alliances. The trade phase is crucial for setting up the economic foundation for military and technological advancements later in the game.

3. Initiative Phase:

The initiative phase determines the order of play for the rest of the round. Players bid resources to win the initiative. The player who bids the most resources goes first, the player who bids the second most goes second, and so on. Winning the initiative can be crucial for executing certain strategies and tactics.

4. Action Phase:

  • Investment: Players use resources to invest in their economy, military, and technology. Investments can lead to powerful advantages in the later stages of the game.
  • Maneuver: Players move their military units across the game board. Maneuvering units strategically can help players secure key territories, defend against attacks, or prepare for future offensives.
  • Combat: If a player’s units end up in the same territory as an opponent’s units, a combat occurs. The results of combat can drastically change the balance of power in the game.

5. Resolution Phase:

This is the final phase of each round. During this phase, players count their victory points based on the territories they control. The player with the most victory points at the end of the game wins.

Each phase of the game requires strategic decision-making and planning. The game’s complexity and depth make it a challenging and engaging experience for all players.

Players'turn One turn to rule them all

In ‘Triumph & Tragedy: European Balance of Power 1936-1945’, each player’s turn is full of strategic choices with significant consequences on the gameplay. Here is a detailed breakdown of what happens during a player’s turn.

1. Action Card Draw:

Every player’s turn starts with the drawing of an Action card. This card determines the actions available to the player during his/her turn. It can be a Diplomacy, Military, or Economic card, each presenting different opportunities and challenges.

2. Diplomatic Phase:

During this phase, players can take diplomatic actions based on the cards they have drawn. These actions may include establishing or breaking alliances, influencing neutral states, or preparing for war. Each diplomatic action can significantly affect the balance of power in the game.

3. Economic Phase:

The economic phase involves managing resources and investing in military or technological advancements. Players can choose to build armies, research technologies, or build factories. The economic decisions made during this phase have a direct impact on a player’s military capabilities.

4. Military Phase:

In the military phase, players can take military actions based on the cards they have drawn. They can move their armies, attack enemy territories, or defend their own territories. The outcome of these military actions can change the game’s balance of power.

5. End of Turn:

The turn ends with the player removing any unused cards from his/her hand. The game then proceeds to the next player, who starts his/her turn by drawing an Action card.

Each player’s turn in ‘Triumph & Tragedy’ is a delicate balance of diplomacy, economy, and military strategy. The choices made during each phase can significantly shape the game’s outcome.

Every action in the game, from the cards drawn at the start of the turn to the diplomatic, economic, and military decisions made throughout the turn, affects the overall balance of power. Therefore, strategic planning and careful decision-making are crucial for success in ‘Triumph & Tragedy’.

End of the game All good games must come to an end

Triumph & Tragedy: European Balance of Power 1936-1945 is a deep and strategic board game with several victory conditions. The game ends under two circumstances, either when the game reaches 1946 or when one of the victory conditions is met.

Game Reaching 1946: The game progresses yearly from 1936 and concludes at the end of 1945. If no player has met any of the victory conditions by this point, the game ends, and the victory goes to the player with the most Victory Points (VPs).

Before the final scoring, players must tally their VPs. These are awarded for controlling different areas on the map, with different territories providing varying amounts of VPs. Each player must count the VPs from their territories and add any additional VPs from cards or game effects. The player with the most VPs is declared the winner.

Victory Conditions: There are three primary victory conditions in Triumph & Tragedy: Conquest, Atomic, and Diplomatic.

  • Conquest Victory: A player achieves a Conquest Victory if they control all three of their home cities (capital cities) and one home city of each other player. If a player meets these conditions at the end of a game turn, they immediately win the game.
  • Atomic Victory: A player achieves an Atomic Victory if they successfully develop an Atomic Bomb and deliver it to an enemy home city. This ends the game immediately.
  • Diplomatic Victory: A player achieves a Diplomatic Victory if they control their home cities and more foreign key areas than any other player. These areas are marked on the map and provide additional VPs. If a player meets these conditions at the end of a game turn, they immediately win the game.

It’s important to note that if multiple players meet the victory conditions at the same time, the player with the most VPs wins. If there is still a tie, the player with the most controlled areas wins. If there is yet another tie, the victory goes to the player who has not yet played in the current game turn, or if all players have played, the game ends in a draw.

Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?

‘Triumph & Tragedy: European Balance of Power 1936-1945’ is a fascinating board game that tests players’ strategic and tactical abilities. Here is a detailed explanation of how the scoring system works:

In this game, victory is determined by the control of key strategic areas, known as Victory Areas. At the end of the game, each player counts the number of Victory Areas they control, and the player controlling the most areas is declared the winner.

Scoring is as follows:

  • Capital Areas: Each player’s Capital Area (marked with a star) is worth 3 Victory Points.
  • Major Areas: Major Areas (marked with a circle) are worth 2 Victory Points each.
  • Minor Areas: Minor Areas (unmarked) are worth 1 Victory Point each.

If two or more players are tied for the most Victory Points, then the game uses the following tie-breaking rules:

  1. Most Capital Areas: The player who controls the most Capital Areas wins the tie.
  2. Most Major Areas: If there is still a tie, then the player who controls the most Major Areas wins.
  3. Most Minor Areas: If there is still a tie, then the player who controls the most Minor Areas wins.
  4. Most Units: If there is still a tie, then the player with the most remaining units on the board wins.

If there is still a tie after all these tie-breaking rules have been applied, then the game is declared a draw.

Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?

Triumph & Tragedy: European Balance of Power 1936-1945 is a complex board game that simulates the political and military dynamics of World War II. Due to its complexity, there are several special rules, exceptions, and important clarifications players should be aware of:

1. Declaration of War:

  • In general, a player can’t declare war on a neutral minor country. However, there’s an exception to this rule if the player has the ‘Blitzkrieg’ card, which allows them to declare war on a minor country and immediately invade.
  • There’s also an exception for the Soviet player. They can declare war on Baltic States, Bessarabia, and Finland without any specific card.

2. Diplomacy:

  • When a player successfully uses a diplomacy card on a neutral minor country, it becomes their client state and they can move their military units into it. However, this doesn’t mean they’ve declared war on it.
  • The exception is the ‘Appeasement’ card. If a player uses this card, they can’t make the country a client state, but they can prevent others from declaring war on it.

3. Disputed Areas:

  • If two players have equal influence in a disputed area at the end of a turn, the area remains disputed and neither player gains control.
  • Exception: If an area is disputed and one of the players involved is at war with a third player, the third player can’t gain influence in the disputed area.

4. Technology:

  • When a player draws a technology card, they don’t reveal it to the other players. They keep it face down in front of them until they decide to use it.
  • Exception: The ‘Atomic Bomb’ card. When a player draws this card, they must immediately reveal it and place it face up in front of them.

5. Units and Combat:

  • In general, a player can’t move their units into an area controlled by another player unless they’re at war with them.
  • Exception: Paratroopers. They can be used to invade an area controlled by another player, even if they’re not at war.

While these are some of the most important special rules, exceptions, and clarifications, it’s crucial to read and understand the full rulebook to play effectively.

Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!

Advanced Strategies:

  • Anticipate Opponent Moves: Always try to anticipate your opponent’s moves in advance. This will give you an upper hand in the game and enable you to plan your moves accordingly. Focus not only on your strategies but also observe your opponents’ game plan.

  • Utilize Diplomacy Cards Effectively: Diplomacy cards can be a game-changer. Use them wisely to influence neutral nations and swing the power balance in your favor. Remember, each card has a unique power and can drastically affect the game’s outcome.

  • Invest in Technology: Investing in technology can give you a huge advantage in the later stages of the game. Technology can enhance your military power and give you an edge over your opponents.

Beginner Tips:

  1. Understand the Rules: Triumph & Tragedy is a complex game. Take time to understand the rules thoroughly. Plan your moves strategically and make sure you understand the effect of each action you take.

  2. Start with Small Steps: Don’t rush in to conquer territories. Start small and gradually expand your influence. Prioritize securing your borders before initiating aggressive moves.

  3. Use Cards Wisely: Cards play a significant role in the game. Learn the power of each card and use them strategically. Try not to waste cards on insignificant actions.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Neglecting Diplomacy: It’s not always about military power. Diplomacy plays a crucial role in Triumph & Tragedy. Neglecting diplomacy can lead to isolation and make you an easy target for your opponents.

  • Ignoring Technology: Many beginners tend to ignore technology, focusing solely on immediate military power. However, technology can provide long-term advantages that can turn the tide in the later stages of the game.

  • Underestimating Neutral Nations: Never underestimate the power of neutral nations. They can provide critical resources and strategic advantages. Use your diplomacy cards to influence them and bring them to your side.

Ways to Optimize Gameplay:

  1. Balance Between Offense and Defense: A good balance between offense and defense is essential. Don’t just focus on attacking. Ensure your territories are well-defended to prevent surprise attacks.

  2. Adapt to the Situation: Triumph & Tragedy is a game of changing situations. Adapt your strategies according to the game’s flow. Don’t stick to a single strategy from beginning to end.

  3. Make Use of Alliances: Alliances can provide temporary safety and mutual benefits. Use them effectively to gain an advantage over your opponents.