Foundations of Rome
Immerse yourself in Foundations of Rome, a strategic city-building board game where you compete to build Rome's grandest structures. With easy setup and rules, it's a glorious journey to the past!
2 - 4
Medium Light

About the game
Welcome to the grandeur and glory of Foundations of Rome, an enthralling board game that transports you back in time to the birth of the Eternal City. As a mastermind architect and city planner, your quest is to construct a legendary city that will be remembered throughout the ages. Be prepared to step into a world of strategic building, credit management, and competitive bidding, where every decision could either elevate you to the pinnacle of success or plunge you into the depths of defeat.
Foundations of Rome, set in the heart of ancient Italy, offers a tantalizing blend of history and strategy. Feel the pulse of the thriving city as you manage resources, acquire plots of land, and construct magnificent buildings. The city grid forms the heart of the game, where players decide what to build – from bustling markets and lavish villas to imposing temples and grand coliseums.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
Foundations of Rome is an engaging board game that includes several components, each contributing to the overall gameplay and strategy. Here is a detailed list and description of each component:
1. Game Board: This is the main playing area, a map of ancient Rome. It is segmented into various plots where players can build their structures. The game board also includes designated spaces for the market and available building cards.
2. Player Boards: Each player gets a board that helps track their resources and buildings. This board also includes a space for storing coins and civic points, which are used to determine the victor at the end of the game.
3. Coins: Coins are the main currency used in the game. They are used to purchase lot cards from the market, and can also be used to purchase building cards or pay other players.
4. Civic Points: These points are earned by constructing buildings and completing objectives. At the end of the game, the player with the most civic points wins.
5. Lot Cards: These cards represent the various plots available for purchase on the game board. Each Lot card shows a specific location in Rome where a player can build.
6. Building Cards: These cards represent the various types of buildings that players can construct on their lots. Each building card outlines the cost, civic points, and special abilities or bonuses associated with the building.
7. Building Miniatures: These pieces are 3D representations of the buildings that players can construct. They help visualize the city’s development and are placed on the game board once a building is constructed.
8. Objective Cards: These cards provide players with specific goals to achieve during the game. Completing an objective card grants a player additional civic points.
9. Player Tokens: Each player has a set of tokens in their color. These tokens are used to mark the ownership of lots and buildings on the game board.
10. Dice: The dice are used to determine the number of actions a player can take during their turn.
Each of these components interacts with the game in a unique way, creating a dynamic and strategic gameplay experience. Players must manage their resources, strategically choose their building and lot cards, and plan their city development to maximize civic points and achieve their objectives.
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
Foundations of Rome is a fascinating board game that requires strategic planning and careful resource management. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up the game.
Step 1: Player Roles
In Foundations of Rome, each player assumes the role of an architect. The objective is to construct an assortment of buildings—Residential, Commercial, and Civic—to garner the most Glory Points by the end of the game. The player with the most Glory Points wins.
Step 2: Board Placement
Lay the game board in the center of the play area, ensuring all players can access it comfortably. The board represents a grid of the city Rome which is divided into lots. Each lot will serve as a place where you can construct your buildings.
Step 3: Initial Resources
Each player begins with a set number of coins depending on the number of players:
- 2 players: 12 coins each
- 3 players: 10 coins each
- 4 players: 8 coins each
In addition to coins, each player also receives a set of Building cards and a Player Aid card.
Step 4: Prepare Building Tiles
Sort the Building tiles by type and place them next to the game board. Each player should have access to these tiles during the game.
Step 5: Setting Up the Market
Shuffle the Lot cards and place three of them face up next to the game board. These cards represent the available lots in the city of Rome that players can purchase during their turns. The remaining Lot cards form the draw pile.
Step 6: Determining the First Player
Randomly determine the first player. This player will take the first turn, and play will continue clockwise around the table.
Step 7: Random Elements
While the general setup of Foundations of Rome is consistent, the randomness of the Lot cards drawn into the market introduces a variable element into each game. This means that each game will offer a unique strategic challenge.
Now, you’re all ready to construct the foundations of Rome and lead your city to glory!
Game flow Round and round we go
Foundations of Rome is a strategic board game where players take on the roles of influential architects. The game is divided into three main phases: the Acquisition Phase, the Construction Phase, and the Scoring Phase. These phases are repeated in several rounds until the game ends.
The Acquisition Phase:
- Players draw lot cards from the deck. These lot cards represent plots of land in the city.
- These cards are then auctioned off one by one. The player who bids the highest amount of denarii (the game’s currency) wins the card and places a marker on the corresponding space on the game board.
- If a player passes, they cannot bid on that lot in the current phase.
- Players can also purchase civic building cards during this phase.
The Construction Phase:
- Players can now build on any lots they own. To do this, they must have the appropriate building card and pay the necessary cost in denarii.
- Buildings come in different sizes and shapes, and must fit within the lot without overlapping other buildings or extending beyond the lot boundaries.
- Buildings can be civic buildings, residential buildings, or commercial buildings, and each has different benefits.
- Players can also demolish existing buildings to construct new ones, but a demolition cost may apply.
The Scoring Phase:
- Once all players have finished their turns, the scoring phase begins.
- Players earn points based on the buildings they have constructed. Civic buildings score based on their location, residential buildings score based on their size and the number of civic buildings nearby, and commercial buildings score based on how many other commercial buildings they are connected to.
- The player with the most points at the end of the scoring phase is the winner of the round.
These phases are repeated until all the lot cards are drawn or all the spaces on the game board are filled with buildings. The player with the most points at the end of the final round is declared the winner of the game.
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
During a player’s turn in the board game ‘Foundations of Rome’, they have the opportunity to perform one of three possible actions: purchase a new lot, construct a building, or gain income. The choice a player makes affects not only their immediate gameplay but also their strategic planning for future turns.
Purchasing a New Lot:
- A player may choose to purchase a new lot on the game board. This action requires the player to pay the cost shown on the lot card and put one of their control markers on it. This action is strategic because it allows players to expand their control on the board, setting them up for potential construction in future turns.
Constructing a Building:
- Another option a player has is to construct a building. To do this, they must already control a lot where the building will be built. The type of building a player chooses to construct can have different impacts on their gameplay. For example:
- Residential Buildings increase a player’s population, which can result in additional income during income phases.
- Commercial Buildings provide direct income each turn, providing a player with a steady increase of wealth.
- Civic Buildings offer a variety of effects, including bonuses based on the types of buildings in the surrounding area, making them a highly strategic choice.
Gaining Income:
- The final action a player can take is to gain income. The amount of income a player receives is calculated based on their current population and the income values on their buildings. Choosing this action is a strategic move for players looking to increase their resources for future lot purchases and building constructions.
In ‘Foundations of Rome’, a player’s turn is a balance of strategic planning and tactical decision-making. Whether they’re expanding their control of the board, building up their city, or boosting their income, each turn brings new opportunities for players to advance their position in the game.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
In Foundations of Rome, the game ends when the last building from the common pool is placed onto the game board. This signals the commencement of the final scoring. No additional moves can be made after the final building is placed, so players must plan their strategies accordingly to optimize their points.
Victory Conditions:
The player with the highest total number of victory points at the end of the game is declared the winner. Victory points are accumulated through the following means:
- Building Structures: Each building a player owns on the game board contributes to their victory points. Different buildings offer different numbers of points.
- Controlling Districts: If a player owns all the buildings in a district, they gain bonus points. The size of the district determines the number of bonus points.
- Public Buildings: Public buildings such as Forums, Temples, and Baths offer additional victory points. The player with the most public buildings of each type scores the number of victory points equal to the total number of that type of building on the game board.
Actions Before Final Scoring:
Before final scoring, players need to ensure they have completed the following actions:
- Placing All Acquired Buildings: All buildings acquired by the players should be placed on the game board. Unplaced buildings do not contribute to the final score.
- Calculating Individual Building Scores: Players should calculate the victory points for each of their buildings on the game board.
- Claiming District Bonuses: Players should identify and claim any district bonuses for districts they control.
- Claiming Public Building Bonuses: Players should identify and claim any bonuses for public buildings they own.
Once these actions have been completed, players can tally their total victory points to determine the winner of the game.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
Foundations of Rome is a board game which allows players to gain points through strategic building placements. The scoring system is multi-faceted, with points awarded in various ways.
1. Building Points:
- Residential Buildings: Each residential building gives you 1 point per building.
- Commercial Buildings: These provide 2 points each.
- Civic Buildings: Each civic building earns you 3 points.
2. Lot Points:
- Single Lot: A single lot gives you 1 point.
- Double Lot: A double lot earns you 3 points.
- Triple Lot: A triple lot provides 6 points.
3. Special Building Points:
- Fountains: Each fountain earns you as many points as the number of your own buildings around it.
- Temples: Each temple provides points equal to twice the number of your own buildings in the same row and column.
4. End Game Points:
- At the end of the game, you earn additional points for having the most buildings of each type. The player with the most residential buildings earns 5 bonus points, the player with the most commercial buildings earns 7 bonus points, and the player with the most civic buildings earns 9 bonus points.
Tie-Breaking Rules:
In the event of a tie, the following rules apply:
- The player with the most total buildings on the board wins.
- If there’s still a tie, the player with the most lot cards in hand wins.
- If a tie persists, the player who went earlier in the turn order wins.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
Foundations of Rome is an intricate board game that requires a firm grasp of its rules, exceptions and clarifications.
1. Site Ownership: One often misconstrued rule in Foundations of Rome is the concept of site ownership. If a player purchases a site, they maintain ownership even if they construct a building. This is important because it allows players to upgrade buildings on their sites without needing to repurchase the land.
2. Building Construction: It’s important to note that constructing buildings requires the player to pay the cost in resources indicated on the building card, but does not require any additional cost for the site where the building is placed.
- Building Limitations: Players cannot build more than one building on a site, and once a building is constructed, it cannot be moved to another site. However, players can replace a building with another one of higher value if they pay the difference in resources.
- Building Upgrades: To upgrade a building, a player must pay the difference in resource cost between the old and new building. When upgrading, the new building must occupy the exact same number of spaces as the previous building.
3. Majority Control: Another key rule pertains to majority control. The player who controls the most buildings adjacent to a public building earns the points. If there is a tie, the points are split equally among the tied players. It’s important to note that the control is determined by the number of buildings, not the number of sites.
4. End-Game Scoring: At the end of the game, players score points for their buildings based on their value and location. However, players do not receive points for unused resources or unconstructed buildings. This encourages players to use their resources wisely and construct as many buildings as possible.
5. Special Buildings: Some buildings have special rules associated with them. For example, the Aqueduct allows a player to construct it over another player’s site, but the original site owner still retains ownership. The Colosseum, on the other hand, scores points based on the number of surrounding structures, regardless of who owns them.
6. God Cards: Another rule clarification involves the use of God cards. These cards provide special abilities, but they must be used at the start of the player’s turn and cannot be used the turn they are acquired.
By understanding these special rules and exceptions, players can develop strategic plans and make the most of their turns in Foundations of Rome.
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
Advanced Strategies in ‘Foundations of Rome’
- Master Your Money: Money is your core resource and managing it effectively is crucial. Make sure to keep a balance between spending on new lots and saving for buildings. Auctions can be a great way to acquire lots, but be mindful of overbidding.
- Plan Ahead: Plan your city layout in advance. Keep in mind the placement of your buildings in relation to civic buildings, as these can provide bonus points.
- Optimize Your Civic Buildings: Civic buildings can score you a lot of points. Make sure to place them strategically where they can influence the most lots.
Beginner Tips for ‘Foundations of Rome’
- Bid Wisely: As a beginner, it’s tempting to win every auction. However, it’s important to bid wisely and only on lots that complement your strategy. Remember, every coin counts.
- Learn The Buildings: Take time to understand what each building does and how it can contribute to your strategy. This knowledge will help guide your decisions during the game.
- Focus on Scoring: Always keep an eye on potential scoring opportunities. This includes placing buildings strategically and considering the end-game scoring.
Common Mistakes to Avoid in ‘Foundations of Rome’
- Ignoring Civic Buildings: Civic buildings are a major source of points. Ignoring them can lead to a significant loss in scoring potential.
- Overbidding in Auctions: It’s easy to get caught up in the heat of an auction. However, overbidding can drain your resources and leave you with little to spend on buildings.
- Not Planning Ahead: Failing to plan your city layout can result in inefficient building placement and missed scoring opportunities.
Optimizing Gameplay in ‘Foundations of Rome’
- Adapting to Your Opponents: Keep an eye on your opponents’ strategies and adapt accordingly. This can give you an edge in auctions and building placement.
- Exploiting Building Synergies: Some buildings work well together. Discovering and exploiting these synergies can greatly enhance your score.
- Timing Your Moves: Sometimes, the timing of your moves can be as important as the moves themselves. For example, choosing the right moment to place a civic building can maximize its influence.