Twice as Clever!
Experience Doppelt so clever, a thrilling board game with unique dice-marking challenges. It combines strategic decision-making and luck, keeping players engaged with new actions and scoring opportunities.
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About the game
‘Twice as Clever!’ is a tantalizing board game that challenges your strategic thinking and analytical prowess. This game is not just about luck; it’s a cerebral showdown where your decision-making skills are put to the test. The game’s setting is abstract, and its theme focuses on dice rolling and scoring combinations.
The board game unfolds on a score pad divided into five colour-coded sections. Each section corresponds to a different type of dice: yellow, blue, green, pink, and white. The diversity in dice adds a bit of colour and vibrancy to the game, making it visually appealing and engaging.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
‘Twice as Clever!’ is an engaging and challenging dice game. Here are all the components included in the game, along with descriptions of how they function and interact:
1. Scorepad: The scorepad is an essential component in ‘Twice as Clever!’. Each sheet of the pad is used for recording the scores of each player throughout the game. The scorepad is divided into five color-coded areas that correspond to the five different colored dice used in the game.
- Yellow area: Points are scored by marking a number of fields equal to the die value.
- Blue area: Players must mark a field with a value equal to or lower than the die value.
- Green area: The player must mark the smallest unmarked number that is equal to or higher than the die value.
- Orange area: Any number can be marked, and the marked number is the score.
- Purple area: The player must mark a number that is higher than the previously marked number.
2. Six 6-sided dice: There are five colored dice (yellow, blue, green, orange, and purple) that correspond to the sections on the scorepad, and one white die. The colored dice are used to determine which section of the scorepad to mark, while the white die can be used for any section. After each roll, the player chooses one die to use and all dice with lower values are moved to the silver platter (see below).
3. Silver Platter card: This card is where dice are placed after they are used or if they have a lower value than the chosen die. In the second phase of each round, the player can choose dice from the silver platter, but must choose the highest valued die available.
4. Fox markers: These are bonus markers that players can earn. At the end of the game, each fox marker allows the player to duplicate the score of their lowest scoring colored area on the scorepad.
5. Plus-one markers: These markers allow the player to add an extra roll to their turn. They are limited and once used, they are removed from the game.
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
Twice As Clever! is a strategic dice game that challenges players to fill out their score sheet with dice combinations in order to gain points. Follow the steps below to set up the game:
Firstly, each player will need a score sheet and a pencil. The score sheet is divided into five colored areas matching the five colored dice (blue, green, yellow, pink, and white). The white die is a wildcard and can be used in any colored area.
The round marker should be placed on the first space of the round track. This will be used to keep track of which round you’re currently in.
Next, place the five colored dice in the middle of the table where all players can reach them. Also place the silver platter next to the dice. The silver platter is used to hold dice that have been used and are not available for the current player’s turn.
Each player then rolls one die. The player with the highest roll is the starting player for the first round.
In Twice As Clever!, the players don’t have specific roles other than trying to be the cleverest player by scoring the most points. The game does not have a board or initial resources. The only random elements in the game are the dice rolls.
The game is divided into several rounds, and in each round, each player takes a turn. During a player’s turn, they roll all five dice and then choose one to keep, marking the corresponding space on their score sheet. The value of the chosen die determines which dice can be rolled in the next roll. All dice with a lower value are placed on the silver platter and are not available for the rest of the turn. The player can continue to roll the remaining dice and choose one to keep until they decide to stop or until all the dice are on the silver platter. At the end of a round, the round marker is moved one space forward on the round track, and the starting player passes the dice to the player on their left.
Remember, the strategy in Twice As Clever! lies in choosing which dice to keep and when to stop rolling. The game ends after the round marker has moved all the way around the round track, and the player with the highest total score is declared the winner.
Game flow Round and round we go
Twice as Clever! is a strategic dice game where players aim to fill their score sheet with the highest possible scoring combinations. The game is played over multiple rounds, each consisting of three main phases: the Rolling Phase, the Active Player Phase, and the Passive Player Phase. The game ends when a player has filled all the spaces in their score sheet or after a set number of rounds.
The Rolling Phase:
- In this phase, the active player rolls all six dice.
- The dice are different colors and each color corresponds to a different section on the score sheet.
- The player must then choose one of the dice to keep and mark the corresponding space on their score sheet.
- The dice with a lower value than the chosen die are moved to the silver platter.
The Active Player Phase:
- The active player continues to roll the remaining dice, always choosing one die to keep and moving all dice with a lower value to the silver platter.
- This continues until the active player has kept three dice or all the dice have been moved to the silver platter.
- The active player can also choose to end their turn early if they are satisfied with their score.
The Passive Player Phase:
- After the active player has finished their turn, the passive players get to choose one die from the silver platter.
- They mark the corresponding space on their own score sheet.
- This phase gives passive players a chance to score even when it’s not their turn.
- After all players have chosen a die, the round ends.
End of the Game:
- The game ends either when a player has filled all the spaces on their score sheet, or after a predetermined number of rounds.
- Players then calculate their final scores based on the scoring rules for each section on their score sheet.
- The player with the highest score wins the game.
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
In ‘Twice as Clever!’, each turn is divided into several actions. Understanding these actions is key to mastering the game. Here’s a thorough breakdown of what happens during a player’s turn:
1. Rolling the Dice
The active player starts their turn by rolling all six dice. The dice in ‘Twice as Clever!’ are of different colors to represent different categories of tasks.
2. Picking a Die
After rolling, the player must choose one of the dice and mark the corresponding category on their score sheet. The number on the die and its color will determine which task can be marked.
3. Dice Placement
All dice with a lower value than the chosen die are placed on the silver platter, located in the middle of the game board. These dice are out of play for the rest of the player’s turn.
4. Re-rolling the Dice
The player then re-rolls the remaining dice and repeats the process of choosing a die and placing lower-valued dice on the silver platter. This cycle continues until the player has picked three dice, or there are no dice left to roll.
5. End of Turn
The turn ends after the player has picked three dice, or there are no dice left to roll. If any dice remain on the silver platter at the end of the turn, these are used by the other players in a passive turn.
6. Passive Turn
During a passive turn, all other players pick one die from the silver platter and mark the corresponding task on their score sheet. The chosen die is not replaced, which means passive turns offer fewer choices.
Strategic Choices:
- Choosing Dice: Choosing which die to pick can be a strategic decision. Higher-valued dice allow a player to avoid placing too many dice on the silver platter, but picking a lower-valued die might allow them to complete a specific task.
- Re-rolling: The decision to re-roll the dice is also strategic. Re-rolling gives the player a chance to get better values, but it also risks ending the turn early if the rolled values are low.
- Passive Turn: In passive turns, players should choose a die that helps them progress in their weakest category.
Through these strategic choices, players aim to score as many points as possible in each category. The player with the highest total score at the end of the game is the winner.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
In the board game ‘Twice as Clever!’, the game ends after the completion of the fourth round. This is a game where players attempt to score as many points as possible by strategically filling in their score sheet with the results of their dice rolls. Victory is achieved by the player with the highest score at the end of the game.
Game Ending:
The game concludes when all players have completed their turns in the fourth round. After this, the final scoring process begins.
Victory Conditions:
The player with the highest total score at the end of the game is declared the winner. The total score is calculated by adding up the points from each of the five colored areas on the player’s score sheet, the foxes, and the bonus section.
Before Final Scoring:
Before the final scoring, players need to perform a few actions:
- Complete the Score Sheet: All players should ensure that they have filled in the results of their dice rolls in the five colored areas on their score sheets.
- Calculate Fox Points: Each player calculates their fox points, which is equal to the lowest score among their five colored areas. The fox points are then added to the fox area on the score sheet.
- Check Bonus Section: Players should check the bonus section of their score sheets. If they have met any of the conditions listed, they add the corresponding points to their total.
Final Scoring:
During the final scoring, players calculate their total scores by adding up the points from each of the five colored areas, the fox area, and the bonus section. The player with the highest total score is declared the winner. In case of a tie, the player with the most bonus points is the winner.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
In the board game ‘Twice as Clever!’, scoring is an intricate part of gameplay and is based on the player’s ability to strategically mark off boxes on their scorepad. The scorepad is divided into five different colored areas – silver, blue, green, pink, and yellow – each with their own unique scoring system.
Silver Area Scoring:
Each square in the silver area represents a number from 1 to 6. When a player marks a square, they score the corresponding number of points. If a player marks all squares in a row or column, they gain additional points equal to the highest number in that row or column.
Blue Area Scoring:
The blue area has a set of dice symbols. When a player marks off a dice, they score the number of points indicated on the dice. If a player manages to mark off all the dice, they score an additional 6 points.
Green Area Scoring:
The green area functions as a progress track. The further a player advances on the track, the more points they score. If a player reaches the end of the track, they score an additional 6 points.
Pink Area Scoring:
The pink area contains boxes with specific conditions. When a player fulfills a condition, they mark off the box and score points accordingly. If a player manages to mark off all the boxes, they score an additional 6 points.
Yellow Area Scoring:
The yellow area has a grid of numbers. When a player marks off a number, they score that number of points. If a player marks off all numbers in a row or column, they score bonus points equal to the total number of marked squares in that row or column.
Tie-Breaking Rules:
In the event of a tie, the winner is determined by the following rules in order:
- The player who has used the fewest rerolls wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player who has the highest total in their lowest scoring colored area wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player who achieved the highest single dice roll during the game wins.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
‘Twice as Clever!’ is a strategic dice game where players aim to score the highest points by filling their score sheet with the best combinations. While the basic rules are straightforward, there are some rare or special rules, exceptions, and clarifications that might be important for players.
Re-rolling rule: The re-rolling rule is a significant part of ‘Twice as Clever!’. If a player chooses a die, all dice with a lower value cannot be used in this round. They are moved to the silver platter. After each die selection, the player can decide to re-roll the remaining dice in the dice tray.
Color rule exception: An exception to the standard rule occurs when a player picks a blue die. The player may add any one die to the blue die’s value, even one from the silver platter, to determine the number to enter in the blue area on their score sheet.
End of round rule clarification: The round ends for a player when they decide to stop and score their dice, or when they can’t or don’t want to use any of the remaining dice. The unused dice are then moved to the silver platter.
- Special actions: Some fields on the score sheet allow players to carry out special actions when crossed out:
- Re-roll: Allows a player to re-roll all the dice in the dice tray.
- Double: Allows the player to cross out any two additional fields.
- Plus 1: Allows the player to use an additional die at the end of the round.
- Scoring rule clarification: At the end of the game, players calculate their scores according to the rules for each colored area. Some points to remember:
- The blue area score depends on the lowest number circled.
- For the green area, only the highest visible number counts.
- In the orange area, the points are the total of all numbers.
- The purple area’s score is the sum of all numbers, but if a number repeats, start from 1 again.
Understanding these special rules, exceptions, and clarifications is key to mastering the strategy of ‘Twice as Clever!’
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
Twice as Clever! is a challenging, dice-rolling, strategy game. To enhance your gameplay and maximize your chances of winning, here are some advanced strategies, beginner tips, common mistakes to avoid, and ways to optimize gameplay:
Advanced Strategies:
- Chain Reactions: Aim for chain reactions where one action triggers another. Focusing on the yellow and blue areas can allow for this.
- End-Game Scoring: Remember to pay attention to the end-game bonuses. They can often make the difference between winning and losing.
- Use of Wilds: Use the wilds sparingly and strategically. They can be very helpful in the last few rounds when you need specific numbers.
Beginner Tips:
- Understand Scoring: Spend some time understanding how each area is scored. This will help you to plan your strategy.
- Use of Silver Platter: Don’t be afraid to use the silver platter early in the game. It allows you to roll all six dice again, which can be a game-changer.
- Focus on Combinations: Try to focus on combinations of numbers rather than individual ones. This can increase your score significantly.
Common Mistakes to Avoid:
- Ignoring Certain Areas: Don’t ignore the pink and green areas. They might not seem as valuable at first, but they can provide valuable points.
- Forgetting about Bonuses: Make sure to keep track of the bonuses you earn. They can sometimes be forgotten, which can cost you valuable points.
- Not Planning Ahead: Don’t just focus on the current round. Try to plan ahead and strategize for future rounds.
Ways to Optimize Gameplay:
- Practice: The more you play, the better you’ll become. Practice will help you understand the game mechanics and develop your own strategies.
- Adapt: Be ready to adapt your strategy based on the dice rolls. Flexibility can often lead to victory.
- Balance: Try to balance your focus across all areas. Concentrating too much on one can leave you vulnerable in others.