

Experience the exhilaration of Downforce, a 2-6 player game combining fast-paced racing, strategic card play, and high-stakes bidding. Immerse yourself in the world of motor racing and outsmart your opponents to claim victory!


2 - 6

Medium Light

About the game

Downforce is an exciting and high-octane board game that combines strategic planning and speedy competition. It is a thrilling test of wits in a world of sleek cars, daring drivers, and unpredictable circuits.

The theme of the game is auto racing. Players find themselves in the role of both race car drivers and wealthy financiers, navigating the tense intersection of speed and strategy. The setting is a series of dynamic race tracks, each with its own set of challenges and opportunities, rendered in vibrant colors and intricate details that evoke the thrill of a live car race.

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Setup and rules summary

Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go

Downforce is a high-stakes, high-speed racing game where players bid on cars, bet on the race, and play cards to move the cars around the track. Here’s a step-by-step guide to set up the game.

1. Place the Game Board:

First, unfold the game board and place it on a flat surface, ensuring it’s accessible to all players. The game comes with multiple tracks, each offering a unique play experience. The track to be used can be decided by player vote or randomly.

2. Prepare the Cars:

Place the six racing car figures on the starting grid of the chosen track, matching the color of the car with the color of the stripes on the starting grid. The order of cars is determined by the number in the circle.

3. Shuffle the Speed Cards:

Shuffle the speed deck and deal six cards to each player. If fewer than six players are playing, deal additional cards to each player as described in the rulebook until the deck is exhausted.

4. Prepare the Player Power Cards and Bidding Boards:

Choose a set of player powers. Shuffle and deal one to each player. Players should keep their powers secret until all cars have been auctioned. Hand each player a bidding board of their color.

5. Auction the Cars:

Shuffle the six car cards and reveal them one at a time. For each car, players secretly select a speed card to bid, then reveal them simultaneously. The highest bidder takes the car card and a matching colored car, placing the used speed card on their bidding board. In case of a tie, the player who revealed the card first wins the auction. Repeat until all cars are auctioned.

6. Reveal Player Powers:

After all cars have been auctioned, players reveal their powers. These powers give players a unique ability for the rest of the game.

7. Prepare Betting Slips:

Place the pad of betting slips and a pencil within reach of all players. Each player will use these to secretly bet on which cars they think will do well during the race.

8. Start the Race:

The player who won the auction for the car in the highest position on the starting grid goes first, and play proceeds clockwise.

Game flow Round and round we go

Downforce is a high-stakes, high-speed automobile racing board game that puts players in the role of team owners, using strategy and cunning to outwit their opponents. The game is played in several distinct phases: the Auction phase, the Racing phase, and the Scoring phase.

The Auction phase is where players bid for cars and their corresponding Speed cards. Here is a breakdown of this phase:

  1. Each player is dealt a hand of Power cards.
  2. One by one, six car cards are drawn from the deck and auctioned off to the highest bidder.
  3. Players bid by playing a Power card from their hand, with the highest bid winning the car.
  4. The winning player also receives the Speed card that corresponds to their new car.

Once all cars are auctioned off, the game transitions into The Racing phase. This is the heart of the game, where the actual racing happens. Here’s what players do:

  1. Players take turns playing Speed cards, which move their own and their opponents’ cars forward on the track.
  2. The key strategy lies in playing the right card at the right time to benefit your cars more than those of your opponents.
  3. Players may also use their Power cards to gain unique, one-time advantages during the race.

Finally, the game concludes with The Scoring phase, where players’ performances are evaluated and the winner is determined:

  1. Points are scored based on the order in which cars crossed the finish line.
  2. Each player also earns money based on where their cars placed in the race. However, they must subtract the amount they spent during the Auction phase.
  3. The player with the most money at the end of the game is declared the winner.

Overall, Downforce is a thrilling game of strategy and speed, where managing your resources wisely and predicting your opponents’ moves can lead you to victory.

Players'turn One turn to rule them all

Downforce is a fast-paced and thrilling board game where players bid, race, and strategically use their powers. Each player’s turn in Downforce is full of strategic choices and actions that greatly affect the gameplay. Here is a detailed breakdown of what happens during a player’s turn:

1. Bidding Phase

In the first phase, players bid on cars and the special abilities associated with them. These special abilities can greatly influence the course of the game.

  • Bidding on Cars: Each player begins their turn by revealing the top car card from the deck. The card shows the car’s color and speed, and players bid on it using their speed cards. The player who bids the highest gets the car.
  • Choosing Special Abilities: When a player wins a bid on a car, they also receive a special ability card associated with that car. These abilities can be used during the racing phase to create advantages or disrupt other players.

2. Racing Phase

Once all cars have been won and all players have their special abilities, the racing phase begins. Players use their speed cards to move their cars around the track. Strategic use of these cards is crucial to winning the game.

  • Playing Speed Cards: On their turn, a player plays a speed card from their hand. The numbers on the card determine how far each car can move. The player can decide in which order the cars move.
  • Using Special Abilities: Players can use their special abilities during this phase. These abilities may allow a player to move extra spaces, block other players, or even affect the outcome of the race.

3. Betting Phase

Three times during the race, a betting phase occurs when a car crosses a betting line. Players secretly bet on which car they think will win the race. These bets can earn players money, which ultimately determines the winner of the game.

  • Placing Bets: Players place their bets by choosing a car card from their hand. The color of the card determines which car they are betting on. They can bet on their own car or another player’s car.
  • Scoring Bets: At the end of the race, players reveal their bets and receive money based on how well the cars they bet on did in the race. The player with the most money at the end of the game wins.

Throughout the game, players must think strategically about how to use their speed cards, when to use their special abilities, and which cars to bet on. Every decision can have a big impact on the outcome of the game.

End of the game All good games must come to an end

The game of Downforce concludes when all of the race cars have crossed the finish line. The game progression is tracked on the game board’s scoring track, with each car’s position represented by a colored marker. When all markers reach the end of the track, the game officially ends.

Upon the conclusion of the game, players need to undertake a series of actions before the final scoring:

  1. Calculate Race Winnings: Each player receives money based on the position of the cars they own. The first-place car earns $12 million, the second-place car earns $9 million, and so on, decreasing to $2 million for the sixth place.
  2. Subtract Bids: Players must subtract the total amount of money they bid during the auction phase from their race winnings. This reflects the cost of acquiring the race cars.
  3. Add Betting: Players add the money won from their successful bets during the game. Depending on when the bet was placed, the earnings range from $3 million to $9 million.

Victory Conditions:

The player with the most money after calculating the race winnings, subtracting the bids, and adding the successful betting money is declared the winner. It should be noted that the ultimate objective of Downforce is not merely to cross the finish line first, but to accumulate the highest total wealth by the end of the game. Therefore, strategic betting and judicious spending during the auction phase are crucial to winning the game.

If there is a tie for the most money at the end of the game, the player among those tied who’s car finished in the highest position wins the game.

Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?

Downforce is an exciting and strategy-driven board game centered around racing and bidding. Understanding the scoring system is crucial to mastering the game. Below, you’ll find a step-by-step breakdown of how points are awarded, along with the game’s tie-breaking rules.

Scoring in Downforce:

1. Winning the Race: The player whose car crosses the finish line first will score the highest available points. Points are awarded based on the position in which each car finishes the race.

  • 1st place: 12 million dollars (points)
  • 2nd place: 9 million dollars
  • 3rd place: 7 million dollars
  • 4th place: 5 million dollars
  • 5th place: 3 million dollars
  • 6th place: 2 million dollars

2. Position Bets: Throughout the race, players have the opportunity to place bets on which car they think will finish in the top three positions. These bets are made at three different times during the race, and the earlier you bet on a car, the more money you stand to earn if that car finishes in a top-three position.

  • First bet: 9 million dollars
  • Second bet: 6 million dollars
  • Third bet: 3 million dollars

3. Auction Bids: At the beginning of the race, players bid on the cars they want to control. The amount they bid is subtracted from their total score at the end of the game. Thus, bidding strategically can help players conserve their points.

Tie-Breaking in Downforce:

  1. If there is a tie at the end of the game, the player who won the most money from their position bets wins the game.
  2. If there is still a tie, the player who won the most money from the race (not including position bets) is the winner.
  3. If a tie still persists, the player who crossed the finish line first (among the tied players) emerges as the winner.

Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?

Downforce is a high-stakes, high-speed racing board game that has a few special rules and exceptions that players must take note of. Here are some special rules, exceptions, and clarifications:

Bidding Phase:

  1. Auctioning: During the auction phase, players bid on cars and Speed cards. If there is a tie in the bidding, the tie is broken by the player who bid that amount first.
  2. Initial Hand: Players must remember that they start the game with a hand of six speed cards. They can’t draw more cards until they’ve played all the cards in their hand.

Racing Phase:

  1. Blocked Path: If a car cannot move forward because the path is blocked by other cars, the car loses the remaining moves. However, a car can change lanes if there’s an empty adjacent space, even if it’s blocked ahead in its current lane.
  2. Forced Movement: A player must move each car the full number of spaces indicated on their card, if possible. If a car cannot move the full number of spaces due to blockage, it moves as far as it can and loses the rest of its moves.

Betting Phase:

  1. Timing: Players can bet on any car at three points during the race – after the first, second, and third car cross the first, second, and third line respectively. They do not have to bet on their own car.
  2. Winning: At the end of the race, the player with the most money wins, not necessarily the player whose car crossed the finish line first. This is a common misconception among new players.

Power Cards:

  • Use: The power on a player’s Power card can be used once per round. Players should carefully consider when to use their power as it can greatly affect the outcome of the race.
  • Exception: The “Tough” power card is an exception as it can be used multiple times in a round. Each time a player’s car would lose movement points, they can choose to apply the “Tough” power.

These special rules and exceptions add a layer of strategy and unpredictability to Downforce, making it a thrilling and engaging board game.

Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!

Advanced Strategies for ‘Downforce’

1. Positional Play: Understanding and executing positional play is crucial in ‘Downforce’. This means that you must strategically position your car in such a way that it blocks the advancement of other players. Remember, it’s not just about speed, it’s about smart moves.

2. Smart Betting: Instead of betting on your own car every time, consider the positions of other cars and the cards you have left. Sometimes, betting on an opponent’s car can be a more profitable move.

3. Power Card Utilization: Power cards can have a great impact on the game. Use them wisely and at the right time to maximize their effect.

Beginner Tips for ‘Downforce’

1. Understand the Rules: As a beginner, the first step is to understand the rules of the game. Make sure you know how the auctions, racing, and betting phases work.

2. Start Slow: Don’t rush into the game. Start slow, understand the dynamics, and gradually increase your pace.

3. Practice: Like any other game, ‘Downforce’ also requires practice. The more you play, the better you will understand the strategies and tricks.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in ‘Downforce’

  1. Overbidding during auctions: It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of auctions and overbid. But remember, every dollar counts in the end. So, bid wisely.
  2. Not utilizing power cards properly: Power cards can turn the game around. Not using them or using them at the wrong time can cost you the game.
  3. Ignoring opponents’ cars: It’s not just your car you should be worried about. Keep an eye on your opponents’ cars as well. Sometimes, blocking them can be more beneficial than advancing your own car.

Ways to Optimize Gameplay in ‘Downforce’

  • Balance your Strategy: Don’t just focus on one aspect of the game. A balanced strategy involving smart bidding, strategic racing, and timely betting is the key to winning.
  • Stay Flexible: ‘Downforce’ is unpredictable. Be ready to change your strategy according to the situation.
  • Learn from Mistakes: Every game is a learning experience. Learn from your mistakes and try not to repeat them in the next game.