First Class: All Aboard the Orient Express!
Immerse yourself in the early 20th century rail boom! In First Class: Unterwegs im Orient Express, build luxurious train lines, serve elite passengers, and outsmart rivals to become the ultimate railroad baron.
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About the game
Welcome to the captivating world of First Class: All Aboard the Orient Express! A board game that takes you on an incredible journey through the grandeur of the early 20th century, aboard one of the most luxurious trains in history – the Orient Express. This game masterfully combines elements of strategy, planning, and competition, enveloping players in an atmosphere of intrigue and luxury.
The setting of the game is the illustrious Orient Express, travelling from Paris to Constantinople. Players assume the roles of wealthy individuals, competing to create the most prestigious journey for their passengers. The game is filled with the romanticism of the golden age of travel, where every journey was an adventure, filled with elegance and mystery.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
First Class: All Aboard the Orient Express! is a beautifully designed board game that takes the players on an adventure across Europe. The game comes with several components, each with its specific purpose and role in the gameplay. Here’s a detailed list of the game’s components:
1. Game Boards:
- 5 Player Boards: These are the main boards where each player will be building their trains. They feature slots for car cards and a scoring track.
- 1 Scoring Board: This board is used to keep track of players’ scores throughout the game. Players move their score markers on this board as they earn points.
2. Cards:
- 180 Train Cards: These cards represent the train compartments and are divided into First Class and Second Class. Players add these to their player boards to build their trains.
- 90 Contract Cards: These cards provide players with various tasks or objectives to complete for bonus points.
- 20 Bonus Cards: Bonus cards provide additional ways for players to earn points throughout the game.
3. Tokens and Markers:
- 20 Score Markers: These markers are used on the scoring board to track each player’s points. Each player has one score marker.
- 30 Passenger Tokens: These tokens represent passengers that players can pick up and drop off at various locations on their route for extra points.
- 15 Conductor Tokens: These tokens represent the conductors that move along the train cars activating them.
- 20 Mailbag Tokens: Players can collect these tokens for additional points at the end of the game.
4. Game Trays:
These trays are used to hold the various game components, such as cards and tokens, making the setup and storage of the game easier.
5. Rulebook:
This is the guide to the game. It contains all the rules, setup instructions, and gameplay details. New players should read this carefully before starting a game.
With all these components, players can build their train, complete contracts, and try to outscore their opponents. The various cards and tokens provide many strategic options and paths to victory, making each game of ‘First Class: All Aboard the Orient Express!’ unique and exciting.
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
First Class: All Aboard the Orient Express! is a captivating board game that requires strategic thinking and careful planning. The following steps will guide you through the game setup:
Step 1: Player Roles
Each player takes on the role of a wealthy industrialist looking to make their mark on the prestigious Orient Express. The aim is to build the most luxurious and efficient train line. Each player should select a color and take the corresponding player board, scoring marker, and 20 train cars.
Step 2: Board Placement
Place the main game board in the center of the play area. Each player’s board should be placed in front of them. The main game board will hold the card displays and other shared resources.
Step 3: Initial Resources
- Each player places their scoring marker on the starting space of the scoring track on the main board.
- Each player places their train cars on the leftmost spaces of their player board’s train tracks.
- Each player receives an initial hand of 2 conductor cards and 1 passenger card.
Step 4: Random Elements
Shuffle the deck of module cards and deal 18 face-up cards to the six compartments on the main game board. These cards will form the initial card display. Players will have the opportunity to purchase these cards during their turn, adding an element of randomness and strategy to the game.
Step 5: First Player
Determine the first player by any means you choose. This player receives the first player marker and will take the first turn when gameplay begins.
Now you’re ready to start the game! Remember, the objective is to have the highest score at the end of the game, achieved by efficiently managing your trains and providing the most luxurious accommodations for your passengers.
Game flow Round and round we go
In First Class: All Aboard the Orient Express!, players are tasked with the challenge of managing and developing their own train lines. The game is comprised of three modules, two of which are chosen for each game. Each module offers unique gameplay mechanics and strategies.
The game proceeds over several rounds, each of which is composed of three phases: the Card Drafting Phase, the Scoring Phase, and the Cleanup Phase.
Card Drafting Phase:
- Selection: At the beginning of this phase, a number of card stacks equal to the number of players plus one are laid out. Each stack contains three face-up cards for players to choose from.
- Drafting: Starting with the first player and moving clockwise, each player selects one stack of cards and performs the actions depicted on the cards. Actions can include upgrading trains, expanding rail lines, or gaining special abilities.
- End of Phase: Once each player has selected a stack, the Card Drafting Phase ends.
Scoring Phase:
- Scoring: Players tally up points based on the state of their train line. The scoring criteria can vary depending on the modules chosen for the game.
- End of Phase: Once scoring is complete, the Scoring Phase ends.
Cleanup Phase:
- Reset: All cards from the previous round are discarded, and a new set of cards is laid out for the next round’s Card Drafting Phase.
- End of Phase: Once the new cards are laid out, the Cleanup Phase ends and the next round begins.
The game ends after a set number of rounds, and the player with the most points is declared the winner.
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
Each player’s turn during a game of First Class: All Aboard the Orient Express! involves the following actions:
Choosing an Action Card: The player must choose one of the available action cards from the center of the table. The chosen card determines the player’s action for the turn.
Upgrade Cards: These allow the player to upgrade their train, improving its capacity and functionality. Upgrades can have a significant impact on the player’s scoring opportunities.
Passenger Cards: These allow the player to add more passengers to their train. More passengers mean more points at the end of the game.
Route Cards: These enable the player to extend their train’s route, potentially allowing for more passengers and upgrades.
Conductor Cards: These move the player’s conductor further along the train, activating more carriage cards for scoring.
Performing the Action: After choosing an action card, the player performs the action indicated on the card. This could involve adding a new passenger, upgrading their train, expanding their route, or moving their conductor.
Scoring: Once the action has been performed, the player may score points depending on their current train configuration. Points are scored based on the number of passengers, the length of the route, and the position of the conductor.
Refilling the Action Card Display: At the end of the player’s turn, the action card they chose is replaced with a new one from the deck, ensuring there are always a variety of actions available.
Players must think strategically about which action cards to choose and when to perform certain actions. The timing of upgrading their train, adding passengers, extending their route, and moving their conductor can greatly affect their scoring opportunities. By making smart decisions and optimizing their actions, players can maximize their points and increase their chances of winning the game.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
The game of ‘First Class: All Aboard the Orient Express!’ concludes after the completion of the fifth round. At this point, the final scoring takes place. During the game, players accumulate points through various actions, but there are additional points that can be claimed at the end of the game.
End-of-Game Scoring:
The following details summarize the end-of-game scoring and how each category contributes to a player’s final score.
Completed Routes: Each player calculates the points for their completed routes. The points for each route are indicated on the route itself.
Goal Cards: Players score points for each of their accomplished goal cards. Unaccomplished goal cards yield no points.
Conductor Movement: Players earn points depending on how far their conductor has moved along their train. The points for each car are indicated on the car itself.
Character Cards: If a player has character cards, they add the points from those cards to their score. The points for each card are indicated on the card itself.
Winner Declaration:
After all players have calculated their final scores, the player with the highest total score is declared the winner. In the case of a tie, the player who has the most leftover coins wins. If there is still a tie, the player who performed the last action of the game is the winner.
Before final scoring, players must ensure that they have accounted for all their points accumulated during the game and have moved their scoring marker accordingly on the scoring track. This includes points earned from building train cars, fulfilling goal cards, and moving their conductor along their train.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
‘First Class: All Aboard the Orient Express!’ is a board game where players aim to score the most points by constructing and upgrading their train, completing routes, and hiring helpful personnel. The game end is triggered when any player completes their second train, and the final scoring round is conducted.
Scoring System:
Points are awarded in the following ways:
- Train Cars: Players will score points for each of their train cars on their train line. The points each car is worth is indicated on the car itself. A fully upgraded car can score up to 20 points.
- Conducted Train: Each conducted train route will score the points indicated on the last car that the conductor has reached. If the conductor has not moved, no points are scored for that train.
- Completions: Completing a route card will score the points indicated on the route card.
- Personnel: Some personnel cards will score points at the end of the game. The points vary depending on the specific personnel card.
- Bonus Cards: If a player has met the conditions on a Bonus card, they will score the points indicated on the card.
- Mail Contracts: Mail contracts will score points based on the number of stamps collected throughout the game.
Tie-breaking Rules:
In the event of a tie, the following rules are applied in order:
- The player who has conducted their train the furthest wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player with the most completed routes wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player with the most leftover money wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player who has the most personnel cards wins.
- If there is still a tie after all these conditions, the victory is shared.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
First Class: All Aboard the Orient Express! is a card-based board game where players try to outscore each other by expanding their rail networks, upgrading their trains, and getting passengers to their destinations. There are a few special rules and exceptions that players should be aware of:
End of Game Scoring: At the end of the game, players add up the victory points they’ve earned during the game. However, it’s important to note that any incomplete route will score negatively. In addition, players should remember that they can earn bonus points for completing certain objectives, as indicated by the bonus cards.
- Train Cards: There are specific rules about train cards. For instance, you cannot use a train car card to replace a locomotive on a route. In addition, when a player selects a train card from the display, they do not replace it until they have completed their turn.
- Conductor Movement: The conductor can only move forward, never backwards. Furthermore, the conductor can only move onto a car that has been completely upgraded.
- Bonus Actions: There are certain actions that allow players to perform bonus actions. Players can take these actions in any order they choose, but they must complete one action before starting the next.
- Zero Points: If a player ever reaches zero points during the game, they do not go negative. Instead, they stay at zero and must work their way back up.
- Player Turn Order: In a round, players take turns in order of their position on the scoring track, from highest to lowest. If players are tied on the scoring track, the player who was ahead in the previous round goes first.
- Contract Cards: Contract cards provide players with specific objectives that they can complete for bonus points. However, if a player does not fulfill a contract by the end of the game, it counts as negative points instead.
These are just a few of the special rules and exceptions in First Class: All Aboard the Orient Express! Understanding these rules can make the difference between winning and losing, so be sure to study them carefully.