
Tekhenu: Obelisk of the Sun

Tekhenu: Obelisk of the Sun is a strategic board game where players join ancient Pharaohs in building the largest religious site, balancing actions and resources for victory.


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About the game

‘Tekhenu: Obelisk of the Sun’ is a compelling and deeply strategic board game that immerses players in the fascinating world of ancient Egypt. This game is set during the reign of Pharaoh Amenhotep III, who commissioned the most famous obelisk in Egypt – Tekhenu.

At the heart of the game, the obelisk, or the ‘Tekhenu’, casts its shadow onto different parts of the board. This innovative mechanic of the rotating shadow influences the cost and actions of different regions and brings a dynamic element to the game, as the shadow moves around the board, simulating the rotation of the sun.

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Setup and rules summary

Game components Unboxing the fun!

Tekhenu: Obelisk of the Sun is a strategy board game that features a mix of dice drafting, resource management, and pattern building. In the game, players take on the roles of ancient Egyptian architects with the task of constructing monuments and buildings for the glory of the Pharaoh. Here are its components and their uses:

1. Game Board: The game board features a circular layout that represents the city of Iunu. The board is divided into sections, each of which is dedicated to a specific Egyptian god. These sections are where players place their building tokens to construct buildings and gain favor with the gods. The board also has a rotating obelisk in the center, which casts a shadow over different sections of the board, affecting the availability and cost of actions.

2. Dice: There are 48 dice in the game, divided into six colors that represent different resources: gold, limestone, papyrus, bread, granite, and favor. These dice are used to perform actions. The value of a die determines the strength of the action, and the color of the die determines its type. The shadow of the obelisk affects the usability of the dice.

3. Player Boards: Each player has a personal board that represents their construction site. Players use these boards to keep track of their resources and progress. They also indicate the player’s current favor with the gods, which can grant them special abilities.

4. Building Tokens: Players use these tokens to mark the buildings they’ve constructed on the game board. The tokens are color-coded to match the player boards.

5. Score Markers: These markers are used to keep track of each player’s score on the scoring track around the edge of the game board.

6. Resource Markers: These markers are used to track the amount of each resource that players have collected. They are placed on the player boards and moved along the resource tracks as players gain and spend resources.

7. God Tiles: There are six God Tiles in the game, each representing one of the Egyptian gods. These tiles are placed on the game board and grant players special abilities when they earn the favor of the corresponding god.

8. Scribe Tokens: Players earn these tokens by performing certain actions. Scribe Tokens can be spent to modify dice rolls or perform additional actions.

9. Anubis and Ra Cards: These cards offer additional ways to score points. Anubis Cards provide end-of-game bonuses, while Ra Cards grant immediate bonuses when claimed.

10. Pillar Tokens: These tokens are used to build the obelisk in the center of the game board. The position of the obelisk’s shadow affects the availability and cost of actions.

11. Happiness Markers: These markers are used to keep track of the happiness level of the populace. The happier the populace, the more points players can score.

Each of these components interacts with the others to create a dynamic, strategic gameplay experience. Players must manage their resources effectively, construct buildings wisely, and earn the favor of the gods to succeed in Tekhenu: Obelisk of the Sun.

Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go

Tekhenu: Obelisk of the Sun is an engaging board game that requires careful planning and strategy. The setup of the game is as follows:

Step 1: Board Setup

Place the main game board in the middle of the table with the obelisk standing in the center hole. The shadow of the obelisk divides the board into sunny, shaded, and dark sections.

Step 2: Dice Placement

Roll all 48 dice (8 of each of the 6 colors) and sort them by the color. Place them on the corresponding God’s tiles around the obelisk, according to the current sunlight status (sunny, shaded, or dark).

Step 3: Population Track

Each player places 1 marker on the ‘0’ space of the Population track on the game board.

Step 4: Happiness Track

Each player also places 1 marker on the ‘0’ space of the Happiness track on the game board.

Step 5: Player Board

Each player receives a player board, 2 scribes, and 1 starting bonus which are selected randomly.

Step 6: Resources

Every player starts the game with 1 bread, 1 papyrus and 1 granite. Stack your remaining resources in their respective places on your player board.

Step 7: Scribes and Statues

Each player places their 2 scribes on the leftmost spaces of the Scribe track on their player board and sets their 5 statues next to their player board.

Step 8: Blessings

Shuffle the Blessing cards and place 4 of them face up next to the game board. The remaining cards form a draw pile.

Step 9: Technologies

Shuffle the Technology tiles and place 2 of them face up on each of the six God’s tiles.

Step 10: Decrees

Shuffle the Decree cards and place 2 of them face up next to the game board. The remaining cards form a draw pile.

Step 11: Balance of Maat

Place the Balance of Maat on the middle space of the Balance track on the game board.

Step 12: Random Elements

There are several random elements in Tekhenu: Obelisk of the Sun. The dice rolled and their placement on the board, the Technology tiles, Blessing cards, and Decree cards drawn are all random elements that can change each game.

Game flow Round and round we go

Tekhenu: Obelisk of the Sun is a complex and engaging board game that takes place over the course of 16 turns, divided into 4 rounds. Each round is split into two phases: the Action Phase and the Maat Phase. The game’s unique mechanic is the rotating obelisk, which changes the dice availability and actions that can be taken.

Action Phase: In the Action Phase, players take turns in clockwise order. During their turn, a player performs the following actions:

  1. Choose a Die: The player takes a die from one of the six areas around the obelisk. The areas are divided into light and dark areas, with the die’s color and position determining the actions available.
  2. Perform an Action: Depending on the color and location of the chosen die, the player can perform one of the following actions:
    • Build: If the die is from the Building area, the player can build a statue, pillar, or building.
    • Produce: If the die is from the Production area, the player can produce resources.
    • Happiness: If the die is from the Happiness area, the player can increase the happiness of their people.
    • Population: If the die is from the Population area, the player can increase their population.
    • Blessing: If the die is from the Blessing area, the player can obtain a Blessing card.
    • Feast: If the die is from the Feast area, the player can prepare a feast for the gods.
  3. Check Balance: After performing an action, the player checks their balance on the scale of Maat. If a player’s actions are not balanced, they may face penalties in the Maat Phase.

Maat Phase: After all players have taken their turns, the Maat Phase begins. During this phase, players perform the following steps:

  1. Score Balance: Players score points based on their balance on the scale of Maat. Those with a perfect balance score more points, while those who are unbalanced may lose points or face other penalties.
  2. Score Buildings: Players score points for their buildings, with more points awarded for buildings in the light area of the board.
  3. Rotate Obelisk: The obelisk is rotated one quarter turn. This changes the position of the light and dark areas and alters the dice available for the next round.
  4. Prepare for Next Round: All used dice are returned to the bag, new dice are drawn and rolled, and the next round begins.

The game ends after the fourth round, and the player with the most points is declared the winner.

Players'turn One turn to rule them all

‘Tekhenu: Obelisk of the Sun’ is an engaging game that combines strategy and balance. During each player’s turn, there are several actions and strategic choices available. These choices can greatly affect the gameplay and the player’s potential to win.

Firstly, the player needs to select a dice from one of the six sections of the game board. The shadow of the obelisk divides the game board into two parts: sunny and shady. The value of the dice selected will determine both the type and the power of the action.

Actions available can be divided into four categories:

  1. Building actions: Players can either construct a building in the city or erect a pillar in the temple. The power of the action determines how many resources can be used in the turn.
  2. People actions: Players can gather people from the population pool or place their people onto the statue cards. The power of the action determines the number of people a player can interact with.
  3. God actions: Players can worship gods to gain various benefits. The power of the action determines the number of rewards received.
  4. Production actions: Players can produce resources such as bread and limestone. The power of the action determines the quantity of resources produced.

After performing an action, the player needs to check the balance of Maat. This is a critical part of the game as having a balance between light and dark actions can yield extra points during the scoring phase.

Players also have the option to perform a bonus action instead of the main action, which can provide an immediate benefit, such as obtaining resources or gaining victory points.

Lastly, the player rotates the obelisk after every two rounds, changing the distribution of sunlight and shade on the game board. This in turn changes the available actions and strategic decisions for the next player’s turn.

In conclusion, ‘Tekhenu: Obelisk of the Sun’ provides a variety of strategic choices during a player’s turn, each one affecting the gameplay differently and adding to the overall complexity and depth of the game.

End of the game All good games must come to an end

Tekhenu: Obelisk of the Sun is a dynamic board game that is governed by an obelisk’s shadow, which alters the potency of different actions. The game is played over 16 rounds, divided into two halves or ‘cycles’ of eight rounds each. After the end of the second cycle (16th round), the game comes to an end and the final scoring occurs.

Game End:

  • The game concludes after the 16th round, marking the end of the second cycle. This is signified by the rotation of the obelisk so that it casts shadows over different parts of the board over time, changing the effectiveness of actions. Once this rotation has completed two full cycles, the game ends.

Final Actions:

  • When the game ends, players must first check their balance on the scales of Ma’at. If a player’s balance marker is not in the central three spaces of the scales, they suffer a penalty of -10 victory points.
  • Next, all players should take their score markers off the victory track and count their victory points again using the score pad. This is to ensure accurate tracking of points during the game and to add any final points before declaring a winner.

Victory Conditions:

  • Victory points are accumulated throughout the game by performing various actions, such as constructing buildings, erecting statues, and contributing to the construction of the monument.
  • At the end of the game, additional victory points are awarded based on the players’ positions in different areas. This includes the number and type of buildings constructed, the number of statues erected, and the number of people’s blessings gained.
  • Final victory points are also awarded for the player’s remaining resources and for any leftover raw materials.
  • The player with the highest total number of victory points is declared the winner. In the event of a tie, the player with the most leftover resources is the winner. If there is still a tie, the player who is earlier in turn order wins.

Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?

Tekhenu: Obelisk of the Sun employs a complex scoring system that takes into account a variety of factors over the course of the game. Points are awarded based on player actions, collected resources, and the balance of player’s Maat scale. Here is how it works:

1. Scoring during the game:

  • Building Statues: Whenever a player constructs a statue in the temple, they score victory points equal to the number of their own statues in the temple area plus the number of their statues in the workshop.
  • Building Pillars: Building pillars in the temple can score victory points based on the number of matching symbols on the temple tiles adjacent to the new pillar.
  • Population Track: Players can score points when they advance on the Population track. The number of points scored is indicated on the space they land on.
  • Fulfilling Decrees: Players can score points by fulfilling decree cards. The amount of points scored depends on the specific requirements of the decree card.

2. End of game scoring:

  • Temple Scoring: At the end of the game, players score points based on the number of their statues in each temple. The player with the most statues scores points equal to the highest visible number on the temple scoring track. The second most statues scores points equal to the second highest visible number, and so on.
  • Technology Scoring: Players can score points based on their advances on the Technology track. The number of points is equal to the number of discs on the track multiplied by the value of the highest reached space.
  • Population Scoring: Players score additional points based on their position on the Population track. The number of points is equal to the number of discs on the track multiplied by the value of the highest reached space.
  • Balance of Maat: Players who maintained a balance in their Maat scale score points. The player with the most balanced scale scores points equal to the highest visible number on the Maat scoring track. The second most balanced scale scores points equal to the second highest visible number, and so on.

3. Tie-breaking:

In the event of a tie at the end of the game, the tie-breaker is the player with the most balanced Maat scale. If there is still a tie, the player who is earlier in turn order wins.

Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?

Tekhenu: Obelisk of the Sun is a strategic dice drafting game that requires careful planning and adaptation to the shifting states of the game. However, there are several rare or special rules, exceptions, and rule clarifications that might be crucial to understand:

1. The Rotating Obelisk: The obelisk in the center of the board rotates after every two turns, changing the balance of light and shadow on the board. This directly affects the ‘purity’ of the actions you take and can turn a ‘pure’ action into a ‘taboo’ one.

2. Purity of Actions: The game measures the purity of your actions – if a die is in the light, it’s a pure action, and if it’s in the shadow, it’s a taboo action. The purity of your actions affects your standing on the balance scale, and you need to maintain a balance between pure and taboo actions.

3. Balance Scale: The balance scale is a unique mechanism in Tekhenu. If your marker on the balance scale moves too far into light or shadow, you will incur penalties at the Maat phase of the game.

4. Maat Phase: The Maat phase occurs four times during the game, when all players calculate their balance, score points, and possibly incur penalties for imbalance or for having too many unused resources.

5. God Cards: Some God cards allow you to bend the rules in various ways, such as ignoring the balance scale for a turn or manipulating the obelisk. These cards are rare and can provide a significant advantage, but using them also increases your taboo actions.

6. Population and Happiness: Increasing your population is crucial for scoring points, but if your population is higher than your happiness, you will lose points in the Maat phase. This is a unique aspect of the game that requires careful management of both population and happiness.

7. Resource Dice: Resource dice are used to gain resources, but the type of resource you gain depends on the color of the die. However, you can never gain gold from a resource die, as gold is only gained through certain actions and cards.

8. Building Monuments: When building a monument, you must place it in your city area on the board. However, if your city area is full, you can replace an existing monument with a new one, but you will lose the benefit of the replaced monument.

Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!

Tekhenu: Obelisk of the Sun is a strategic board game set in the ancient city of Heliopolis where players aim to please the gods with their actions in the city. Here are some advanced strategies, beginner tips, and common mistakes to avoid to optimize gameplay.

Advanced Strategies:

  • Monitoring the rotation of the obelisk is crucial. Plan your actions ahead to take advantage of the shifting balance between pure and tainted actions.

  • Focus on building statues and pillars. They offer a consistent stream of points and resources throughout the game.

  • Balance your actions to avoid penalties during the Maat phase. Too many tainted actions will lead to a negative score.

Beginner Tips:

  • Build a solid understanding of the game mechanics. This includes the rotation of the obelisk, the action selection process, and the scoring system.

  • Start by focusing on a few strategies. Trying to cover all aspects of the game at once can be overwhelming.

  • Don’t ignore the god cards. They offer significant advantages and can greatly influence your strategy.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Don’t let your balance of pure and tainted actions get out of control. This can lead to significant penalties during the Maat phase.

  • Avoid focusing too much on one strategy. The game is designed to reward a balanced approach.

  • Don’t ignore the rotation of the obelisk. It significantly influences the balance of pure and tainted actions.

Ways to Optimize Gameplay:

  1. Plan your actions in advance based on the rotation of the obelisk.

  2. Utilize god cards to enhance your strategy and gain advantages.

  3. Maintain a balance of pure and tainted actions to avoid penalties.

  4. Focus on building statues and pillars for consistent point gain.

Mastering ‘Tekhenu: Obelisk of the Sun’ requires a deep understanding of its unique mechanics and a balanced strategy. Avoid common pitfalls and use the tips and strategies provided to enhance your gameplay.