
Massive Darkness 2: Hellscape

Massive Darkness 2 takes players on an epic journey beyond portals, into the heart of the Darkness. This reimagined dungeon-crawler game promises exhilarating combat and high-stakes adventure!


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About the game

In the shadowy depths of the underworld, a battle of epic proportions is about to unfold. Welcome to Massive Darkness 2: Hellscape, a game that plunges you into a thrilling, fully cooperative dungeon-crawling adventure like no other.

The game transports you to a sinister realm where the forces of light and darkness are locked in a relentless struggle. You and your fellow players assume the roles of heroes, each with unique abilities and strengths. Your mission? To descend into the treacherous Hellscape, combat the nefarious denizens that dwell within, and emerge victorious, having thwarted their malevolent plans.

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Setup and rules summary

Game components Unboxing the fun!

The ‘Massive Darkness 2: Hellscape’ board game includes a number of unique components. Each has a specific role and interacts with the game in a unique way. Here, we list and describe each component and its role within the game.

1. Game Tiles

These are double-sided with different maps. Players set up the tiles as per the scenario’s instructions. Tiles depict various dungeon environments and control the flow of movement and combat.

2. Miniatures

These detailed plastic figures represent the heroes and enemies in the game. Each miniature has a corresponding card that outlines its abilities and stats.

3. Hero Dashboards

Each player has a hero dashboard to manage their hero’s stats, equipment, and skills. The dashboard keeps track of the hero’s health, experience points, and level.

4. Enemy Cards

These cards provide information about each enemy type, including their behavior, abilities, and stats. When an enemy spawns, its corresponding card is used to guide its actions.

5. Equipment Cards
5.1. Weapon Cards

These give heroes extra abilities and boost their combat stats. Heroes acquire weapon cards by looting treasure chests or defeating enemies.

5.2. Armor Cards

These are used to increase a hero’s defense against enemy attacks. Like weapon cards, armor cards are acquired through looting and defeating enemies.

6. Dice

The game includes several six-sided dice used for combat, skill checks, and other random events. The color of the dice indicates the difficulty or power level.

7. Tokens

There are several types of tokens used to depict different game states, such as health, experience, treasure, and status effects.

8. Scenario Book

The scenario book contains different game scenarios, each with its own unique story, objectives, and map setup.

9. Class Sheets

These sheets provide information about the different hero classes, their unique abilities, and how they level up.

10. Monster Tokens

These tokens replace miniatures for lesser enemies. Each token has a particular symbol to represent different types of monsters.

11. Treasure Chests

These are 3D components placed on the game tiles. Heroes can interact with these chests to acquire new equipment cards.

Each component of ‘Massive Darkness 2: Hellscape’ adds depth and complexity to the game, creating an immersive dungeon-crawling experience.

Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go

Setting up ‘Massive Darkness 2: Hellscape’ can seem daunting due to the intricacy of its components, but with this step-by-step guide, you’ll be dungeon crawling in no time! Here’s how to set up the game:

Step 1: Board Placement

First, lay out the game board in the center of the play area. Massive Darkness 2: Hellscape uses modular tiles, so the board layout will change depending on the scenario you choose to play. Consult the scenario book and arrange the tiles as shown for your selected scenario.

Step 2: Player Roles and Characters

Each player chooses a Hero character. There are six unique Heroes in the base game, each with their own strengths and abilities. Each player takes the Hero dashboard for their chosen character, along with the matching miniature.

Step 3: Setup Hero Dashboards

Place your Hero’s miniature on the starting space as indicated in the scenario book. On the Hero dashboard, set the Health dial to the maximum value as indicated on the Hero’s card. Similarly, set the Experience dial to zero. Place the Hero’s class card on the appropriate slot on the dashboard. Each Hero starts with a specific class, but they can change classes during the game.

Step 4: Deck Setup

Shuffle the Monster, Treasure, and Event cards separately and place them face down near the board. These decks will be drawn from during the game, introducing random elements that can help or hinder the players.

Step 5: Monster and Treasure Placement

Consult the scenario book for initial Monster and Treasure placements. Draw a card from the Monster deck for each Monster token on the board and place it next to the matching token. Do the same for the Treasure tokens using the Treasure deck.

Step 6: Light and Shadow Tokens

Place the Light and Shadow tokens in a pile near the board. These will be used to track the shifting light conditions in the dungeon, which can affect gameplay.

Step 7: Initial Resources

Each Hero starts the game with a basic equipment card. Deal one to each player to place in the appropriate slot on their Hero’s dashboard.

Once all these steps are completed, you’re ready to start playing Massive Darkness 2: Hellscape. The game is played over a series of rounds, with each round consisting of a Hero phase followed by a Monster phase. Enjoy your adventurous journey into the depths of the dungeon!

Game flow Round and round we go

Massive Darkness 2: Hellscape is an exciting cooperative board game that combines exploration, combat, and character growth in a rich fantasy setting. The game is played in a series of rounds, each composed of several phases. The players must work together to defeat the darkness and survive the Hellscape.

The game is broken down into four primary phases:

  1. Start of the Round: This is when players prepare for the upcoming round. During this phase, the first player token is passed to the next player and all players refresh their actions and skills.
  2. Heroes’ Phase: During this phase, players take turns in clockwise order from the first player. Each player can perform up to three actions. These actions can be any combination of Moving, Attacking, Interacting (such as opening doors or chests), Trading, and Special Actions (which are unique to each character). Once a player has completed their actions, play moves to the next player.
  3. Enemies’ Phase: After all players have taken their turns, the enemies on the board act. Each enemy type acts in a specific order, as indicated on the Enemy card. Enemies move towards and attack the nearest heroes, following the rules on their card.
  4. End of the Round: This phase concludes the round. Any ongoing effects are resolved, and the round tracker is advanced.

Players continue to play through rounds until they either achieve the scenario’s objectives or all heroes are defeated. The game offers a wide array of scenarios, each providing unique challenges and requiring different strategies to win.

In Massive Darkness 2: Hellscape, cooperation and tactical decision-making are paramount to success. The interplay between the Heroes’ and Enemies’ phases creates a dynamic and engaging gameplay experience that keeps players on their toes from start to finish.

Players'turn One turn to rule them all

Massive Darkness 2: Hellscape is a thrilling board game where players work together to fight against the forces of darkness. In this game, each player’s turn is broken down into a series of actions and strategic choices. These decisions greatly affect the gameplay and the success of the mission. Below is a breakdown of what may occur during a player’s turn:

Action Phase

The action phase is the first part of a player’s turn. During this phase, a player can perform up to three actions. The available actions include:

  • Move: The player can move up to two zones. Engaged enemies may provoke attacks of opportunity when moving.
  • Attack: The player can choose to attack a monster in their zone or an adjacent one. The result of the attack is determined by the dice roll.
  • Trade: The player may exchange equipment or items with another player in the same zone.
  • Special Action: Some characters have special actions that can be used during this phase.
  • Rest: The player can choose to rest, which allows the revival of fallen allies and recovery of health points.

Enemy Phase

After the Action Phase comes the Enemy Phase. During this phase, all enemies in the same zone as the player, or in an adjacent zone, will perform their actions. These actions can include:

  • Attack: The enemy can attack the player, aiming to deplete their health points.
  • Move: The enemy may move towards the player if they are not already in the same zone.
  • Special Abilities: Some enemies have special abilities that are activated during this phase.

Strategic Choices

Throughout the game, players must make strategic choices that can affect the outcome of the game. These decisions can include:

  • Equipment Choices: Players must decide when and how to use their equipment for the greatest advantage.
  • Positioning: The position of the player can significantly affect their ability to attack and defend.
  • Teamwork: Players must work together to defeat the forces of darkness. This may include strategizing about who should take certain actions or hold certain equipment.

Understanding the rules and strategies of Massive Darkness 2: Hellscape can greatly enhance the gaming experience. With careful planning and collaboration, players can successfully defeat the forces of darkness and win the game.

End of the game All good games must come to an end

Massive Darkness 2: Hellscape is a cooperative board game where players battle against the forces of darkness. The game ends either when the players have achieved the specific victory condition outlined in the scenario they’re playing, or when all players have been defeated by the forces of darkness. The victory conditions can vary greatly depending on the scenario, but commonly involve completing a certain task or defeating a specific enemy.

The following are some of the ways in which the game can end:

  1. Victory through Objective Completion: Each scenario in Massive Darkness 2: Hellscape has a specific objective outlined in the scenario’s rules. These objectives can be things like retrieving a specific item, rescuing a non-player character, or simply surviving for a certain number of rounds. When the players fulfill the scenario’s objective, they immediately win the game.
  2. Defeat through Player Elimination: If all players are defeated (i.e., their characters are killed), the game immediately ends and the forces of darkness win. Players must then restart the scenario or choose a new one to play.

Before final scoring, players must perform the following actions:

  • Experience Points Calculation: Players calculate their total Experience Points (XP) earned during the game. XP can be gained by defeating enemies, completing objectives, or through certain character abilities. Each player’s XP contributes to the team’s total score.
  • Treasure Points Calculation: Players also calculate the total value of the treasures they’ve collected during the game. Each treasure has a specific point value, and these points are added to the team’s total score.
  • Objective Points Calculation: If the players have completed the scenario’s objective, they receive bonus points as outlined in the scenario’s rules. These points are added to the team’s total score.

The team’s total score is the sum of the XP, treasure points, and objective points. The higher the score, the better the players have performed. In the end, regardless of the score, as long as the players have achieved the victory condition outlined in the scenario, they have won the game.

Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?

In ‘Massive Darkness 2: Hellscape’, the scoring system is a critical component of the game. It is used to determine the winner based on the players’ performance in various aspects of the game. Below are the details of how points are awarded and the rules for tie-breaking.

Points Awarding

There are several ways to earn points in ‘Massive Darkness 2: Hellscape’, as follows:

  1. Defeating Monsters: Players are awarded points equal to the level of the monster they defeat. For example, a level 3 monster will yield 3 points. It’s important to note that these points are shared if multiple players contribute to the monster’s defeat.
  2. Collecting Treasure: Treasure chests contain items that are worth points at the end of the game. The point value varies based on the rarity of the item; common items are worth 1 point, rare items are worth 2 points, and legendary items are worth 3 points.
  3. Completing Quests: Quests are objectives given at the beginning of the game, and each completed quest earns the player a specified number of points. The points can range from 2 to 5 based on the difficulty of the quest.
  4. Exploration: Players also earn points for exploring different areas of the map. Each new area explored earns the player 1 point.

Tie-Breaking Rules

In the event of a tie at the end of the game, the following rules are applied, in order, to determine the winner:

  1. Player with the Most Treasure: The player who has collected the most treasure items wins. If there is still a tie, proceed to the next rule.
  2. Player with the Most Monsters Defeated: The player who has defeated the most monsters wins. If there is still a tie, proceed to the next rule.
  3. Player with the Most Quests Completed: The player who has completed the most quests wins. If there is still a tie, proceed to the next rule.
  4. Player with the Most Explored Areas: The player who has explored the most areas on the map wins. If there is still a tie, the game ends in a draw.

Understanding the scoring system and tie-breaking rules is essential to formulating effective strategies and ultimately winning the game.

Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!

Massive Darkness 2: Hellscape is a fascinating and complex board game that requires strategic planning, cooperation, and a keen understanding of the game mechanics to succeed. Here are some advanced strategies, beginner tips, common mistakes to avoid, and ways to optimize gameplay.

Advanced Strategies:

  • Focus on Team Synergy: When selecting your heroes, consider the abilities and roles of each and how they can work together. Some heroes may have complementary abilities that can create powerful combinations.
  • Manage Threat Level: Be aware of your threat level. High threat levels can spawn devastating enemies, so manage your actions and kills to keep your threat level in check.
  • Use Shadows: Utilize the Shadows mechanic for stealth attacks and to avoid enemy line of sight. Shadows can also be used to hide and recover if your health is low.

Beginner Tips:

  • Learn the Basics: Before diving into the game, make sure you have a solid understanding of the basic mechanics, such as movement, combat, and shadow zones.
  • Cooperate With Your Team: This game is cooperative, so make sure to communicate and collaborate with your team. Discuss your actions before executing them to ensure you’re making the most of each turn.
  • Explore Thoroughly: Make sure to explore each room thoroughly. You never know what useful items or equipment you might find.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Rushing In: One common mistake is rushing into rooms without a plan. This can lead to your team being overwhelmed by enemies.
  • Ignoring Shadows: Shadows are a key mechanic in the game. Ignoring them can leave your heroes exposed to enemy attacks.
  • Neglecting Equipment: Neglecting to use or upgrade your equipment can leave your heroes underpowered in later stages of the game.

Ways to Optimize Gameplay:

  • Plan Your Actions: Each action you take matters, so plan your actions carefully. Consider the order in which you take actions to maximize their impact.
  • Manage Resources: Keep track of your resources and use them wisely. Don’t waste valuable items or abilities in unnecessary situations.
  • Learn From Mistakes: The best way to improve is to learn from your mistakes. If a strategy didn’t work, discuss it with your team and try a different approach in your next game.