Hegemony: Lead Your Class to Victory
"Experience Hegemony, an asymmetric politico-economic board game. Choose your class, navigate complex policies, and use strategy to achieve victory. Engage with real-world principles in an immersive gameplay.
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About the game
Hegemony: Lead Your Class to Victory is a highly strategic board game that draws you into the dynamic world of social classes, power struggles, and political intrigue. This game is set against a backdrop of a divided society where players take on the role of leaders of different social classes, striving to gain supremacy over society.
The core mechanics of Hegemony revolve around resource management, strategy development, and diplomatic negotiation. As a player, you are given control over a certain class – the Aristocrats, Bourgeoisie, or Proletariat – each with their own unique abilities and resources. The aim is to lead your class to victory by gaining the most power before the game ends.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
Hegemony: Lead Your Class to Victory is a board game that combines strategy, negotiation, and diplomacy. The game components form an integral part of the gameplay.
The game includes the following components:
- 1 Game Board: This is the main playing area where players move their tokens, build structures, and form alliances. The game board is divided into provinces, each with its own resources and strategic advantages.
- 4 Class Boards: These boards represent the four classes in the game – Nobility, Clergy, Bourgeoisie, and Proletariat. Each board has a unique set of actions and abilities, allowing players to develop their own strategies.
- 4 Class Tokens: These tokens represent the players in the game. They are moved around the game board to claim provinces, engage in battles, and perform other actions.
- Resource Tokens: These include tokens for Gold, Faith, Culture, and Resistance. Players collect and spend these resources to perform actions, build structures, and influence other players.
- Structure Tokens: These tokens represent buildings and other structures that players can build in their provinces. Structures provide various benefits, such as additional resources or military strength.
- Action Cards: These cards provide players with additional options during their turn. They can be used for a variety of actions, such as gaining extra resources, influencing other players, or disrupting opponents’ plans.
- Event Cards: These cards introduce random events into the game, adding an element of unpredictability. Events can have positive or negative effects, and can impact all players or just one.
The game begins with each player choosing a class and taking the corresponding class board and token. The game board is set up with the resource tokens and structure tokens placed in their respective provinces. The action cards and event cards are shuffled and placed in separate decks next to the game board.
During their turn, players can move their class token, perform actions from their class board, build structures, or use action cards. The goal of the game is to gain the most points, which are earned by controlling provinces, building structures, and achieving class-specific objectives. The game ends after a set number of rounds, and the player with the most points is declared the winner.
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
Hegemony: Lead Your Class to Victory is a strategic board game that requires careful planning, resource allocation and strategic maneuvering. This guide will walk you through the steps for setting up the game.
Step 1: Determine player roles
- Randomly assign each player a Class Card. There are four classes in total: Nobility, Clergy, Bourgeoisie, and Proletariat. Each class has unique abilities and starting resources detailed on the class card.
- Provide each player with a corresponding Class Board. This will serve as their base of operations for the game, where they manage their resources and plan their strategies.
Step 2: Board placement
- Place the Main Board in the center of the table. The main board represents the kingdom and contains spaces for the various actions players can take on their turn.
- Arrange Class Boards around the Main Board. Position them so each player has easy access to the main board.
Step 3: Initial resources
- Distribute starting resources based on the Class Card. Each class starts with a different amount of Gold, Influence, and Power.
- Place the resources on the corresponding spaces of your Class Board. This will help you keep track of your resources throughout the game.
Step 4: Set up the random elements
- Shuffle the Event deck and place it face down on the designated space of the Main Board. These cards introduce random events that can shake up the game.
- Draw the top five cards from the Event deck and place them face up next to the deck. These represent the upcoming events that players can prepare for.
- Shuffle the Market deck and reveal the top three cards. The Market is where players can purchase additional resources and power-ups to enhance their class’s abilities.
With the game set up and ready to play, each player can start planning their strategy to lead their class to victory. Remember, the objective of the game is not just to amass wealth, but to wield influence and power to secure your hegemony.
Game flow Round and round we go
Hegemony: Lead Your Class to Victory is a strategic board game where players assume the role of different social classes competing for control in a society. It’s played over a series of rounds, each consisting of three main phases: Planning Phase, Action Phase, and Cleanup Phase.
1. Planning Phase:
- Each player will draw cards up to their hand limit from their class deck. The hand limit is usually five cards but can be affected by certain game events.
- Players then choose one card from their hand to place facedown in their strategy area. This card will dictate part of their strategy for the round.
- Finally, players will reveal their chosen card simultaneously. The card’s initiative value will determine the player order for the Action Phase.
2. Action Phase:
- Starting from the player with the highest initiative value, each player will take a turn to perform one of the following actions: Play a Card, Activate a Region, or Pass.
- Play a Card: Players can play a card from their hand to trigger effects. These effects can include gaining resources, activating regions, or disrupting other players’ plans.
- Activate a Region: Players can activate a region on the game board to gain resources. However, this will often lead to increased unrest in that region.
- Pass: If a player cannot or chooses not to play a card or activate a region, they can pass. Once a player passes, they cannot perform any more actions during this phase.
3. Cleanup Phase:
- Once all players have passed in the Action Phase, the Cleanup Phase begins.
- During the Cleanup Phase, players will check for any triggered events from the global event deck. These events can have a variety of effects on the game state.
- Next, players will calculate their score based on their accomplishments and control of the game board. The player with the highest score will lead the next round.
- Lastly, all players discard the remaining cards in their hands, reset their regions, and prepare for the next round.
The game continues in this manner until a player reaches a predetermined score or until a certain number of rounds have passed. The player with the highest score at the end of the game is declared the winner.
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
Hegemony: Lead Your Class to Victory is a strategic board game in which players take on the role of a specific social class and aim to gain political power. In each turn, numerous actions can be undertaken that will affect the gameplay and potentially lead to victory. The following is a detailed breakdown of what occurs during a player’s turn:
Action 1: Draw Cards
The first action in a player’s turn is to draw cards. Players can draw up to their hand limit.
- The number of cards a player can have in their hand is usually determined by their class and current level of influence.
- Drawing cards can provide players with resources, abilities, or events that can be used later in the game.
- Strategically, it’s essential to keep a balanced hand of cards to be prepared for various situations.
Action 2: Play Cards
Players can play cards from their hand to execute actions such as gaining resources, building structures, or disrupting opponents’ plans.
- The type of cards that can be played will typically depend on the player’s current class and power level.
- Playing cards strategically can help players advance their position, protect their resources, or hinder their opponents.
Action 3: Mobilize
Mobilization allows players to move their class representatives around the board, expanding their influence and engaging in conflicts.
- Mobilizing strategically can help players gain control of key locations on the board, potentially giving them access to more resources or power.
- Mobilizing can also be used defensively, to prevent opponents from expanding their influence.
Action 4: Conflict
Conflicts can occur when players’ class representatives occupy the same spaces on the board.
- Conflicts are resolved through a combination of card play and dice rolling, adding an element of chance to the game.
- Winning conflicts can help players expand their influence, while losing can lead to setbacks and loss of resources.
- Strategically, it’s important to pick and choose conflicts wisely, considering both the potential rewards and risks.
Strategic choices play a crucial role in ‘Hegemony: Lead Your Class to Victory’. Balancing resource management, card play, and spatial strategy, while responding to opponents’ actions and adapting to the unfolding events, make this game a complex and engaging experience.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
Hegemony: Lead Your Class to Victory is a strategic board game that involves a fair amount of planning and tactical decisions. The game ends when either one of two conditions is met: reaching the end of the sixth round or when a player has successfully fulfilled their individual class victory condition.
Condition 1: Sixth Round Completion
The game consists of six rounds, each representing a different era. Once all players have completed their actions for the sixth round, the game ends irrespective of whether any player has achieved their class victory condition or not. At this point, players proceed to the scoring phase.
Condition 2: Class Victory Condition
Each class in the game has a unique victory condition. If a player manages to fulfill their class’s victory condition before the end of the sixth round, the game immediately ends and the scoring phase begins.
Scoring Phase
After the game ends, players finalize their scores. Points are awarded based on the following criteria:
- Controlled Territories: Players earn points for each territory they control. The exact number of points depends on the specific territory.
- Accomplished Objectives: Players earn points for each of their objectives that they have successfully accomplished during the game.
- Remaining Resources: Players earn points for any remaining resources they have not spent by the end of the game. The conversion rate for resources to points is specified in the game rules.
The player with the highest score becomes the winner. In the event of a tie, the player who achieved their class victory condition first is the winner. If no player achieved their class victory condition, the player who has the most controlled territories is the winner.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
Hegemony: Lead Your Class to Victory is a game filled with strategic decisions and tactical maneuvers. Here’s a detailed rundown of the scoring system used in the game:
In Hegemony: Lead Your Class to Victory, players accumulate points in several ways, each contributing to their total score at the end of the game.
- Class Points: Players earn class points by advancing their class status. Each time a player moves up a class level, they earn points equal to the new class level. For example, moving from class level 2 to 3 awards 3 points.
- Objective Points: Each player has a set of objectives to fulfill. Completing these objectives earns points. The points vary depending on the difficulty of the objective.
- Resource Points: At the end of the game, players earn points for the resources they have acquired. Each resource type has a different point value.
- Bonus Points: Certain cards and game situations may provide bonus points. These are added to the player’s score at the end of the game.
The game concludes at the end of the turn when one or more players have achieved the highest class level, or when a specific game-ending condition is met (based on the game setup or certain cards in play). At this point, all players tally their points, and the player with the highest total wins.
In the event of a tie, the game has specific tie-breaking rules:
- The player with the most completed objectives wins.
- If there’s still a tie, the player with the most resources wins.
- If a tie persists, the player who reached the highest class level first is the winner.
- If a tie still remains, the player with the most bonus points wins.
- In the unlikely event that there is still a tie, the player who started the game first wins.
Understanding the scoring system and tie-breaking rules in Hegemony: Lead Your Class to Victory can provide players with a clearer strategy and make the game more exciting and competitive.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
Hegemony: Lead Your Class to Victory is a complex and dynamic board game with various unique rules, exceptions, and clarifications. Here are some of the most crucial ones to keep in mind:
1. Emergency Powers:
- In the event of a crisis, a player may invoke ‘Emergency Powers’. This allows the player to immediately take two actions, instead of the usual one. However, this can only be done once per game, so it’s essential to use it strategically.
2. Revolution Card:
- The Revolution Card is a powerful tool that can change the course of the game. It allows a player to immediately end a current round and start a new one. Note that the Revolution Card can only be used once per game and only during a player’s turn.
3. Resource Scarcity:
- Resource scarcity is a unique rule of Hegemony. If the resource deck is exhausted, the game does not end immediately. Instead, players must continue to play with the resources currently in their possession. This rule emphasizes the importance of strategic resource management.
4. Class Ascendancy:
- In the case of a tie, the player who has the most Class Ascendancy tokens is the winner. If there is still a tie, then the player with the most resources wins. If there is still a tie, the player who completed the most successful challenges wins.
5. Role Switching:
- Role switching is a special rule that allows a player to change their chosen class during the game. This can only be done once, and the player must give up their turn to do so. Furthermore, they must start from the beginning with their new class, losing any progress made with their initial class.
6. Influence Points:
- Though Influence Points (IP) are typically gained by winning challenges, a player may also earn IP by assisting another player in a challenge. This rule encourages collaboration and strategic alliances among players.
7. Challenge Cards:
- The player who pulls a Challenge Card must participate in the challenge. If they win, they keep the card as a trophy, which they can later use for various strategic advantages. However, if they lose, the card goes back into the deck, and the player loses their turn.
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
Advanced Strategies:
- Resource Allocation: One of the key strategies to master in Hegemony is the efficient allocation of resources. It’s crucial to balance the resources among different activities, like student recruitment, building upgrades, and investing in technology.
- Student Recruitment: Focus on recruiting students who offer a variety of abilities. This diversity can give you a tactical advantage in different situations.
- Use The Board: The board is not just for tracking progress. It can be used as a strategic tool to block opponents and control key areas.
Beginner Tips:
- Understand the Rules: The first step towards mastering Hegemony is understanding its rules. Spend time reading the instruction manual and playing a few practice rounds before jumping into competitive play.
- Plan Ahead: Hegemony is a game of strategy. Try to plan your moves in advance and be prepared to adapt to your opponents’ actions.
- Use Your Resources Wisely: Resources are limited. Make sure to spend them on the most beneficial actions.
Common Mistakes to Avoid:
- Ignoring Student Abilities: Each student class has unique abilities. Ignoring these abilities can lead to missed opportunities and give your opponents an edge.
- Overlooking Resources: It’s easy to forget to collect or use your resources. Make sure to regularly check your resource status and use them wisely.
- Not Adapting Strategies: The board game situation can change rapidly. If you stick to a single strategy without adapting to the changing circumstances, you may find yourself at a disadvantage.
Optimizing Gameplay:
- Balance Your Focus: While it’s important to focus on your own development, don’t forget to keep an eye on your opponents. Balancing your focus between offense and defense can be key to victory.
- Utilize Alliances: In multi-player games, temporary alliances can be beneficial. But be careful, as alliances can also shift the balance of power quickly.
- Strategic Positioning: Position your students strategically on the board to block opponents and control key areas. Remember, the board is not just for tracking progress, but is a tool to use to your advantage.