Dixit: Odyssey
Dixit Odyssey, a standalone and expansion game, invites you into a world of unique storytelling and strategic guessing. Winner of Germany's Spiel des Jahres, it's a must-play for any board game enthusiast.
3 - 12
Medium Light

About the game
Dixit: Odyssey is a mesmerizing and enchanting board game that invites you and your friends into a world of imagination and whimsy. In this game, players journey through a dream-like world, guided by beautifully illustrated cards that tell a story only limited by your own creativity.
The game is set in an abstract universe where logic and reality are often subverted. The illustrations on the cards depict surreal landscapes, curious characters, and magical objects, providing the perfect setting for your creative storytelling and deduction.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
Dixit: Odyssey is a beautifully illustrated game of creative guesswork, where your imagination unlocks the tale. The game contains the following components:
1. 84 Image Cards:
These are lavishly illustrated cards that players will use to tell a story or hint at during each round. Each player receives a hand of these cards and they are used to provide clues for the storyteller’s statement or sentence. The uniqueness of the artwork allows for wide interpretation and creativity.
2. 12 Voting Boards:
These are boards for each player to secretly indicate which card they believe matches the storyteller’s sentence. Once all players have chosen a card, they use their voting board to guess the correct card while trying not to give away their own card.
3. 12 Player Tokens:
Each player receives a token that matches their voting board. These are used to vote for the card that each player believes corresponds to the storyteller’s sentence. The tokens are kept hidden until everyone has voted, then revealed simultaneously.
4. Scoring Track:
Dixit: Odyssey includes a scoring track to keep track of each player’s points throughout the game. Players advance on the scoring track based on the number of votes their card receives and if they are able to correctly guess the storyteller’s card.
5. Rules Booklet:
A comprehensive guide that provides step-by-step instructions on how to play the game, including setup, gameplay, and scoring. It also includes rules for variant play and a guide to all the cards in the game.
Each component in Dixit: Odyssey serves a specific purpose and interacts with the game mechanics to create a dynamic and engaging experience. The image cards allow for creative storytelling, the voting boards and tokens enable secret voting, and the scoring track provides a visual representation of each player’s progress in the game. The rules booklet ties everything together, providing clear instructions and guidance to players.
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
Dixit: Odyssey is a card-based storytelling board game that encourages players to use their imagination and intuition. This guide will walk you through the setup process, including player roles, board placement, initial resources, and random elements.
Step 1: Board Placement
Place the game board in the middle of the table. The board is round with numbered spaces from one to twelve. This is where players will place their votes and keep score.
Step 2: Distributing the Playing Pieces
Each player chooses a color and takes the corresponding voting tiles and rabbit scoring marker. The voting tiles are numbered from one to twelve, matching the spaces on the board. The scoring marker is placed on the ‘0’ space on the score track that runs around the edge of the board.
Step 3: Preparing the Deck
Shuffle the deck of 84 image cards. Each player is then dealt a hand of six cards. Players should keep their cards hidden from others.
Step 4: Random Elements
The first storyteller is chosen randomly. This player will start the game by examining their cards and coming up with a sentence or phrase that describes one of them.
Player Roles
- The Storyteller: This role rotates each round. The storyteller looks at their hand of cards and selects one to base a short sentence or phrase on.
- The Guessers: The other players are the guessers. They listen to the storyteller’s sentence or phrase and then choose a card from their hand that they think best matches it.
Step 5: Game Commencement
The game begins with the storyteller saying their sentence or phrase out loud, then placing their chosen card face down on the table. The guessers then choose their cards and place them face down as well. The storyteller shuffles all of the chosen cards and then reveals them. Players (except the storyteller) use their voting tiles to guess which card was the storyteller’s. Points are then scored based on the votes.
Now you are all set to play Dixit: Odyssey! Remember, the game is not just about winning, but also about enjoying the journey, being creative, and telling a compelling story.
Game flow Round and round we go
Dixit: Odyssey is a creative guessing game with elements of storytelling. The game consists of multiple rounds, and each round follows a specific structure.
Round Structure
1. Storyteller Selection and Clue Giving: At the start of each round, one player assumes the role of the ‘Storyteller’. The Storyteller selects a card from their hand and gives a clue related to the card. The clue can be a word, a phrase or a sentence.
2. Card Selection by Other Players: After the Storyteller provides the clue, the other players select a card from their hand which best represents or relates to the clue given by the Storyteller. They pass their selected cards to the Storyteller, face down.
3. Shuffling and Displaying the Cards: The Storyteller shuffles all the received cards and then places them face up on the table. It’s important that no one can tell which card was played by which player.
4. Voting: Each player, except the Storyteller, votes for the card they believe was the Storyteller’s. Players use the voting tiles corresponding to the number of the card they think is the Storyteller’s. Voting is done secretly.
5. Scoring: Once everyone has voted, the identities of the cards are revealed. Points are scored based on the votes. If all players or none of the players find the Storyteller’s card, the Storyteller receives no points and all other players receive 2 points. If at least one player, but not all players, have found the Storyteller’s card, the Storyteller and the players who found the correct card each receive 3 points. Players also receive 1 point for each vote that was placed on their card.
6. Drawing New Cards: At the end of the round, each player draws a new card to replace the one they played. The role of the Storyteller moves to the next player and a new round begins.
The game continues in this manner until the deck is exhausted or a player reaches a predetermined score. The player with the highest score at the end of the game is declared the winner.
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
‘Dixit: Odyssey’ is a game that sparks creativity and intuition. During a player’s turn, they take on the role of the ‘storyteller’. This involves a series of steps that not only affect their own progression in the game but also influence the actions and strategies of other players. Here’s a breakdown of what happens during a player’s turn and the strategic impact of their actions:
1. Choosing a Card and Giving a Clue:
The player, as the storyteller, begins their turn by selecting a card from their hand and giving a clue related to it. This clue can be a phrase, a word, or even a sound. The strategic choice here is in deciding how obvious or obscure the clue should be. If it’s too obvious, all players will guess it and the storyteller won’t score. If it’s too obscure, no one will guess it and again, the storyteller won’t score.
2. Other Players Choose Their Cards:
Once the storyteller has given their clue, the other players must choose a card from their hand that best matches that clue. Their strategic choice involves trying to select a card that others might mistake for the storyteller’s. If they successfully ‘trick’ other players into voting for their card, they’ll score points.
3. Voting on the Cards:
All the chosen cards are shuffled and laid out. Players (except the storyteller) then vote on which card they believe the storyteller’s is. The strategic choice here involves interpreting the clue and the imagery on the cards. Players need to consider not only the clue but also who the storyteller is and how they think.
4. Scoring:
Once everyone has voted, the scoring begins. If all players or no players find the storyteller’s card, the storyteller scores zero, and each of the other players scores 2 points. However, if at least one but not all of them have found the storyteller’s card, then the storyteller and the players who found the correct card score 3 points. Plus, each player scores 1 point for every vote that was placed on their card. The strategic choice here is in trying to anticipate how others will interpret the clue and vote.
5. Drawing New Cards:
At the end of the round, each player draws a new card to bring their hand back up to the starting number of cards. The strategic choice here involves deciding which card to play in the next round based on the new hand.
Each turn in ‘Dixit: Odyssey’ is a balance of creativity, intuition, and strategy. Every choice can significantly impact not only the current round, but also the dynamics and progression of the game as a whole.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
The game of ‘Dixit: Odyssey’ ends when either the deck of cards is used up or when a player’s marker reaches the last space of the scoring track. At this point, the game is over and it’s time to calculate the final score.
Victory Conditions:
The player with the highest number of points at the end of the game is declared the winner. If there is a tie, the player who is the furthest along the scoreboard track (meaning they reached the high score first) is the winner. If the tied players are on the same space, the victory is shared.
Actions Players Must Take Before Final Scoring:
The following steps must be taken before final scoring can begin:
- End of Round: At the end of the round in which a player reaches the last space of the scoring track or the deck of cards is exhausted, all players should finish their turns and play should stop.
- Final Card Play: If the game ends because the deck is exhausted, players should play their final card without drawing a new one. In this case, the storyteller for the final round reads the phrase associated with the card they played, and other players select a card from their hand that best matches the phrase.
- Final Vote: Players then vote on which card they believe was played by the storyteller. Points are awarded based on the votes, as in the regular rounds.
After these steps have been completed, final scoring can occur. Each player’s scoring marker is moved along the scoreboard track to reflect the points they earned in the final round. The player with the most points wins the game.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
In the game of ‘Dixit: Odyssey’, the scoring system is designed to reward players for creativity, intuition, and clever interpretation. The scoring occurs at the end of each round and it is based on the choices made by all players. Here’s how the scoring system works:
Scoring Points:
- Storyteller’s Points: The Storyteller, the player who gives a clue for a card, can potentially earn points based on how well they’ve balanced their clue. If all players or no players guess the Storyteller’s card correctly, the Storyteller scores 0 points. However, if only some players guess correctly, the Storyteller scores 3 points.
- Other Players’ Points: Players who are not the Storyteller for the round also have the opportunity to score points. If a player correctly identifies the Storyteller’s card, they receive 3 points. Furthermore, each player (excluding the Storyteller) receives 1 point for each vote that their own submitted card gets.
Tie-Breaking Rules:
In the event of a tie at the end of the game, the victory goes to the player who scored the most as the Storyteller. If there is still a tie, the player with the most points scored as a guesser wins. If a tie still persists, all tied players share the victory.
Remember, the main objective of ‘Dixit: Odyssey’ is not just to score the most points, but to enjoy the journey of creativity and interpretation that the game provides.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
Dixit: Odyssey is a story-telling based board game that is designed for 3 to 12 players. Most of the game’s rules are straightforward, but there are certain rules, exceptions, and clarifications that need to be understood for a successful game play. Here are a few of them:
1. Voting in Secret:
In Dixit: Odyssey, players are required to vote in secret. Players should not reveal their votes until everyone has cast their votes. This makes the game more challenging and fun because it prevents players from influencing each others’ decisions.
2. Scoring:
The scoring system in Dixit: Odyssey can seem complex at first, but with understanding, it becomes quite simple. If all players guess the storyteller’s card correctly, or if no one does, the storyteller scores 0, and each of the other players scores 2. In any other case, the storyteller and whoever found his/her card scores 3. Players score 1 point for each vote for their own card.
- Note: In a scenario where a player does not vote in time, their vote cannot be counted, and they will not score any points for that round.
3. Game End:
The game ends when the last card is drawn. The player with the highest score after the final round is the winner.
- Note: In case of a tie, the player who is the furthest along the game track wins. If there is still a tie, the victory is shared.
4. Special Rule for 7+ Players:
In games with 7 or more players, the rules are slightly modified. Each player only votes for one card (instead of two) and the scoring is tweaked. If at least one player, but not all players, find the storyteller’s card, the storyteller and the correct guessers get 3 points. Players get 1 point for each vote their own card receives. If all or no players find the storyteller’s card, the storyteller gets 0 points and all the other players get 2 points.
5. Using the Same Phrase:
While it is not explicitly stated in the rules, it is generally accepted that the same phrase cannot be used for more than one card during a game. This rule can be modified based on player agreement.
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
Dixit: Odyssey is a wonderfully creative and imaginative game. It requires players to think outside the box and interpret beautiful, abstract artwork. To help you on your journey, here are some advanced strategies, beginner tips, and common mistakes to avoid.
Advanced Strategies
- Be vague but not too vague: When you’re the active player, your clue should be obscure enough that not everyone can guess your card, but not so obscure that no one can. If everyone or no one guesses your card, you get zero points.
- Know your audience: Play to the other players’ knowledge and experiences. If you know a player has a particular interest or background, you can use that in your clue.
- Keep track of used clues: Try to remember the clues that have been used for each card. This can help you predict which cards other players might choose based on their clues.
Beginner Tips
- Familiarize with the cards: Before starting the game, spend some time looking through the deck of cards to get a feel for the artwork and to start thinking about possible clues.
- Start simple: If you’re new to the game, start with simple, literal clues. As you get more comfortable, you can start to make your clues more abstract and creative.
- Don’t forget to have fun: Dixit is a game about creativity and imagination. Don’t worry too much about winning or losing, just enjoy the beautiful artwork and the fun of coming up with clues.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
- Being too literal: If your clues are too literal, it will be easy for everyone to guess your card. Try to think more abstractly.
- Forgetting the scoring system: Remember, you want some, but not all, of the players to guess your card. If everyone or no one guesses your card, you won’t score any points.
- Ignoring the other players: Dixit is a social game. Pay attention to the other players, their clues, and their guesses. This can give you valuable information for future rounds.
Ways to Optimize Gameplay
- Change up the storyteller: Try alternating who is the storyteller each round. This can create a more dynamic and unpredictable game.
- Use a timer: To keep the game moving, consider using a timer for the active player to come up with their clue.
- Try different clues: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different types of clues. You can use quotes, song lyrics, personal anecdotes, or anything else that comes to mind.