
7 Wonders

In 7 Wonders, be the leader of an ancient city, gather resources, develop routes, and build architectural wonders. A strategic card game with deep interactions and varied strategies.


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About the game

Welcome to 7 Wonders, an immersive board game where you’ll travel back in time to lead one of the seven great cities of the Ancient world. As a leader, your job is to exploit the natural resources of your land, develop commercial routes, assert your military might, and progress your scientific discoveries to build your city and its architectural marvel – one of the seven wonders of the world.

7 Wonders is set in the fascinating age of ancient civilizations. The game is enriched with a strong historical theme that takes you through three distinct eras, each representing a significant period in the development of your city. The setting and theme are beautifully encapsulated in the game’s artwork, which brings to life the unique characteristics of each civilization and their architectural marvels.

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Setup and rules summary

Game components Unboxing the fun!

In the game ‘7 Wonders’, there are several components which are crucial to the gameplay. Here is a detailed list:

1. Game Board

The game board is used to track the progress of the game. It includes a scoring track and spaces for various card piles.

2. Wonder Boards

Each player receives a ‘Wonder’ board, which represents one of the ancient seven wonders of the world. These boards provide unique abilities and resources for the player, and it also serves as a staging area for cards.

3. Age Cards

These are the primary playing cards in the game, which are divided into three ‘ages’ (I, II, III). Each age has different cards with various effects, such as providing resources, military power, or victory points. Players select these cards during each round to develop their civilization.

4. Coins

Coins represent the currency in the game. They are used to purchase resources from other players, build structures, and sometimes score victory points.

5. Conflict Tokens

These tokens are used to keep track of military conflicts between players. Winning conflicts can earn players positive tokens, while losing can earn them negative tokens, affecting their score at the end of the game.

6. Military Tokens

These tokens represent a player’s military strength. Players can gain military tokens by playing certain Age cards.

7. Score Notepad

This is used at the end of the game to tally each player’s points from various categories like military victories, treasury contents, wonder construction, and more.

8. Building Cost Cards

These cards show the resource cost for each type of structure that players can build. This is useful for players to plan their strategies and manage their resources.

9. Progress Tokens

These tokens are earned by players when they advance in technology. They provide additional benefits and resources, and can also score victory points.

10. Civilization Tokens

These tokens represent the level of a player’s civilization. They are used to track the development of a player’s civilization throughout the game.

11. Resource Tokens

These tokens represent the various resources that players can gather, such as wood, stone, clay, and glass. They are used to build structures and advance in technology.

12. Technology Tokens

These tokens represent the technological advancements of a player’s civilization. They are used to track the development of a player’s technology throughout the game.

Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go

7 Wonders is a strategic board game that allows players to lead one of the seven great cities of the Ancient world. Let’s look at how to set up the game.

Step 1: Player Roles

Each player will represent a different city. To determine the cities, shuffle the 7 Wonder cards and distribute one to each player. The name of the city is on the Wonder card. Each city has its own unique resource and ability, listed on the card.

Step 2: Board Placement

Every player places their Wonder board in front of them, making sure the side with the resource symbol is facing up. This represents the city’s unique resource.

Step 3: Initial Resources

Each player receives three coins from the bank as their starting resources. Other resources, such as wood, stone, clay, and ore, will be generated by the cards that players will draft during the game.

Step 4: Card Setup

Shuffle the Age I cards, then deal 7 cards to each player. Do the same with the Age II and Age III decks, but keep them separate for now. These cards represent the buildings and structures players can construct during the game.

Step 5: Military Tokens

Place the military conflict tokens in a pile within reach of all players. These tokens will be used to resolve military conflicts between cities.

Step 6: Random Elements

The game includes various random elements. Firstly, the order in which the Age cards are dealt and drawn is random, which changes the resources and structures available to players. Secondly, the distribution of the Wonder cards at the start of the game is random, which provides each player with a unique starting position.

Now, you’re all set to start building your civilization in 7 Wonders! Remember, the objective of the game is to have the most victory points at the end of the third Age. Good luck and have fun!

Game flow Round and round we go

7 Wonders is a strategic board game where players take on the role of leaders of ancient civilizations. The game is divided into three Ages, each consisting of six game turns. During these phases, players can choose to construct buildings, build Wonders, or even engage in scientific research, military conquests, and commerce.

The game setup involves each player receiving a unique board representing one of the seven ancient civilizations. Each player also receives three coins and a set of seven cards from the Age I deck.

During an Age, players perform the following actions in each game turn:

  1. Card Selection: Each player chooses a card from their hand that they want to play and places it face-down in front of them.
  2. Revelation: Once all players have chosen their cards, everyone simultaneously reveals their selected cards.
  3. Action: Players then perform one of three actions: construct a building, construct a stage of their Wonder, or discard the card for coins.

After each turn, players then pass their remaining hand of cards to the player on their left (for Ages I and III) or right (for Age II). This continues until each player has played six cards, after which the last remaining card in each hand is discarded.

At the end of each Age, military conflicts are resolved between each pair of neighboring cities. Players compare the number of shield symbols on their military buildings, and players with more shields than their neighbors win victory points.

After three Ages, the game ends and players tally their scores. Points are awarded for buildings, military victories, scientific advancements, coins, and stages of their Wonder. The player with the most points is declared the winner.

Players'turn One turn to rule them all

In the board game ‘7 Wonders’, the gameplay is divided into three ages. In each age, players receive seven cards from a particular deck, pick one of those cards, then pass the remainder to an adjacent player. Each player then chooses another card from the deck they were passed, and the process repeats until players have six cards in play from that age.

During a player’s turn in ‘7 Wonders’, the player has three possible actions:

  1. Build a Structure: The player can decide to build a structure. To do this, they must pay the cost indicated on the card and then play it in front of them. Players can utilize resources they produce themselves or buy resources from their neighbors to construct their structures. This action affects the gameplay by allowing the player to amass points, resources, military power, or other advantages that will benefit them throughout the game.
  2. Build a Stage of their Wonder: The player can choose to construct a stage of their wonder. Each player’s board depicts one of the seven wonders of the ancient world and has stages that can be built. These stages require certain resources to construct, and once built, they provide the player with a variety of advantages including victory points, resources, or other benefits. Building stages of their wonder allows players to score points and gain powerful abilities that can greatly enhance their strategy.
  3. Sell the Card: As a last option, a player may choose to sell a card for three coins. This doesn’t provide as significant an advantage as the other options, but it can be a strategic choice if the player needs coins or if none of the available cards are beneficial to their strategy.

Strategic choices in ‘7 Wonders’ include focusing on certain types of cards to build a specific strategy, such as military might, scientific advancement, or commercial prosperity. Players can also focus on building their wonder stages early for long-term advantage, or hoarding coins for flexibility. The choice of which cards to pass on can also be strategic, as players may want to prevent their opponents from getting cards that would benefit them.

Overall, gameplay in ‘7 Wonders’ involves a balance of strategy, foresight, and adaptability as players choose their actions each turn and respond to the actions of their opponents.

End of the game All good games must come to an end

The game of 7 Wonders is played over three ‘Ages’, each consisting of six game turns. The game ends after the completion of the third Age, or once all the cards from the third Age deck have been played. At this point, final scoring takes place.

Victory in 7 Wonders is determined by the player who has accumulated the most victory points, which are calculated from a variety of sources:

  • Military Conflicts: At the end of each Age, players compare the number of Shield symbols on their military buildings with the number of Shields on the buildings of the two neighboring cities (left and right). Victory or defeat tokens, worth positive or negative points, are then awarded based on the outcome of each conflict.
  • Treasury Contents: Players earn one victory point for every three coins in their treasury at the end of the game.
  • Wonder Construction: The stages of players’ Wonders each provide a certain number of victory points.
  • Civilian Structures: These buildings each have a victory point value printed directly on the card.
  • Scientific Structures: Points are awarded for scientific structures in a slightly more complex way. Each player totals the number of each of the three scientific symbols they have, squares each total, and adds these three results together. Additional points are awarded for sets of all three different scientific symbols.
  • Commercial Structures: Some commercial structures provide victory points based on specific criteria, as indicated on the card.
  • Guilds: At the end of the game, these purple cards grant players victory points based on the structures present in their own city and/or the cities of their neighbors.

Before final scoring, players should ensure they have correctly calculated their military conflicts for the third Age and added any coins earned in the final Age to their treasury. All cards played during the game should remain visible, as they may contribute to the final score.

Once all players have calculated their scores from the above sources, the player with the highest total is declared the winner. In the case of a tie, the player with the most coins in their treasury wins.

Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?

In the board game ‘7 Wonders’, players can earn points in a variety of ways. The scoring system is diverse and points can be accumulated throughout each of the three ages. Here is the full scoring system:

Military Conflicts:

At the end of each age, players compare the number of shield symbols on their military buildings with the number of shields on the buildings of their neighboring cities (the players to their immediate left and right).

  • If a player has more shields than a neighboring city, they score victory points: 1 point in the Age I, 3 points in the Age II, and 5 points in the Age III.
  • If a player has fewer shields than a neighboring city, they receive a defeat token worth -1 point.
  • No points are allocated for a tie.

Treasury Contents:

At the end of the game, players score 1 point for every 3 coins in their possession.


Players score points as indicated on their wonder board for each stage of the wonder they have completed.

Civilian Structures:

Each civilian structure (blue card) has a set number of victory points printed on the card, which players score at the end of the game.

Scientific Structures:

Points from scientific structures (green cards) are scored in a unique way. Each scientific symbol (tablet, compass, gear) scores points equal to the square of the number of that symbol the player has. Additionally, for each set of all three symbols a player has, they score 7 points.

Commercial Structures:

Some commercial structures (yellow cards) provide victory points, as indicated on the card.


Guilds (purple cards) score points based on the structures present in the player’s own city and/or the neighboring cities, as described on each card.

The player with the highest total point score at the end of the game is declared the winner.

Tie-Breaking Rules:

If two or more players have the same score at the end of the game, the tie is broken in the following order:

  1. The player with the most points from scientific structures wins.
  2. If there is still a tie, the player with the most coins in their treasury wins.
  3. If there is still a tie after this, then all tied players share the victory.

Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?

7 Wonders is a strategy board game where players gather resources, develop commercial routes, and affirm their military supremacy. It also has a unique card drafting mechanic. While the rules are generally straightforward, there are few special rules, exceptions, and clarifications that are important to note:

1. Trading:

  • Direct Neighbor Trading: Players can only trade with their direct neighbors, not with any player across the table.
  • Fixed Trade Cost: The cost of trading is always two coins, regardless of the number of resources being bought.
  • Non-Exclusive Trading: Resources acquired through trading are not exclusive – neighbors can still use them, and they aren’t depleted.

2. Resource Utilization:

  • Non-Exhaustible Resources: Resources in 7 Wonders are not exhaustible. They can be used to build multiple structures in the same turn.
  • No Resource Storage: Unused resources do not carry over to the next round. Each round, players start fresh.

3. Card Utilization:

  • Discarding Cards: Players can choose to discard a card to gain three coins. However, this action is final and the card can’t be retrieved.
  • Free Construction: If a player has built the structure named on a card, they can build that card for free in later ages.

4. Military Conflicts:

  • Only Neighbors: Military conflicts only occur between neighboring cities. There are no conflicts between non-adjacent players.
  • Non-Cumulative Military Tokens: Military defeat tokens (-1) are kept until the end of the game, while victory tokens (+1, +3, +5) are only for the Age they were won in.

5. Science Structures:

  • Scoring: Science structures scoring is a bit complex. The score is equal to the square of the number of each type of scientific symbols. Additionally, players receive 7 points for each set of 3 different symbols they have.

6. Building Wonders:

  • Using Cards: To build a stage of a wonder, the player uses a card of their choice from their hand, pays the cost, and then places it under the wonder stage, not in their city structures.
  • Non-Mandatory: Building wonders is not mandatory. A player can choose to not build any or all stages of their wonder.

Understanding these special rules and exceptions can greatly enhance your 7 Wonders gaming experience and strategy.

Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!

Advanced Strategies for ‘7 Wonders’

  • Focus on science: One effective strategy in 7 Wonders is to focus on science. By collecting sets of different science symbols, you can quickly rack up a lot of points.
  • Use your neighbors’ resources: If your neighbors have resources you need, you can pay them two coins to use their resources for building structures. This can save you from having to spend turns acquiring those resources yourself.
  • Military might: Although it’s not the main focus of the game, having a strong military can provide a steady stream of points each age and can deter other players from starting wars with you.

Beginner Tips for ‘7 Wonders’

  1. Don’t ignore your wonder: Your wonder provides you with unique benefits and can give you a big boost. Make sure to build it as soon as possible.
  2. Keep an eye on your neighbors: Paying attention to what resources your neighbors have can give you an idea of what structures they might build, allowing you to plan accordingly.
  3. Balance your strategy: While it can be tempting to focus on one type of card, a balanced approach is often more effective. Try to gather a mix of resources, civil, scientific, and military cards.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in ‘7 Wonders’

  • Ignoring military: While it’s not necessary to win, ignoring military entirely can be a mistake. A small investment can deter other players from attacking you and provide a steady stream of points.
  • Not diversifying your resources: It’s easy to focus on gathering a lot of one type of resource, but this can leave you vulnerable if you need other resources later on.
  • Not planning ahead: Each age in 7 Wonders has different cards. If you don’t plan ahead, you may find yourself unable to build the structures you want in the later ages.

Ways to Optimize Gameplay in ‘7 Wonders’

  1. Keep track of cards: Try to remember what cards are in the game and which have been taken. This can help you plan your strategy and predict what other players might do.
  2. Use your coins wisely: Coins are a valuable resource. Don’t spend them all in one place unless it’s absolutely necessary. It’s often better to save them for later ages when buildings become more expensive.
  3. Take advantage of your wonder: Each wonder has unique benefits. Make sure to take advantage of these as much as possible to maximize your points.