Join the Cube Cup in Cubitos and employ strategy and luck to become the Champion. Roll dice, strategize moves, acquire new dice, utilise abilities, and avoid busting!
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About the game
Welcome to the electrifying world of Cubitos, a board game like no other, where you dive into the thrilling universe of cube racing! In this game, you will find yourself in a vibrant setting where players take on the role of participants in the annual Cube Cup; a race over various terrain to determine the most skillful cube racer of them all!
The heart of Cubitos lies in its core mechanics, which are rooted in dice drafting and push-your-luck gameplay. Each player starts with the same small team of dice (cubes), which they ‘run’ (roll) each turn to generate various resources. These resources can be spent to purchase new, more powerful dice, to activate special abilities, or to move along the racing track.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
Cubitos is a fun and engaging board game that requires players to use their dice (cubes) to race around the track, and the first player to cross the finish line wins. Here is a list of its components and their functions:
1. Game Board: The game board is a large, colorful board that features a racing track with different spaces. Players move their runners along the track based on the results of their dice roll.
2. Player Boards: There are four player boards in Cubitos, each depicting a box that holds the player’s dice pool. It also includes a fan track which is used to determine how many dice a player can draw and roll each turn.
3. Runner Tokens: Each player gets a runner token which is used to track their progress around the track on the game board. The aim is to move your runner token as far as possible along the track.
4. Dice: The game includes 121 dice in 9 different colors. The dice are the main tools of the game. Players draw and roll them to perform actions, such as moving their runner or gaining new abilities.
5. Ability Cards: There are 62 ability cards in the game, each corresponding to one of the nine dice colors. These cards provide players with special abilities when the corresponding dice are rolled, adding an extra layer of strategy to the game.
6. Credit Tokens: Credit tokens are the currency of the game. Players earn credit tokens by rolling certain dice, and they spend them to purchase new dice to add to their dice pool.
7. Draw Bag: Each player has a draw bag to hold their dice. At the start of each turn, players draw dice from their bag to roll.
8. Support Tokens: Support tokens are used to track the number of fans a player has. Fans determine how many dice a player can draw and roll each turn, and also serve as a tiebreaker in certain situations.
Each of these components interacts with the game in a unique way to create a dynamic, strategic, and exciting gaming experience.
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
Cubitos is a fun, dice-building board game where players race their cubes (or ‘Cubitos’) around a track to reach the finish line first. The game combines strategy and luck, making it an engaging experience for players of all ages. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up the game:
Step 1: The Board
Before commencing the game, place the game board at the center of the playing area. The board has a racetrack with multiple lanes and spaces for dice pools. Select one of the four available tracks and rotate the board accordingly.
Step 2: Player Roles
Each player takes on the role of a Cubitos racer. Players must choose a color and take the corresponding player board, racer cube, 9 white dice, and 3 grey dice of the same color. The player board has slots for dice and cubes, and each player places their racer cube at the start of the selected track on the game board.
Step 3: Dice Pool
At the start of the game, there are nine different types of dice available in the dice pool. According to the instructions, choose 7 out of the 9 dice sets and place them on the dice pool spaces on the game board. The remaining dice sets can be returned to the box; they will not be used in this game.
Step 4: Draw Deck
Each player starts with a draw deck containing nine white dice and three grey dice. These represent the player’s initial resources and are placed on the designated area on the player board.
Step 5: Credit Markers
Each player gets a credit marker, placed at the 0/50 space on the credit track of the game board. Credits are spent throughout the game to purchase new dice from the dice pool.
Step 6: Fan Track
There is a fan track on the game board, which is an additional random element that provides players with benefits throughout the game. Place the fan track marker on the starting space of the fan track.
Step 7: Random Elements
Most of the randomness in Cubitos comes from the dice rolls. Since the dice are of different types and offer different abilities, the outcome of each roll can drastically change the game dynamics. The dice you choose to buy and add to your draw deck during the game will also add an element of unpredictability.
Once the setup is complete, you’re ready to start playing Cubitos. Remember, the key is not just speed, but also smart decisions about when to stop pushing your luck with the dice and when to spend your credits. Happy racing!
Game flow Round and round we go
In the board game Cubitos, players participate in a series of rounds, each composed of two main phases: the Roll Phase and the Run Phase. The game continues in this manner until one player crosses the finish line, triggering the end of the game.
Roll Phase:
During the Roll Phase, players roll their dice behind their screens. Each player starts with nine dice and rolls as many times as they want. However, each roll has a risk. If a player rolls more than two blank faces during a roll attempt, their roll phase ends immediately, and they don’t get to use any of the dice from that roll attempt. If a player rolls two or less blank faces, they can decide to either stop and move to the Run Phase or continue rolling.
Run Phase:
In the Run Phase, players reveal their dice and activate the abilities on the dice. There are several types of abilities:
- Credit abilities: These give players credits, the currency in the game. Players can use these credits to buy new dice for their dice pool.
- Movement abilities: These allow players to move their runner along the race track.
- Special abilities: These provide various effects that can help players in the game.
The order of activating the dice abilities is up to the player, but once a die is used, it can’t be used again in the same Run Phase. Also, players can only buy one die per Run Phase.
After all players have taken their turns, a new round begins with the Roll Phase again. The game continues until one player crosses the finish line, after which players finish the current round so everyone has the same number of turns. The player who is farthest along the track after this is the winner. If there’s a tie, the player with the most credits wins.
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
The game of Cubitos involves a lot of strategy and decision-making during a player’s turn. Here is a comprehensive breakdown of the actions and strategic choices a player has during their turn.
Roll Phase
During the Roll Phase, players roll their dice, trying to generate as much energy (represented by the lightning bolt symbol) as possible. They can choose to push their luck and roll again if they aren’t satisfied with their roll, but if they roll too many blank faces, their turn ends immediately. Here are the possible outcomes:
- If a player rolls less than three blank faces, they can choose to either stop and move on to the Run Phase, or push their luck and roll again.
- If a player rolls three or more blank faces, their turn ends immediately.
Run Phase
During the Run Phase, players spend the energy they’ve generated to move their runner around the track. They can also use their energy to purchase new dice from the market. Strategic decisions made here can greatly affect gameplay:
- A player may choose to spend all their energy on movement, trying to reach the finish line as quickly as possible.
- A player could choose to spend their energy on new dice, improving their overall dice pool and giving them more options in future turns.
- Or, a player could choose a balance of both, moving a little and buying a little, trying to maintain a steady pace while also improving their dice pool.
Buy Phase
During the Buy Phase, players can purchase up to two dice from the market using any energy they have left over. This is a strategic decision as the dice in the market have different abilities and costs, and can greatly affect future turns.
End Phase
The End Phase is when players prepare for their next turn. Any dice purchased during the Buy Phase are added to their dice pool, and all dice rolled this turn are returned to their dice bag. Then, the player draws nine new dice from their bag, preparing for their next turn.
Through careful decision-making and a bit of luck, players navigate through each turn in Cubitos, trying to outpace their opponents and reach the finish line first.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
In the board game Cubitos, the game ends when a player’s runner reaches or passes the finish line on the race track. This triggers the end of the game, however, all other players should complete the current round to ensure that each player has had an equal number of turns before final scoring.
There are several victory conditions and actions that must be taken before final scoring:
- The Finish Line: The primary victory condition is the player whose runner crosses the finish line first. This player is considered the winner of the game. If multiple players cross the finish line in the same round, the player who has traveled the furthest past the finish line wins.
- Tie-Breakers: In case of a tie, where players cross the finish line and reach the same spot past it, the tie is broken by the player who has the most credits left. If there’s still a tie, the player with the most cubes in their draw pile, discard pile, and active area combined wins.
- Final Scoring: Before final scoring, players must perform a final roll of their dice. The credits they obtain from this roll can be used to buy cubes, but these cubes won’t generate any abilities or movement. They only count towards breaking ties.
- End Round: After the game-ending condition is triggered, play continues until the end of the round to ensure that each player has had an equal number of turns. After the end round, the final scoring takes place to determine the winner.
It is important for players to carefully strategize their moves and purchases throughout the game, as these play a crucial role in determining the winner during the final scoring.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
Cubitos is a push-your-luck dice game where players race their cube characters around the track to reach the finish line first. The game ends when a player’s cube crosses the finish line or after 9 rounds, whichever comes first. The player with the most points is the winner.
Scoring in Cubitos is based on the following:
- Position of your cube: At the end of the game, players receive points based on their cube’s final position on the track. The first player to cross the finish line gets 5 points. All other players get a number of points equal to the highest numbered space their cube reached on the track.
- Unused Cubes: For each unused cube (those not rolled in the last round), players earn 1 point.
- Cubes in the Roll Zone: Players also earn points equal to the highest face value of the dice in their Roll Zone.
If there is a tie at the end of the game, the following tie-breaker rules are used:
- The player with the most unused cubes wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player with the highest total face value of dice in their Roll Zone wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player who went earlier in the turn order wins.
By strategically choosing when to stop rolling and when to push your luck, you can optimize your scoring potential in Cubitos.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
The board game ‘Cubitos’ is an engaging and strategic dice game that has a simple base rule set. However, there are several rare or special rules and exceptions that might require clarification. These rules pertain to the different types of cube abilities, the Run Phase, and the Buy Phase. It’s important to be aware of these nuances to make the most of the game.
Cube Abilities:
Each cube has different abilities and these abilities can be activated at different times during the game. However, there are some exceptions:
- Grey Cubes: They do not have any abilities but they can be used as currency during the Buy Phase.
- Red Cubes: These cubes have abilities that can only be used during the Run Phase and not during the Buy Phase.
- Green Cubes: The abilities of these cubes can only be activated during the Buy Phase.
- Blue Cubes: Blue cubes can be used during both phases, but their abilities are only activated during the Run Phase.
The Run Phase:
During the Run Phase, players roll their dice and can use the abilities of the cubes they rolled. However, not all cubes can be rerolled. Only the cubes that have not activated their abilities can be rerolled. The player can decide to stop rolling at any time, but if a player rolls and can’t activate any cubes, their run ends immediately.
The Buy Phase:
In the Buy Phase, players can use their rolled cubes as currency to buy new cubes. However, players cannot buy cubes that are not available in the market. Also, a player cannot use cubes that were used during the Run Phase to buy new cubes. This means that a player needs to strategize and balance between using cubes for their abilities and saving them for buying new cubes.
Remember, the game ends when a player crosses the finish line. This means that a player can win even if they do not have the most points. Therefore, it’s important to not only focus on gaining points but also on moving forward on the track.
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
Cubitos is an engaging board game that requires strategic thinking and careful planning. While it’s a relatively simple game to learn, becoming a master takes time and practice. Below are some strategies, tips, and common mistakes to avoid when playing Cubitos.
Advanced Strategies:
Balance your purchases: It is tempting to buy the most expensive dice as soon as you can afford them, but often it’s more beneficial to have a balanced set of dice. A combination of cheaper dice with lower abilities can be just as effective as one expensive die with a high ability.
Stay adaptable: It’s crucial to adapt your strategies based on what dice are available and what your opponents are doing. If you notice an opponent building up a specific type of die, consider taking steps to counter that strategy.
Use your abilities wisely: It’s not always advantageous to use an ability just because you can. Sometimes, it’s better to save your abilities for a future turn where they can have a greater impact.
Beginner Tips:
Learn the dice: Take the time to learn what each die does. This knowledge will help you make informed decisions about which dice to purchase and when to use their abilities.
Practice makes perfect: As with any game, the more you play Cubitos, the better you’ll get. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t win your first few games. Instead, use them as learning experiences to improve your strategy.
Don’t forget to have fun: While winning is a goal, remember that the primary purpose of playing board games is to have fun. Enjoy the game and the time spent with friends and family.
Common Mistakes to Avoid:
Overlooking the Runner Track: Some players become so focused on their dice and abilities that they forget about the Runner Track. Remember, the ultimate goal of the game is to get your runner across the finish line first. Don’t get so caught up in purchasing dice that you neglect to move your runner.
Ignoring your opponent’s strategies: Pay attention to what your opponents are doing. If you see an opponent building up a specific type of die, it may be a good idea to start purchasing dice that can counter that strategy.
Ways to Optimize Gameplay:
Plan your moves ahead: Try to plan your moves a few turns ahead. This will help you make better decisions and give you a strategic edge over your opponents.
Use your abilities at the right time: Abilities can be game-changers, so use them wisely. It’s sometimes better to save your abilities for a future turn where they can have a greater impact.
Manage your dice effectively: It’s essential to manage your dice effectively. Consider the benefits and drawbacks of each die before purchasing it, and always be mindful of your dice balance.