Frosthaven is an epic standalone adventure board game. Face harsh elements, mysterious threats, and craft your path to survival!
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About the game
Frosthaven is a riveting board game that will immerse you in a complex, intriguing world filled with adventure, strategy, and suspense. As a standalone adventure from the designer and publisher of the acclaimed game Gloomhaven, Frosthaven offers a compelling new storyline and a unique twist to the gameplay mechanics that will captivate both new and experienced players.
The game unfolds in the harsh, unforgiving landscapes of the frozen north. You and your team of mercenaries have been drawn to the desolate settlement of Frosthaven, a beacon of civilization in the icy wilderness. Your task is to protect this struggling outpost from the hostile forces that threaten its survival. As you navigate through the snow-covered terrain, you will encounter a vast array of characters, each with their own unique abilities and personalities. The decisions you make will shape the fate of Frosthaven and its inhabitants.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
Frosthaven is a complex and exciting board game with many components. Each of these components plays an integral role in the game, helping to create a rich and immersive gaming experience.
1. Scenario Book: The Scenario Book contains the details of each game scenario, including the story, objectives, and layout of the map. Players use the book to guide their gameplay and to find out what they need to do to win the game.
2. Town Records Book: The Town Records Book is where the players keep track of their progress in developing the town of Frosthaven. It provides a narrative element to the game, as the decisions players make in the game can affect the development of the town.
3. Character Boxes: Each Character Box contains a unique character with a specific set of abilities. Players choose a character at the beginning of the game, and they use the abilities of that character to interact with the game world and complete objectives.
4. Character Mats: The Character Mats provide a place for players to keep track of their character’s health, experience, and abilities. They are essential for keeping the game organized and ensuring that players can easily keep track of their character’s progress.
5. Character Ability Cards: The Character Ability Cards represent the unique abilities of each character. Players use these cards during the game to perform actions, attack enemies, and interact with the game world.
6. Monster Stat Sheets: The Monster Stat Sheets provide information about the various monsters that players will encounter in the game. They include details about the monster’s health, abilities, and attack strength.
7. Monster Ability Cards: The Monster Ability Cards represent the actions that monsters can take during the game. These cards are drawn at random each round, adding an element of unpredictability to the game.
8. Map Tiles: The Map Tiles are used to construct the game board. Each tile represents a different type of terrain, and they can be arranged in various ways to create unique game scenarios.
9. Event Cards: The Event Cards represent random events that can occur during the game. These can include beneficial events, such as finding a hidden treasure, or detrimental events, like an unexpected monster attack.
10. Item Cards: The Item Cards represent various items that players can find or purchase during the game. These items can provide beneficial effects, such as increasing a character’s attack strength or healing wounds.
11. Tokens: The game includes various types of Tokens that are used to track different elements of the game, such as character health, monster health, and status effects.
12. Dice: The Dice are used to determine the outcomes of certain actions, adding an element of chance to the game.
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
‘Frosthaven’ is a complex and engaging board game that unfolds in a world of mystery and adventure. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to set up the game, detailing player roles, board placement, initial resources, and random elements.
Player Roles:
Each player chooses a character to play throughout the game. The characters have unique abilities and traits that can greatly influence the gameplay. To set up player roles:
- Each player selects one of the six available characters: Demolitionist, Necromancer, Banner Spear, Drifter, Blink Blade, and Deathwalker.
- Each player takes the corresponding character mat, ability cards, and character tokens.
- Players place their HP (Health Point) and XP (Experience Point) tokens on the starting spaces of their character mat.
Board Placement:
Setting up the game board correctly is crucial to ensure a smooth gameplay experience. Here’s how to do it:
- Place the main board in the center of the play area.
- Set the resource cards and money tokens near the board for easy access.
- Place the monster cards and monster standees on the designated spaces on the board.
- Arrange the scenario books and event decks near the game board.
Initial Resources:
Each player starts the game with a certain amount of resources. Here’s how to distribute them:
- Each player receives 30 gold, which is used to purchase gear and equipment throughout the game.
- Players also receive a number of ability cards corresponding to their character level. At level 1, each player should have a hand of 6 to 11 ability cards, depending on their chosen character.
Random Elements:
Frosthaven also includes several random elements that add unpredictability and excitement to the game. These include:
- The Event decks: At the beginning of each round, draw an event card and resolve its effects. These random events can have various impacts on the game, from beneficial to detrimental.
- Monster actions: Each round, draw a card for each monster type on the board to determine their actions for that round.
- Scenario layouts: Each scenario in the scenario book has a unique layout and set of objectives.
After completing these steps, you’re ready to begin your adventure in Frosthaven. Remember, the key to success is cooperation and strategy. Happy gaming!
Game flow Round and round we go
Frosthaven is a complex and intriguing cooperative board game that requires strategic teamwork and planning. The game follows a series of phases within each round which are repeated until the game ends. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how rounds or phases are structured and the actions players perform at each stage:
1. Start of the Round: This phase marks the beginning of a new round. It does not involve any specific actions from the players but serves to signify the start of a new cycle in the gameplay.
2. Card Selection: In this phase, each player selects two cards from their hand. The number on the top left corner of the first card will be the player’s initiative for the round. Players decide the order in which they will play based on their card’s initiative.
- Planning: Players discuss and plan their strategy for the round.
- Selection: Each player privately selects two cards from their hand.
- Reveal: All players simultaneously reveal their selected cards.
3. Action Phase: During this phase, players take turns to perform actions based on their selected cards. Each card has two actions: top and bottom. Players can perform one top action and one bottom action on their turn, in any order.
- Player Actions: A player can move, attack, heal, or perform special actions based on their cards.
- Monster Actions: Monsters also perform actions based on their ability cards.
4. Cleanup Phase: This is the final phase of the round. Players perform necessary housekeeping tasks to prepare for the next round.
- Discard: Players place their played cards into their discard pile.
- Reshuffle: If a player or a monster deck has a reshuffle symbol, the deck is shuffled.
- Reset: Players reset any spent items or tokens.
The game continues with these phases in a loop until one of the end conditions is met – either the players achieve their objective or all players become exhausted.
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
Frosthaven is a cooperative, strategy board game where each player takes turns playing a character in an epic narrative. During a player’s turn, they have several possible actions to take and strategic choices to make. Here’s a breakdown of these choices and how they affect gameplay:
1. Playing a Card from Your Hand:
Each card has a top action and a bottom action. You can choose to perform either the top action of one card and the bottom action of the other card, or vice versa. The order in which you play the cards does not matter.
The actions you choose can range from attacks, to moving, to healing, to providing support for your allies. These choices will largely depend on the current situation on the board and the strategy your team is following.
2. Resting:
Resting is an important action that allows you to recover discarded cards. There are two types of rests: short rest and long rest. A short rest allows you to recover cards at the end of a round but forces you to lose a random card. A long rest, on the other hand, allows you to choose the card you lose but consumes your entire turn.
Resting not only replenishes your hand but also recovers health and refreshes spent items. Strategic resting can therefore extend your character’s longevity in the game.
3. Moving on the Map:
Movement is a crucial part of Frosthaven. Your character’s position on the map can affect the range of your attacks, the enemies you can engage, and your accessibility to loot.
Each character has a base movement value that can be increased through the use of cards or items. Strategic movement is key in navigating the board effectively and accomplishing your objectives.
4. Attacking Enemies:
Attacking is your main means of dealing with enemies in Frosthaven. Each attack has a base damage value that can be modified by abilities, items, and the draw of a modifier card.
Strategic choices in attacking involve deciding which enemies to target, balancing risk and reward in attacking powerful enemies, and coordinating attacks with your allies to maximize damage.
5. Using Items:
Items provide a variety of effects, such as increasing your attack power, defending against attacks, healing, and more. Items can be used at any time during your turn, but most items are spent after use and need to be refreshed through resting.
Choosing when to use your items is an important strategic decision that can turn the tide of a battle in your favor.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
Frosthaven is a complex and strategic board game that ends when certain conditions are met. The game features various scenarios, each having its own specific victory conditions. However, as a general rule, the game ends when all the players have either met the victory conditions or failed to do so, resulting in a loss.
Victory Conditions:
- The game of Frosthaven typically ends when all players have successfully completed the objectives of a scenario. These objectives can range from killing a specific enemy, protecting a certain unit, or surviving for a set number of rounds.
- Additionally, the game may also end in victory if players are able to successfully manage their resources and defend the town of Frosthaven throughout a series of harsh winters.
- In the campaign mode, the game ends when players have successfully completed the final scenario, effectively completing the storyline.
Actions Before Final Scoring:
- Before final scoring, players must ensure they have completed all their objectives for the ongoing scenario.
- Players must also manage their resources effectively, ensuring that the town of Frosthaven has enough supplies to survive the winter. This involves careful planning and strategic gameplay.
- Lastly, players must ensure that their character is alive at the end of the scenario. A player’s character dying does not necessarily mean the end of the game, but it can make achieving the victory conditions more difficult.
Once these conditions are met, players can proceed to final scoring. Points are awarded based on the number of scenarios completed, the condition of the town of Frosthaven, and individual player achievements. The player with the most points at the end of the game is declared the winner.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
In Frosthaven, scoring is a crucial part of determining the success of players throughout the game. Points are awarded through a variety of actions and achievements, which are then tallied up at the end to reveal the winner.
Point Allocation
Points in Frosthaven are typically awarded as follows:
- Combat: Players receive points for defeating enemies. The number of points awarded depends on the enemy’s level and strength.
- Exploration: Players earn points by discovering new rooms, secrets, or areas on the game map.
- Quest Completion: Completing a scenario or quest rewards the players with a significant number of points.
- Building: Players can also earn points by constructing buildings in Frosthaven, contributing to the development and prosperity of the town.
- Puzzle Solving: Some scenarios involve puzzles, and successfully solving these awards additional points.
Tie-Breaking Rules
In the event that two or more players have the same number of points at the end of the game, the tie-breaking rules are implemented:
- The player who has the most completed quests is the winner.
- If there’s still a tie, then the player with the most built buildings wins.
- If a tie persists, the player with the most leftover resources (gold, wood, etc.) wins.
- In the unlikely event of a tie still remaining, the winner is decided by a dice roll.
Scoring in Frosthaven is designed to reward a mix of combat, exploration, strategy, and resource management. The tie-breaking rules ensure that every aspect of play contributes to the final outcome.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
Frosthaven is a complex board game with numerous rules, exceptions, and potential misunderstandings. Here are some of the special rules and clarifications you might need to be aware of:
1. Retirement and unlocking characters:
- Unlike in Gloomhaven, retiring a character in Frosthaven doesn’t automatically unlock a new character. Instead, new characters are unlocked by completing specific scenarios.
- The perks that a character earns upon retirement are not transferred to the new character. Each new character starts from scratch, with no perks, regardless of the level at which the previous character retired.
2. Building and Crafting:
- Building structures is a new addition in Frosthaven. You build structures by spending resources, which are earned through scenarios and events. Each structure provides a specific benefit to the town.
- Crafting is another new feature in Frosthaven. Players can spend resources to craft items, which can then be added to the town’s available supply.
3. New Conditions and Elements:
- Frosthaven introduces new conditions and elements. Be sure to familiarize yourself with these new rules and how they interact with existing conditions and elements from Gloomhaven.
4. Scenario Level:
- The scenario level in Frosthaven is determined differently than in Gloomhaven. Instead of averaging the levels of all characters and dividing by 2, you divide the average level by 2 and round up.
- Monsters in Frosthaven have different stats at each scenario level. Be sure to use the correct stats for the scenario level you’re playing at.
5. Monster Focus and Movement:
- Monsters in Frosthaven determine their focus in the same way as in Gloomhaven. However, there are some additional clarifications in the rules about how monsters move towards their focus.
- If a monster has multiple equally viable focuses, it focuses on the one with the lowest initiative. If there’s still a tie, the players decide.
6. Loot and Treasure:
- Any loot not picked up during the scenario is not collected at the end. This is a common misunderstanding from Gloomhaven. In Frosthaven, you must pick up the loot during the scenario to collect it.
- Treasure tiles are a one-time benefit. Once a treasure tile has been looted, it’s not available in future playthroughs of the same scenario.
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
Frosthaven is a complex and engaging board game that requires a deep understanding of its mechanics and strategies. Here are some advanced strategies, beginner tips, common mistakes to avoid, and ways to optimize gameplay.
Advanced Strategies:
- Plan Ahead: Frosthaven is a game that rewards strategic planning. Try to anticipate your opponent’s moves and plan your own accordingly. This could involve saving certain cards for later rounds, or strategically positioning your characters on the board.
- Use the Environment: The game board is full of obstacles and items that can be used to your advantage. For example, you could use walls and barriers to corner your opponents, or use items to enhance your own abilities.
- Coordinate with Teammates: Frosthaven is a cooperative game, so make sure to coordinate with your teammates. This could involve planning your moves together, or sharing resources and information.
Beginner Tips:
- Understand the Rules: Before playing Frosthaven, make sure you understand the rules. This includes knowing how to set up the game, how to play each character, and how to win.
- Start Small: Start with the simpler scenarios before tackling the more complex ones. This will allow you to gradually learn the game’s mechanics and strategies.
- Don’t Be Afraid to Lose: Frosthaven is a challenging game, and it’s okay to lose. Each loss is an opportunity to learn and improve.
Common Mistakes to Avoid:
- Ignoring the Scenario Objectives: Each scenario in Frosthaven has specific objectives that must be completed to win. Ignoring these objectives can lead to a loss, even if you’re doing well in other areas of the game.
- Wasting Resources: Resources in Frosthaven are limited, so try to use them efficiently. This includes not wasting cards, not overusing items, and not wasting your character’s abilities.
- Not Working Together: As mentioned earlier, Frosthaven is a cooperative game. Not working together with your teammates can result in a loss, even if you’re individually doing well.
Ways to Optimize Gameplay:
- Use the Right Characters: Each character in Frosthaven has unique abilities. Use the right characters for each scenario to maximize your chances of winning.
- Manage Your Cards Well: Your cards are your main resource in Frosthaven. Manage them well by not wasting them and by using them at the right time.
- Learn from Each Game: Each game of Frosthaven is a learning experience. Learn from your mistakes and successes, and apply what you’ve learned to future games.