Immerse yourself in AquaSphere! Command your team of scientists and robots, gather data, manage resources, and navigate challenges in this captivating underwater strategy board game.
2 - 4
Medium Heavy
About the game
AquaSphere is a unique and engaging board game that takes you to the depths of an underwater research facility, where science, discovery, and strategy blend together in a mesmerizing gameplay experience. The game is designed by Stefan Feld and published by Tasty Minstrel Games. The striking visuals, in-depth mechanics, and strategic gameplay make AquaSphere a truly immersive board game.
In the world of AquaSphere, you are a scientist stationed in a deep-sea lab. Your goal is to conduct research, gather data, and enhance the functionality of the lab. However, you are not alone. You must contend with your fellow scientists who are also vying for the resources and discoveries in the underwater lab.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
AquaSphere is a strategic board game filled with various elements and components. Here is a breakdown of each one:
1. Game Board: The game board is the main component where all the actions take place. It is divided into several sectors, each having its own set of functions.
2. Player Boards: Each player is given a player board. This board is used to plan and execute actions, build and program bots, and keep track of the player’s crystals and resources.
3. Research Stations: These stations are used by players to conduct research and gain points. The more research stations a player has, the more points they can earn.
4. Submarines: Each player has a submarine which can be moved around the game board. This movement allows players to explore different sectors and perform actions in those sectors.
5. Scientists: Scientists are the main characters that players control. They are used to perform various actions like programming bots, gathering crystals, and conducting research.
6. Octopods: Octopods are obstacles that players must overcome. They can be removed by using bots, but if not dealt with, they can hinder a player’s progress.
7. Time Markers: Time markers are used to keep track of the game rounds. The game ends when all the time markers have been used.
8. Crystals: Crystals are resources that players can collect. They can be used for various functions such as programming bots and conducting research.
9. Bots: Bots are tools that players can use to perform actions. They can be programmed to do different tasks like removing Octopods, collecting crystals, and building research stations.
10. Programming Cards: These cards are used to program the bots. Each card has a specific function and must be used strategically to maximize its benefits.
11. Expansion Tokens: Expansion tokens are used to expand a player’s influence on the board. They can be used to claim more sectors, which can lead to more actions and potential points.
12. Point Markers: Point markers are used to keep track of each player’s points. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.
In AquaSphere, all these components interact to create a dynamic and engaging game. The strategy lies in efficiently using your resources, programming your bots correctly, and managing your time effectively to carry out the most beneficial actions and gain the most points.
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
AquaSphere is a complex and challenging game that will test your strategic skills. Here are the step-by-step instructions for setting up the game.
Step 1: Setting Up the Game Board
- Place the main game board in the center of the playing area.
- Place the six sector boards around the main board in random order.
- Place the black octopods on the spaces marked with an octopus symbol on each sector board.
- Put the time marker on the starting space of the time track on the main board.
- Fill the reserve with crystals. Place the remaining crystals as a supply next to the board.
Step 2: Preparing Player Components
- Each player chooses a color and receives the corresponding components: 1 engineer, 1 scientist, 2 submarines, 6 programmers, control room, and 8 bots.
- Players place their control room on the designated space on the main board. In clockwise order, each player places one submarine in a sector of their choice, on the docking space.
- Each player places their engineer in their control room and the scientist in the same sector as their submarine.
- Each player places one bot into each of the six storage spaces in their control room.
Step 3: Preparing Programming Area
- Each player places their 6 programmers on the programming spaces of their control room in any order they choose.
- At the beginning of the game, the player decides the order in which they want to program their bots and places the programmers accordingly.
Step 4: Setting Up Resource Tracks
- Each player places a marker on the start space of each of the following tracks: points track, research track, and time track.
- The player who last visited an aquarium is the starting player and receives the starting player marker.
Step 5: Preparing the Card Deck
- Shuffle the research cards and place them as a face-down deck next to the main board.
- Draw the top 4 cards from the deck and place them face up in the display next to the main board.
Step 6: Random Elements
- Randomly distribute the black octopods onto the octopus spaces on the sector boards.
- Randomly place the six sector boards around the main board.
After these steps, AquaSphere is set up and ready to play. You can commence the game with the starting player.
Game flow Round and round we go
The game of ‘AquaSphere’ is a strategic, turn-based board game with a unique theme of underwater exploration. The game is divided into four rounds, each consisting of two phases – the Programming Phase and the Action Phase. The goal of the game is to gain the most knowledge points by efficiently managing your team of scientists and submersibles.
Programming Phase:
In the Programming Phase, players prepare for their upcoming actions. This is done by programming their action bots on the headquarters board.
- Step 1: Each player chooses an available bot from the seven bot dock of the headquarters.
- Step 2: The chosen bot is then programmed by placing it on an empty programming field. The symbol on the field determines the action the bot will perform in the Action Phase.
- Step 3: After programming, the player’s marker moves along the time track according to the value of the chosen bot dock.
It’s important to note that the players perform these steps in the order determined by their positions on the time track, with the player furthest behind going first.
Action Phase:
In the Action Phase, players move to the AquaSphere, where they execute the actions programmed in the previous phase.
- Step 1: The player moves their scientist to an adjacent sector of the AquaSphere. If the scientist moves through a sector with an octopod, the player must spend a time marker.
- Step 2: The player executes one of the actions programmed in the Programming Phase. This is done by moving the corresponding bot from the programming field to one of the bot spaces in the current sector.
- Step 3: The player gains knowledge points or other rewards based on the executed action. Actions can include: studying octopods, collecting crystals, deploying submersibles, or upgrading labs.
Once all bots have been used, the round ends. The game continues for four rounds, after which the player with the most knowledge points wins.
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
In the board game AquaSphere, each player’s turn consists of a series of actions. These actions are carried out by the player’s scientist and engineer within the underwater research station.
1. Programming: The first part of a player’s turn is programming their engineer. The engineer is on the Headquarters Station, where they can program a variety of actions. These include:
- Submarines: This allows a player to place or move a submarine on the game board.
- Lab expansions: This allows a player to expand their lab, which can provide a variety of benefits.
- Robots: This lets a player place a robot on the game board or move an existing robot.
- Research: This allows a player to progress on the research track, which can earn them points.
- Time markers: This lets a player gain extra time markers, which can be used to take additional actions.
- Crystals: This allows a player to gain valuable crystals, which can be used for various purposes.
2. Action: After programming their engineer, the player’s scientist can take an action. The scientist is on the game board, and they can perform the action that the engineer just programmed. This could be any of the actions listed above.
3. Time: Each action costs a certain amount of time. The player must have enough time markers to perform the action. If they do not, they must take a time penalty.
4. Octopods: After taking an action, if there are any octopods in the same sector as the scientist, the player must deal with them. This could involve capturing them or driving them away.
Each of these actions and choices has strategic implications. For example, choosing to program the submarine action could allow a player to control a valuable sector of the game board. However, it might also leave them vulnerable to octopods. Similarly, deciding to take a time penalty could allow a player to take a powerful action, but it could also put them behind in the next round.
Therefore, a player’s turn in AquaSphere involves a careful balance of planning, risk-taking, and strategic decision-making.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
In the game of AquaSphere, the game ends after the fourth round. Each round consists of a programming phase and an action phase, followed by a scoring phase. It is crucial that players are aware that the game concludes after the fourth round’s scoring phase; there are no additional turns or phases after this.
Victory Conditions:
The player with the most points at the end of the fourth round wins the game. Points are scored primarily by executing specific actions in the Aquasphere. These actions include:
- Deploying submarines
- Fighting off octopods
- Collecting crystals
- Conducting research
Note: Various bonus points can also be earned through certain achievements during the game, such as gathering time markers or controlling sectors.
Final Scoring:
After the fourth round, players perform final scoring. During this phase, players will take the following actions:
- Add up all the points they have collected during the game from the scoring track.
- Score points for leftover resources: Each player scores 1 point for every 3 leftover crystals, 3 time markers, or 3 algae cylinders. These resources are not cumulative; they cannot be combined for scoring.
- Score points for their research tracks: Each player scores points equal to the lowest visible number on their research tracks.
- Score points for their submarines: Each player scores points for the sector where they have the most submarines. The number of points is equal to the number of submarines in that sector.
After all of these points are added together, the player with the highest total is the winner. In case of a tie, the player with the most submarines in the sector where they have the most wins. If there is still a tie, the player with the most crystals wins. If there is still a tie, the victory is shared.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
In the board game ‘AquaSphere’, players amass points through various actions and achievements throughout the game. At the end of the game, the player with the most points wins. If there’s a tie, certain rules are applied to determine the winner.
Point Allocation:
- Programming Robots: Players earn 1 point for each robot they program.
- Deploying Robots: The act of deploying a robot does not directly earn points. However, the actions they perform (i.e., collecting crystals, fighting octopods, etc.) can earn points.
- Collecting Crystals: Players earn 1 point for each crystal collected by their robots.
- Fighting Octopods: Players earn 2 points for each octopod their robots eliminate.
- Researching: Players can earn varying amounts of points depending on their progress on the research track.
- Submarine Advancement: At the end of each round, players earn points equal to the level of their submarine in the central board.
- End of Game Bonuses: At the end of the game, players earn points for unused time markers (1 point per marker), for each sector where they have majority control (3 points per sector), and for their standing on the research track (varies).
Tie-Breaking Rules:
In the event of a tie, the following rules are applied in order:
- The player with the most unused time markers wins.
- If there’s still a tie, the player who reached the higher level on the research track wins.
- If the tie persists, the player with the most remaining crystals wins.
- If a tie still remains, the player who controls more sectors wins.
- If none of the above resolves the tie, the victory is shared.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
AquaSphere is a complex and engaging board game that might require some special rules, exceptions, and clarifications for optimal play. Here are some of them:
1. Lab Expansion:
When a player expands their lab, they can choose any of the available expansion tiles, not just the next in line. However, they must always start from the leftmost space on their lab board.
2. Programming Bots:
There’s no limit to how many bots a player can program in a single turn. However, they can only program each bot once per turn.
3. Placement of Time Markers:
When a player places a time marker on an action field, it must be placed on the lowest available space. In case of a tie for spaces with the same number, the player can choose freely among them.
4. Submarine Movement:
A player can move their submarine as many sectors as they want in a single turn, but they must pay one time marker for each sector they cross. They can’t move through or stop in a sector that’s already occupied by another submarine.
5. Scoring of Research Cards:
At the end of the game, players score points for research cards in their possession. Each card is worth points equal to the number of cards of the same type the player has, squared. For example, if a player has three cards of the same type, they score nine points for them.
6. End of Game:
The game ends after the fourth round. After the final scoring, the player with the most points wins. In case of a tie, the player with the most time markers left wins. If there’s still a tie, the player who is first in player order wins.
7. The Black Octopod:
The black octopod is a unique component of the game. It can be placed in any sector and can be moved by any player. It doesn’t count towards the limit of octopods in a sector. However, it can’t be activated or removed from the game like regular octopods.
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
Advanced Strategies
Maintaining a balanced approach: In AquaSphere, it is essential not to focus on one aspect of the game to the detriment of others. While harvesting crystals or programming bots may seem beneficial, ignoring other areas such as lab expansion or time marker movement can lead to a decline in overall performance.
Planning ahead: Always plan your moves ahead of time. AquaSphere is a game that rewards foresight, so planning your turns in advance can be crucial for victory. Consider the state of the board and the potential actions of your opponents before deciding on your course of action.
Optimal use of Submarines: Use your submarines wisely. They can collect crystals, but remember to use them for exploring new sectors as well. This can provide you with valuable points and additional capabilities.
Beginner Tips
Start by focusing on learning the rules and understanding the game mechanics. AquaSphere can be complex, so getting a good grasp of the basics is the first step towards improving your gameplay.
Try to keep your lab and programming areas balanced. It’s tempting to focus on one or the other, but a balanced approach will usually yield better results.
Don’t forget about time markers. They may seem insignificant, but moving them up can provide you with extra actions and significant advantages.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
Not expanding your lab: A common mistake is to neglect lab expansion. This can hinder your progress as it limits the number of bots and time markers you can have.
Ignoring time markers: Time markers are often overlooked by beginners. However, they can provide additional actions and should not be ignored.
Not planning ahead: AquaSphere requires strategic planning. Failing to plan your moves in advance can lead to a lack of resources and a loss of points.
Ways to Optimize Gameplay
Optimize your programming: Make sure you program the right bots at the right time. This is crucial to performing the actions you want when you need them.
Control the sectors: Try to control as many sectors as possible. This will give you more options and can also limit your opponents’ possibilities.
Use your scientist wisely: Your scientist is a valuable resource. Use them to gather information, explore new sectors, and perform advanced actions.