Zombie Kidz Evolution
Experience Zombie Kidz Evolution, a unique legacy-style game, where young players strategize to protect their school from zombies. With progressive challenges, power-ups, and heroes, this game offers a thrilling, evolving adventure.
2 - 4
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About the game
The board game Zombie Kidz Evolution invites you on a thrilling adventure filled with spine-chilling excitement and strategic challenges. Set in a school that has been invaded by zombies, the game provides a captivating blend of cooperative gameplay, strategy, and gradually evolving rules that make every game uniquely engaging.
In this game, you and your fellow players take on the roles of students in a school that’s under siege by the undead. Your mission: work together to lock all the doors and keep the zombies at bay. The game’s setting brilliantly combines the familiar environment of a school with the chilling scenario of a zombie invasion, providing a fun, engaging backdrop for the game’s challenges.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
Zombie Kidz Evolution is an incredibly engaging board game that is perfect for both children and adults. The game is a cooperative game in which players work together to defeat the zombies and secure the school. The game includes several components which are used in different ways to play the game. Here’s a breakdown of each component:
1. Game Board: The game board represents the school. It is divided into several rooms connected by doors. The zombies enter the school through these doors. The players move their characters through the rooms to defeat the zombies and lock the doors.
2. Player Tokens: There are four player tokens, each representing a different character. These tokens are used to move around the board. Each player controls one character token.
3. Zombie Tokens: These tokens represent the zombies. At the start of every turn, players draw a zombie token from the zombie pile and place it in a room connected to the door indicated on the token. If a player’s character is in the same room as a zombie, they can defeat the zombie by rolling a die.
4. Dice: The dice are used to determine the outcome of a player’s actions. When a player tries to defeat a zombie, they roll the die. If the die shows a zombie icon, the zombie is defeated. If it shows a blank face, the zombie remains undefeated.
5. Lock Tokens: Lock tokens are used to secure the doors and prevent zombies from entering the school. To place a lock token, players must be in the same room and roll the die. If they roll a lock icon, they can place a lock token on a door in their room. When all the doors are locked, the players win the game.
6. Envelope System: The game includes several sealed envelopes. These envelopes are opened as players progress in the game and unlock new rules, characters, and abilities. The envelopes add a sense of progression and surprise to the game, making each playthrough unique.
7. Stickers: Stickers are used to track the players’ progress. After each game, players add a sticker to the progress chart. When the chart is full, players open a new envelope.
8. Rulebook: The rulebook explains the basic rules of the game. As players open envelopes, they add new rules to the rulebook. This allows the game to evolve over time.
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
‘Zombie Kidz Evolution’ is a cooperative board game that requires strategic thinking and collaboration. This guide will help you to properly set up the game, so you can dive right into the fun. Follow these steps to ensure a successful setup:
Step 1: Prepare the Game Board
Place the game board in the center of the playing area where it is accessible to all players. Make sure the school side is facing up.
Step 2: Position the Zombies
Take the zombie tokens and randomly assign four of them to each of the starting spots on the game board. The starting spots are marked with zombie icons. The remaining zombies form the zombie pool and should be kept close by.
Step 3: Set Up the Heroes
Each player chooses a hero token and places it in one of the rooms in the corners of the board.
Step 4: Establish Player Roles
Each player is a ‘guardian’ of the school. Their role is to protect the school from the zombie invasion and lock up the school gates.
Step 5: Prepare the Dice
Place the dice next to the game board within reach of all players. The dice is used to determine where new zombies appear in each player’s turn.
Step 6: Place the Lock Tokens
Put the lock tokens nearby. These will be used to lock the school gates throughout the game.
Step 7: Distribute the Trophies
Sort the trophies by color and place them within reach of all players. After a game, players will earn trophies which help them level up and unlock new game elements.
Step 8: Random Elements
The game includes random elements such as the roll of the dice, which determines where new zombies will appear. The trophies earned also depend on certain achievements, adding an element of unpredictability to the game.
With these steps completed, you are now ready to start playing ‘Zombie Kidz Evolution’. Remember, cooperation is key to protect the school and win the game!
Game flow Round and round we go
Zombie Kidz Evolution is a cooperative board game designed for 2 to 4 players. The game follows a simple structure where players take turns in a clockwise order to perform different actions with the ultimate goal of locking all four gates of the school to prevent zombies from invading.
Game Setup:
- Place the game board in the middle of the playing area.
- Distribute a hero token to each player.
- Place each hero in the center of the game board (in the school).
- Randomly place one zombie in each of the four outer spaces of the game board.
- Shuffle the zombie cards and place the deck face down next to the game board.
- Place the lock tokens next to the game board.
Each player’s turn consists of two phases:
- Action Phase: In this phase, players can perform up to two actions. They may choose to do the same action twice. The possible actions are:
- Move: Move their hero to an adjacent room.
- Eliminate: Remove a zombie from their hero’s room.
- Lock: If two heroes are in the same room adjacent to an unlocked gate with no zombies, they can lock the gate.
- Zombie Phase: In this phase, the player draws the top card from the zombie deck and places a zombie in the room indicated on the card. If the indicated room is already occupied by a zombie, the zombie overflows to an adjacent room.
Game End:
The game ends when players successfully lock all four gates, in which case they win, or when a player needs to place a zombie on the board but there are no more zombies left in the reserve, in which case the players lose.
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
During a player’s turn in Zombie Kidz Evolution, they have several actions to choose from. The actions a player chooses will significantly impact the gameplay and the strategies they can employ.
Here’s a breakdown of possible actions during a player’s turn:
- Moving: The player can move his/her character to any adjacent room. The room can be in any direction – north, south, east, or west. However, diagonal moves are not allowed. This movement can be strategically used to approach a zombie-infested room or move closer to a teammate.
- Defeating Zombies: If a player’s character is in the same room as one or more zombies, the player can opt to defeat a zombie. This is done by rolling the die. If the player succeeds, the zombie is removed from the board. This action can be crucial in preventing zombies from overrunning the school.
- Locking a Gate: A player can choose to lock a gate if his/her character is in the same room as an unlocked gate and there are no zombies in the room. Locking gates can be a strategic move to prevent more zombies from entering the school.
Strategic choices that can affect gameplay include:
- Cooperative Play: Players can choose to work together to defeat zombies and lock gates. This can be more effective than working alone.
- Gate Control: Keeping a check on the gates is a crucial strategy. Players can choose to focus on locking the gates early on in the game to limit the number of zombies entering the school.
- Character Abilities: Each character in Zombie Kidz Evolution has unique abilities. Players can strategically use these abilities to gain an advantage in the game.
Remember, the goal of the game is to lock all the gates and keep the zombies out of the school. The choices players make during their turn can greatly influence the outcome of the game.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
Zombie Kidz Evolution is a cooperative board game where players work together to defeat the zombies and secure the school. The game ends when a specific set of conditions are met. Here is a detailed explanation of the conditions for victory, and any necessary actions players must take before final scoring:
Victory Conditions:
- The main victory condition in Zombie Kidz Evolution is locking all four entrances to the school. Players accomplish this by moving their characters to an entrance and using an action to place a lock token. When all four lock tokens are placed on the board, the game immediately ends and the players win.
- Another condition that can end the game is if all the zombies are eliminated from the school. However, this is a secondary objective and is usually harder to achieve, given that zombies spawn at the start of each player’s turn. Eliminating all zombies does not directly lead to a win, but it makes achieving the primary objective easier as it reduces the zombie threat.
Pre-Final Scoring Actions:
- Before final scoring, players must check the game status. If the players have not yet locked all four entrances, the game continues. If all entrances are locked, the game ends and players move to scoring.
- Players must also count the number of zombies left in the school. If the school is free of zombies, they may gain additional rewards for the game, though this does not directly affect the win condition.
- All players must ensure that the number of brain tokens (indicating the number of zombie eliminations) are correctly counted and recorded. These tokens are used for leveling up characters and unlocking achievements in the game’s evolution system.
Once these actions are completed, the game ends and players can proceed to final scoring. The primary indicator of victory in Zombie Kidz Evolution is the successful defense of the school, represented by locking all entrances. Secondary achievements such as eliminating all zombies and collecting brain tokens can enhance the gaming experience and provide additional rewards, but they do not directly influence the win condition.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
In Zombie Kidz Evolution, the game’s objective isn’t necessarily about scoring points, but rather to accomplish a common goal: to lock all four entrances of your school before the zombies overrun it. The game is cooperative, which means either all players win together or they lose together. However, there are progression and evolution elements that add an interesting layer to the game.
The progression system in Zombie Kidz Evolution is as follows:
- Firstly, every time players win a game, they get to put a sticker on a progress chart. This chart is in the shape of a brain, and it is divided into multiple sections.
- The more games players win, the more stickers they accumulate. Once they complete a section of the brain with stickers, they get to open a corresponding envelope.
- These envelopes contain various surprises that evolve the game. This could be new rules, new abilities, or new challenges that make the game more complex and exciting.
As for the tie-breaking rules, since Zombie Kidz Evolution is a cooperative game, there’s no need for such rules. The players work together as a team to defeat the zombies, so either everyone wins or everyone loses.
It’s important to note that players are also rewarded for losing. They still get to place a sticker on the progress chart, albeit in a different section. This is a great way to encourage players to keep trying and not get discouraged by losses.
In summary, Zombie Kidz Evolution is a fantastic game for children to learn about teamwork and strategy while having fun. The progression system keeps the game fresh and engaging, ensuring countless hours of zombie-fighting action.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
Zombie Kidz Evolution is a cooperative game where players have to work together to lock all the school gates before the zombies take over. Although the game is simple to learn, there are a few special rules, exceptions, and clarifications that are crucial to gameplay:
1. Double Zombie Rule:
If you’re about to place a Zombie and there’s already one in that zone, you place the second Zombie in the next zone in the direction of the arrow. If there’s also a Zombie in that zone, you continue in the direction of the arrow until you find a zone without a Zombie. If all the zones are full, you lose the game.
2. Zombie Overflow:
Although each zone can only contain one zombie, if a zone is expected to receive another zombie due to a die roll, the zombie is moved to the next available zone in the direction of the arrow. If all zones are occupied, the game is lost.
3. Gate Locking:
Two heroes in the same zone can choose to lock the gate in their zone instead of eliminating a zombie. This action requires both players to decide together and use their turn to lock the gate. The gate stays locked for the rest of the game, preventing the entry of new zombies.
4. Sticker Evolution:
- As you play and win games, you’ll earn stickers that evolve the rules. These stickers should be placed on the rulebook in the indicated spaces. Once a sticker is placed, its rule is permanently in effect for all future games.
- It’s important to note that once a rule evolves, it cannot be undone. This means that the game will progressively become more complex and challenging as you continue to play and win.
5. Trophy Case:
After winning a game, you’ll earn a trophy which you add to the trophy case on the back of the rulebook. Once you’ve collected a certain number of trophies, you can open a corresponding envelope that contains new game elements and rules.
6. Resetting the Game:
While the game is designed to evolve over time, it’s not designed to be reset. Once stickers have been placed and envelopes have been opened, they can’t be undone. This means that once you’ve started playing Zombie Kidz Evolution, you’re committed to the game’s evolving gameplay.