Age of Empires III: The Age of Discovery
Glenn Drover's board game immerses players into an age of discovery. Colonize regions, expand fleets, build capitol buildings, and even declare wars!
2 - 5
Medium Heavy

About the game
Age of Empires III: The Age of Discovery is a vibrant, deep, and complex board game that allows you to immerse yourself in an era of exploration, discovery, and conquest. The game is a captivating blend of strategy, decision-making, and resource management, all set against the backdrop of the Age of Discovery.
The game is set in the time period between 1492 and 1750, during which the major European powers were exploring and colonizing the New World. The players represent these powers and their aim is to carve out their own empires by discovering and colonizing new lands, building towns and cities, and deploying their colonists in various roles.
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Setup and rules summary
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
Age of Empires III: The Age of Discovery is a fascinating board game that brings the popular PC game to your tabletop. This guide will walk you through the necessary steps to set up the game for an immersive gameplay experience.
The game setup consists of several steps, involving the distribution of initial resources, board placement, and the determination of player roles. Note that the game also includes random elements to keep every playthrough fresh and unpredictable.
Step 1: Board Placement
Place the main game board in the center of the play area where it is easily accessible to all players. The board consists of the New World with various areas to be discovered, and the Home Country where players manage their resources and plan their steps.
Step 2: Player Roles
Each player selects a color and takes the matching player board, discovery tiles, colonists, and ships. The player board is placed in front of the player, and it’s used to keep track of resources, buildings, and other assets.
Step 3: Initial Resources
Players start with a certain number of colonists, ships, and capital buildings, as indicated on their player board. Place the corresponding pieces on the appropriate spaces of your player board.
Step 4: Preparation of Discovery Tiles
The Discovery tiles should be shuffled and placed face down in a pile. Five tiles are drawn and placed face up next to the board. These tiles represent different parts of the New World waiting to be discovered.
Step 5: Trade Goods and Money
Place the trade good tiles and money in separate piles next to the game board. These resources will be used throughout the game to expand your empire and trade with other players.
Step 6: Preparation of the Building Tiles
There are three types of buildings: Basic, Advanced, and Superior. Separate these into their respective piles and shuffle them. Place them face up next to the game board.
Step 7: Setting up the Capital Building Deck
Separate the Capital Buildings into three piles according to their age (I, II, and III). Shuffle each pile separately, then place them on their respective spaces on the game board.
Step 8: Random Elements
The game introduces random elements through Event cards. Shuffle the Event cards and place them face down next to the game board. The top card is revealed at the start of each round, introducing new challenges or opportunities.
With all these steps completed, you’re ready to embark on your journey of discovery and empire-building in Age of Empires III: The Age of Discovery.
Game flow Round and round we go
Age of Empires III: The Age of Discovery is a competitive game where players take on the roles of European powers exploring and colonizing the New World. The game is divided into three Ages, and each Age is divided into several Rounds. Here is how the Rounds and Phases are structured:
Preparation Phase:
- Advance Turn Order Track: The player with the highest position on the Turn Order Track goes first in this phase. The player’s position on the track changes depending on their actions throughout the game.
- Refresh Buildings and Units: All the Buildings and Units that were used in the previous Round are made available again for this Round.
- Collect Capital Buildings: Each player collects a new Capital Building tile, which provides special abilities or bonuses.
Action Phase:
- Placement of Colonists: Players take turns placing their Colonists onto the board. The options include the New World, the Colonist Dock, or various Capital Buildings.
- Usage of Capital Buildings: Players can use their Capital Buildings to gain special advantages, such as additional resources or special abilities.
Discovery Phase:
- Resolve New World: Players resolve conflicts in the New World. This involves determining who has control over each region and who earns Discovery tiles.
- Resolve Capital Buildings: Players resolve the effects of their Capital Buildings. This can result in gaining additional resources or activating special abilities.
Scoring Phase:
- Score Control of New World: Players earn Victory Points based on their control of regions in the New World.
- Score Capital Buildings: Players earn Victory Points based on their Capital Buildings.
After three Ages of gameplay, the game ends and the player with the most Victory Points is declared the winner.
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
In ‘Age of Empires III: The Age of Discovery’, the gameplay is divided into different phases and each player gets a chance to perform certain actions during their turn. The actions that players can take are:
1. Capital Actions:
Capital actions are those which involve the player’s home city. These actions include:
- Initiate a Revolution: This action allows a player to remove any number of their own colonists from the New World board and replace them with revolutionaries.
- Send a Missionary: A player can send a missionary to any region where they already have colonists. This has the effect of strengthening their hold on that region.
- Recruit Specialists: Specialists are units that provide a player with various benefits. By taking this action, a player can add a specialist to their pool of colonists.
2. Discovery Actions:
Discovery actions involve a player expanding their empire by discovering new lands. This includes:
- Discover a New Territory: A player can send a colonist to a region that has not yet been discovered. This allows the player to claim the region and its resources.
- Establish a Trade Route: By establishing a trade route, a player can increase their income and gain additional benefits.
3. Building Actions:
Building actions involve a player constructing new buildings in their empire. These actions include:
- Construct a Building: A player can construct a building in a region they control. Buildings provide a variety of benefits, such as additional income or increased military strength.
- Upgrade a Building: A player can upgrade an existing building to increase its benefits.
4. Combat Actions:
Combat actions are those which involve conflict between players. This includes:
- Initiate a Battle: A player can initiate a battle with another player in a region where they both have colonists. The outcome of the battle can determine control of the region.
- Defend a Region: A player can choose to defend a region they control from potential attacks.
The strategic choices a player makes during their turn can greatly affect the outcome of the game. By carefully choosing which actions to take and when, a player can gain an advantage over their opponents and increase their chances of winning.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
The game of ‘Age of Empires III: The Age of Discovery’ ends after the completion of the third Age, which is also the final round of the game. At the end of this Age, players will tally their victory points to determine the winner.
Victory Conditions:
Victory points are earned throughout the game in various ways:
- Control of Discovery Tiles: A player can earn victory points by having control of discovery tiles. The number of victory points for each tile is indicated on the tile itself.
- Control of Colonies: At the end of each Age, players earn victory points for each colony they control. The number of victory points earned per colony is indicated on the game board.
- Capital Buildings: These buildings, once built, provide the player with victory points. The amount of victory points each building provides is printed on the building tile.
- Specialty Cards: Some specialty cards provide victory points to the player who has them. The number of victory points for each card is indicated on the card.
End-Game Scoring:
At the end of the third Age, final scoring occurs. The following are the actions players must take before final scoring:
- Players should ensure that all of their earned victory points from discovery tiles, controlled colonies, capital buildings, and specialty cards have been added to their current score.
- Players count the number of colonists they have in each of the colonies and compare with other players. The player with the most colonists in a colony gains control of that colony.
- If players have the same number of colonists in a colony, the player with the Governor token breaks the tie.
- Players then add the victory points from their controlled colonies to their score.
- Finally, players reveal their specialty cards and add any victory points from these cards to their score.
The player with the highest total score after final scoring is the winner. In the event of a tie, the player with the most total colonists on the game board wins. If there is still a tie, the player with the most capital buildings wins. If there is still a tie, the victory is shared.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
Age of Empires III: The Age of Discovery is a strategic board game that requires players to accumulate points through various actions and strategies. The player with the highest points at the end of the game is declared the winner.
Points in Age of Empires III: The Age of Discovery are awarded in the following ways:
- Discovery Tiles: At the end of each Age, players will score points based on the Discovery tiles they have collected. These tiles are awarded to players who have the majority control of a discovered region.
- Area Control: In each Age, after the Discovery Tiles are awarded, players will receive points based on the number of territories they control. Points are awarded per region according to the Age: Age I rewards 1 point, Age II rewards 2 points, and Age III rewards 3 points.
- Buildings: Players receive points for each building they own. The points per building depend on the type of building and are specified on the building tile.
- Capital Buildings: At the end of the game, players also receive points for the Capital Buildings they have built. The number of points ranges from 4 to 20, depending on the building.
- Coins: At the end of the game, each player receives 1 point for every 5 coins they have.
- Specialty Cards: Some Specialty cards can also award points based on certain conditions.
In case of a tie at the end of the game, the following tie-breaking rules apply:
- Most Coins: The player with the most coins left is the winner.
- Most Colonists in the New World: If there is still a tie, the player with the most colonists in the New World wins.
- Most Buildings: If a tie still remains, the player with the most buildings is the winner.
- Most Discovery Tiles: If none of the above resolve the tie, the player with the most Discovery Tiles wins.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
The board game ‘Age of Empires III: The Age of Discovery’ is a complex game with many special rules, rare exceptions, and important rule clarifications. Here are some key points:
Special Rules:
- Capital Buildings: In ‘Age of Empires III: The Age of Discovery’, the construction of capital buildings is a special action. It requires a player to place a colonist in the capital building box during the Colonist Dock phase. Later, during the Capital Building phase, the player can construct one building from the available options.
- Merchant Shipping: This special rule comes into play when a player places their colonist in a merchant ship. They gain trade goods, which can be used in subsequent rounds for various purposes such as constructing buildings or hiring more colonists.
Rule Exceptions:
- Discovery Tiles: When a player sends a colonist to an undiscovered territory, they draw a discovery tile. However, there are times when a player might draw a tile with an icon that requires immediate action. This is an exception to the normal sequence of play.
- Specialist Colonists: Most colonists are placed in the Colonist Dock during the Colonist Dock phase. However, specialist colonists (Missionaries, Captains, and Merchants) are an exception. They can be placed directly onto the board during their respective phases.
Rule Clarifications:
- Multiple Colonists: More than one colonist can be placed in the dock during a round. However, only one colonist can be placed in the dock per turn.
- Initiative Track: The position on the initiative track only changes when a player places a colonist in the initiative box. If no player does so, the turn order remains the same for the next round.
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
Advanced Strategies:
Mastering Age of Empires III: The Age of Discovery requires a deep understanding of the game’s mechanics and a careful balance of resource management. Here are some advanced strategies:
- Specialize Your Civilization: Each civilization has unique advantages. Focus on these strengths to outmaneuver opponents. For example, if you’re playing the British, focus on rapid expansion to utilize their population growth advantage.
- Control Key Areas: Controlling areas with valuable resources can give significant advantages. Prioritize seizing territories with gold mines and fertile land.
- Utilize Trade: Don’t underestimate the power of trade. Establishing trade routes and alliances can provide crucial resources and advantages.
Beginner Tips:
For those new to the game, these tips can help you get started:
- Learn The Basics: Spend some time in the tutorial and single-player modes before jumping into multiplayer. This will help you understand the game’s mechanics, units, and strategies.
- Start Slow: Don’t rush to advance ages. It’s important to build a solid base and economy before advancing.
- Scout Often: Regularly send scouts to explore the map. This will help you find resources, identify potential threats, and plan your strategy.
Common Mistakes to Avoid:
Avoiding these common mistakes can greatly improve your gameplay:
- Neglecting Defense: Many players focus too much on expansion and neglect their defense. Remember to protect your base and key resources from enemy attacks.
- Ignoring Economy: The economy is crucial in Age of Empires III. Failing to properly manage your resources can lead to shortages and slow down your progress.
- Not Adapting: Stick to a single strategy can lead to defeat. Be flexible and adapt your strategy based on the situation and your opponents’ actions.
Ways to Optimize Gameplay:
Optimize your gameplay with these tips:
- Hotkeys: Learn and use hotkeys to save time and increase efficiency. This will allow you to quickly issue commands without having to click through menus.
- Unit Composition: Have a balanced mix of units in your army. This will ensure you’re prepared for any situation.
- Map Awareness: Regularly check the minimap to keep an eye on enemy movements and scout for resources.