
Nemesis: Lockdown

Embrace the tension of 'Nemesis Lockdown', a cinematic, semi-co-op board game. Explore Mars, complete secret objectives and outsmart alien species in this elaborate expansion.


1 - 5

Medium Heavy

About the game

Nemesis: Lockdown is a standalone expansion to the hit board game Nemesis. It takes you on an immersive and thrilling journey of survival and betrayal, where each decision could be your last. Set in the chilling confines of a secret Martian lab, this game promises an unforgettable gaming experience, filled with suspense, strategy, and uncertainty.

The theme of Nemesis: Lockdown is deeply rooted in a dystopian, sci-fi setting. The chilling atmosphere of an alien-infested secret laboratory on Mars sets the stage for a tense and unpredictable game. This expansion introduces a whole new layer to the original Nemesis experience, with new characters, new enemies, and an entirely new game setting. The combination of horror, survival, and exploration creates a richly thematic experience, reminiscent of classic sci-fi horror films.

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Setup and rules summary

Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go

Nemesis: Lockdown is a cooperative yet competitive alien-themed board game. The following guide will help you to set up the game step-by-step:

Step 1: Board Placement

Start by unfolding the game board and placing it in the center of the playing area. The game board is double-sided and can be oriented in different ways to represent the different floors of the ship.

Step 2: Player Roles

Each player should choose a character. The choices are Captain, Pilot, Scientist, Scout, Soldier, and Mechanic. Each character has specific abilities and a unique deck of action cards.

  • Captain: Excels at leadership and coordination.
  • Pilot: Skilled at navigation and ship controls.
  • Scientist: Can analyze alien artifacts and technologies.
  • Scout: Good at exploration and stealth actions.
  • Soldier: Efficient in combat and defense.
  • Mechanic: Can repair systems and craft items.

Step 3: Initial Resources

Each player starts with a set of initial resources determined by their character. This includes a specific number of action cards, character-specific items, and a character board to track health and other stats.

Step 4: Random Elements

Shuffle the Intruder deck and place it facedown next to the game board. This deck contains various types of alien creatures that may appear during the game. Shuffle the Event deck and place it next to the Intruder deck.

Step 5: Objective Cards

Each player is dealt two Objective cards. They must choose one to keep and discard the other. These objectives provide individual goals that each player must try to achieve in order to win the game.

Step 6: Exploration Tokens

Shuffle the Exploration tokens and randomly place one facedown in each room of the ship, excluding the starting room.

Step 7: Set Up Intruder Bag

Put the appropriate number and types of intruder tokens into the bag, based on the player count and difficulty setting.

Once setup is complete, you’re ready to start playing Nemesis: Lockdown. Happy gaming!

End of the game All good games must come to an end

Nemesis: Lockdown ends in a thrilling climax when one of the following conditions is met:

  1. The escape pod is launched.
  2. The Nemesis ship reaches Earth.
  3. All players are dead.

Before the final scoring can take place, players must follow a few critical actions to ensure the integrity of the game. These actions are as follows:

  • Resolve character abilities: Some characters have abilities that can affect the final outcome of the game. These abilities must be resolved before final scoring.
  • Check for contamination: Players must examine their contamination cards. If any player is infected, they are immediately eliminated from the game.
  • Check for victory conditions: Each player will then reveal their objective card to determine if they have met their individual victory conditions.

After these steps are completed, final scoring can take place. The victory conditions for Nemesis: Lockdown vary depending on the objectives of the individual players. However, the general victory conditions are as follows:

  • Survival: The player must survive until the end of the game. If a player is dead, they cannot win, regardless of whether they achieved their objective.
  • Objective completion: Each player has a unique objective they must complete to win the game. The objectives can range from securing data, killing certain enemies, or ensuring the ship reaches Earth.
  • Cooperation or betrayal: Some objectives may require players to cooperate with or betray other players. Successful cooperation or betrayal can lead to victory.

Remember, the true goal is not just to survive, but to fulfill your objective, which may not always align with the objectives of other players. Good luck, and may the best player win!

Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?

Nemesis: Lockdown is a suspenseful board game that relies on a complex scoring system to determine the victor. The scoring system is based on objectives, survival, and escape, as well as various bonus objectives.

Objective Scoring:

  • Main Objective: If a player completes their main objective, they receive 5 points. Failing to complete the main objective results in no points.
  • Personal Objective: Completing a personal objective awards the player 3 points. Failure to complete does not yield any points.

Survival and Escape Scoring:

  • Escape Pod: If a player successfully escapes via an escape pod, they receive 2 points.
  • Hibernatorium: Entering the hibernatorium alive at the end of the game also awards the player with 2 points.
  • Survival: Simply staying alive until the end of the game, regardless of the escape method, awards the player with 1 point.

Bonus Objective Scoring:

  • Contamination: If a player finishes the game without any contamination cards, they receive 1 bonus point.
  • Items: Certain item cards or collections thereof can award bonus points, usually 1 point per qualifying item or set.

Tie-Breaking Rules: In the event of a tie, the following rules apply, in order:

  1. The player who completed their main objective first is the winner.
  2. If the tie persists, the player who has fewer contamination cards wins.
  3. If there’s still a tie, the player with the most item cards wins.

Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?

Nemesis: Lockdown is a stand-alone expansion to the board game Nemesis. It’s a semi-cooperative game where you and your friends try to survive while exploring a creepy alien-infested space station. Though the basic gameplay is straightforward, there are some special rules and exceptions that need clarification:

1. Noise Roll Exceptions:

  • Corridors: When a character moves into a corridor, they do not roll for noise.
  • Escape Pods: Escape pods do not have noise rolls. Once they are used, they are no longer considered part of the ship for movement or noise purposes.

2. Alien Player Special Rules:

  • Alien Movement: The alien player does not make noise rolls. They move their aliens directly from room to room.
  • Alien Attack: An alien can attack only once per turn, but it can attack any player in its room, not just the active player.

3. Exploration Token Rules:

  • Slime Pit: If you draw the Slime Pit token, your character becomes slimed. You do not draw an additional exploration token for this room.
  • Fire: If you draw the Fire token, you must immediately resolve a fire effect. You do not draw an additional exploration token for this room.

4. Other Important Rule Clarifications:

  1. Passing: A player may choose to pass their turn. However, once they have passed, they cannot perform any actions until everyone else has passed as well.
  2. Character Death: When a character dies, their miniature and character board are removed from the game. Any items they were carrying are dropped in their room.
  3. Malfunctioning Rooms: In a malfunctioning room, players cannot use the room’s action and must spend an extra card to perform a basic repair action.

Understanding these special rules and exceptions will help you navigate the many challenges of Nemesis: Lockdown and increase your chances of survival.

Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!

Nemesis: Lockdown is a suspenseful and strategic board game that requires careful planning and cooperation. Here are some advanced strategies, beginner tips, common mistakes to avoid, and ways to optimize gameplay.

Advanced Strategies:

  • Secret Agenda: Your secret agenda is your victory condition. It’s important to keep this in mind and make moves that align with it. However, don’t be too obvious as it can make you a target.
  • Character Abilities: Each character has unique abilities. Utilize these to your advantage and coordinate with your teammates to maximize your chances of survival.
  • Item Management: Manage your items well. Some items are more valuable in certain situations. Try to keep a balanced set of items to cover various scenarios.

Beginner Tips:

  1. Understand the Rules: Before playing, ensure that you understand the rules. They can be complex, but understanding them thoroughly can significantly enhance your performance.
  2. Communication is Key: Communicate with your team. Sharing information can help you plan better and avoid unnecessary risks.
  3. Don’t Panic: The game can become intense quickly. Keep calm and make sure your decisions are thoughtful and strategic.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Rushing: Don’t rush into rooms without a plan. It can trigger unwanted events.
  • Ignoring Objectives: Ignoring your objectives can cost you the game. Always be aware of your objectives and work towards them.
  • Going Solo: It’s a cooperative game. Going solo can be dangerous as it’s harder to survive alone.

Optimizing Gameplay:

  • Plan Ahead: Try to predict the possible outcomes and plan your moves accordingly.
  • Strategic Use of Actions: Each action can have significant impacts. Be strategic in choosing and executing them.
  • Cooperative Play: Work with your teammates. While you may have a secret agenda, cooperation can increase your chances of survival.