Discworld: Ankh-Morpork
Embark on a strategic quest in Ankh-Morpork, the largest city-state in Terry Pratchett's Discworld. With unique cards and secret objectives, can you seize control?
2 - 4

About the game
Discworld: Ankh-Morpork is a deeply immersive board game set in a fantastical universe, masterfully created by the acclaimed author Terry Pratchett. The game brings the bustling city of Ankh-Morpork, with all its humor, charm, and thrilling unpredictability, to your tabletop.
The game is set in the largest city-state in Discworld, Ankh-Morpork. It’s a place where magic is in the air, literally, and the hustle and bustle of the various citizens create a lively and dynamic atmosphere. Players will find themselves rubbing shoulders with trolls, wizards, thieves and even Death himself in this vibrant cityscape.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
Discworld: Ankh-Morpork is a strategy board game based on Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series. The game includes the following components:
1. Game Board
The game board represents the city of Ankh-Morpork. The city is divided into twelve distinct areas, each with its own name, cost value, and building space. Players will place their minions and buildings on these areas to gain control and cause chaos.
2. Player Cards
Each player receives a secret personality card at the beginning of the game. These cards represent different characters from the Discworld universe, each with a unique victory condition. The personality card determines the player’s objectives and strategy for the game.
3. Minions
Each player has a set of 12 minions in their chosen color. Minions are used to gain control of city areas, disrupt other players’ control, and carry out orders from player cards. The more minions a player has in an area, the more control they have over it.
4. Buildings
Each player has a set of 6 buildings in their chosen color. Buildings can be placed in city areas where the player has control (i.e., they have more minions than any other player). Owning a building in an area provides additional benefits, such as extra income or special abilities.
5. Money
Money is used in the game to perform various actions, such as placing buildings, playing certain cards, or bribing other players. Each player starts the game with a certain amount of money, and can earn more through various actions during the game.
6. Area Cards
Area cards represent the different regions of the city. When drawn, these cards allow players to perform special actions in the corresponding area on the game board. This could include placing or removing minions, building buildings, or causing trouble.
7. Trouble Markers
Trouble markers are used to indicate areas of the city where minions from different players are present. Trouble makes it harder for players to maintain control of an area, but can also provide opportunities for strategic plays.
8. Event Cards
Event cards represent random events that can occur during the game. When drawn, these cards can cause various effects, such as moving minions, destroying buildings, or changing the balance of power in the city.
9. Troll & Demon Pieces
Troll and Demon pieces are special game pieces that can be placed on the board through certain player or event cards. Trolls cause trouble and reduce control in an area, while Demons can cause areas to become unstable, potentially leading to their destruction.
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
Discworld: Ankh-Morpork is a board game set in Terry Pratchett’s Discworld, where players adopt the role of one of the seven characters vying for control over the city. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up the game:
Step 1: Player Roles
The game can be played by 2 to 4 players. Each player selects a character randomly by drawing a Personality card. The characters are Lord Vetinari, Lord Selachii, Lord Rust, Lord de Worde, Dragon King of Arms, Chrysoprase and Commander Vimes. Each character has a unique winning condition.
Step 2: Board Placement
Place the game board in the center of the playing area. The board represents the city of Ankh-Morpork, divided into 12 areas. Each area has its specific properties and can hold buildings, minions, and trolls/demons.
Step 3: Initial Resources
Each player receives starting resources as follows:
- 5 Ankh-Morpork dollars
- A set of player aid cards
- 12 minions and 6 buildings of the player’s color
Step 4: Random Elements
Shuffle the deck of 53 cards and place it face down next to the board. This becomes the draw deck. Draw the top five cards and place them face up next to the draw deck to form the card display.
Step 5: Starting Minions and Buildings
Each player places one of their minions in The Shades area of the board. Players with Lord Vetinari, Lord Selachii, or Lord Rust also place one of their minions in Dolly Sisters, one in The Scours, and one in Nap Hill. The player with Commander Vimes places one additional minion in The Shades.
Step 6: Prepare Trouble Markers
Place the Trouble markers within reach of all players. A Trouble marker is placed in an area whenever a minion enters an area where another minion is present (regardless of color).
Step 7: Player Turns
The game begins with the player who last read a Discworld novel, and proceeds clockwise. On their turn, a player draws a card from the draw deck or card display, and then plays a card from their hand, executing the symbols on the card in order from top to bottom.
Remember, the ultimate goal of the game is to fulfill your character’s unique winning condition. Enjoy the power struggles and machinations in the city of Ankh-Morpork!
Game flow Round and round we go
Discworld: Ankh-Morpork is a board game set in Terry Pratchett’s fantasy city where players take on the roles of various characters with different objectives. The game operates in a series of rounds, each consisting of a sequence of actions. The game ends when a player meets their secret objective or when the draw pile of cards becomes exhausted.
Game Setup
- Each player picks a color and places their minions and buildings in front of them.
- Each player is then dealt a random secret personality with a unique victory condition.
- The game board is prepared by placing a minion of each color in The Shades, The Scours, and Dolly Sisters.
- The deck of cards is shuffled and each player is dealt five cards.
Player Turn
Each player’s turn consists of the following actions, performed in order:
- Draw Cards: The player begins their turn by drawing up to their hand limit if they have less than five cards.
- Play a Card: The player must then play one card from their hand and perform the actions indicated on the card in the order they appear.
- Check for Victory: After playing a card and executing its actions, the player checks to see if they have met their secret objective. If they have, they reveal their secret personality and the game ends. If not, play continues to the next player.
Card Actions
There are a variety of actions that can be performed when a card is played. These can include:
- Place a Minion: The player can place a new minion on the board in an area they already have presence.
- Remove a Minion: The player can remove an opponent’s minion from the board from an area where they have presence.
- Build a Building: The player can build a building in an area where they have a minion and no other player has a building. The cost to build varies per area.
- Assassination: This action allows a player to remove a minion or troll from the board.
- Interrupt: This action allows a player to interrupt another player’s action.
End of the Game
The game ends when a player accomplishes their secret objective and reveals their secret personality. Alternatively, the game can end when the draw pile is depleted. In this case, the player with the most points from areas controlled and buildings built is declared the winner.
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
The game of ‘Discworld: Ankh-Morpork’ is a strategic board game where players take on the roles of characters from the Discworld novels, each with their unique winning conditions. Every turn in the game is a chance for players to advance their strategies, control areas, and thwart their opponents. Here’s the breakdown of what happens during a player’s turn:
1. Play a Card
A player’s turn always starts with playing a card from their hand. Each card has symbols that represent various actions. After playing a card, the player can perform the actions listed on the card in any order they choose. Unused actions are forfeited. The card is then placed in the discard pile.
2. Carry Out Actions
There are seven different actions a player can perform, based on the symbols on their played card. Here’s a list of possible actions:
- ‘Assassin’: Allows a player to remove another player’s minion from the board. This action can disrupt an opponent’s strategy or stop them from achieving their winning condition.
- ‘Control’: Gives the player the ability to place one of their minions on a city area. This helps to establish their presence and control over different parts of the board.
- ‘Build’: Permits a player to build a building in a city area where they have a minion. Buildings provide additional benefits and can contribute to a player’s winning condition.
- ‘Money’: Grants the player a specified amount of money. Money is essential for building actions and for certain cards that require a payment.
- ‘Spell’: Allows a player to draw a spell card. These cards can provide powerful, game-changing effects.
- ‘Interrupt’: Enables a player to play the card immediately after another player’s action, potentially altering the outcome.
- ‘Scroll’: Permits a player to perform the action written in text on the card. This action can vary widely, offering a range of strategic options.
3. Draw a Card
After performing the actions on their card, the player ends their turn by drawing a new card from the deck. This ensures the player always starts their turn with five cards in hand.
In the game of ‘Discworld: Ankh-Morpork’, each turn is an opportunity for strategic choices. The actions a player chooses to perform, the order in which they do them, and even the card they choose to play can significantly affect the outcome of the game. Understanding the potential effects of each action is key to developing a winning strategy.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
Discworld: Ankh-Morpork is a unique board game where the game can end in several ways, with different victory conditions for each player. The game ends immediately when any of the following conditions are met:
- A player declares that they have achieved their victory condition at the start of their turn. The victory conditions vary depending on the personality card assigned to each player at the beginning of the game.
- The draw pile of cards has been exhausted and a player cannot draw a card at the end of their turn.
The player’s victory conditions are revealed only when they claim to have fulfilled them, making the gameplay more unpredictable and exciting. The victory conditions, depending on the personality cards, are as follows:
- Lord Vetinari: The player must control a certain number of areas on the board. In a two-player game, they need to control seven areas, with five areas in a three-player game, and four areas in a four-player game.
- Lord Selachii, Lord Rust, and Lord de Worde: The player must control a certain number of areas on the board at the beginning of their turn.
- Dragon King of Arms: The player wins if at any point there are eight or more trouble markers on the board.
- Chrysoprase: The player wins if they have a total net worth (including cash, buildings, and minions) of $50 or more.
- Commander Vimes: The player wins if the game ends without any other player achieving their victory condition.
If the game ends because the draw pile has been exhausted and no player has achieved their victory condition, then Commander Vimes is declared the winner.
Before final scoring, it’s important for each player to calculate their net worth. This includes the value of cash, buildings, and minions on the board. However, this only becomes important if a player holding the Chrysoprase card declares victory or if there is a need to break a tie.
In case of a tie, the player with the highest net worth wins. If there is still a tie, the player with the most minions on the board wins. If there is still a tie, then the player with the most buildings wins. If a tie persists, the player with the most cash wins. If all these conditions cannot break the tie, the game results in a shared victory among the tied players.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
In the ‘Discworld: Ankh-Morpork’ board game, the scoring system is primarily based on the completion of a player’s secret objectives which are determined by the personality card each player receives at the start of the game.
Point Allocation:
- Lord Vetinari: The player wins if at the beginning of their turn they control a certain number of areas on the board. The number depends on the number of players: 11 areas for 2 players, 10 areas for 3 players, and 9 areas for 4 players.
- Lord Selachii, Lord Rust, and Lord de Worde: The player wins if at the beginning of their turn they control more areas than any other player. This only applies if none of the other players have achieved their victory conditions.
- Dragon King of Arms: The player wins if at the beginning of their turn there are eight or more trouble markers on the board. This only applies if none of the other players have achieved their victory conditions.
- Chrysoprase: The player wins if at the beginning of their turn they have a net worth (cash plus building value) of $50 or more. This only applies if none of the other players have achieved their victory conditions.
- Commander Vimes: The player wins if the draw pile is exhausted and no other player has achieved their victory condition.
Tie-breaking Rules:
In the event of a tie, the rules are as follows:
- If two or more players both meet their victory conditions during their turn, the victory goes to the player who is earliest in the turn order.
- If the game ends because the draw pile is exhausted, and both Lord Selachii, Lord Rust, or Lord de Worde and Commander Vimes are in play, then Commander Vimes wins.
- If the game ends because the draw pile is exhausted, and two or more players tie for control of areas, then the player with the most money wins.
- If there is still a tie, then the player who is earliest in the turn order wins.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
Discworld: Ankh-Morpork is a board game set in the largest city-state in Terry Pratchett’s Discworld. The game is full of special rules and exceptions, many of which are designed to mimic the unpredictable nature of Ankh-Morpork itself. Here are a few of those rules and clarifications:
1. Special Rules:
- Random Event Cards: Whenever a player draws a random event card (identified by a ‘?’ symbol), the event on the card must be resolved immediately. If a player cannot complete an action due to a random event, the rest of the card is discarded, and the player’s turn ends.
- Trouble Markers: Trouble markers are placed on a city area when a character is placed into an area that already has at least one character. No area can have more than one trouble marker at a time.
- Assassinations: A player can only assassinate a character in an area if a trouble marker is present. The trouble marker and the character are then removed from the board.
2. Exceptions:
- Commander Vimes: If a player has the Commander Vimes card, they only win if the deck of cards runs out before any other player has achieved their objective.
- Dragon: When the Dragon is summoned, it destroys all minions and buildings in a single area of the player’s choice. However, the Dragon does not remove any trouble markers.
3. Rule Clarifications:
- Multiple Actions: If a player’s card allows them to perform multiple actions, they must complete all the actions on their card in the order listed before their turn ends.
- Interrupted Actions: If an action is interrupted (for example, by a random event card), the player cannot resume their previous action after dealing with the interruption. Their turn ends immediately.
- Empty Deck: If the draw deck is empty, players continue taking turns but skip any actions that require drawing cards.
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
Advanced Strategies for Discworld: Ankh-Morpork
- Hidden Identity: Always remember to keep your identity hidden. Reveal too much, and you might find yourself a target. Use misdirection to keep other players guessing.
- Card Management: Managing your hand of cards effectively is a key to victory. Try to always have a range of options available for your next turn.
- Plan Ahead: Always have a plan for future turns. Keep track of your objectives and constantly strategize on how to reach them as efficiently as possible.
Beginner Tips for Discworld: Ankh-Morpork
- Take time to familiarize yourself with the different character cards and their abilities. Understanding these can give you an edge in the game.
- Try to keep a balance between expanding your control on the board and accomplishing your character’s objectives.
- Don’t forget to use your minions and buildings wisely. They are crucial resources in the game.
Common Mistakes to Avoid in Discworld: Ankh-Morpork
- Ignoring Character Objectives: Every character has unique objectives to win the game. Ignoring these can lead to missed opportunities for victory.
- Overextending: While it’s important to spread your influence on the board, overextending can leave you vulnerable to other players’ actions.
- Underutilizing Cards: Each card in your hand can be a game changer. Not utilizing them to their full potential can cost you the game.
Ways to Optimize Gameplay in Discworld: Ankh-Morpork
- Playing to Your Strengths: Each character has strengths and weaknesses. Playing to your strengths can give you a significant advantage.
- Adaptability: The game changes with every turn. Being able to adapt your strategy on the fly can keep you one step ahead of your opponents.
- Balance: Maintaining a balance between attack and defense, between spreading influence and focusing on objectives, is crucial for victory.