Explore Earth's richness in 'Earth', a strategic tableau builder game. Create unique ecosystems, discover new synergies and enjoy the thrill of growth and expansion!
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About the game
Earth is an enthralling board game that transports players into a world of deep strategy, thrilling challenges, and immersive storytelling. This game is set on our very own planet, but in a unique way, allowing players to experience the diversity, beauty, and complexity of Earth like never before.
Theme and Setting: The game is set globally, across all seven continents, each with its own unique attributes and challenges. The map is a beautifully detailed representation of the Earth, complete with topographical features, climate zones, and iconic landmarks. Each continent has a set of unique characteristics and resources that impact gameplay, making every game session an exciting journey of discovery.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
Earth is a comprehensive board game that involves strategic decision-making and resource management. The game comes with a variety of components, each playing a crucial role in the gameplay. Here are the components and their interactions within the game:
1. Game Board: The game board is a graphical representation of the Earth, divided into various regions. It serves as the playing field for the gamers. The players move their tokens on the board to claim resources, start battles, and strategize their moves.
2. Resource Cards: These cards represent the different resources that players can gather. They include minerals, crops, and livestock, among others. Players collect these cards by landing on specific regions on the board. The resources are used to build structures, trade with other players, or gain advantage in battles.
3. Player Tokens: Each player has a set of tokens that represent their presence on the game board. The tokens are moved around the board according to the roll of the dice. The location of a player’s token can influence the resources they gather, their ability to trade, and their vulnerability to attacks.
4. Dice: The dice are used to determine the players’ moves. The number rolled on the dice dictates how many spaces a player’s token can move on the board. Dice are also used to resolve battles and other random events.
5. Structure Cards: These cards represent different structures that players can build using their resources. Structures can provide various benefits such as increased resource production, improved defense, and special abilities. Players can place their built structures on the board to enhance their strategy.
6. Event Cards: Event cards represent random incidents or situations that can affect the game play. When drawn, these cards can trigger natural disasters, beneficial discoveries, or unexpected challenges. They add an element of surprise and unpredictability to the game.
7. Battle Tokens: Battle tokens are used when players decide to engage in a battle for control over a region. The outcome of the battle is determined by dice rolls and the number of battle tokens each player has in the region.
Each component of the ‘Earth’ game enhances the strategic depth and unpredictability of the game. Understanding how each component interacts with the others is essential for players to formulate their winning strategies.
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
Welcome to ‘Earth’, the exciting board game that takes you on an adventurous journey around the globe. In this guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step setup process to ensure a successful game play.
Step 1: Board Placement
Start by unfolding the game board and placing it at the center of your playing area. The board is a map of the Earth, with different regions marked by specific colors.
Step 2: Player Roles
Earth can accommodate up to 6 players. Each player selects a token to represent them on the board. The roles in this game include:
- Traveler: This player aims to visit as many destinations as possible.
- Collector: This player focuses on gathering diverse resources from different regions.
- Conservationist: This player works towards preserving the earth’s resources and wildlife.
Players can select their roles or they can be assigned randomly by drawing from a pile of role cards.
Step 3: Initial Resources
Each player begins the game with a specific set of resources, depending on their role. Distribute the resources as follows:
- Traveler: 5 travel tickets, 3 food resources
- Collector: 2 collectible resources from each region, 2 food resources
- Conservationist: 3 conservation tokens, 4 food resources
Step 4: Random Elements
The game includes a deck of ‘Event’ cards that introduce random elements to the game. Shuffle this deck and place it face down near the board. On each player’s turn, they draw one ‘Event’ card and follow the instructions. These events may lead to unexpected challenges or rewards.
Now, with all players ready with their roles, resources and the board set, you are ready to start the game. The youngest player goes first. Enjoy your journey around the Earth!
Game flow Round and round we go
‘Earth’ is an exciting and captivating board game that takes its players through an adventure across the globe. The game is designed for 2 to 4 players, each of whom is tasked with exploring different regions, collecting resources, and overcoming challenges to emerge victorious. The game is structured into rounds, each comprising several phases where players perform specific actions.
The game begins with the Setup Phase:
- Each player selects a color and takes the corresponding pieces.
- The game board is set up with the resource cards shuffled and placed face-down in their designated spots.
- Players place their pieces in their starting locations on the board.
Following the setup, the game progresses in rounds with each round consisting of three main phases:
1. Exploration Phase:
- Movement: Players move their pieces across the board according to the roll of the dice.
- Discovery: Upon reaching a new region, players draw a resource card and add it to their collection.
2. Trading Phase:
- Negotiation: Players negotiate with each other to trade resources. Trades can involve exchanging resources or promising future actions.
- Trade Completion: Once an agreement is made, players exchange the agreed-upon resources.
3. Building Phase:
- Resource Utilization: Players use their collected resources to build structures, represented by placing new pieces on the board.
- Score Calculation: Players calculate their scores based on the number and types of structures built.
After the Building Phase, a new round begins with the Exploration Phase. The game continues in this cycle until a player reaches a predetermined score, at which point that player is declared the winner of ‘Earth’.
From exploring and discovering new regions to negotiating trades and building structures, ‘Earth’ offers a unique blend of strategy and adventure that is sure to captivate players from start to finish.
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
During a player’s turn in the board game ‘Earth’, a number of actions can be taken, each with its own strategic implications. A turn is divided into several phases, and each phase must be completed before moving on to the next. Here’s a detailed breakdown:
1. Resource Collection Phase
At the start of a player’s turn, they collect resources from the territories they control. These resources are essential for carrying out actions later in the turn.
Strategic Considerations:
Players need to balance the desire to control resource-rich territories with the need to defend their current holdings. Spreading forces too thin can leave a player vulnerable to attack.
2. Action Phase
During the action phase, players may carry out a variety of actions. These include:
- Moving Units: A player may move their units from one territory to another adjacent territory. This can be used to reinforce positions, prepare for attacks, or retreat from potential threats.
- Attacking: If a player’s units are in a territory adjacent to an opponent’s territory, they may choose to attack. Combat is resolved using dice, with the number of dice rolled dependent on the number of units involved.
- Building Structures: Players can use their resources to build structures in territories they control. Structures provide various benefits, such as additional resources or defense bonuses.
Strategic Considerations:
Moving units effectively is key to both offensive and defensive strategies. Players must consider both the current state of the board and potential future actions of their opponents.
Strategic Considerations:
Choosing when and where to attack is crucial. Players must weigh the potential gains of a successful attack against the possible losses if the attack fails.
Strategic Considerations:
Deciding where to build structures can greatly impact a player’s strategy. Structures can be used to solidify control over a territory, or to make a territory more enticing for opponents to attack.
3. End Phase
The final phase of a player’s turn is the end phase. During this phase, players can save unused resources for later turns, and draw event cards that can be used on future turns.
Strategic Considerations:
Choosing whether to save resources or spend them immediately is a key decision. Additionally, the event cards drawn can dramatically alter a player’s plans, so it’s important to incorporate them into future strategies.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
The game of ‘Earth’ concludes when any one of the following victory conditions are met:
- Exhaustion of Resources: The game ends when all of the resource cards in the deck have been drawn and used.
- Full Development: If a player successfully builds all their available buildings and settlements, the game concludes.
- Victory Points: The game may also end if a player reaches a predetermined number of victory points, usually 10, through various in-game achievements.
Before the final scoring, all players must perform the following actions:
1. Final Resource Collection:
- Each player collects resources from the territory they occupy. The amount of resources collected is based on the number rolled on the dice.
- Players can use their final resources to build roads, settlements or cities, or purchase development cards. Each of these actions can potentially increase a player’s victory points.
- Players reveal any hidden victory point cards they may have acquired during the game. These cards are added to the player’s total victory points.
2. Building and Development:
3. Card Reveal:
Once these steps are completed, the player with the highest total number of victory points is declared the winner. If there is a tie, the player with the most resource cards in their possession is the winner. If there is still a tie, the player who has the longest road is the winner.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
In the board game ‘Earth’, players earn points through a variety of methods, and the player with the most points at the end of the game is declared the winner. Here is a detailed breakdown of the scoring system:
Settlements: Players earn points for each settlement they have on the board. Each settlement is worth 1 point.
Cities: Cities are worth more than settlements. For each city a player has on the board, they earn 2 points.
Longest Road: The player who has the longest continuous road earns 2 bonus points. Only one player can hold this title at a time. If another player builds a longer road, they take this title and the bonus points.
Largest Army: Similar to the Longest Road, the player who has played the most Knight cards earns 2 bonus points for having the Largest Army. This title can also be taken by another player.
Development Cards: Some Development Cards have victory points on them. These are kept hidden from other players until the end of the game. Each Development Card victory point is worth 1 point.
In the event of a tie at the end of the game, the following tie-breaking rules apply:
- The player with the most unused resources in their hand wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player who rolled the dice most recently wins.
These rules ensure that each game of ‘Earth’ is both strategic and exciting, as players must balance building settlements and cities with earning bonus points and keeping an eye on their opponents’ progress.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
‘Earth’ is a complex board game with multiple layers of strategy. There are several special rules, exceptions, and clarifications that players need to be aware of to fully understand and enjoy the game.
Special Rules
- Resource Management: Unlike other games where resources are unlimited, in ‘Earth’, resources are finite. Players must use their resources wisely as once a resource is depleted, it cannot be regenerated.
- Climate Events: Throughout the game, random climate events can occur. These events can impact the resources available, the strength of your civilization, and more. Players need to plan for these unexpected occurrences.
- Technological Advancements: Players can invest in technological advancements. However, these advancements can have both positive and negative impacts on your civilization and the planet.
- Natural Disasters: In certain circumstances, natural disasters can occur. These can be triggered by climate events or by the actions of players. When a natural disaster occurs, it can wipe out resources, buildings, and even civilizations.
- Alien Invasion: At any point in the game, an alien invasion can occur. This is a rare event but can drastically change the course of the game. In the case of an alien invasion, all players must cooperate to fend off the invaders.
Rule Clarifications
- Resource Use: When resources are used, they are removed from the game entirely. They do not go back into the resource pool.
- Climate Events: The impact of a climate event is determined by a roll of the dice. The higher the roll, the more severe the event.
- Alien Invasion: If an alien invasion occurs, all players must immediately stop their current actions and work together to fend off the invasion. If they succeed, the game continues as normal. If they fail, the game ends immediately.
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
The board game ‘Earth’ is a strategic game that encourages players to use their resources wisely, plan ahead, and consider every move’s potential consequences. Here are some advanced strategies, beginner tips, and common mistakes to avoid to optimize your gameplay:
Advanced Strategies:
Planning Ahead: Always have a long-term strategy in mind. In the early rounds, focus on resource accumulation and building a solid foundation for future rounds.
Resource Management: Efficient use of resources can often determine the outcome of the game. Try to only use resources when necessary and avoid waste.
Adaptability: A key to winning ‘Earth’ is being able to adapt your strategy based on the current game state. Always be ready to adjust your plans based on other players’ actions.
Beginner Tips:
Understanding Rules: Make sure to fully understand the rules before playing. This includes understanding how resources are generated, how to construct buildings, and how to score points.
Start Small: Don’t rush into complex strategies. Start by focusing on simple goals like acquiring resources and building basic structures.
Observe Others: Pay attention to other players’ strategies and learn from them. This can give you new ideas and help you understand different approaches to the game.
Common Mistakes to Avoid:
Ignoring Resources: Many beginners make the mistake of not paying enough attention to their resources. Always keep track of your resource count and spend wisely.
Overlooking Opponents: It’s important to consider other players’ actions and potential plans. Failing to do so can lead to unexpected setbacks.
Playing Too Defensively: While it’s important to protect your resources and structures, playing too defensively can limit your growth opportunities. Always seek a balance between defense and expansion.
Ways to Optimize Gameplay:
Regularly review the game rules to ensure you’re making the most of your actions each turn.
Practice different strategies to find the one that suits your playstyle the best.
Communicate and negotiate with other players. Diplomacy can be a powerful tool in ‘Earth’.
Take breaks between games. This can help clear your mind and allow you to approach each game with fresh ideas and strategies.