

Unleash your strategy in Santorini! An immersive board game where players construct buildings, ascend levels, and leverage unique god powers to secure victory.


2 - 4

Medium Light

About the game

Santorini is a highly engaging strategy board game that promises to give you a taste of the picturesque Aegean island right at your tabletop. Set against the backdrop of the beautiful, whitewashed buildings and blue-domed chapels that characterise the Greek island of Santorini, the game offers a perfect blend of strategy, aesthetics and simplicity.

The core mechanics of Santorini are straightforward yet intriguing. The game is a two-player contest (though it can be scaled up to three or four players) where each player has two builders on a 5×5 grid. The objective is simple: get one of your builders to the third level of a building. But, the beauty of the game lies not just in its simplicity but also in its strategic depth. A turn comprises two steps: Move and Build. You move your builder to a neighbouring space and then build a building level on a neighbouring space. Buildings can rise to three levels, and if one of your builders reaches the third level, you win!

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Setup and rules summary

Game components Unboxing the fun!

Santorini is a strategy-based board game that includes several components. Each of these components plays a unique role in the game and interacts with other components to create a dynamic gaming experience. Here is a list of components included in ‘Santorini’ and a brief description of their purpose:

1. Game Board

Santorini’s game board is a 5×5 grid that represents the island. Players will move their workers around this grid, building structures as they go. The positioning of workers on the board and the structures they build are crucial to winning the game.

2. Workers

Each player has two workers. These are the main pieces players move around the game board. A player can win the game by moving one of their workers to the third level of a building.

3. Buildings

Buildings are fundamental to the gameplay. They consist of three levels (base, middle, and top), represented by different pieces. Workers build these structures on the game board, with the aim of reaching the third level.

4. Domes

Domes are used to cap buildings. A building with a dome on it is considered complete and cannot be climbed by workers.

5. God Cards

God Cards give players special abilities. Each God Card has a unique power that allows the player to break the basic rules of the game in some way, adding an extra layer of strategy to the game.

6. Player Aid Cards

These cards provide a quick reference for players, outlining the basic rules and actions available on a turn. It’s a useful tool, especially for new players.

7. Cliff Pedestal

The Cliff Pedestal is a 3D element that lifts the game board, giving it a unique, multi-dimensional appearance. However, it does not have a direct impact on gameplay.

In the game of ‘Santorini’, all these components work together to create a captivating game of strategy. The objective of the game is to use your workers to build multi-story buildings and try to reach the top before your opponent, all while using God Powers to bend the rules to your advantage.

Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go

Santorini is a strategic board game that pits players against each other in a race to build towers on the beautiful island of Santorini. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up the game:

Step 1: Prepare the Game Board

Place the game board in the center of the playing area. The board represents the island of Santorini and is made up of a 5×5 grid of squares.

Step 2: Choose Player Roles

The game is designed for two to four players. Each player will control two builders. The goal is to construct buildings and attempt to reach the top of any three-story tower.

Step 3: Position the Builders

Each player chooses two builders of the same color. Players take turns placing their builders on any unoccupied spaces on the board. The placement of these builders is crucial, as it can influence your strategy throughout the game.

Step 4: Deal God Powers

In a game of Santorini, players can choose to incorporate God Powers. These are special abilities that break the game rules in some way, providing an additional layer of strategy. Shuffle the God Power cards and deal one to each player. Players can choose to keep their God Power a secret or reveal it to all players.

Step 5: Prepare the Building Blocks

There are three different types of building blocks: bottom (first floor), middle (second floor), and top (third floor), along with dome pieces that cap off the towers. Keep these nearby in a supply pile.

Step 6: Determine the First Player

Randomly determine the first player. This player will take the first turn once the game begins.

Once these steps have been completed, you’re ready to start playing Santorini!

Game flow Round and round we go

Santorini is an engaging strategy board game inspired by the cliffside architecture of the Greek island of the same name. The game is played in rounds, with players taking turns to complete specific actions.

Each game of Santorini follows a specific structure:

  1. Setup: At the beginning of the game, the board is set up with a grid of 5×5 squares. Each player selects a color and takes two Worker figures of that color. The workers are placed on any two spaces of the board. This is usually done alternatively, where one player places one worker, followed by the other player, until all workers are on the board.
  2. Turn Structure: Once the game setup is complete, players take turns in order, performing the following actions:
    1. Move: The player moves one of their workers into a neighboring space. A worker can move up a maximum of one level (step), descend any number of levels, or move along the same level. The worker can’t move into a space with another worker or a dome.
    2. Build: After moving, the same worker must build a structure in a neighboring space. The worker can either add a level to a building (up to a maximum of three levels), or cap the building with a dome. A building with a dome is considered complete and can’t be moved onto.
  3. Winning the Game: A player wins the game if one of their workers moves up to the third level of a building. However, if a player can’t make a valid move or build action during their turn, they lose the game.

Each round of Santorini is a thrilling test of strategy, where players must balance their own progression while blocking their opponents. The game’s simple rules, combined with its deep strategy, make it a captivating experience for players of all ages.

Players'turn One turn to rule them all

Santorini is a highly strategic board game where players take turns to build structures on an island. The game progresses in turns, with each player doing the following on their turn:

1. Move: The player must move one of their builders in a straight line to any unoccupied space surrounding their current location. This could be to an adjacent space, to a space on a higher or lower level, or to stay on the same level.

  • Strategic Choice: Moving to higher levels can set up for a potential win, as the player who first reaches the third level with one of their builders wins the game. However, moving to lower levels can position the player to block opponents’ builders or to build more structures themselves.

2. Build: After moving, the player must build a structure on any unoccupied space adjacent to the space their builder moved to. This could be a base level (level 1), a middle level (level 2), a top level (level 3), or a dome on top of a level 3.

  • Strategic Choice: Building higher levels can set up for a potential win in future turns. However, building a dome on top of a level 3 prevents any builders from moving onto that space, potentially blocking an opponent’s win.

3. Win Condition: If a player’s builder moves up onto the third level, that player wins the game, and the game ends immediately. If no player can make a legal move or build, the game ends with no winner.

  • Strategic Choice: Winning the game requires careful planning and positioning of builders, as well as strategic building to block opponents or to set up for a win.

4. God Powers: Each player may also have a God Power, which grants them special abilities that can modify the basic rules of movement and building.

  • Strategic Choice: Using God Powers can drastically change the dynamics of the game, offering new strategies and counter-strategies. The optimal use of a God Power depends on the specific power, the current board state, and the strategies of the opponents.

End of the game All good games must come to an end

The game of ‘Santorini’ requires strategic building and maneuvering. The game ends when either player achieves one of the victory conditions. Here are the rules that detail the victory conditions and necessary actions players must take before final scoring.

Victory Conditions:

  1. A player wins the game as soon as one of their workers moves up to the third level of a building. This move has to be a direct move from the second level to the third, and it can happen on any turn, not just at the end of the game.

  2. If a player cannot make a valid move or build action with either of their workers on their turn, they lose the game. This situation is rare but can happen if a player’s workers are completely blocked by buildings or by the other player’s workers.

Actions Before Final Scoring:

Before final scoring can take place, the following actions must be completed:

  • Both players must have completed their turn. This means that each player must have moved and then built with one of their workers.

  • All the potential moves and builds for each player must be exhausted. This means that there are no further legal moves or builds that could potentially change the outcome of the game.

Once these conditions are met, the game ends and the player who has met one of the victory conditions is declared the winner. In ‘Santorini’, there is no point scoring system. Victory is simply determined by which player meets one of the victory conditions first.

Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?

In the game of Santorini, the objective isn’t about accumulating points but rather attaining a certain victory condition. The primary aim of the game is to be the first player to move one of their builders to the third level of a building.

Victory Conditions:

  • Primary Victory: The first player to move any of their builders onto a level 3 building wins the game immediately.
  • Secondary Victory: If a player finds themselves unable to make a valid move during their turn (i.e., they cannot move and then build), their opponent wins immediately.

Scoring in Santorini:

Unlike most other board games, Santorini doesn’t really have a point system. Players don’t earn points for building or performing any other actions. Instead, they focus on positioning their builders strategically to reach the third level of a building first.


In the rare event that both players reach a level 3 building at the same time, the tie-breaker comes down to the player who made the first move at the beginning of the game.

It’s important to note that each of the God Power cards can modify these rules slightly. Therefore, players should be aware of the specific rules and victory conditions associated with their chosen God Power card.

Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?

Santorini is a strategy-based board game that provides a unique blend of architecture and ancient mythology. Though it’s straightforward in terms of rules, there are certain special rules, exceptions, and clarifications that players should be aware of to fully enjoy and strategize the game.

God Powers:
Santorini is unique due to its inclusion of ‘God Powers’. These are special abilities granted by God cards that allow players to break the base rules of the game in certain ways. Each God Power has its own set of rules and exceptions.

  • Apollo: This God allows your Worker to move into an opponent’s space by forcing their Worker to the space your Worker just vacated.
  • Artemis: Your Worker may move one additional time, but not back to its initial space.
  • Atlas: Your Worker may build a dome at any level.
  • Demeter: Your Worker may build one additional time, but not on the same space.
  • Hephaestus: Your Worker may build a block on top of your first block, but only if the first block is not a dome.

Special Building Rules: In Santorini, you can’t build a dome on a level 1 or level 2 building, unless you have the Atlas God Power. You also can’t build more than once on the same space in a single turn, unless you have the Demeter God Power.

Exceptions: The rule of needing to move and then build means that if a player can’t move any of their Workers or if they can’t build after moving, they lose the game. However, if a player is using the Prometheus God Power, they have the option to not move up even if they can. This is the only exception to the rule that a player must move up if they are able, and it only applies if the player has not used the build action of the Prometheus God Power on the current turn.

Rule Clarifications:

  1. You can’t win the game by using a God Power to move an opponent’s Worker to the third level. The rules state that a player wins if their Worker moves up to the third level, so this must be a move made with the player’s own Worker.
  2. If a player is using the Minotaur God Power, they can force an opponent’s Worker to move into a space that contains a dome or into a space from which it cannot legally move. This can result in a player losing the game if they can’t move their Worker on their next turn.

Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!

Santorini is a strategy-based board game that requires players to construct buildings on an island while attempting to reach the top of these buildings before their opponents. Here are some advanced strategies, beginner tips, common mistakes to avoid, and ways to optimize gameplay:

Advanced Strategies:

  • Protection of Workers: Always try to protect your workers by constructing buildings around them. This prevents your opponent from trapping your workers.
  • Control the Centre: Controlling the centre of the board gives you access to more spaces, increasing your chances of winning.
  • Use God Powers Wisely: If you are playing with god powers, use them wisely to gain an advantage over your opponent. Remember, each god has a unique ability that can change the course of the game.

Beginner Tips:

  1. Learn the Basics: Understand the core mechanics of the game. This includes knowing how to move your workers and build structures.
  2. Plan Ahead: Always think about your next move. This will help you anticipate your opponent’s moves and counteract them.
  3. Practice: The more you play, the better you will become at the game. Practice makes perfect!

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Ignoring Your Opponent’s Moves: A common mistake is focusing too much on your own game and ignoring your opponent’s moves. Always keep an eye on what your opponent is doing.
  • Trapping Your Own Workers: Be careful not to trap your own workers. You need them to move around the board and build structures.
  • Wasting God Powers: If you are playing with god powers, don’t waste them. Use them strategically to gain an advantage over your opponent.

Ways to Optimize Gameplay:

  1. Think Strategically: Always think about the best strategy to win the game. This includes blocking your opponent’s moves, protecting your workers, and using your god powers effectively.
  2. Adapt to the Situation: The game can change quickly, so be ready to adapt your strategy accordingly.
  3. Learn from Your Mistakes: If you lose a game, analyze your moves to see where you went wrong. Use this knowledge to improve your future games.