

Join the exciting world of auctions in this Reiner Knizia game. Bid on sets of cards to amass commodities, load your ships, and outwit your rivals to become the wealthiest player.


2 - 6


About the game

Welcome to the exciting world of Medici, a thrilling and strategic board game that takes players back to the prosperous days of the Renaissance. In this game, you’ll have the chance to immerse yourself in the flamboyant life of a wealthy merchant in the thriving ports of 15th century Italy.

Medici exudes an aura of elegance and competition, as players find themselves in the heart of bustling marketplaces, vying for the most valuable goods to fill their ships. The game’s vibrant illustrations and beautifully crafted components further enhance the captivating atmosphere, transporting players to a time of wealth and commerce, where strategic bidding and clever planning can lead to victory.

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Setup and rules summary

Game components Unboxing the fun!

Medici is a strategic board game that revolves around the theme of Renaissance trade. The following is a list of the game’s components and their respective functions:

1. Game Board

The game board is the central element of Medici. It serves as the marketplace where players bid on goods, and also tracks player scores. It has five different sections for each type of goods, and the scoring track around its border.

2. 36 Goods Cards

These cards represent the different types of goods that players can bid on during the game. There are six types of goods, each represented by a different color: grain (yellow), fur (brown), cloth (red), spice (green), precious metals (blue), and luxury goods (purple). Each card shows the value of the goods, which ranges from 0 to 5. These cards are used in the auction phase of the game, where players bid to acquire them.

3. 5 Player Boards

Each player gets a player board, which is used to hold goods cards won in auctions. Each player board can hold up to five cards. The player boards also help to keep track of the total value of the goods each player has acquired.

4. 5 Wooden Ships

These are used to represent each player on the scoring track of the game board. They move along the track as players earn points through successful auctions and delivering goods.

5. 5 Scoring Markers

Each player has a scoring marker, which is used to track their individual score on the game board. The scoring marker moves along the track as players earn points.

6. Money

In the game, players use money to bid on goods. The player with the highest bid wins the goods and pays the amount bid to the bank. The money in Medici is represented by paper notes in various denominations.

7. Rulebook

The rulebook provides all the necessary instructions for playing the game. It includes information about game setup, gameplay, scoring and end of game conditions.

Each component in Medici interacts with the others to create a dynamic game of bidding, buying and selling. Players must strategically use their money and goods cards to outbid their opponents and earn the most points to win.

Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go

Medici is a classic auction-style board game for 2-6 players, designed by Reiner Knizia. Here is a step-by-step guide to set up the game:

Step 1: Prepare the Game Board

Place the game board in the center of the playing area where it’s easily accessible to all players. The board has a scoring track around its perimeter and five commodity tracks in the center.

Step 2: Assign Player Tokens

Each player chooses a color and takes the corresponding tokens. Every player gets a boat token and a scoring marker. The boat token is placed on the harbor side of the game board, and the scoring marker is placed on the ‘0’ space of the scoring track.

Step 3: Prepare the Cards

Shuffle the commodity cards and form a draw pile. These cards represent various goods (spices, silk, fur, etc.) players will be bidding on during the game.

Step 4: Determine the Starting Player

Determine the starting player randomly. This player will start the first auction of the game.

Step 5: Distribute Starting Funds

Each player receives 40 florins as their starting funds. Players will use these funds to bid on goods throughout the game.

Step 6: Prepare the First Round

The starting player draws the top card of the draw pile and places it face up in the middle of the table. This card is now available for auction.

Note: The above setup is for the start of the game. The game consists of three rounds, and at the start of each new round, steps 4-6 need to be repeated.

Step 7: Random Elements

The commodity cards represent the random elements in Medici. The value and type of goods available for auction will vary with each draw from the deck.

Once the setup is complete, the game can begin, and players can start the auction and bidding process to accumulate goods and score points.

Players'turn One turn to rule them all

In the board game Medici, players are wealthy merchants in the Renaissance period, bidding on various goods to fill their ships. A player’s turn in Medici is a crucial part of the game, consisting of several possible actions and strategic choices.

1. Draw up to three goods:

At the beginning of their turn, a player must draw one, two, or three goods from the deck, placing them face-up on the table. This action is strategic as the total value of goods drawn affects the value of the lot up for auction.

2. Auction the lot:

Once the goods are drawn, an auction begins. The player who drew the goods acts as the auctioneer. Each player, in clockwise order, can either pass or bid for the lot. The auctioneer has the final bid. The winning bidder adds the goods to their ship. This part of the turn requires strategic bidding, as players must consider the value and type of goods, their available space, and their current money for bids.

3. Adjust score track:

After the auction, the winning player adjusts their points on the score track. The total points of the goods won are added to the player’s current score. This action immediately impacts the game as the player with the highest score at the end of the game wins.

4. Check for end of round:

If all players have filled their ships or the goods deck is empty, the round ends. Points are awarded based on the total value of goods in each player’s ship and for having goods of the same type. This action determines the pace of the game, as players must balance between quickly filling their ship and waiting for more valuable goods.

  • Strategic Choices:
    • Choosing the number of goods: Drawing more goods can increase the value of the lot, but it can also make it harder to win the auction, as other players may bid more.
    • Bidding strategy: Players must decide when to bid high to secure valuable goods, and when to conserve money for future auctions.
    • Ship filling strategy: Players can choose to fill their ships quickly, ending the round sooner, or take their time to collect more valuable goods.
    • Goods type strategy: Collecting goods of the same type can earn extra points at the end of the round, adding another layer of strategy to the game.

End of the game All good games must come to an end

The game of ‘Medici’ ends after the completion of the third round. Each round comprises of a series of auctions where players bid for lots of goods. These rounds represent three days of trading in the Mediterranean market. Here are the detailed actions players must take before final scoring:

1. Completion of the Third Round:

Players must ensure that all goods have been auctioned off and all the ships are filled for the third and final round. Also, they must make sure that the scoring for the third round has been done properly.

2. Final Scoring:

At the end of the third round, players must perform the final scoring. This includes adding up the points from all three rounds. They also need to include any points accumulated from their cargo holds (each point of cargo is worth 1 point) and any points earned from their position in the commodity markets.

3. Commodity Market Ranking:

Players must check their ranking in each of the commodity markets. The player with the highest total in each market gets 30 Florins, the second highest gets 20 Florins, and the third highest gets 10 Florins. If players are tied, they share the points for their places, rounded down.

After all these actions have been taken, the victory conditions for the game ‘Medici’ are as follows:

  • The player with the highest total of Florins at the end of the game is the winner.
  • If there is a tie, the player who did not initiate the final auction wins.
  • If there is still a tie, the player with the least total value in their boat wins.
  • If a tie still persists, the game is considered a draw.

Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?

The scoring system in ‘Medici’ revolves around the acquisition and trading of goods, and the competition for dominance in different markets. Points are awarded in two main ways: through the value of the goods in your ship’s hold, and through your place on the commodity track for each type of good.

Scoring Goods in Your Ship’s Hold

At the end of each round, players will score points based on the total value of the goods in their ship’s hold. The player with the highest total value of goods receives 30 Florins, the second highest receives 20, the third highest receives 10, with all other players receiving no Florins.

Scoring on the Commodity Track

In addition to the value of the goods, players also compete on the commodity track for each type of good. At the end of each round, the player with the most of each type of good advances on that good’s commodity track. The further a player advances on a commodity track, the more points they score. The player with the most units of a particular good scores 20 Florins, the second most scores 10, and all other players score no Florins.

Tie-Breaking Rules

In ‘Medici’, ties are broken in the following ways:

  • For Scoring Goods in Your Ship’s Hold: In the event of a tie, the player who filled their ship first wins the tie.
  • For Scoring on the Commodity Track: If players tie for the most units of a particular good, the player who first reached that quantity wins the tie.

At the end of the game, the player with the most Florins is declared the winner. If there is a tie for the most Florins, the player with the most goods in their ship’s hold at the end of the game wins.

Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?

Medici is a strategic board game involving auctions and commodity trading. Though the game rules are straightforward, there are some special rules, exceptions, and clarifications that players should be aware of:

Rare and Special Rules:

  • Negative scoring: In most games, the aim is to accumulate points, but in Medici, it’s possible to score negatively. If a player’s total cargo value is less than 0 after all the goods are loaded, their score on the scoring track will move backward accordingly.
  • Player order: Unlike other games where the player order is fixed or randomly determined, in Medici, the order is dynamic. The player with the lowest total cargo value becomes the first player for the next round.


  • Empty ships: Even if a player does not win any auctions or chooses not to buy any goods, they must still participate in the scoring phase. The player’s ship is considered to be ’empty’ and it’s neither be rewarded nor penalized.
  • End of game: The game ends immediately if any player reaches or surpasses 100 points on the scoring track. The current round is not completed and no final scoring takes place.

Rule Clarifications:

  1. If two or more players have the same total cargo value at the end of a round, the player who reached that total first becomes the first player for the next round.
  2. A player cannot bid more florins than they have. If a player has no florins left, they cannot participate in the auction and must pass their turn.
  3. At the end of the game, if two or more players have the same number of points, the player with the most remaining florins wins. If there is still a tie, the player who reached the final score first wins.

Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!

Advanced Strategies for ‘Medici’

1. Evaluate your opponents: One of the key strategies is to understand your opponents’ needs and wants. If you know which commodities they are looking for, you can work to outbid them or save your money for other items.

2. Save your money: It’s important to not spend all your money in the first round. Remember, the game is played over three rounds, and having money in the later rounds can really give you the upper hand.

3. Focus on one or two commodities: Spreading yourself too thin across all the commodities can lead to a lower total score. It’s usually more beneficial to focus on one or two commodities and try to dominate in those.

Beginner Tips for ‘Medici’

1. Understand the scoring system: The scoring system in ‘Medici’ can be a bit complex for new players. Spend some time understanding how it works before you start playing.

2. Be flexible: While it’s good to have a plan, it’s also important to be flexible. The game is highly dependent on the cards that are drawn, and being able to adjust your strategy on the fly is crucial.

3. Don’t be afraid to bid: New players often hesitate to bid high amounts, but sometimes that’s what it takes to secure key cards. Don’t be afraid to bid if you believe a card is worth it.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in ‘Medici’

1. Overspending in early rounds: One of the most common mistakes players make is spending too much money in the early rounds. Remember, the game lasts three rounds, and you’ll need money for all of them.

2. Ignoring other players’ strategies: It’s easy to get caught up in your own strategy and ignore what others are doing. However, being aware of your opponents’ strategies can help you adjust your own to stay competitive.

3. Neglecting certain commodities: While it’s usually best to focus on one or two commodities, completely neglecting others can be a mistake. Even a few points in a commodity can make the difference between winning and losing.

Ways to Optimize Gameplay in ‘Medici’

1. Balance your spending: Try to balance your spending across all three rounds. It’s important to have enough money to bid on valuable cards in the later rounds.

2. Adapt your strategy: The game is highly dependent on the cards that are drawn. If your initial strategy isn’t working, don’t be afraid to change it.

3. Pay attention to the game state: Keep track of the overall game state, including the cards that have been drawn and the current scores. This will help you make informed decisions about your strategy.