Dwellings of Eldervale
Dwellings of Eldervale: an epic worker placement game where players harness elemental powers, engage in thrilling battles, and strive for dominance.
1 - 5
Medium Heavy
About the game
Dwellings of Eldervale is an enchanting and immersive board game that transports players into a mythical world where they strive to harness the power of the elements and build thriving civilizations. The game is set in Eldervale, a long-forgotten realm of mythical beasts, spooky ruins, and daring adventures, where ancient dwellings have been left abandoned.
In this game, each player represents a unique faction seeking to rise to dominance. The factions are aligned with the eight elements that inhabit Eldervale: fire, water, air, earth, chaos, order, light, and dark. These elements are not merely themes, but they are woven into the game’s mechanics, influencing the players’ strategies and the game’s progression.
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Setup and rules summary
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
Dwellings of Eldervale is a dynamic board game that combines elements of worker placement, area control, engine building, and unique faction powers. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set it up:
Step 1: Prepare the Game Board
Arrange the eight Realm tiles in a 3×3 grid on the table, leaving the center space empty. The center space is the ‘Buried Ruin’. The Ruin tile should be placed nearby with the ‘Ruin’ side up.
Step 2: Set Up Player Components
- Each player selects a faction/color and takes all the pieces of that color. These pieces include 16 workers, 3 dwellings, 5 setup cards, 3 monster cards, and 1 player board.
- Place your player board in front of you. Put your three dwellings on their designated spots, your 16 workers in the supply area, and your monster on its space.
Step 3: Prepare the Element Board
On the Element Board, each player places two of their workers on the first two spots of the scoring track. The other workers should be kept in the player’s supply area. The Element dice should be placed near the Element Board.
Step 4: Set Up Cards
- Shuffle the Adventure cards and place them face down on their designated spot on the game board.
- Every player takes a set of five same-colored Setup cards. Each player chooses one of their Setup cards and places it face down. Once all players have chosen, reveal the cards simultaneously. Then, in the order of the numbers on the cards, each player places one of their workers on the element spaces of the Element Board corresponding to the elements on their card, moving any workers already there to the right.
- Each player gets two more workers from their supply for each worker icon on their chosen Setup card and places them in their ready area.
Step 5: Set Up Monsters and Prophecies
Place the monster minis on their matching Realm tiles. Shuffle the Prophecy cards, and place three face up near the game board. The rest of the deck goes face down.
Step 6: Determine Starting Player
The player who most recently had a fantasy adventure goes first. Give that player the first player marker.
Note: Always refer to the rulebook for additional setup details and variations based on player count.
Game flow Round and round we go
Dwellings of Eldervale is an intriguing board game that combines elements of worker placement, area control, engine building, and combat. The game is played over multiple rounds until one player triggers the end of the game. Each round is divided into phases, where players perform actions to develop their faction’s presence in Eldervale, establish dwellings, and harness the elements.
1. Round Start:
- At the beginning of each round, players check if the game is at its end condition – that is, if any player has built all their dwellings or if the elemental realm cards have been exhausted.
- If the game is not over, the round proceeds with each player taking turns in clockwise order.
2. Player Turn:
On their turn, a player may choose one of two actions: Place a worker or Regroup.
- Place a Worker: The player places one of their workers on a tile in Eldervale. The type of action they perform is determined by the tile where they place their worker. Actions include gathering resources, acquiring power cards, summoning new workers, or engaging in combat.
- Regroup: The player retrieves all of their workers from Eldervale. In doing so, they can activate their tableau of cards, gain magic, and, if they choose, build a dwelling on a tile where they have a worker. Building dwellings is a significant action as it helps score points and strengthens the player’s element dominance.
3. Combat Phase:
Whenever a player places a worker on a tile occupied by another player’s worker, a combat occurs. The player who wins the combat gains rewards and has the chance to increase their dominance in the corresponding element.
4. End of Round:
- Once all players have taken their turn, the round ends.
- The prophecy dice are rolled to determine which element will score at the end of the next round, adding a layer of strategic planning for the players.
5. Game End:
The game ends when a player has built all their dwellings or when the elemental realm cards have been exhausted. Players then calculate their final scores, including points for dwellings, elemental dominance, completed cards, and leftover resources. The player with the highest total score wins the game.
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
In the board game ‘Dwellings of Eldervale’, a player’s turn consists of two primary actions – ‘place a worker’ or ‘regroup’. Each of these actions offers various strategic choices and impacts the overall gameplay. Here’s a detailed breakdown:
1. Place a Worker:
During this action, the player places one of their workers on an empty location on the board. The choices made here can impact the resources a player gathers, the power they generate, and the dwellings they can build.
- On the Realm Tiles: If a worker is placed on a realm tile, the player may perform the action indicated on the tile. These actions often involve gathering resources or casting spells which can significantly influence the player’s strategy.
- On the Elemental Area: Placing a worker here allows the player to draw an Elemental card, which can grant special abilities or bonuses.
- On the Ruins: If a worker is placed on an empty Ruin, the player may build a dwelling. This is a crucial strategic choice, as dwellings provide points at the end of the game and can enhance the player’s power in a certain realm.
2. Regroup:
During a regroup action, the player collects all of their workers back from the board. While this ends the player’s round of actions, it allows them to prepare for future turns and potentially initiate battles.
- Collecting Workers: The player collects all their workers from the board. This is important for maintaining a supply of workers for future turns.
- Initiating Battles: If a player’s worker or monster is on a tile with another player’s units, a battle is initiated. Winning battles can provide the player with victory points and control over tiles.
Strategically choosing when to place workers and when to regroup is crucial in ‘Dwellings of Eldervale’. It affects a player’s ability to gather resources, control realms, build dwellings, and win battles. Each decision can have significant implications for the player’s overall strategy and their chances of winning the game.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
The game of ‘Dwellings of Eldervale’ ends when one of the two end-game conditions are met:
A player has placed all of their Dwellings on the game board.
The Adventure card deck has been completely drawn and the last card is discarded to the Ruins.
Once either of these conditions are met, the game concludes at the end of that round. This means all other players get to take their final turn until it reaches the player who started the round. Then, proceed to the end game scoring.
Victory Conditions and Scoring:
Players gain victory points from a variety of sources. The player with the most victory points at the end of the game is declared the winner. If there is a tie, the player with the most leftover resources wins. If there is still a tie, the player who reached the final score first is the winner.
Dwellings: Players gain victory points equal to the level of the Elemental Realm where they have a Dwelling. The levels range from 1 to 3.
Legendary Cards: Players gain victory points from their Legendary Cards. The points vary depending on the specific card.
End of Game Cards: These are Adventure cards with the ‘End of Game’ banner. Players gain victory points according to the instructions on these cards.
Elemental Power: Players gain victory points equal to the total power they have in each element. Power comes from Dwellings, Units, and Magic Cards of the corresponding element.
Scoring Track: Players gain victory points from their position on the scoring track.
Before final scoring, ensure that all players have completed their final turn and all in-play cards have been resolved. Remove all units from the game board and gather each player’s Adventure cards, Magic cards, and Dwellings for scoring.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
Dwellings of Eldervale is a strategic board game where players compete to score the highest points. Points can be earned throughout the game in various manners and are totaled at the end to determine the winner. Here’s how the scoring system works:
During the Game
- Players earn 1 point each time they place a worker in a realm and perform the realm action.
- Players can earn points by defeating monsters. The points are equal to the level of the monster defeated.
- Players earn 2 points each time they build a dwelling on a tile of their element.
- Points can also be earned by using magic cards, with points awarded as per the instructions on the card.
End of the Game
At the end of the game, additional points are awarded as follows:
- Players earn points for each of their dwellings on the board. The points are equal to the level of the realm where the dwelling is located.
- Players earn points for each card in their tableau. The points are equal to the level of the card.
- Players earn points for each set of 4 different element cards in their tableau. The points are equal to the number of sets.
- Points are also awarded for leftover resources, at a rate of 1 point per every 3 resources.
Tie-Breaking Rules
In case of a tie at the end of the game, the following tie-breaking rules are applied:
- The player with the most dwellings on the board wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player with the most leftover resources wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player with the most cards in their tableau wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player who went earlier in the turn order wins.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
The board game ‘Dwellings of Eldervale’ is filled with unique rules and special circumstances that make it an engaging and strategic game. Here are some of the important rules, exceptions, and clarifications that are crucial to understanding and mastering the game.
Dwelling Placement:
Dwellings of Eldervale is unique because it allows players to construct dwellings on the game board. These dwellings serve as permanent workers that provide players with points and power. However, there are some important rules to note about dwellings:
- Players can only build a dwelling on a location where they have a worker and there are no monsters present.
- Once a dwelling is built, it cannot be moved or removed by any means.
- A player can only have one dwelling per realm.
Monster Spawning:
Monsters in Dwellings of Eldervale are not controlled by any players but serve as a communal threat that all players must deal with. Some special rules for monster spawning include:
- Monsters can only spawn in realms where there is at least one dwelling.
- When a monster spawns, it is placed in the lowest numbered location that does not contain a monster or a dwelling.
- If all locations in a realm are occupied by dwellings, the monster does not spawn and is returned to the box.
Elemental Magic:
One of the key features of Dwellings of Eldervale is the use of elemental magic. Players can use magic to cast powerful spells and influence the game. Here are some key rules and clarifications:
- Players can only cast spells that match the elements of their chosen faction.
- Spells can only be cast during a player’s turn, and only one spell can be cast per turn.
- When a spell is cast, the magic used to cast it is returned to the general supply, not the player’s personal supply.
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
Advanced Strategies
Dwellings of Eldervale is a game that rewards diversity. The more elements you control, the more options you have. So, diversifying your investments in different elements can be a powerful strategy. However, focusing on just one or two elements can also be effective, as it allows you to build stronger dwellings and dominate in those elements.
Another advanced strategy is to focus on acquiring as many magic cards as possible. These cards can provide powerful abilities and bonus points, giving you an edge in the game. It’s also important to keep an eye on your opponents’ strategies and adjust yours accordingly.
Beginner Tips
If you’re new to Dwellings of Eldervale, it’s best to start by focusing on a few basic strategies. First, try to build dwellings early and often. This can provide a steady source of points and resources.
Next, don’t forget about the importance of combat. While it can be risky, winning battles can provide significant rewards. Just be sure to pick your battles wisely, as losing can be costly.
Finally, try to take advantage of the unique abilities of your chosen faction. Each faction has different strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to play to your strengths.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
One common mistake in Dwellings of Eldervale is neglecting the elemental realms. Each realm provides different benefits and resources, and controlling them can be key to victory. Ignoring them can leave you at a significant disadvantage.
Another common mistake is ignoring your opponents. Dwellings of Eldervale is a game of strategy and interaction, and failing to adapt to your opponents’ strategies can be a fatal mistake. Always be aware of what your opponents are doing and try to counter their strategies.
Ways to Optimize Gameplay
One way to optimize your gameplay in Dwellings of Eldervale is to plan your turns ahead of time. This can help you make the most of your actions and avoid wasting valuable resources.
Another way to optimize your gameplay is to maximize your use of magic cards. These cards can provide a variety of benefits, and using them effectively can greatly enhance your strategy.
Finally, remember to balance your strategy. While it can be tempting to focus all your efforts on one aspect of the game, a balanced strategy is often more effective. Try to maintain a good balance between building dwellings, controlling elements, and engaging in combat.