

Experience the thrill of medieval architecture in Alhambra! Strategize, build, and compete in this engaging game, where the best builder claims victory.


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About the game

Welcome to the world of Alhambra, a strategy board game that transports you to the heart of medieval Spain. This game is set against the backdrop of the Alhambra palace in Granada, which is one of the most breathtaking architectural jewels of the Moorish history. You are a master builder, tasked with constructing the most splendid Alhambra to attract the attention of the Emir.

In Alhambra, the core mechanics revolve around resource management, tile placement, and set collection. The game is played over several rounds, with players collecting various types of currency, purchasing building tiles, and strategically placing them in their Alhambra. Different types of buildings score points in different ways, and the player with the most points at the end of the game is declared the winner.

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Setup and rules summary

Game components Unboxing the fun!

The board game ‘Alhambra’ comes with a variety of components, each with its own purpose and way of interacting within the game. Here’s a breakdown of each element and its function in the game:

1. The Board

The board is the main component of the game. It is the playground where players build their Alhambras. It has a scoring track around the edges to keep track of player’s scores and a market area where building tiles are displayed.

2. Building Tiles

The game includes 54 building tiles divided into six different categories: pavilions, seraglios, arcades, chambers, gardens and towers. Each building tile has a cost and a color associated with it. Players acquire these tiles from the market area on the board and add them to their Alhambra.

3. Currency Cards

There are 108 currency cards in four different currencies: yellow, blue, green, and orange. Players use these cards to buy building tiles from the market.

4. Scoring Cards

There are three scoring cards which are shuffled into the currency card deck. When these cards are drawn, scoring happens. The player with the most of a particular type of building, longest wall, etc. earns points.

5. Reserve Board

Each player has a reserve board where they can store building tiles that they have purchased but not yet placed in their Alhambra.

6. Starting Tiles

Each player gets a starting tile at the beginning of the game. This tile serves as the starting point for building their Alhambra.

7. Walls

Some building tiles come with walls. These walls are used to protect the Alhambra and also score extra points during the scoring phases.

8. Counting Pieces

Each player gets a counting piece in their color to keep track of their score on the scoring track on the board.

9. Dice

The game includes one dice, which is used in a variant of the game.

Each of these components work together to create a challenging and strategic game where players must manage their resources, plan their Alhambra, and outwit their opponents to win.

Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go

Alhambra is a highly strategic board game that requires careful planning and skill. To set up the game, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Player Roles

Each player in Alhambra takes on the role of a master builder, whose goal is to construct the most impressive Alhambra. The player who has the most points at the end of the game is declared the winner.

Step 2: Board Placement

At the center of the table, place the game board, which represents the building market. Around the board, ensure there is adequate space for each player to build their Alhambra.

Step 3: Currency Cards

Distribute the currency cards evenly among the players. Each player should start with an equal amount of currency in different denominations. The currency will be used to buy building tiles from the building market.

Step 4: Building Tiles

Shuffle the building tiles and place them in the bag provided. Draw the first four tiles and place them on the numbered spaces on the building market on the game board.

Step 5: Scoring Cards

There are three scoring cards in the game. Shuffle these into the bottom half of the currency card deck. This introduces a random element into the game, as players won’t know exactly when the scoring rounds will occur.

Step 6: Initial Resources

Each player begins with a starting tile on which they will build their Alhambra. They also receive an amount of currency cards, which they can use to buy additional tiles during the game.

Step 7: Random Elements

The game incorporates a few random elements to keep it interesting. The order in which the building tiles appear on the market is random, as they are drawn from a bag. Additionally, the timing of the scoring rounds is also random, as the scoring cards are shuffled into the currency card deck.

Now that the game is set up, players can begin taking turns to construct their Alhambras, acquiring tiles, and managing their resources. Enjoy!

Game flow Round and round we go

Alhambra is a strategic board game that involves building the most impressive palace or ‘Alhambra’. The game progresses through multiple rounds and involves phases such as buying buildings, redesigning the Alhambra and scoring. Here is a detailed breakdown of the game structure:

Round Structure:

  1. Starting the Round: At the beginning of each round, players draw cards from the money pile until they have a total value of at least 20. These cards serve as currency for buying buildings.
  2. Player’s Turn: During their turn, players can do one of the following three actions:
    • Take Money: The player can take a money card of any value from the bank.
    • Buy and Place Buildings: The player can buy a building from the market using their money cards. The purchased building must then be placed in the player’s Alhambra.
    • Redesign: The player can redesign their Alhambra by adding, removing, or swapping buildings.
  3. End of the Round: A round ends when the building market cannot be filled up because the building pile is empty. The game also includes scoring rounds where players earn points based on their Alhambra’s structure and design. These scoring rounds occur once during the game when the scoring card is drawn.


Scoring in Alhambra is done in three phases, typically after the pile of building tiles has been exhausted for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd time. Each phase has different scoring rules:

  1. First Scoring: In the first scoring phase, the player with the most buildings of each type scores points equal to the number of that type of building in the game.
  2. Second Scoring: In the second scoring phase, the players with the most and second most buildings of each type score points, with more points going to the player with the most buildings. The longest contiguous wall on the player’s Alhambra is also scored.
  3. Final Scoring: In the final scoring phase, points are awarded in the same way as in the second scoring, but the player with the third most buildings of each type also scores points. The longest wall is scored again as well.

At the end of the game, the player with the most points is declared the winner.

Players'turn One turn to rule them all

Alhambra is an intriguing board game that involves strategy, planning, and a bit of luck. During a player’s turn in ‘Alhambra’, there are several possible actions and strategic choices to make. These actions can significantly affect the gameplay and the eventual outcome of the game.

The primary activities that take place during a player’s turn in ‘Alhambra’ include:

  1. Taking Money Cards: The player can choose to take money cards. The total value of the cards can either be one card of any value or several cards adding up to 5 or less. This action increases the player’s financial resources, which can be used to buy buildings in future turns.
  2. Buying Buildings: The player can also choose to buy a building from the building market. The cost of the building is paid with money cards, and the building is then placed in the player’s Alhambra or reserve. If a player pays the exact amount for a building, they get an extra turn. Buying the right buildings can provide the player with majority in a particular building type, leading to more points during scoring.
  3. Rearranging the Alhambra: If a player chooses, they can spend their turn rearranging their Alhambra. This can include replacing a building in the Alhambra with one from the reserve, or moving a building within the Alhambra. This action provides the player with more flexibility and control over the layout of their Alhambra, which can be crucial for scoring points.
  4. Reserving a Building: A player may choose to reserve a building. This means they pay for the building and place it in their reserve without immediately placing it in their Alhambra. This can be a strategic move to prevent other players from getting a particular building, or to save it for later when it can be more advantageously placed in the Alhambra.

Each player’s turn in ‘Alhambra’ hence consists of a combination of these actions. The strategic choices involved in deciding which action to take and when can significantly affect the gameplay, making ‘Alhambra’ a game of strategy, planning, and tactical decision-making.

End of the game All good games must come to an end

The game of ‘Alhambra’ ends when the building market cannot be fully replenished. This happens when the bag of tiles becomes empty. Once this happens, this triggers the end of the game, leading to the final scoring.

Victory Conditions:

The player with the most points at the end of the game wins. Points are scored in three scoring phases during the game. The first two scoring phases happen when the scoring cards are drawn, and the final scoring happens when the game ends.


Scoring is based on the player’s Alhambra, or the collection of buildings they have. Each type of building is worth a different number of points, and players can earn bonus points for having the most of a particular type of building.

Actions Before Final Scoring:

Before the final scoring, players should ensure all their buildings are connected to their starting fountain by a chain of walls. Buildings that are not connected do not count towards the final score. They also have the opportunity to purchase any remaining tiles from the market using exact change.

Final Scoring:

  • Building Scoring: Players receive points for each building in their Alhambra. The points are indicated on the scoring card. The player with the most buildings of each type scores the full points, the player with the second most scores fewer points, and so on.
  • Wall Scoring: Players receive one point for each segment of wall in their Alhambra. The longer the wall, the more points it is worth.
  • Bonus Points: The player with the longest external wall receives bonus points.

After all points have been tallied, the player with the most points wins. In the event of a tie, the player with the most buildings wins. If there is still a tie, the player with the most money left wins.

Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?

In the board game ‘Alhambra’, the scoring system is a crucial aspect of gameplay. Points are awarded based on the buildings a player has in their Alhambra, with three scoring rounds throughout the game.

Scoring Rounds:

There are three scoring rounds in Alhambra. The first occurs when the scoring card is drawn from the bottom of the first stack of building cards, the second occurs when the scoring card from the second stack is drawn, and the final scoring takes place at the end of the game when all building cards have been drawn.

Building Points:

In each scoring round, points are awarded for buildings as follows:

  • During the first scoring round, the player with the most buildings of each type receives points equal to the value on the corresponding building card.
  • In the second scoring round, the player with the most of each type of building scores points equal to the values on the first and second place spots on the scoring track.
  • During the final scoring round, the players with the most, second most, and third most buildings of each type score points according to the values on the first, second, and third place spots on the scoring track respectively.

Wall Points:

In addition to scoring for buildings, players also receive points for the length of their continuous wall. For each segment of wall that is connected without a break, the player scores 1 point. This scoring occurs during each of the scoring rounds.


In the event of a tie in the number of buildings, points are divided evenly among the tied players, rounded down. If there is a tie for the longest wall, each tied player receives full points. At the end of the game, if players are tied on total points, the player with the most money left wins. If there is still a tie, the player who has the most building cards in their reserve wins.

Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!

Alhambra is a strategy board game that requires a great deal of tactical thinking and planning. Here are some advanced strategies, beginner tips, common mistakes to avoid, and ways to optimize gameplay.

Advanced Strategies:

  • Reserve Cash: Keeping some money on hand for future turns can be a game changer. This can allow you to make big plays in later rounds when high-value buildings become available.
  • Focus on Scoring: Remember that the game is scored three times. Plan your strategy with each scoring phase in mind. Try to have a majority in as many tile colors as possible when scoring occurs.
  • Block Other Players: If you notice a player is trying to monopolize a certain color, consider purchasing tiles of that color even if you don’t need them. This strategy can prevent the player from scoring big points.

Beginner Tips:

  • Balance Spending: Don’t spend all your money at once. It’s important to have money available in different currencies to maintain flexibility.
  • Wall Placement: Pay attention to the placement of your walls as they can add bonus points during scoring.
  • Mixed Color Strategy: As a beginner, it might be advisable to try and collect as many different colors as possible to avoid being blocked by other players.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Ignoring Currency Types: It’s easy to focus solely on the buildings and forget about the importance of the different types of currency. Each currency can only buy buildings of the same color, so diversity in currency is key.
  • Overlooking Scoring Rounds: Alhambra has three scoring rounds. Players often forget about the first and second scoring rounds and focus too much on the final round. Ensure you’re prepared for all rounds.
  • Over-Spending: Spending too much money early in the game can leave you without enough resources for critical building purchases later.

Optimizing Gameplay:

  • Exact Change: Paying the exact amount for a building allows you to take another turn immediately. Plan your purchases to take advantage of this rule as much as possible.
  • Strategic Reshuffling: When the building market is reshuffled, the buildings and their costs are randomized. If the current market doesn’t favor you, consider taking a money card instead of a building, to prompt a reshuffle.
  • Wall Planning: Plan your Alhambra’s layout strategically. A well-planned Alhambra with many connected walls can score a lot of points in the final scoring round.