
Unconscious Mind

Dive into the world of psychoanalysis with 'Unconscious Mind'. Engage in riveting discussions, treat clients, interpret dreams, and outshine Freud himself!


1 - 4

Medium Heavy

About the game

Welcome to the enchanting realm of the board game, ‘Unconscious Mind’. This thrilling game plunges you into the mysterious depths of dreams, fantasies, and the mind’s hidden corridors. It’s a psychological exploration through a labyrinth of emotions, memories, and subconscious thoughts that are brilliantly intertwined with strategy and chance.

The setting of the game is as intriguing as the concept itself. Picture a surreal landscape, a dreamscape if you will, with shifting terrains, perplexing obstacles, and unexpected turns. The board represents the human mind, with various sections symbolizing different aspects of the psyche such as the ego, the id, and the superego.

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Setup and rules summary

Game components Unboxing the fun!

The board game ‘Unconscious Mind’ is a complex and intriguing game that requires a variety of components to play. Each component plays a specific role in the game mechanics and contributes to the overall gameplay experience.

1. Game Board:
The game board is the main component of Unconscious Mind. It is a map of the human brain, divided into different areas representing various aspects of the unconscious mind. Players move their pieces around the board, navigating through different regions of the mind.

2. Player Tokens:
Each player has a token, which represents their presence in the unconscious mind. The tokens are moved around the game board according to the results of dice rolls and card effects.

3. Dice:
The dice are used to determine the number of spaces a player can move their token during their turn. The results of a dice roll can also trigger specific effects based on the region of the mind the player is currently in.

4. Mind Cards:
Mind Cards are drawn by players when they land on specific spaces. These cards represent different thoughts, memories, and elements of the subconscious. They can have either positive or negative effects on the player, depending on the card’s description and the current state of the game.

5. Power Tokens:
Power Tokens are earned by players when they achieve certain goals or overcome challenges in the game. These tokens can be used to gain advantages, such as additional moves, protection from negative effects, or the ability to influence other players’ actions.

6. Challenge Cards:
Challenge Cards are drawn when players land on specific ‘Challenge’ spaces on the game board. These cards present a player with a specific task or puzzle to solve, with successful completion often resulting in a reward of Power Tokens.

7. Consciousness Track:
The Consciousness Track is a scoring track that runs around the edge of the game board. Players move their scoring marker along this track based on their actions and the effects of Mind and Challenge Cards. The position on the Consciousness Track often influences a player’s options and strategies during the game.

8. Scoring Markers:
Each player has a Scoring Marker, which they move along the Consciousness Track. This marker represents a player’s current level of consciousness within the game, which can increase or decrease based on the game’s events.

Each component of ‘Unconscious Mind’ interacts with the others to create a dynamic, multilayered gameplay experience. Understanding these interactions is key to mastering the game and exploring the depths of the unconscious mind.

Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go

The game ‘Unconscious Mind’ is a psychological thriller board game that takes players on a journey through the human psyche. Here’s how you set it up:

Step 1: Prepare the Game Board

Take out the game board and place it in the center of the table. The board is made up of various regions representing different aspects of the mind such as the subconscious, conscious, and superconscious. Each region has specific spots for placing cards and tokens.

Step 2: Assign Player Roles

Each player chooses a role card. Roles could include the Analyst, the Dreamer, the Rationalist, and the Intuit. Each role has unique abilities and starting resources, which are outlined on the role card.

Step 3: Distribute Initial Resources

Based on the role chosen, each player receives their starting resources. This usually consists of Insight tokens, Power cards, and Energy tokens. The specific quantity and type of resources are indicated on their role card.

Step 4: Prepare the Deck

Shuffle the deck of Mind cards. These cards represent various thoughts, ideas, and memories. Deal five cards to each player, which forms their starting hand.

Step 5: Set Up the Event Deck

Shuffle the Event cards and place them in a deck on the designated spot on the board. These cards introduce random elements to the game, such as internal conflicts or breakthrough insights.

Step 6: Player Tokens

Each player places their player token on the starting space of the board, usually located in the Consciousness region.

Step 7: Set Up the Dream Deck

Shuffle the Dream cards and place them in a separate deck. These cards offer powerful abilities and effects but can also introduce negative impacts. They represent the unpredictable nature of dreams and the unconscious mind.

Step 8: Begin the Game

Once the board, tokens, cards, and player roles are all set, the game is ready to begin. The player who most recently had a dream goes first.

Remember, ‘Unconscious Mind’ is not only about winning, but also about understanding the human mind and its complexities. The game ends when a player achieves their role’s specific objective, which typically involves gaining a certain amount of insight or power. Enjoy the journey!

Game flow Round and round we go

Unconscious Mind is an engaging board game that tests players’ psychological understanding and strategic thinking. The game is played in distinct rounds, each consisting of three main phases: the Draw Phase, the Play Phase, and the End Phase.

Below is a detailed description of each phase and what players do during each:

The Draw Phase

  • Draw Cards: At the beginning of each round, each player draws up to five cards from the deck. If any player has more than five cards, they must discard until they have five.
  • Analyze Cards: Players privately analyze their new cards to develop strategies for the play phase.

The Play Phase

  • Place Cards: Players take turns placing one card at a time on the table. The card can either be a Character Card, Power Card, or Event Card. Each type of card influences the game in a different way.
  • Use Card Abilities: If the card has a special ability, the player decides whether to use it. Some abilities can be used immediately, while others require specific conditions to be met.
  • Resolve Conflicts: If a player’s card conflicts with another card on the table, the conflict is resolved based on the rules specified on the conflicting cards.

The End Phase

  • Check for Winners: If a player meets the victory conditions specified in the game rules, they are declared the winner and the game ends.
  • Preparation for the Next Round: If no player has won the game, all players draw cards until they have five in their hand, preparing for the next round.

In conclusion, a game of ‘Unconscious Mind’ requires strategic thinking and understanding of each card’s unique abilities. Rounds continue until a player meets the victory conditions, leading to an exciting and unpredictable game.

End of the game All good games must come to an end

The board game ‘Unconscious Mind’ is a strategy game that tests players’ ability to navigate through the labyrinth of the human mind. The game ends when certain conditions are met, and these circumstances are determined by the number of players in the game.

Game Ending Conditions:

  • Two Player Game: In a game with two players, the game ends when one player has successfully navigated through all four quadrants of the mind and returns to the center of the board.
  • Three or More Players: In a game with three or more players, the game ends when one player has successfully navigated through all four quadrants of the mind and returns to the center of the board, or when two players have been eliminated due to loss of mental energy.

Once the game has ended, final scoring takes place. The victory conditions of the game are based on the points accumulated by players throughout the game. The player with the highest score is declared the winner.

Victory Conditions:

  • Quadrant Completion: Each quadrant of the mind that a player successfully navigates through earns them 10 points.
  • Mental Energy: Remaining mental energy points at the end of the game are added to the players’ scores. Each point of mental energy is worth 1 point.
  • Center Return: The first player to return to the center of the board after navigating all four quadrants earns an additional 20 points.

Before final scoring, players must take the following actions:

Pre-scoring Actions:

  1. Players must count their remaining mental energy and add the corresponding number of points to their score.
  2. Players who have not returned to the center of the board by the end of the game lose 10 points.
  3. Players must confirm the number of quadrants they have successfully navigated and add the corresponding points to their score.

The player with the highest total score after these actions have been taken is declared the winner of ‘Unconscious Mind’.

Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?

The board game ‘Unconscious Mind’ offers a deep and intricate scoring system that rewards strategic thinking and planning. The full scoring system is detailed below.

How Points are Awarded:

There are three main ways to earn points in ‘Unconscious Mind’:

  1. Collecting Dream Tokens: At the end of every round, players receive points for the number of Dream Tokens they have collected. The point value of each Dream Token is equal to its face value.
  2. Completing Insight Cards: Insight Cards provide players with unique objectives, each carrying a specific point value. Players earn these points upon successful completion of the objectives on their Insight Cards.
  3. Exploring the Unconscious: Players earn points for exploring different areas of the Unconscious Mind. The deeper they explore, the more points they earn. The point values for each level of the Unconscious are provided on the game board.

Tie-Breaking Rules:

In the event of a tie, the following rules apply to determine the winner:

  1. Most Dream Tokens: The player with the most Dream Tokens wins the tie. If there is still a tie, proceed to the next rule.
  2. Most Completed Insight Cards: The player who has completed the most Insight Cards wins. If there is still a tie, proceed to the next rule.
  3. Furthest in the Unconscious: The player who has explored the furthest into the Unconscious wins. If there is still a tie, the tied players share the victory.

With its layered scoring system and nuanced tie-breaking rules, ‘Unconscious Mind’ offers a complex and rewarding gaming experience that challenges players to strategize and plan their moves carefully.

Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?

‘Unconscious Mind’ is an intriguing board game with a variety of special rules and exceptions that make it an exciting and challenging experience. Here are some of the most essential ones to note:

1. Dream Conversion: This is a special rule that allows players to convert their ‘dream tokens’ into ‘conscious points’.

  • During their turn, a player may decide to convert all their collected dream tokens into conscious points. The conversion rate is 1 dream token to 2 conscious points.
  • However, once a player decides to convert their dream tokens, they must convert all of them. Partial conversion is not allowed.

2. Nightmare Exception: This is an exception rule that comes into play when a player draws a ‘nightmare card’.

  • When a player draws a nightmare card, they must immediately lose one turn. This represents the character being trapped in a nightmare.
  • However, if the player has a ‘dreamcatcher token’, they can use it to negate the effects of the nightmare card and avoid losing a turn.

3. Lucid Dreaming Rule: An important rule that allows players to manipulate their turns.

  • A player can choose to enter a ‘lucid dream’ once per game. This doubles the amount of actions they can perform during their turn.
  • However, after using this rule, the player cannot collect any dream tokens in their next turn. This represents the mental exhaustion from lucid dreaming.

4. Rule Clarification for ‘Sleep Paralysis’ Cards: These are special cards that can cause confusion regarding their usage.

  • When a player draws a ‘sleep paralysis’ card, they cannot perform any actions during their next turn.
  • However, this card does not prevent the player from defending themselves using ‘defense tokens’ if they are attacked by another player during this time.

Remember, the key to mastering ‘Unconscious Mind’ is understanding its unique rules and exceptions. Happy gaming!

Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!

Advanced Strategies for ‘Unconscious Mind’

  • Plan Ahead: Always try to strategize your moves well in advance. Predict the potential moves of your opponents and plan your actions accordingly. This will help you gain the upper hand in the game.
  • Control the Center: The center of the board is a powerful position. Always try to control this area to have more options for your moves and limit your opponent’s possibilities.
  • Keep Track of Your Opponent’s Resources: Don’t focus solely on your resources. Keep an eye on your opponent’s resources as well. If you notice they are running low on a certain resource, try to monopolize it.

Beginner Tips for ‘Unconscious Mind’

  1. Learn the Rules: Before you start playing, make sure you thoroughly understand the rules of the game. This will help you make better strategic decisions during gameplay.
  2. Start Simple: Don’t try to implement complex strategies from the beginning. Start with simple, straightforward moves and gradually incorporate more complex strategies as you become more comfortable with the game.
  3. Practice: The best way to improve your gameplay is to practice. The more you play, the better you will understand the game mechanics and develop your strategies.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in ‘Unconscious Mind’

  • Ignoring Your Opponent’s Moves: A common mistake players make is focusing too much on their own moves and ignoring their opponent’s. Always pay attention to your opponent’s moves and try to anticipate their strategies.
  • Overcomplicating Strategies: Another common mistake is overcomplicating strategies. While complex strategies can be beneficial, overcomplicating them can lead to confusion and mistakes.
  • Rushing: Don’t rush your moves. Take your time to think through your options and make the best decision.

Ways to Optimize Gameplay in ‘Unconscious Mind’

  1. Practice Regularly: Regular practice is the key to improving your gameplay. This will help you understand the game mechanics better and develop effective strategies.
  2. Study Your Opponents: If you play against the same opponents frequently, study their gameplay and identify their strategies. This will give you an advantage in future games.
  3. Use Your Resources Wisely: Always use your resources wisely. Don’t waste them on unnecessary moves. Instead, save them for crucial moments in the game.