Clank!: Catacombs
Dive into the mysterious catacombs of Clank! Catacombs. Lay tiles, build your deck, and escape the dragon in this dynamic and engaging board game.
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About the game
Welcome to the world of Clank!: Catacombs, a thrilling adventure board game that takes you deep into the mysterious catacombs beneath the king’s castle. This game is set in a captivating medieval fantasy world, where players take on the role of daring thieves, attempting to navigate the depths of the catacombs to steal precious artifacts and escape without awakening the fearsome dragon that lurks below.
In terms of mechanics, Clank!: Catacombs is a deck-building adventure game. Each player starts with a basic deck of cards, which they use to move through the dungeon, fight monsters, and acquire new cards for their deck. As players delve deeper into the catacombs, they encounter tougher challenges but also find more valuable treasures. The goal is to collect as many points as possible and escape the catacombs before being caught by the dragon or before another player escapes and triggers the end of the game.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
Clank!: A Deck-Building Adventure is a fantastic combination of deck-building and dungeon exploration. The game includes a wide range of components, each with its own purpose and interaction in the game. Here is a list of the components included in the ‘Clank!: Catacombs’ along with their description:
1. Game Board: It is a double-sided board, depicting a dungeon with various rooms, passages, and secret areas. Players navigate through the dungeon using their cards and tokens.
2. Player Tokens: There are four different colored player tokens (green, yellow, blue, and red) in the game. These tokens represent the players on the game board, moving through the dungeon as directed by the played cards.
3. Clank Tokens: These are small, square tokens in the four player colors. Whenever a player makes noise (as indicated by their cards), they add a Clank token to the Clank area of the board. These tokens can lead to danger as the dragon might get notified about the player’s presence.
4. Dragon Tokens: These black tokens represent the dragon’s attacks. When the dragon attacks, it may hit players depending on how many Clank tokens they have in the dragon’s area.
5. Dungeon Deck: This deck of cards represents the various encounters, items, and events in the dungeon. Players draw cards from this deck to build their own personal decks, enhancing their abilities during the game.
6. Artifact Tokens: These tokens are scattered throughout the dungeon. Players strive to acquire these valuable items, which provide points at the end of the game.
7. Secret Tokens: Hidden in secret areas of the dungeon, these tokens provide a variety of benefits to the players who discover them, including health, points, or special abilities.
8. Gold Coins: Gold can be found in the dungeon or earned through certain cards. It can be used to purchase items from the Market.
9. Market Items: These include various items such as backpacks, crowns, and keys that players can purchase using gold. Each item provides a unique benefit or points.
10. Health Trackers: Each player has a health tracker in their color. Whenever a player takes damage, their health tracker is moved accordingly on the health track.
11. Starting Decks: Each player starts with a small deck of basic cards, providing them with their initial resources and abilities.
12. Boss Marker: This token represents the boss’s location on the board. When it reaches the end of the rage track, the end of the game is triggered.
13. Major Secrets and Minor Secrets: These are special tokens that provide powerful effects or points when discovered in the dungeon.
In Clank! A Deck-Building Adventure, each of these components interacts and integrates seamlessly to create an engaging and dynamic gaming experience.
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
‘Clank!: Catacombs’ is an exciting, dungeon-themed board game that requires careful planning and a dash of luck. To set up the game, follow these steps:
1. Player Roles:
Each player takes on the role of a daring adventurer, delving deep into a dungeon to retrieve treasures while avoiding the dragon. There are no specific roles beyond this; all players have the same abilities and start from an equal footing.
2. Board Placement:
Place the game board in the center of the playing area where it is easily accessible to all players. Make sure that the side labeled ‘Catacombs’ is facing up.
3. Initial Resources:
Each player should receive a player marker (in their chosen color) and a matching deck of 10 starting cards. The deck should include 6 ‘Burgle’ cards, 2 ‘Stumble’ cards, 1 ‘Sidestep’ card, and 1 ‘Scramble’ card. Each player should also receive a 30-point health tracker, which they place on the 30-space of the health track on the game board.
4. Dungeon Deck:
Shuffle the dungeon deck and place it face down by the side of the game board. Draw the top six cards and place them face up in the dungeon row.
5. Clank! Area:
Each player places their Clank! (noise) tokens in the Clank! area of the game board. Start with all 30 of your tokens in the Clank! area, removing them as the game progresses.
6. Secret Tokens:
Randomly place one secret token facedown on each of the secret spaces on the game board. The remaining secret tokens can be returned to the game box; they will not be used in the game.
7. Major and Minor Secrets:
Shuffle the major secrets separately from the minor secrets. Place one major secret and one minor secret face down on each of the corresponding spaces on the game board.
8. Artifact Placement:
Place each of the six artifacts on the artifact spaces on the game board. The placement of the artifacts should be random.
9. Market Items:
Place the market items (crowns, keys, and backpacks) next to the game board within easy reach of all players.
10. Dragon Marker:
Place the dragon marker on the space of the rage track that corresponds to the number of players. For example, in a four-player game, the dragon marker starts on the 4-space.
Once the setup is complete, you’re ready to start your adventure in the Catacombs!
Game flow Round and round we go
Clank!: A Deck-Building Adventure is a thrilling game that combines elements of deck-building and dungeon exploration. The aim of the game is to delve into the depths of the dragon’s lair, steal valuable artifacts, and make it out alive. The players need to be strategic and silent, as making too much noise (Clank!) can attract the dragon’s attention.
A game of Clank! is divided into rounds, with each player taking a turn in clockwise order. During a player’s turn, they can perform a variety of actions based on the cards in their hand.
Each turn is divided into three main phases:
- Reveal and Draw Cards: At the beginning of each turn, the player reveals the top five cards from their deck. If any of these cards have the Dragon symbol, a dragon attack is triggered.
- Perform Actions: The player can then use the cards in their hand to perform various actions. These actions typically include moving through the dungeon, fighting monsters, purchasing new cards, and acquiring artifacts. The specific actions a player can take are determined by the symbols on their cards:
- Skill: This symbol is used to acquire new cards and defeat monsters.
- Sword: This symbol is used to fight monsters in the dungeon.
- Boot: This symbol is used to move through the dungeon.
- End of Turn: Once a player has finished their actions, they draw a new hand of five cards. If their deck is empty, they shuffle their discard pile and draw from it. Any unused Boots, Swords, and Skill are lost at the end of the turn.
Clank! does not have a set number of rounds. The game continues until all players have either escaped the dungeon or been knocked out. The player with the most points from their artifacts, gold, and other bonuses is declared the winner. Remember, the goal is not just to survive, but to emerge from the dungeon with the most treasure!
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
Clank!: A Deck-Building Adventure is an exciting and strategically engaging board game that involves players delving into a dungeon to collect valuable artifacts and escape without alerting the dragon. During a player’s turn in Clank!: A Deck-Building Adventure, there are several key actions and decisions that can be made, all of which can significantly impact gameplay.
The player’s turn consists of several steps:
- Playing cards from hand: Players begin their turn by playing cards from their hand. These cards can provide a variety of resources, including skill points, boots for movement, and swords for combat.
- Using resources: After playing cards, players can use the resources they’ve gained to perform a variety of actions.
- Buying new cards: Players can use their skill points to purchase cards from the dungeon row or reserve. These cards can provide additional resources or special abilities.
- Moving and exploring: Players can use their boots to move through the dungeon and discover new rooms. Exploring new rooms can lead to finding treasure or encountering monsters.
- Fighting monsters: Players can use their swords to fight monsters in the dungeon. Defeating monsters can provide rewards such as gold or artifacts.
- Picking up artifacts: If players enter a room with an artifact, they can choose to pick it up. Each player can only carry one artifact, and collecting one ends their turn.
- End of turn: At the end of their turn, players draw five new cards from their deck. If their deck is empty, they shuffle their discard pile and draw from the new deck.
Each of these steps offers strategic choices. The decision to buy a particular card can alter a player’s strategy for the rest of the game. The decision when and where to move can affect the player’s ability to collect valuable items or avoid dangerous monsters. Fighting monsters can be a risky but potentially rewarding strategy. Finally, the decision to pick up an artifact is a crucial one, as it can trigger the endgame and potentially leave unprepared players in a dangerous position.
In Clank!: A Deck-Building Adventure, players must balance the need to collect valuable items with the risk of alerting the dragon. The player who manages these risks best and escapes the dungeon with the most valuable loot will be the winner.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
The game of ‘Clank!: Catacombs’ ends when either one player returns to the starting point after securing an artifact or when the dragon eliminates all the players. Here are the detailed steps on how and when the game ends:
1. Retrieving an Artifact:
The primary objective of the game is for players to retrieve an artifact from the dungeons and return to the starting point. The game ends as soon as the first player achieves this.
2. Elimination by the Dragon:
The dragon eliminates players by filling up their damage track. When all players are eliminated, the game ends, and the player who has the most points, even if they did not escape, wins the game.
Once the game ends, players must complete the following actions before final scoring:
- Artifacts and Coins: Players add up the points from their collected artifacts and coins.
- Secret Tokens: Players reveal any secret tokens they have collected and add these points to their total.
- Dragon Eggs: If a player has a dragon egg, they add it to their point total. Dragon eggs are worth three points each.
- Card Points: Players add up the points from their deck of cards. These points are indicated in the bottom-right corner of each card.
- Unspent Resources: Any unspent resources, such as unused swords or skill points, do not count towards the final score.
The player with the highest total score wins. In the event of a tie, the player who returned to the starting point first wins.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
In the board game ‘Clank!: Catacombs’, points are awarded based on a variety of factors involving players’ actions and acquisitions throughout the game. This includes collected artifacts, coins, and various tokens. Each of these elements contributes to the final score in a unique way.
Each player must try to acquire one artifact and return it to the start area. The artifacts’ value increases with their depth in the dungeon, ranging from 5 to 30 points. If a player does not obtain an artifact, they score zero points at the end of the game.
Coins are another source of points in the game. For every one coin a player collects, they are awarded one point. Coins can be obtained through various means, such as defeating certain enemies or finding treasure rooms.
Various tokens found in the game can also contribute to the final score. These tokens include Monkey Idols, worth 5 points each, and Mystic Fruits, worth 1 point each. There are also Secret Tomes, each worth 7 points.
Companion Cards
Some cards in a player’s deck will also provide points. These are usually companion cards, and their individual point values are indicated on the cards themselves.
Bonus Points
Bonus points can be earned if a player manages to escape the dungeon before the game ends. This is worth 20 points, but only if the player reaches the start area before the dragon eliminates all players or another player escapes first.
In the event of a tie, the game has specific tie-breaking rules. The player who has collected the most valuable artifact wins. If there is still a tie, the player who has accumulated the most coins wins. If there is yet another tie, the player who collected the most Monkey Idols wins. If there is still no clear winner, the players share the victory.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
Clank!: Catacombs is a thrilling, adventure-based board game that requires strategic play. While the basic rules are fairly straightforward, there are several special rules and exceptions to be aware of, which can significantly impact gameplay.
1. The Dragon Attack: One of the key elements of the game is the Dragon. When a Dragon marker is drawn from the bag, all players must make a “Clank” noise, potentially alerting the Dragon to their presence in the dungeon. However, there is an important exception to this rule: if a player has a Master Burglar card, they do not need to make a “Clank” noise, thus avoiding the Dragon’s attention.
2. The Market: The Market is a special location on the board where players can purchase items. These items can be very beneficial, but they also come with certain restrictions. For instance, a player can only purchase one item per visit to the Market, and they must have enough gold to pay for it. Additionally, a player cannot use an item they have purchased on the same turn they bought it.
3. The Teleport: The Teleport is a powerful card that allows a player to move to any room on the board. However, it cannot be used to move to a room that is not connected by a hallway, nor can it be used to move to a room that is currently occupied by the Dragon.
4. Monster Fights: When a player encounters a monster, they must fight it using their swords. If they do not have enough swords, they take damage. But, there’s a special rule here: the Goblin monster can be fought an unlimited number of times in one turn, as long as the player has sufficient swords.
5. Healing: Players can heal damage by using potions, but they cannot exceed their starting health value. This is a crucial rule – many players mistakenly believe they can increase their health beyond its original limit by using potions.
6. The Crystal Cave: The Crystal Cave has a special rule that can slow players down. Once a player enters the Crystal Cave, they cannot use boots to move out on the same turn.
- When a player uses a Teleport card, they do not need to use boots and can bypass all footstep icons, monsters, and locks.
- If a player has negative Clank, it does not become positive when a Dragon Attack occurs, it remains negative.
- If multiple players are knocked out on the same turn, the player with the most points wins, not the one who was knocked out first.
- When a player is knocked out, they do not lose their artifacts, items, or gold. They keep everything they have acquired until that point.
- The Wand of Wind card can be used to ignore monsters in tunnels, but not for monsters in rooms.
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
Advanced Strategies for Clank!: Catacombs
1. Efficient Deck Building: To be successful in Clank!: Catacombs, players need to focus on efficient deck building. This means finding a balance between spending resources on buying new cards and getting rid of less useful ones.
2. Managing Noise: Players must also manage their noise level, or ‘Clank!’, to avoid drawing the attention of the dragon. This involves strategic use of stealth cards and minimizing unnecessary movement.
3. Artifact Selection: It can be tempting to go for the highest point artifacts first, but sometimes it’s more beneficial to grab lower point artifacts that are easier to reach and then make a quick escape.
Beginner Tips for Clank!: Catacombs
1. Understanding the Game Mechanics: It’s crucial to understand how the game mechanics work, from deck building to moving around the board and dealing with the dragon.
2. Playing Conservatively: New players should play conservatively at first, focusing on building a strong deck and minimizing risk until they become more comfortable with the game.
3. Learning from Mistakes: Every game of Clank!: Catacombs is a learning experience. Don’t be discouraged by early losses, but instead use them as a way to improve your strategy for future games.
Common Mistakes to Avoid in Clank!: Catacombs
1. Ignoring the Dragon: Some players get so caught up in exploring the catacombs and collecting treasures that they forget about the dragon. Remember, the dragon can end the game very quickly if it’s not managed properly.
2. Neglecting Deck Building: It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of exploring and forget about deck building. However, having a strong deck is crucial for success in Clank!: Catacombs.
3. Over-Committing to a Single Strategy: While it’s important to have a strategy, it’s equally important to be flexible and adapt to the changing game conditions.
Ways to Optimize Gameplay in Clank!: Catacombs
1. Balance Risk and Reward: The catacombs are filled with both danger and treasure. Players must learn to balance the risks and rewards to maximize their points.
2. Use Cards Strategically: The cards in Clank!: Catacombs can be used for a variety of purposes, from moving around the board to attacking enemies. Understanding how and when to use each card can significantly optimize gameplay.
3. Be Aware of Other Players: Clank!: Catacombs is not just about managing the dragon and exploring the catacombs. Players must also keep an eye on their opponents and adjust their strategy accordingly.